Monday, August 31, 2009

3-day Kokuritsu SUGOII!

like finally i can upload pics! tsk!

1st thing 1st..


his bday was ystd. heh. yea, im starting to love him more and more. and SMILE is really a nice drama after watching it til epi 6. reason being because i see the different side of him in his character as vito. not like the always kakkoii jun, this time is the a bit less fashionable jun if i may say. haha! and i still wish he isnt too nasal. hoho! but love still. <3!

and speaking of his bday, i wonder if they celebrate his bday at the 5 x 10 con, or maybe a surprise after the 2nd day con. i very much wanna know that, so i shall wait for the report. :)

and yes, today (or rather ystd) marks the end of the 3-day Kokuritsu. i'm sure it's gg to be a BIG BANG! and ive listened to some of the live perfomances. goodness! nice! i gotta love sho's rendition of とまどいながら. maybe coz of the genre, i like that kinda genre and music, r&b-ish. love! sho's solo is always loved! and like i said b4 that nino's speech was interrupted by the fireworks, the firework went for almost a minute! bluek! poor him! didnt the other stadium know that we're having a BIG CONCERT here? haha! angry ehh! tsk!

ok, so to mark the end, these are snapshots i took myself from the news report, zoomin, on the 1st day of Kokuritsu. LOVE! SUGOII!

the opening. that's an approximate height of 30 metres and an approximate length of 200 metres! who is who? haha! I THINK LAA, it's ohno, jun, nino, aiba and sho. haha! mus rewatch!

the day view. AMAZING!

70,000 people that filled the huge space to the brim!

kyaaa! B-E-A-U-TIFUL!

500 tons of waterworks!

50,000 balloons! nice red and blue!

500 rounds of fireworks!!! national day also not like that sia!

ahh! nino singing 5 x 10. love! he looked super boyish with that shorter hairstyle. yes! it's shorter than b4. but love! makes him look super young! love ehh! he's not 26. he's 16! haha! love love love!

looking fwd to more reports from 5-DOME tour which will kick off in 18 sept, starting from fukuoka dome. :) all in all, they will be performing for 760,000 people across the country. :)

and it's been some time since i picspam nino from AnS and HnA. heh. from this wk's AnS and last wk's HnA..

i love him doin this. i donno how many pics i hv of him doin this. ahhh!

many many expressions! love eh! this episode of AnS is funny!

mannequin five, as always. ahh!

CHO KAWAIIII! he won! yes, dressed very damn nicely! i like!


y these 2 pics? coz nino and ohno changed colour! hahaha! OHMIYA! i wonder if anyone else felt the same way as me. coz the rest of the members are in their respective colour except for these two. love!

ok!!! it's 12++! i better sleep!

oh ya! and at this time, i think sho is still doing report on Japan's election. victory goes to the opposition, Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). CHANGE! reminds me of takuya's CHANGE and Obama's CHANGE too. lol! somehow, i follow ehh the election, juz like how i follow US'. enthu can? lol!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

そっと きゅっと/スーパースター★

i know i should be sleeping and i said that in my previous post of not long ago. but i wanna say this!
i've dl-ed smap's single そっと きゅっと/スーパースター★! yay! thanks to this person who uploaded it and i managed to track it down by yahoo-ing. woohoo! now i can sleep! i've yet to listen to the coupling song tho. weee!!! love!

i still wish they show more of them in their covers. coz it's always juz graphics. :(


ok! before i hit the sack!

i juz came to realise that takuya "resumed" his piercing!! yes! i saw the stud when he performed sotto kyutto in smap x smap! kyaa!! if thr's hot papa, he is the one! he looks much better in piercing now then last time. haha! oops! <3!

my own report

uwahh! been reading all abt arashi's kokuristu.. ahh! from the song list, to solos and fans' reports. juz reading it is giving me goosebumps and i feel as if i was thr myself. while reading, i juz somehow visualise myself how the whole setting is coz the venue is the same as AAA, so ya. lol!

i wanna see ridaa cry! he sorta choked while delivering his speech. ahh! then when it was nino's turn, the fireworks from somewhere else went off. spoiler! tsk! til my nino fgt what he wanted to say. but anw, it was awesome. juz by reading it. omg! i definitely cant wait for the dvd. so it's time to save money! and by then, i will hv the moolah to get that! it's a must get! ok, so here's the list of songs, credits to konishkonish.

感謝カンゲキ雨嵐 (Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi)
Step and Go
Lucky Man

(挨拶) (greeting)

We can make it!
風の向こうへ (Kaze no Mukou e)
Crazy Moon
PIKA☆NCHI(相葉ソロ) (Aiba-chan's solo)
アレルギー (Allergy)
ココロチラリ (Kokorochirari)
言葉より大切なもの(二宮ソロ) (Kotoba yori Taisetsu na mono) (Nino-kun's solo)
瞳の中のGalaxy (Hitomi no naka no Galaxy)
アオゾラペダル (Aozora pedal)
台風ジェネレーション (Typhoon Generation)
曇りのち、快晴(大野ソロ) (Kumori nochi Kaisei) (Oh-chan's solo)
a Day in Our Life
Oh Yeah!
ハダシの未来 (Hadashi no Mirai)
Beautiful Days


とまどいながら(櫻井ソロ) (Tomadoi Nagara) (Sho-kun's solo)
WISH(松本ソロ) (Jun-kun's solo)
5×10シークレット (5x10 secret track)
明日の記憶 (Ashita no Kioku)


SUNRISE日本 (Sunrise Nippon)
君のために僕がいる (Kimi no tameni boku ga iru)
時代 (Jidai)
ナイスな心意気 (Nice na Kokoroiki)
とまどいながら (tomadoi nagara)
言葉より大切なもの (kotoba yori taisetunamono)
サクラ咲ケ (sakura sake)
きっと大丈夫 (kitto daijoubu)
Love so sweet

(挨拶) (greeting)


アンコール1 (Encore 1)
明日に向かって (asu ni mukatte)
できるだけ (dekiru dake)
One Love

アンコール2 (Encore 2)
ファイトソング (Fight song)
五里霧中 (gorimucyuu)

i really like the idea of them singing their own grp songs as their solo. lovely! and i read that ridaa wore his uta no oniisan outfit to sing Kumori nochi Kaisei. nice! and i cant imagine nino singing Kotoba yori Taisetsu na mono. lol! i donno why. but it was amazing, him with guitar. kyaaa! nino with guitar! wootz! so far, all like it! good review of it! but of course. it's nino! and the kinda fgt his lyrics? lol! and sho sang the sorta rappish version of Tomadoi Nagara and jun sang jazzy version of WISH and danced jazz too. aiba sang PIKA☆NCHI, and i think it's too rocky for him? i donno. maybe it turn out nice. uwahh! i cant wait for it!

and those songs that are in pink are songs that i super like and them singing live in concert is sure damn nice! goodness! i'm more than happy that these songs are sang at the concert LIVE. what more, at their 10th anniversary con. love! coz i don think they ever sing in any of their con, as far as im concerned.

those orange songs, latest singles. sure to cry when i hear them sing. seriously..

in short..


love them!

and im gg to slowly post their con goods. wahhhh!!

JUMBO uchiwas. yes la!! my wish of wanting nino in his new hair for the uchiwa is realised. wee! tho some may not like it. but i love it to bits and pieces! i wish oh-chan smiled in the uchiwa, then i will definitely buy his too!

the mini uchiwas are nice too! so colourful! represent each and everyone of them! if i hv the money, i will really purchase ALL OF THEM! but i think im gg to get nino's only. plus ridaa. i see how. haha!

and the following are the surrounding pics taken by haz_rei. this person really did take quite nice shots. ahhh!

freaking nice la! the clr combination, LOVE!

i think if u decorate this in our own national stadium, nah.. haha!

uwahhh!!! tgther with the blue sky. PERFECT!

and the bus! love!

ok! it's nvr enough. but i shall just stop here. too long a post also not very nice. haha! im gg to spread it nicely. 2 more kokuritsu performances. im looking fwd to more reports! :)

Friday, August 28, 2009


time check is 1730 hrs in japan and.....


そっと きゅっと ~ Softly, Tightly <3

ahh!! like shuwen said, it's time to show some love to SMAP and TAKUYA especially!!

omg laa! like i said b4, smap's coming out w new single, n i didnt realise that the day of release is already here, 2 days ago! it's そっと きゅっと... damn freaking nice! nicest song ever. nicest pv ever. im not saying that the others b4 this is not nice, but it's just that this time, it's different. juz different from their previous recent single.

ahh!! smap is nvr disappointing. i love them as much, tho i've been arashi-ing. haha! really! omg!

from the live performance to the pv, damn nice. and takuya sure look damn hot with long hair. LOVE!!!! from smap x smap, with takuya in half polytail. ahhh! the choreo rocks! love to see them dancing! another prog, i donno wat prog tho, but i think shld be some utaban. hot! all! nice to nakai w/out hat. haha! i like their suit! makes them HOTTER!

and the damn beautiful pv that makes me go crazy. takuya dancing w the girl. ahh!! faint ehh!

i love this part. one by one sang..


and the trans to the song i found, not very confident it's accurate, the the meaning is somewhere there. beautiful..

You who are so important, so very important, are close by

And the everyday mundane becomes colorful

We are together under the umbrella, listening intently.

The sound of the raindrops is a song, calling out for (a break in the storm/Joy) (word play)

We stop and stand still, quietly watching, and waiting,

Theres a new me, yet I feel perplexed.

Softly, I clasp your hand, softly, tightly

and your hand squeezes back, softly, tightly

The time doesnt reciprocate, as if something is drifting away.

But for now, you being here with me; is nothing short of a miracle.

To think that God teases you, and takes you along, is very frightening.

When I try and make you laugh, or joke around with you

I feel not like myself, yet I am happy.

Softly, I gaze into your eyes, softly, longingly

And the look you give me illuminates the darkness within me

We slowly return back along the small road, and todays mundane day

Will soon, like the others, become a grain of memory.

Softly, I clasp your hand, softly, softly, tightly, tightly,

and your hand squeezes back, softly, softly, tightly, tightly

The time doesnt reciprocate, as if something is drifting away.

But for now, you being here with me; is nothing short of a miracle.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

sure damn addicted!

that taiwanese drama is sure damn addicted. it was so touching i had to cry at every episode. i super hate anna to the core! a while more, and i shall be kuai and sleep.

and omg!! tmr's kokuritsu! im so damn excited can? i wonder a lot of things, whats the con gg to be like. i mean, it's sure gg to be like damn rocking, but i was thinking of the solo performances if there's any, what are they gg to perform. are they gg to sing everything? of course they're gg to sing 5 x 10 rite? ahhh!!! the thot of it. and most importantly, wonder how's nino's uchiwa is gg to be like. i really hope it will be him in his new hairstyle. ok! ctinue my drama. faster come thurday 4.30pm and that's the end of sch week! woootz!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


it's so unlikely of me not to update for quite sometime. ne, just that i don hv mood, or lazy, or even tired. heh. tho i wanna update and juz blog the everyday happenings. loads to blog, but juz lazy to blog.

life's juz like that. そのまま. other than school, juz bum around at home. it's the 3rd week. those busy times are over. now kinda like a bit slack. or is it juz me? or maybe it's a matter of time b4 i get busy again. soon.

so im gg to declare by myself that wed is no sch day for me. coz lecture will be uploaded online, so i might as well jus view it from hm, on my own sweet time. coz even if i go for the lecture, i will ended up dozing off somewhere. hoho!

so thats y im still here at this hr. been watching nothing but arashi. and i juz wanna post this funny pics. i love that AnS damn a lot a lot.

ohno is like so super duper damn cute.

ahh! cutest human panda around. lol!

i love that duck. haha! sho looked gd in that chinese costume. makes me wanna watch mago mago again. heh.

ohno is like ething! hah! wat a cute ballet dancing! <3!

yes laa! air guitar! YAMADA TARO! just nice the 3 of them stood tgther. :D

2 more days to kokuritsu. 7 days or so to my uchiwa. WOOOTZ!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

6am in the morning

ok.. im sleeping only now. after sahur juz now. i arashi-ed all the way from 1 til now. hoho! to all Muslims, selamat berpuasa, semoga bulan ramadan ini akan menjadi ramadan yg lebih barakah, insya-Allah. i wonder wat time i will wake up later. oops!

Friday, August 21, 2009


freak la!!! im damn pek chek seriously. bluek!! TOOOOOOO MUCH! ahh! that f word really wanna come out! yes im crazy getting so crazy n angry over this. damnit! damn down now! super!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

it's only the 1st day! COOL!

ok! im done with my introduction speech for later and will practice for the last time b4 i go to sleep.

and juz wanna tell u that it is arashi's All the BEST! 1999-2009 album sale on the 19th ystd, and the sales in japan alone is already 261,076 and i can tell u this number is counting! omg!!! 1st day only, 200k ++ leh! sugoii! and speaking of that, i didnt know that HMV imported the LE one!! i saw in LJ juz now! lazy to rant here coz i ranted enough to shuwen n wan qi. oops! thx for ur "listening eye" reading my rant. heh. and thx shuwen for asking ur fren to help see if can buy. that alone is much appreciated. :)

ahh! how can i not want to own the LE?? see this! cry! i fgt where i got this from, but this person is soo kind to scan n post, coz it were me, i wldnt wanna scan n "spoil" it. haha!

ahh! love the angle! love the gaze!

5 x 10! <3!

how cool.. i cant really guess who is who. but i think i did guess correctly. hahah! anw, i love the bus!

ok, im tired enough. hope that the speech will go smoothly n i wont exceed 3minutes or lost of words. heh.. insya-Allah..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

i feel like im in Europe

yoohoo!!! sch's great, not coz of the lectures/seminars/tutorials, but coz of some ppl i met and that really brightened up my day, which was ystd (monday). didnt update ystd coz i was super tired and zonk out at 1130pm while reading my notes! yes, while reading notes, i slept and it was super early i think.

so in the wee hours of monday, at 1+ am, somebody chatted with me! and it was surprising that it's NAWM! awww!!! my heart was beating quite fast. serious! lol! cant help it la, coz i had a little little crush, or maybe not crush, but admiration? heh. so we were chatting, and coz it was late at night, so we didnt really chat a lot. so he ended by saying sleep early coz both of us were having 8.30 class, and then he said see me ard in sch. AND! TRUE ENOUGH! i saw him!! in sch!! and not anywhere, but at FAL!!!! the computer lab!! i ALWAYS bump into him there. super duper happy and so over the moon can? is this fate? no la, more of coincidence. lol! and the funny thing is that, i was so super pissed juz b4 i saw him, my face super damn black, but when i saw him, i was smiling from ear to ear laa! heh. gosh! he still exudes that sthing that makes me go gaga. soo happy that i sms-ed wan qi abt it there and then. lol! and im still thinking abt it even now. heh. oops!

then nvm. not only did i see him. i saw SHOW GUY otw home. double happiness! do i sound bimbo? sorry man! but this kinda things are wat make sch more interesting rite? juz little crushes over here and there tho it meant nothing. lol! i wish to bump into them more. heh.

and today, the seminar class that i attended for one module, i felt as if im not in NTU, but in some exchange coz half of the class are exchange students from the different european countries! serious! out of boredom, i counted that thr are 18 ppl in class, and 9 were ang mohs! if i can recall, they were from germany, scotland, norway, and i think got some more, but cant recall. and for my grp proj, there are 6 of us, 3 sporeans, 3 exchg. wah! i tell u! i feel super small and inferior. and i don really dare to speak up. coz im scared they don understand. and my english is not that v good. haha! but anw, i hope this will turn out good. coz this module is examinable. and proj constitutes quite a big part of the whole assessment. so, i hope ething will go smoothly. insya-Allah. good experience to work with these ang mohs. some shuai eh, esp the one in my grp, he's from scotland. but neh, i don hv the hots for ang mohs. i still prefer asians.

today was quite slack, coz i only had 4-hr seminar, then when i reached home, i ctinued my hk drama. then slept for like 1h+, then woke up, ctinue drama agn n did some reading. n now here i am blogging. juz finished watching some arashi and i already did my introductory speech for communication.

tmr is NBS DAY. i hope to get the tshirt and the free goodie bag. heh.

oh! n i tell u! i dl-ed door to door! omg omg! hyperventilating can! gotta thanks sabby for it la! damn zai! u're loved! hope to hear nice feedbacks from her after she watched ryusei and she said that buzzer beat looks stupid. LOL!

ok, i donno wat to do now, whether to sleep or watch a bit more of arashi. boo! it's near 2.30 am. maybe i shld juz sleep? or not? i donno!

anw, pics! this vs arashi is nice, the one whr chinen is the guest team! love ehh!

nino in cap, LOVE!

ahh!! nice pair! love love!

isnt he cutie? heh.. the other one was cute too. but no pic. lazy to snapshot. haha!

and i tell u, i cant wait for this wk's HNA coz they will perform 5 x 10 for the 1st time! omg!!! i damn wanna cry when i saw the gazette of it laa! nino's sooo SHUAI SHUAI SHUAI!!! looking fwd to it! and still waiting to watch last wk's ANS tho..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

cutie cuppy cakey!

first thing first!! i can fit into my GAP jeans again! yay! lol! finally, when i tried on it juz now, i can fit in! i guess when sch start's i get a bit thinner ard the waist area? haha! and so i wore to evern's bday party!

wahh! evern's bday was held at a damn nice place man. it's at sembawang SAF yatch club. great ambience. and together with society, how can it not be nice? :)

then talked to sabrina abt j doramas.. suprised that she watched door to door! but of course, it's nice! heh. she also watched mr brain finish too. and i recommended her to watch ryusei no kizuna and she wants to watch letters from iwo jima too! wah! all also nino ehh! of course i encouraged her to watch. tho she's not a fan or anything. haha! juz watching leisurely i guess. :) and with the rest of society, nothing but talking nonsense and LOL-ing. that's our society. <3!

the spread of cupcakes. how cute? damn cute i tell u!

more! that shit is interesting. thr's red sexy booobs too! lol! can u spot it?

then these are cream puffs.. nicely decorated.. delicious too. yum!

the whole bday "cake". fantastic. love it!

and so initially i juz wanna grab the cream puff, but i saw this particular cuppy, so i juz take it too. heh. n for you know who.

wee! pose pose!

and the society peeps. nice to see say hao after a long time. some missing tho, but still remembered. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY EVERN! :)

and im gg jb later. hope to get some stuff, if not sian! and im lazy to do my cover letter and resume assignment. but i will do still after this.

juz watched orthros no inu. so far so gd, i mean the killing. haha! ryo's loved!