Monday, October 06, 2008


yooohooo!!fun fun day!i started the day by getting ready to go to uztaz's open house..FIRST time eversince i wore tudung during raya,which was yonks ago,when i was in like wat,k1?hahaha..kecoh sakkk!mane dgn tiq ckp mcm makcik2,si aisha ckp mcm minah fairy nak gi raya..mane dgn aku takut ade org dtg coz if thr are ppl coming to my house,a bit hard to go out plus im wearing tudung,then ppl will thot i wear liao but the fact that i havent n the nx time they see me,i nvr wear liao..hahaha..k in short,KECOH GILERR!hahahah!

then hor,while in the lift,the damn lift had to stop at lvl5,n my neighbour masuk!hahah!n she tegur me..tsk!hahahah!paise sia...nx time she saw me i don wear tudung..hahah!

then da smp,mkn2..uztaz nye solat class nye bdk2 pun de..his 2 daughters damn darn cute!omgosh!esp umairah..super looks like uztaz mann..hahaha!my uztaz not bad u know..hahahahha!ok ni part mentel..sorry..but i know laa,he's so warak,n da kawin pun..juz a passing comment..heh..ya..then ya lor..hahha..i donno wat to say short,i juz wanna say i wore tudung to jln raya..hahaha!

beh nak blk,pun tkt ade org dtg..hahah!n true enough de org dtg!omgosh!hahahah!but ok laa,still not bad coz yg dtg is cume 1family..heng ar not one big grp..haha!im damn scared n paranoid can?lolol!

then at the later part of the day,at ard 7,i had one big grp came for visting..kak tipah n adik beradik..ribut..n i hate ppl to come in big grp..hahahah!anak dara pmls org kate..hahah!ohwells..but but thats not the highlight!

jeng jeng!!kak ani's visit!hahaha!she came liao,then asked me whr am i schling now..then i said la ntu biz..(fyi,im getting sick of saying ntu biz..i feel like wearing a tag ard me so that ppl don keep asking n i keep answering..hahahha!)..ok so ya..then she told me abt her son also in ntu engineering!!omgosh!!*HYPERVENTILATING*..hahha!yes,her son is the same age as me,we sch til sec 5 i think,or is he in madrasah,then went to poly..i was in np biz he was in sp engineering..then now in ntu eee...hahaha!wooot!then i asked her la,he nvr go ns meh..then she said then i rmb,coz teh govt don take madrasah students for ns coz of fear of terrorist..hahaha..crap!!anw,thats gd wat rite..better for him..don needa waste 2yrs..straightaway go uni..woot!n we're in the same uni...hahah!ok so y am i sooo happy?coz he's cute!hahaha!omgosh!i still rmb VIVIDLY he came my house last yr,then he's these geek nx door,wears specs..studious kind..AWWWW!!!*SMITTENED*..hahhaha!but juz now he didnt come coz he juz came back from studying n was tired..his mum,which is kak ani la,my cousin,asked him to tag along,but he was tired so didnt tag rajin..see..i also wanna be rajin like him..heh..anw..woot!im smittened by own anak sdr,my own!complicated!haiiiyooo!thats the way it is father's side,sume tua2,aku jek yg muda..hahah!smp same umur dgn anak sdr sendiri..chimimology..hahahhaha!then kak ani said that if i happen to bump into him in sch,tegur him..hahah!inside my heart i was like "OF COURSE!!!"..haha!but then i told her,i can tegur him,i recognize him,but if he nvr recognize me,uat malu jek..hahaha!then she said juz say laa,u're cik monting's daughter..haha!ok,so like he knows who is my father..ok so maybe he knows..hahah!haizz.smittened x10!lol!smart,baik,wat else can i ask for in a guy?lol!his 2 elder bros are in al azhar..did i tell u his father is muslim convert?yaa..see..bagus kan..sheesh!*ADORE*..hahha!his name ehh..not sure of the spelling tho..ashari,ashaari,sthing like that..ncie name...gosh!goosebumps!hahahha!

so yaa..that's my father's's visiting was all from my father's side..hahahah!im proud of my father's side tho im not close..they're a better lot,more educated than my mum's..hahhaa!n i muz be getting the genes from my father's side..hahah..mcm betul jekk...

ok so today was a crazyy n funn day..collection pun alhamdulillah byk even tho i think im too old for collection..hahhaha!n ppl kept asking me whther im still schling..n did i tell u that stimes i don need to answer that qn coz my father n sis will help me answ..siap dgn ckp aku ni dr ntu..hahah!i very paise looorr..

n ebody's asking me to work hard,wishing me luck n all..thx guys..very much appreciated..=)insya-allah,as long as it's within my means,im willing to work hard..

in short,im happy..hahahahhaha!im smittened!dear shafii wrote on my wall n im soo the kembang..hahah!pardon!

okok..i better go liao..hahahah..he's working very hard now i think coz later's the start of anor sch i muz also be doin sthing..hahahah!gileerrr!til then..byeee!=)


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