I LOVE NINO!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! i've said this many times, big and clear in my entries.. heh..
goodness.. why must he be like this? hahaha! crazy liao..
and am REALLY busy, since i on my lappy, i did nothing but watched arashi..
was watching HNA juz now.. nice! i like that new corner, it's gourmet something.. so they hv to guess which prefecture does the food belongs to.. so if u got it wrong, u will be splashed with water. haha. thats harsh. it's nice. if i were to dine in a restaurant with such gd-looking waiters serving me, ahh, i will get full instantly, no need to eat, im already full, esp if it's NINO. :) haizz.. soo handsome, in my eyes..

and kyaa!!
OHMIYA!! soooo sweeeet! he only wiped ohno.. ahhh! faint! love! seriously, donno how many times im fainting n loving. pardon me.. haha!

ninomiya waiter makes me full.. burp! love!

ahh!! love his expressions, super! even when he's splashed.

2nd round.. hamburger fingers.. :)

n guess who is the dame waiter.. hahahaha!!!! poor sho.. dame sakurai waiter.. but hey! still love! of which, it reminds me of him being the unsold mannequin in mannequin five.. lol! and he had to eat that spicy noodle.. and he choked?

and the host royale,
for the 1st time, victory goes to arashi.. yess arrr aiba! suprising ne.. haha! i thot nino wld win for arashi last wk.. hoho.. and the other guy, i think he doesnt sip the wine, but he sorta gulp.. haha! finish so fast! as i was watching, he really took a big helping of it. the wine muz be so delicious, or he is anxious, or he juz love wine.. haha. i think this one is very funny coz the other members had such a gd laugh, nino esp.. haha! ok, hopefully someone will sub soon.. aiba love! i love aiba's hair like this, rather than straight..

nino from last wk's HNA as the host.. sexy! haha!
after that, that basball game, until now i hv no idea wats it all abt. haha! got one time, while watching it, i doze off. oops. but, them in the baseball jersey = love! heh. :)

and OMG! when i saw the preview for nx wk's HNA, i was like AHHHH!!
coz nino is already in his new hairstyle in that episode! i was like ahh-ing la, quite loudly and moved to the edge of my chair! lovely ehh! i donno why, but i juz love it! and super seriously, i cant wait to watch nx wk! but, to spare that kanjiong-ness,
this wk's VS arashi, he's already in the new hairstyle!! ahh! love ehh! omg omg omg omg!!
BUT! haizz! the video is low qlty.. sadd.. i'd rather not watch.. mann.. my agony is not spared.. :( i wanna see nino in that hair, badly, tho ive seen in butai, but different feeling if see him in VS arashi. so, to spare that agony, shall look at him from the news report.. hoho!

ahhh.. tell me, how to not love him?

with his 'mummy'.

charles bruno.. love!

and yes! shuwen was telling me abt this new drama ryo is acting on, n i cant wait to watch too.. so, pls, sub soon dramacrazy.. ryo really exudes this softness that will melt my heart, makes my heart melt more than in 1litre of tears. i saw the scene of him as a teacher, FAINT! ahh!! cant wait! suspense! wootz!

rmb NYC boys? haha! ohno and chinen. how cute? AWW!

Everything's promo in south korea.. love! quite prominent rite? love love!

and i love this spot the difference, from older HNA.. boring? try it.. it maybe easier to see this way, but in HNA, it wasnt shown side by side, but the 2 pics kept changing.. haha! i love that episode of HNA. damn funny!

anor HNA.. the tshirt guinness world record challenge.. so after a certain number of t shirts, ohno will get a special message t shirt, n one of them is from nino..
OHMIYA! :) funny, nino made use of that tshirt to promote ryusei.. LOL!

and it's been a long time since i upload arashi as a grp pic.. i gotta love this.. ARASHI LOVE! ♥