Saturday, October 31, 2009



saw from shuwen's blog.. gosh!

loveless by yamapi..

damn beautiful can?? it's so R&B. it's so my kinda music! it's so ENGLISH feeling, if u get wat i mean. and then i went to search for subbed vid! gosh! damn beautiful laa the lyrics. it's so nicely worded. it makes my heart melt! makes me wanna cry! omg! omg! and the PV was shot in NY. now that makes the PV cooler. what's more, it's yamapi! with the beautiful song. ohmy! it's just damn beautiful!

DEAR YAMAPI, don make me fall in love with you, please!

almost 12 hours of sleep!

omg! i can just sleep for 3hrs, and stay awake for 22hrs, and i can also sleep for like almost 12 hrs. yes, thats wat i did the whole noon. slept at ard 3+ am, woke up at 4pm. madness. i know. but i woke up at ard 12, had breakfast, n then after a while, i slept again. and that's not all. i even woke up in between to change sleeping location, between my rm n the living rm. haha!

then went imm to see starhub.. and met aisha and her colleagues. ohmy.. her colleagues are damn funny. they rock..

and i was touching up my proj part. and i only managed to arashi twice. that aside..

'nino changed his standby screen from matsujun to oh-chans's childhood pic. he said so proudly.'

the rumor of him n masami goes on n on. im just amused by it. it's ridiculous to a certain extent. nino broke up with her coz she refused to do THAT with him? and that nino spent a lot of time doing night club activities? and out of curiosity, i went to check if nino had ex-es. not that i have the answer to that after searching, but i saw scandalous pics. wahhh! i so much wanna know who is that girl.

and oh yes! MY 2ND ARASHI DVD IS ARRIVING LATER at shuwen's hse! cant wait to get my hands on them! thanks shuwen! for ething! :)

more mag scans. im so gg crazy. and these 2 pics make me go gaga!

specs! love! i shld wear my specs more often.

KYAAA! omg! dont u find that damn cute????

ok! sleeeep! and i needa muggg!

Friday, October 30, 2009

j storm really rocks!

oh my!!!! another GREAT DORAMA! kyaa! i wish it was longer than 10 min! i love the storyline! damn interesting! ohno's acting is soo nice! kinda rebellious, hmm.. not really.. wat word shld i describe ehh? sorry! my vocab is limited! lol!

n he conversation in english is damn cute laa! esp when he says 'hang on'. but he sounded professional. elite mah.. haha! omg omg! im gg to watch again for the 3rd time!

and the ending when arashi's song played, wahh! even nicer!

oh ya!! and the girl's hp ringtone is arashi's crazy moon. haha! damn cuteee laa! faint!

oooo! love that glitters..

kyaa! i also wanna pat pat his chubby cheeks!

ok! off to watch AGAIN!

thanks stormy sub!

thanks, AU :)

im so tired with only 3hrs of sleep. to think that im still lingering ard, in front of my pc since 8, doing nothing but proj til ard 11+, n i lost the momentum coz i was just too angry n pissed. and that's whr i start to arashi!!!

seriously, i really cant catch up with so many things. i tried my best, but too many. information overload. so i hope that all those kind subbers will sub all those stuff. ive yet to watch any of the shows that i've listed in my previous entry. the only ones that ive watched are nino's video in SCP, n later, im gg to watch guest room #0!! yes! ohmy! it's been uploaded 2days ago, n im only dl-ing it now! sloooow! and yes! my girl ep 2 also out, so will watch that too. for now, i wanna put my proj away. sucks!

and yes! rmb abt their new au kddi cm?? KYAAA! how coool laa! i spent like some time to screencap ething nicely.. omg! how cute can they be? they cant be any cuter! love! loads! nvr seen a cm like that b4!

simple black n white.. <3

sho's cm.. PLAY X SHOT..

i find their pose for this damn kakoiii! how they twirl n pose..


aiba's cm.. STYLE X SLIDE..

ohno love!

nino's cm.. PHOTO X TOUCH..

cam whore!

kyaaa! kawaii!

and yes!! ohmiya rabu rabu!! ohmygoodness faint! i really gotta thank AU for having a very damn freaking cute ohmiya rabu rabu moments. out of the blue, ohno blew into nino's ear! haha! and nino was like.... "watt.." hahha! how cute!! ULTIMATE LOVE!

then the making of the cm with CG..

cute rite?? the blue clr puff! love their expressions! priceless!

life is wonderful~

i love this too.. too cute!

awww.. :)

MORE OHMIYA RABU RABU! damn cute rite? ahhh! the CG makes it even cuter!

and all the different shots.. love!

poor riida!

i think this is damn coool..

haha! donno why it's bath tub. ohmiya side by side!

i wish i can own one of these phones.. and compatible to use in spore. boo!

sleep late again, i guess..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

kinda lost

as always, so many arashi gg on. im kinda lost. will slowly digest what's happening. finally finished my firearms online lecture. and i thot i can do my project part, but i doubt i can do coz there's something wrong with the database and xing zhen cant send them. so i think i will leave that to tmr.

and my nap juz now turned out to be a loong sleep of 3 hours. reason is coz i only had 3 hrs of sleep ystd. oops!

for now, My Girl's cover is out. SOOO NICE!! omg! i love nino in purple!! see! ok the pic is a bit tad too small tho. LOVE! nino is beside sho. LIKE! i saw new mag scans again, and yes, pose with sho again. SAKUMIYA~



and yes! there's this LJ who already received her DVD CLIPS! oh man! i cant to wait get my hands on it too!! watching Arashi big on my tv screen. ok la, not big, but at least, bigger and clearer than my lappy..

and so the on-going challenge week.. lots of it. and this one, is where each member will pose with this bear. OH MY! NINO! KAWAII!

gotta love the last 2 poses. HOW CUTE!

yes, jun in specs is loved <3

ok, time to bathe. it's so freaking hot! and i will.. what else.. ARASHI! :D

fan-girling last part

i want more utaban!! older utaban are damn freaking nice to watch! omg! LOL like wat CRAZY! :D suki!

ooo.. ninoai.. :)

utaban 07 may was funny! ohmiya rabu rabu was so damn AWWWW! it was abt phonecall, and ohno, who was drunk, called nino in the middle of the night at 1am. nino, thinking it was something impt, picked up the call, and ohno went "ニノちゃん, 愛してるよ!!" KYAAAA! yes! i was like, KYAAAA!! and just kept watching. ahh.. LOVE EHHH! so damn cute can? haha!

and as always, nakai-ohno battle, but this time, nino protected him. heh.. LIKE!

and this is damn freaking cute! i love that dorky face..

tonight, suddenly, im so into ohno. heh.. riidaa! <3!

and boo! it's 3am.. i better get some sleep. it's that china man's seminar later. i hope i can wake up ne..