anw, it's pay day! it's gst money also! but i still don hv money!! heh.. saving ne! i alrdy did come budgeting, so i hope i will follow it CLOSELY..
im a bit unproductive today.. i didnt even hit 80.. i only managed to enter 78.. haha! less 2.. i was juz damn sleepy n kept yawning.. n my eyes are teary.. i will work harder tmr n hit over 80 ne! ganbatte!
n yes! at work, i saw this resume.. by XXXXX.. cant say the name ne.. pte n confidential.. i think i know him! wayy back then when i attended tuition session with abg fadriel.. n kak shasha n kak farina intro this guy to me.. i donno how come ended up introducing me the guy.. n they passed me his pic! a scanned passport pic n i still keep it till now in my sch handbook cum diary.. lol! n im bringing the pic tmr to work to compare if it's really him.. LOL! :P
juz listened to nino baystorm on the 14th with trans.. ahh! love love! nino prefers choc cakes tho he doesnt really hv any fav cakes coz he's not a fan of cakes.. but he doesnt like whipped cream!! he said that it tastes like air! but i like!! ahh! lol! n he played Everything like i told u b4.. ahh love ne! thr's a subtle ohmiya moment in this airing.. juz like wat the provider of the trans said.. coz they were talking abt nino's name, ninomiya.. then thr's also other names whose suffice in the front of miya is other than nino, like shinomiya.. then nino went to say this.. It starts to meld together with "neighboring" names, like Ohmiya. Or Utsunomiya... ahh! he's always thinking of ohno ne! ohmiya love love!! credits to thx loads ne! :)
n now im listening to nino baystorm on the 21st! gosh! ive dl-ed it the same wk, but i only listened it today! faint can! tsk! n i dl-ed the 28th one alrdy also.. i think i shall put that in my ipod n listen to it otw to work tmr tho i know i dn hv any idea wat he's talking abt.. i think i will smile to myself tmr n ppl will think im mad.. hahaha! oops!
n yes arashi shukudai kun is finally uploaded n ive dl-ed it.. maybe watching it later.. plus himitsu no arashi chan..
n im TRYING my best to wake up tmr to jog.. ahh! i miss jogging ne!
one more ohmiya moment..
What’s something cute that begins with the letter "sa?"
Ninomiya: ♥ ahh!!! see! satoshi!! ohmiya ne! faint!!
n this is from Family Club Bulletin #44: Early Summer Issue
Ninomiya Kazunari: 100 Questions & 100 Answers..
credits to
What is the charm point of your outward appearance? My slouch..
yess! he's the only one who slouches, but still look as great n shuai! ahh! faint can! i love his slouch.. serious.. makes him look like kinda fragile, but also, at the same time, shuai n man kinda thing.. lol! ahh! EVERYTHING abt NINO is LOVE!
ohya! i donno if i tell u this, but i didnt get to take a pic of my hubby's poster! but i still have a memory of it.. thx to wawa for taking it.. ahh love! n i wanna say thx to wan qi, riana & siti, for rmbering me when u saw that poster.. lol! n thx to wawa too for the effort to take that pic n mms me.. :)

n i juz needa blog abt this!
mr brain ep 4, takuya looked damn fat cann? or is it coz of the screen? lol! he's ageing mann.. can see sia..
but i still love him as much! n i love this pout.. ahh love! takuya's LOVE LOVE LOVE too mann!
n juz fmi (for my info), nino's butta is from 18 july-11 aug at globe tokyo.. love! :)
n juz fmi (for my info), nino's butta is from 18 july-11 aug at globe tokyo.. love! :)
n im so shock to rcv an email from cdjapan.. that smap is releasing a single called Sotto Kyutto..!!! it's a theme song to a dorama called ninkyo helper starring Tsuyoshi.. ahh! faint! cryy!
n smap will also be advertising for softbank mobile phones.. cryy!! so many news in one day!
ok.. Arashi time! from vs arashi ep 62, 2009 06 27..
nino was paired up tgther with aiba-chan to play cliff climber! ahh! sugoi! tho i donno wat they were talking abt, but i think they were discussing some game strategies.. haha! kawai ne! i love aiba-nino coupling too!
nino was paired up tgther with aiba-chan to play cliff climber! ahh! sugoi! tho i donno wat they were talking abt, but i think they were discussing some game strategies.. haha! kawai ne! i love aiba-nino coupling too!

i think he was like "freak, y is it with aiba-can?" i think la.. i donno.. haha! coz aiba-chan is sometimes dame.. lol!
nino's partner, aiba-chan!

sorry, but i love to screen cap lots of nino.. im totally nino-fied!
ahh!! love love!
ahh! aiba-chan is so damn cute.. i like! heh..

i donno y, but i love nino's mouth.. hence the screencaps..

where thr's nino, thr's ohno.. OHMIYA!!

more "mouth" pic.. heh.. i love that twitched mouth! cute!

ahh! he loves doin that! ahh! FAINT!!

nino is such a sportman! he played until so damn shuai! so damn cool! he swinged his leg! ahh! love love!
heh.. yet anor "mouth" pic.. i love that a bit bug teeth.. a bit only.. nice kann! ahh!