Friday, July 31, 2009

excited, and i cant sleep now.

i thot i wanna sleep after watching ryo's new drama, but i juz saw VS arashi SP being uploaded already and am oh so excited i gotta dl NOW and watch later in the day.. weeee!! (i was soo worried that it will nvr be uploaded. henngggg ar..)

anw, ryo's new drama, (the title very chim.) it's Orthros no Inu.. haha! i copy and paste this. NICE! so long nvr watch suspense kinda drama. but it's saddening that ryo acted as a teacher for only this episode. mann, wish it is longer. heh. anw, one is SOOO EVIL and one is SOOOO KIND. tsk! and i like the girl too, donno why, but i juz like her.. yay! nice drama! so, i hv 2 dramas im watching now. buzzer beat and Orthros no Inu.. wootz!

more mago mago juz now.. nice. it's touching, it moved me to tears a bit.

love.. this is touching.. so is one of the episodes whr aiba n sho became the mago. touching!

cant help it.. muz screencap.. 4yrs back. damnn looong.

and the chinese lesson! omg! damn funny! this episode, nino is the top student! :) really reminds me of me taking chinese last sem. they all learnt with all their might, esp when they wanna say . haha! full of facial expressions, each and everyone of them. my lao shi did tell us, in chinese, a lot of facial expressions if u wanna pronounce it properly. and it was funny how the sensei favoured sho over others. haha! sho's chinese not bad.

and randomly, someone uploaded the making of this movie called heaven's door, and nino appeared in the movie.. wahh!! i feel like watching the movie laa! but juz wanna watch nino's part..

uwahh!! *SCREAM*

he was sheepish abt it.. when he acted this out already, the director went 'CUT!' the director is an angmoh. hoho! i read that it's a remake of a german movie.. hmm.. *melt*

lastly, ohmiya SK.. best creation ever.. LOVE! i wanna watch this particular show man, but i hv no idea wat show it is..

oh! i break my fast juz now eating nino's fav food, hamburger.. :) and am listening to nino's baystorm dated last wk. his starting, he sang that song/poem he sang at utaban, the comedy section. cute! love!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


interesting news i read in TODAY ystd i think, or was it last 2days, that sleeping less will make ur waistline bigger. it was researched that if u sleep less than the amt of hrs needed, it will increase the hunger hormone and decrease the full hormone. this is something new to me. hmm, i think thats one of the reasons why my hips that area is getting bigger until i cant fit into my levis' and gap jeans.. or maybe, im still growing.. lol! so yea, have enough sleep man, tho thats not the case for me.

talking abt sleep, i only slept at 4.30am, and then, i was awakened by the sunlight that shone my room at 8am, n i was like, ehh? i haven eat for fasting! then i asked my mum why didnt she wake me up! then she said she kept calling me to wake up, but i nvr wake up. hoho! normally, i wld eat at 5am for fasting. i thot that half an hr sleep, then wake up agn at 5 wldnt be a problem. i guess i was just too tired. rite b4 that, i was watching pikanchi.. heh.. oops..

then, was reading epoch times juz now, and i like this column whereby they ask u a qn, and then get answers from ppl all ard the world. this time, the qn is if u hv 1 hour free e'day, wat will u do? the 1st thing that came across my mind will definitely be ARASHI-ing! haha! or, maybe not only arashi, but to be more general, fan-girling.. haha! esp when sch starts, that 1 precious hour, i will use it to fan-girl.. hohoho!

talking abt fan-girling, ive placed my VERY FIRST EVER PRE-ORDER OF CONCERT GOODS, and that will be my FIRST UCHIWA EVER! damn excited cannn? but the sad thing is, no more posters, somehow, the seller said no more slots for posters. so, i will juz settle with nino's uchiwa. omg!!! imagine, having his handsome and adorable face on the uchiwa. uwahhh! excited excited! now im thinking whether to get the poster from another seller. i donno mann. i already forgo nino's butai gds coz i think it's wayy too ex, even shuwen says so, unless money can fall from the sky, or my parents print money. hehe.. so, i will just make do with uchiwas ne. poster wise, still thinking. now now, i will have to wait for a mth or so b4 i get my hands on the uchiwa. wahh! cant wait ehh! fyi, i donno how does the pic on the uchiwa look like. but, i know it's gg to be damn freaking nice.

ohya!! and i tell u, i juz realised that for the nx 4 wks, including this wk, i have 21st bdays! this wk already i hv 2, but both dont hv celebration. then, nx 3wks, have. wah! 1st time in my life, i hv such a consecutive celebrations.

and this whole afternoon, i did nothing but arashi.. love love! somehow, i found myself treasures! a lot of subbed videos of arashi's older variety shows. love ehh! im dl-ing mago mago arashi. weee! ive only watched it in YT w/out subs, but sometimes with subs, but only the ending talk part. but this one, FULL EPISODE! happy! and heng ar, as usual, no need to join community. hehe. tho thr's one that need to join, i will consider 1st. ma fan ar join join.

thr's one tho that i joined. i joined coz thr's no need to do anything, juz join. wee! and they loads of subbed vids. they subbed V no arashi.. wahh! see chibi arashi, damn cute! and it's funny how aiba acted as their senpai.. lol! ok la, quite suitable. i only watched one part, coz they're still uploading and subbing the last 4 parts, so i shall wait til i dl e'thing, then watch. :)

and yess!! nino's SP will be aired in september.. weee!! til then, i hoped that someone will sub asap, coz i hv to wait for quite some time for door to door to be subbed. anw, door to door is under repair, and it's sad coz i want to rewatch it. :(

ahh love!

and i hv always wanted to post this..

when i saw this, it really reminds me of takuya.. once in a while, i love seeing him dressed like this.. :)

a bit similar.. except for the ciggies, haha. love love!

ok, shall stop here. im dl-ing mago mago ep 7 and cant wait to watch coz it's ohmiya pairing and i wanna see nino learning chinese. yay! after that, i shall sleep. hoho.. this pc has been on since 1230pm juz now sia.. tsk tsk.

arashixdream seems to be on hiatus.. ive yet to watch VS arashi SP, n all of the 3 shows this wk, pls don delay in uploading.. :(

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

charles bruno & geek

the moment i reached home from imm juz now, i saw kings brunch (thats wat it's called?) on 09.07.25 being uploaded, and more reports on nino's butai.. ahhhh!! cry! faint! clear and nice report siaa! better than those earlier ones, where the qlty is medium only. ahh! have to screencap.. :)

white suit with white fedora.. makes him look old. haha. but nice!

charles bruno = love!

more shots of short hair.. LOVE!


then, i spent the whole night watching older HNAs, and it's subbed! wah nice! i donno how many times i watch child mind section. haha! i watched it agn, this time better qlty as compared to at YT. love ehh! i love ohno's and sho's most, coz the baby is damn freaking cute!

then, i watched this particular episode abt fortune telling.. DAMN LOL! nino disguised as a geek, then visited fortune tellers. he disguised as a geek to hide his true identity and from there, see how accurate those fortune tellers are in reading nino's real life. i repeated juz that few parts, coz it's so much loved! lol! love love!


seriously, if he wasnt in arashi, i wonder if he will really be like this.. hahaha!

with that moustache n all.. LOL!

and this disguise is the WORST! haha! at least, nino is still cute! hahaha! aiba-chan!

anw, spent my afternoon in imm, then met wan qi, last minute plan..

how how? to buy or not to buy? i will have to decide by later at least by 1! in total, near 200bucks..

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


HOT HOT HOT!! the weather's so hot.. and when i saw the pre-orders for nino's butai and arashi's concert gds, it makes me HOTTER! hahaha!

getting more exciting!

juz finished watching buzzer beat ep 2! love! i love it when riko shouted BAKAAA at naoki during the match. and that gave him the strength n encouragement n more confidence to play, and even did a buzzer beat! <3! and coz of that, i like the girl, and try not to associate her with the other girl that i don like. i like her eye-lined eyes and loooong hair.

and i love it when at the end of the episode, it focused on that big big signboard that says LOVE MAKES ME STRONG. it should meant that. and that very sign also reminds me of takuya's long vacation, also had that big big board, but i fgt wat it says. haha!

and that ugly yoyogi.. bluergh! such a pest! and natsuki, how i wish u're more sincere and kinder to naoki..

nino ♥

and yes ive watched shounen club premium again. all in all, ive watched this 5 times.. yes, 5 times, until i don hv to watch the video with subs, i can already rmb wat he said. hoho! i love it when he was talking abt his experience when shooting for letters. aiya, i juz love all.

he ever auditioned for taiga, a japanese period drama, and when they asked him to laugh, he laughed, and straightaway got rejected coz of the silver teeth filling he has in his teeth. haha! and the host like, oh ya! in those days, there wasnt such thing as silver teeth filling. and i love his actions. ahhh!

it was funny how the other 3 (jun, aiba and ikuta toma) so called pang-seh-ed/sabo-ed him and make him the victim of having a bald head coz the other 3 cant sacrifice their hair for this one drama.. haha! love him. he really doesnt mind having a bald.. reminds me of Saigo.. :)

and he was telling how was the response for the 1st ever butai, there wasnt a big crowd, and that there was a big empty space at the back and can hear his echo very clearly.

and i love the msg from ryo.. touched.. wat a gd senpai and wat a gd kouhai.. love them both. tho thr's only a yr of age gap, ryo was so polite when talking. the host said that ryo used keigo, a formal language.. AWWW! :)

and he performed magic tricks.. and he said that he has abt 100 tricks or soo.. uwah! love! i love his hands. the host was saying even if arashi isn't popular, he can earn a living by doin magic, and that's wat the rest in the agency said too.. but, of course. :)

i juz love this. :)

in my eyes, nino IS an ACTOR, (a gd one at that, not anyhow) nino IS an IDOL, (not any tom, dick or harry kinda idol, but an idol with substance) and definitely, he's POPULAR. i share the same sentiments as the subber. and he is very truthful ne, and put it in a nice and subtle way. !

i donno how many of this type of expressions i have of his. fyi, i screen cap 97 pics for this video. hahahahha! if can, every second also i wanna screencap. !

when the host asked him wat kind of efforts did he put in when acting, he said that "i dont want to be taken wrong, but i dont really make an effort as such. i believe that my character is only a creation of relationship with other characters. so i juz usually just hand over everything, like how my character will be to everyone else on stage. then i would just reply to watvever line is thrown at me." man, truly an amazing actor. not anyone can do that. even the host says so.


and yes, if u ask me, he is such a professional and amazing actor, seriously. LOVE! other than takuya, he captured my heart soo much from acting. :) oh! ryo too.. :)


he's so much loved. and i will nvr get sick of watching this over and over again..

credits for subs- mlie2968 (thx gdness i don hv to join the committee or watver shit, if not, I WILL CRY)

then, i watched sho's SCP.. love too! when the host said that they are 3 new things that sho brought to JE, but i can only think of 2, which is he's a uni grad, and that he's a newscaster. so the other one was actually related to rap. now i know. mann, sho is one cool dude, smart, and ething else. no wonder shuwen likes him. he's the most handsome newscaster ard.

Monday, July 27, 2009

it's raining. how nice.. :)

bluergh. i feel so piggy today. woke up at 10, slept back at 1130 after watching a bit of letters, and woke up agn only at 3, then only i bathed. haha! and it's raining cats and dogs now. how nice. the feeling of not having to go to work.. uwahh! shiok!

anw, wat did i wanna say eh? i forgot liao. oh oh!! been wanting to blog abt this but too preoccupied with nino. heh. it's abt NIKKAN SPORTS DRAMA PRIX WINNERS FOR SPRING. when i 1st saw it, i was SHOCKED! but, actually, when i think back, and like wat shuwen said, nothing shocking coz the winners are decided thru votes. so, best actor goes to Matsujun.. bahh! his acting in smile is ok only, mediocre. im sure him acting in other dramas are far much better than in SMILE. and my Takuya is 2nd, after him! ehh faint ehh! shuwen was shocked that he lose to Jun! if u ask me, takuya or sho wld deserve the win far much better than jun. shhesssh! takuya lehh.. tsk! if i were in japan, i wld have voted for takuya like mad, n he wld definitely win. serious. haha! so here's the results.

1 Matsumoto Jun (SMILE) - 2767 votes
2 Takuya Kimura (Mr. Brain) - 2067 votes
3 Sakurai Sho (The Quiz Show Season 2) - 1902 votes
4 Nakai Masahiro (Konkatsu!) - 1409 votes
5 Ikuta Toma (Majo Saiban) - 850 votes

and i only realised when shuwen told me that all 5 positions are claimed by JE boys.. heh.. ok, that's sthing to rejoice ne.. love love!

and best drama, another zzz and shocking one.. also SMILE!! duhz! that drama is seriously ok only.. i seriously don understand. if me, it wld've been mr brain or TQS.. if between this 2, i'd honestly prefer TQS.. tho mr brain is sthing new, but TQS is interesting too.

Best Drama
1 SMILE - 2649 votes
2 MR. BRAIN - 1944 votes
3 The Quiz Show Season 2 - 1805 votes
4 Konkatsu! - 1370 votes
5 BOSS - 1342 votes

tsk tsk. but ok la, coz this is thru voting. if it were to be judged, then i think it's a different results, better results too. haha! i wonder if these are all the nominees, or there are more. looking at this 61st drama academy awards that i saw at asianfanatics, judges', reporters' and readers' choice are different.

best actor-

by readers
1 Matsumoto Jun (SMILE)
2 Sakurai Sho (The Quiz Show Season 2)
3 Abe Hiroshi (Shiroi Haru)

by reporters
1 Abe Hiroshi (Shiroi Haru)
2 Uchino Masaaki (Rinjo)
3 Sakurai Sho (The Quiz Show Season 2)

by judges
1 Abe Hiroshi (Shiroi Haru)
2 Uchino Masaaki (Rinjo)
3 Sakurai Sho (The Quiz Show Season 2)

hahah! neither the reporters nor judges chose Jun rite?

best drama-

by readers
2 BOSS (FujiTV)
3 The Quiz Show Season 2 (NTV)

by reporters
1 Shiroi Haru (FujiTV)
2 BOSS (FujiTV)
3 Aishiteru (NTV)

by judges
1 BOSS (FujiTV)
2 Aishiteru (NTV)
3 Shiroi Haru (FujiTV)

neither SMILE nor TQS is on the list by judges and reporters.. hoho! now having said that, you know why ne.. it's all coz of popularity, preference.. those who voted are girls.. and etc..

TV Navi also reported different winners..

best drama-
1 Konkatsu! (FujiTV)
2 The Quiz Show Season 2 (NTV)
4 Shiroi Haru (FujiTV)
5 BOSS (FujiTV)

best actor-
1 Nakai Masahiro (Konkatsu!)
2 Sakurai Sho (The Quiz Show Season 2)
3 Matsumoto Jun (SMILE)
4 Abe Hiroshi (Shiroi Haru)
5 Higashiyama Noriyuki (Hissatsu Shigotonin 2009)

but either way, im still happy, tho cld've been happier. haha! congrats still. :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i love that new hairstyle

I LOVE NINO!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! i've said this many times, big and clear in my entries.. heh..

goodness.. why must he be like this? hahaha! crazy liao..

and am REALLY busy, since i on my lappy, i did nothing but watched arashi..

was watching HNA juz now.. nice! i like that new corner, it's gourmet something.. so they hv to guess which prefecture does the food belongs to.. so if u got it wrong, u will be splashed with water. haha. thats harsh. it's nice. if i were to dine in a restaurant with such gd-looking waiters serving me, ahh, i will get full instantly, no need to eat, im already full, esp if it's NINO. :) haizz.. soo handsome, in my eyes..

and kyaa!! OHMIYA!! soooo sweeeet! he only wiped ohno.. ahhh! faint! love! seriously, donno how many times im fainting n loving. pardon me.. haha!

ninomiya waiter makes me full.. burp! love!

ahh!! love his expressions, super! even when he's splashed.

2nd round.. hamburger fingers.. :)

n guess who is the dame waiter.. hahahaha!!!! poor sho.. dame sakurai waiter.. but hey! still love! of which, it reminds me of him being the unsold mannequin in mannequin five.. lol! and he had to eat that spicy noodle.. and he choked?

and the host royale, for the 1st time, victory goes to arashi.. yess arrr aiba! suprising ne.. haha! i thot nino wld win for arashi last wk.. hoho.. and the other guy, i think he doesnt sip the wine, but he sorta gulp.. haha! finish so fast! as i was watching, he really took a big helping of it. the wine muz be so delicious, or he is anxious, or he juz love wine.. haha. i think this one is very funny coz the other members had such a gd laugh, nino esp.. haha! ok, hopefully someone will sub soon.. aiba love! i love aiba's hair like this, rather than straight..

nino from last wk's HNA as the host.. sexy! haha!

after that, that basball game, until now i hv no idea wats it all abt. haha! got one time, while watching it, i doze off. oops. but, them in the baseball jersey = love! heh. :)

and OMG! when i saw the preview for nx wk's HNA, i was like AHHHH!! coz nino is already in his new hairstyle in that episode! i was like ahh-ing la, quite loudly and moved to the edge of my chair! lovely ehh! i donno why, but i juz love it! and super seriously, i cant wait to watch nx wk! but, to spare that kanjiong-ness, this wk's VS arashi, he's already in the new hairstyle!! ahh! love ehh! omg omg omg omg!!

BUT! haizz! the video is low qlty.. sadd.. i'd rather not watch.. mann.. my agony is not spared.. :( i wanna see nino in that hair, badly, tho ive seen in butai, but different feeling if see him in VS arashi. so, to spare that agony, shall look at him from the news report.. hoho!

ahhh.. tell me, how to not love him?

with his 'mummy'.

charles bruno.. love!

and yes! shuwen was telling me abt this new drama ryo is acting on, n i cant wait to watch too.. so, pls, sub soon dramacrazy.. ryo really exudes this softness that will melt my heart, makes my heart melt more than in 1litre of tears. i saw the scene of him as a teacher, FAINT! ahh!! cant wait! suspense! wootz!

rmb NYC boys? haha! ohno and chinen. how cute? AWW!

Everything's promo in south korea.. love! quite prominent rite? love love!

and i love this spot the difference, from older HNA.. boring? try it.. it maybe easier to see this way, but in HNA, it wasnt shown side by side, but the 2 pics kept changing.. haha! i love that episode of HNA. damn funny!

anor HNA.. the tshirt guinness world record challenge.. so after a certain number of t shirts, ohno will get a special message t shirt, n one of them is from nino.. OHMIYA! :) funny, nino made use of that tshirt to promote ryusei.. LOL!

and it's been a long time since i upload arashi as a grp pic.. i gotta love this.. ARASHI LOVE! ♥