Wednesday, November 30, 2005

quiz time...

Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible
Fun, funky, and a little bit euro.You love your summers to be full of style and sun!

juz wat i want..hee~

Simple amazing blue innocent dress.

HOW WOULD YOUR PROM DRESS LOOK LIKE? -11 different outcomes-
brought to you by nice blue dress

Your Power Color Is Teal
At Your Highest:
You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.
At Your Lowest:
You feel in a slump and lack creativity.
In Love:
You tend to be many people's ideal partner.
How You're Attractive:
You make people feel confident and accepted.
Your Eternal Question:
"What Impression Am I Giving?"
What's" Your Power Color?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nothing..'s a small world after all..hee~

i juz find some guys cute+handsome..hee~

ok,i'm blogging nonsense ar..maybe coz im stress..haha!!


despite being soo busy with my cip proj which is due next week,here i am blogging..hee~coz i wanna share sthing..

i can't wait to go to my aunt's house!!!weee~strictly ladies only!!!haha!!we're gonna hv fun man!!i got the day off juz for this sleepover...weee~thanks ehhh pakcik hasri,for letting me off...heee~

therefore,i've gotta do all my tutorials,lectures,proj and practising my speech b4 i go n enjoy...weee~so that i can a peaceful mind there with no worries..hee~

Saturday, November 26, 2005

tiring manz...

so damn tired at work.i cant simply do work..donno y..haiz...maybe too much work plus my sch work n all..this coming week,im suppose to work for 4 days,but i asked if i can work for 3 days only,coz im verryyy tired.the other part time also cant work,coz he has got something in sch..wah sianz..

after work,went to bugis to to see my niece n nephew having a make over at jean yip...sooo cute!!!my niece dressed up as snow white,jasmine in aladdin(if im nt worng),cinderella and the mermaid..hee~she was also chosen to participate in the nephew dressed up as peter pan,winnie the pooh n tigger.he looked so cute in the peterpan costume!!haha!!too bad i don hv the pic...the camerawoman said that my nephew is photogenic..hee~of course!!haha!!

after gg for the make over,went to my aunt's open house...took some photos here and there n catching up with my cousins..very tired ar,so i was like don really hv extravaganza was nt bad..i only like the part where khairul sang..hee~ do tutorial also still haven finish..wah sianz~~

pics with my cousin plus 1 of my aunt..

Friday, November 25, 2005

wah sianz~

hmm..not much thing to say today..for SW,we juz did some stretching here and there,coz it was raining,so cant play wk no SW..sianz...if i'm not wrong,mr gopi will b gg to australia with some students,forgot what was it for..den,he'll be gg for reservist also,and so,another teacher will take over him..wah sianz...he's soo nice..i enjoyed he's class..he only taught us for how many weeks,den muz go reservist..wah sianz..

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


sadz~today's the last episode for my frog miss shan junhao n dang-ou..haha!!if only there's the vcd with malay subtitle..hee~

today is also my oral communication(ocom) practice..hee~i said lotsa ah,erm,ok..haha!!but my speed was ok..gotta improve a lot..hopefully can score well in this,so that at least,if i don do that well for my table topic,i still have my proj to help me get a better grade..

n..i hv probs with probability!!!die!!!somebody pls help me!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


haha!!!today went to funan for our CIP research..nice trip i should say..i mean,coz i nvr do this kind of thing before..hee~ok,i did nthing actually.syafi did most of the talking and asking..he's like professional sia..haha!!we even came out with our own company name.since we are from this IT consultant company,we called ourselves DC sthing sthing.muahaha!!funny sia..ppl actually thot we are really consultants..haha!i look like kid lor.den,donn looked like some ah beng sesat,after dying his hair..muahaha!n joel,his buddy,funny funny one..haha!syafi said we should wear sthing smart,that makes us really looked like consultants,nt wearing some shirt that says spoilt brats..haha..(that's wat joel was wearing)..muahaha!!!

but yeah..this trip is fruitful..we get lotsa info..i'm glad to hv syafi n donn in the group.okok,so since they hv done a gd job,i muz also do sthing bah..if nt,they will mark me low low.hee~

oh ya,n on my way to work,saw hong gay,busy working and concentrating.i think it's him lar.he's working at andersen's ice cream at suntec.didnt call him coz he was,dats all..tmr CIP can wake up a bit late..hee~

Saturday, November 19, 2005

damn nice whor...

waaahhhh!!!!i like this skin man!!!haha...coz gt my ming dao...weee~gt the song some more...when u read my blog,pls turn on the's a chinese song though..hee~if u don needs no translation wat..heard that b4?hee~

i like this skin,after changing the skin for 2 last i found one that i really10000000000x like...weee~happy-ness..okok...enuff of keep on changing my blogskin..back to ocom proj...sianz..i hate it soo much that i hardly did anything for it..haha!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

raya to siblings' houses

today,skipped CIP lect..coz it was boring,talk abt hardware and software...waste time only...haha!!so,ended up doing OCOM proj..sianz~tmr muz do shooting for the proj,den still muz go and check out the CIP proj..time is like so little..haiz~

after sch,went to my bro's house at sengkang n sis's house at woodlands for

my sis asked me out on go for the loreal sale at expo n bring her children out coz they did well in their exams..see lar how...friday gt sianz like dat..den,at nite gt my frog show,scared i'll miss it..but..i wanna go for the sale!!!haha!!we'll see wanna do OB..wah sianz~~

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

my name...

today went for the book prize.guess wat i got?haha!!!a certificate only...haha!!!make me lose my motivation to study even harder! lar...certificate also not bad's the feel of satisfaction and proudness..hee~n make my parents happy,after spending loads of $$$ on me...when the guest of honour said abt parents work soo hard for us until we become wat we are,my tears like wanna roll..sooo touched,when i think of my so hard day n night n pay for my education...

ok,that aside,lets talk abt my name...the emcee called my name wrongly!!!!argh!!!my name, became this instead.....

indu-suria binte kjfsgfld

he couldn't even pronounce my father's name,he anyhow dash thru the word until it sounded like,i couldn't even describe how it sounds like!!

den i asked him,y nvr pronounce properly.den he said no rehearsal.even if there's no rehearsal,they shld at least go thru all the names,n clarify hw to pronounce the name correctly,even if they had to learn to pronounce 1 million names..walau!!!soo much for u being in the ba communication...haiz....

gt one guy,even worse...his name is muhammad (i forgot) bin (father's name).the girl emcee also donno hw to pronounce,n his name became like this.

muhammad ~~~~ bin (she paused for a while coz donno how to pronounce) BIT...wth!!!his father is BIZ INFO TECH???

my cert... ~vivian,vivien,me,josephine~

the pics are kinda dark though..hee~
ok..enuff of blogging..gotta do ocom!!!stress!!!

Monday, November 14, 2005


i haven recover from my cough..sianz~

i don really enjoy this semester that much,donno y..but..ya,i don like.maybe because of the long 2 hrs break,and it is like u don feel like doing anything after lunch,except to slack..unlike last sem,everyday 9-1,except wed n thurs,wil 4..haiz...faster go semester 2,faster come holiday..haha!!

oh was the last day for the recruitment of Youth Leader and Mentor Programme (YLMP)..somehow or rather,i didnt join..stupid rite??haha!!but...nah..maybe gt better oppurtunity in future..we'll see ya?lolz..

wat else?oh..i sms-ed my store i/c,nt to put me work on fri..coz i wanna watch my frog show..2nd last episod,how can miss??haha!!!n yeah,he kind of him..then i told him,hopefully he didnt regret taking me as his part-time,coz i e'time cant work this day n dat..den he replied by saying dat he didnt regret..if he can help,he'll help..he's sooo nice,juz like yati n nora..i miss yati n nora(my store i/c from the previous guardian i work) should visit them soon..hee~

Sunday, November 13, 2005

discount n customer

the post before this...the test 123,was to test my blog..haha!
ystd,i was changing my blog skin..when i edited some parts n previewed it,n all my posts didnt appear.i thot it will only appear after i republish ething..skali,when i republish already,my posts all gone!don hv!i was so shocked!didnt know what happen!asked fat,den she also donno..soon,i figured out myself that i dowloaded the wrong blog,as in the type,or watever u called dat..haha..den,gt to re-do again....n taaaa-daaa!!!!my new orangey...bright...i like!!!haha!!

fat said the fonts are too this big enuff???haha!!

ok,let's talk abt wat happened at work juz now..there was this regular cust,she's a worker from one of the shops in millenia walk.she was browsing for sooo long..looking for lipstick n all.den,she came across this uv protection cream which costs $58.
den,she came to me n said this:

cust:u think this one gd or not?i want to buy,but i scared not suitable for me.some more very expensive,$58.

me:ya,very expensive..(my comment..i donno wat else to say)

cust:i tried on my skin,from the very gd,nt oily.but i scared my face cannot.i think i bring a small container n take some from the tester,then try on my face for 2 days.if gd,then i buy.can lar hor?if not,wasted,$58,den my skin not suitable.

i didnt say anything of course.walau!!she think wat?wanna bring container n take some..nonsense u know....i mean,come on lar,it makes u look pathetic man!!i juz donno wat to say..she thinks she knows my store-in-charge,she can do anything?wait till the big boss finds out.. the end,she bought xando(slimming pills),cotton pad n another thing i forgot wat was it..
she said this:where is the guy(my store-in-charge)?he etime give me 10% disc?
den i replied:ok ok..i give u disc..

when i scanned ething n pressed the sub-total button,den pressed the disc button,only deduct 20cents,out of the total of $94+.i also wondered y..nt my fault...den i jus ignored lar..i covered the receipt with her nets card so that she didnt see the disc is only 20cents.haha!!

but den..she came back after that,she saw the soo little disc. n asked me y only 20cents,n y the xando no discount one?i donno how to answer her,so i asked the 2nd i/c to explain to her.she explained sooo many times,n she was still nt satisfied.she said dat the guy(store i/c) etime give her 10% disc on every item,nt like me,only give disc. after totalling ething.the 2nd i/c also donno wat to say n called our store i/c.he said juz give her watever freegifts we have to her,as compensation.wth!!!die die also wan a disc..damn ar she!!it's gd enuff she gt the slimming bath gel,she still asked if she can get a shower gel also,as free gift!walau!!!so kiasu sia!!she think wat?her ancestors own guardian is it?tell u ar,if she go other guardian ar,don think she can get all this ar...

the disc. system works 2 ways.u either scan item by item n press the disc. key,so that each item is discounted,or u scan ething n subtotal it,den only press the disc. key.i did the 2nd one for her,n somehow the system only gave disc to the cotton pad which costs 1.95 after disc. 1.75.see!!even the system is able to detect the expensive item n didnt give a disc,coz we will make a big loss..we can only give disc. using the 1st method to staffs.staffs only!!!

i don wanna give her disc coz 1st,she's not a staff under cold storage n group.2nd,the xando is expensive,$89.if i give the disc.,we will make a loss of $8.90..i don mind if she buy cheap2 things,disc. a few cents..if we kept giving her disc for the xando,walau!!!!wat a loss we made!!!my store i/c also another one...don give disc anyhow's an offence u know!!!

rite in the first place,they shouldn't be giving discounts to tenants.other shops may hv disc. for tenants,but we,y give?if they ask,juz say lar we don practise dat way!!!haiz...i donno wat to say..

wat a rotten day,thanks to this cust..haiz...still gt lotsa things to do..proj n all..soo,outz...bye~

Friday, November 11, 2005



Monday, November 07, 2005


a damn tiring week last week,thats y didnt update..

hmm..lets see..sat,went for work in the morning,then went for raya in the evening..reached home at 12+..tired..

sunday also went for raya..went to my auntie's house,gt open more..haha..i damn sianz lor,start sch already..haiz..muz work so hard..haha..wat a lame post..haha..bye lar..donno wat to say already..hee..bye..

Thursday, November 03, 2005

happy n tired

today's hari raya!!!weeee~was so tired man,coz i spent the wee hrs doing my tutorial,n it was still unfinished.sianz..

woke up at 9..clean my house,den get ready for hair nt so nice lar,as i expected.haha..but ok lar,still look 3rd bro,he ar..forever late.we left him.haha..

went to all the older generation's houses.i don really much enjoy this raya lar,maybe coz im tired n weak.haha!!tapi nasib duit collection byk!!haha!!

tmr still gt sch at 8,and work at 4,damn sianz...haizz...

hmm..think thats all lar..i very tired already liao..cant wait to bro is still here..haha..i will upload the raya photos soon..hee..nitez..

raya>digicam>book prize

1st of all..slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin kpd semua umat islam di seluruh dunia....hee..

i did a very bad thing today!!i skipped my lecture.microecons lei!!!ya lar!who the hell wants to go for a lecture,which was 5 hrs away from the last lect?it's from 5-6 lei!n furthermore,it was hari raya eve wat ystd!!!where gt mood sia,go for lect?soo damn stupid sia,whoever plan the make-up..other sch still so nice,they gave half-day n earlier damn pissed!!haiz...then,when i saw the tutorial juz now,i went ooopppss!!haha..quite a lot i donno lei..die!!! like gt abit regret..haha!!nah..over liao..sooooo,juz forget it!!gotta mugg for micro during the weekends..hopefully,after reading the tb,can understand..

ok,bad news aside,i've gt gd news!!!i juz received a letter from sch,saying this..

Congratulations on ur excellent achievements!you have won the following prizes for the may semester of academic year 2005/2006..

3rd most outstanding performance (bfs level 1.2)

weee!!!!soo damn happy sia!!cant believe it!seriously...coz all this while,ive been thinking that there are many others out there who are much cleverer than me..syukur alhamudulillah!!!!i was like...oh my god!haha..seriously,cant believe it..hopefully,this sem i can get 1st..insya-allah..gotta work hard n be more serious,although the modules are abit boring n dry..hee...n im gonna beat all my competitors..haha..say only,but if nvr do wat for rite??go indah go!!!ganbatte!!!hee...

n..finally...i gt myself a digicam!!! brand one lar,but nah...i don care..cheap2 good2 can liao..haha..i budget n cheapo mah..hehe..

k lar...till here only..muz do the lame n waste of time hw from lck3..haha..sianz...cant wait to dress up later for raya..haha!!nitez..

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

@ last

oh no!!i was late when i wanna meet up my cousin..haha..the bus lar,wat a long took around 1-1.5 hrs lei!!haha..but....weee~i got my accessories for hari raya!!!weee~haha!!gt a necklace n earring..thanks kak linda,for acompanying me..

tmr sch til 6!!!!damn sianz!!!