so after the test today,natasha was very happy,then when i told her abt giant is selling the hard disk drive at such a cheap px,she went,ok let's go..hahahaha!so ya,we went to imm giant n she got herself the hdd n thumbdrive n i also bot the thumb..then bot some food..haha!i bot my toiletries..speaking of which,i forgt to buy my bodyshop toner..haha!ohwells,nx time..
so much has happened,call i can say is overall im very much stresses but still procastinating..urgh!i hate that feeling..sheesh!
abc was giving out their publication,n thr was a feature of him..ahhh!smittened!hahaha..nat kept saying he's not nice,but to me ok lehh!hahaha!n i went to baf club website to see his pics..hahaha..oops!heh..stalker,cikopek..lolol!
oh ya!anor happy thing!i got an A for my other marketing proj..wahh!damn happy ehh!coz after presenting,like i said previously,i wasnt confident of getting an A,n im happy if i settle with B..but surprisingly,my tutor,boey said quite excellent,which means at least an A..hahah!wooohoo!that calls for a celebration..i love marketing!i love boey!i love my grp members,nat n sam!hahaha!coolios!=))
n SURPRISINGLY too,my ob project,got an A n A-..haha!anor unexpected one..coz i thot i will get B or even a C..haha!but i think jeff is being lenient..anw,it's 10%..i wish i got an A for the 20% one..but ohwells,im happy still..
n i hv anor proj left,that is stats..yes stats..zzz..hard siaa!but oh wells,im gg to persevere n do!yes!coz i love xuyun..haha!i love all my tutors!they rocks!woot!
having said that,with all the projs n quizzes coming to an end,the 1st semester of my uni life in yr 1 is coming to an's all too fast,wayy to fast,sometimes i felt that i juz joined ntu nbs.n im sure everyone else is feeling tat way definitely gg to miss the gd times i had..not all tho,i mean some to a certain extent..some are better be forgotten..aha!ok im bad..pfft..lolol!
in a week's time will be my first ever uni exam,n that's's definitely a big thing..n i hope to give my all for the exams..pray for me ya..
ok,seriousness aside,this sunday is the BRAZIL GP..the final race to determine the winner..i know ppl will be rooting for lewis,but noo..i wanna root for felipe instead..woot!im gg to catch it!
n anor highlight,the US presidency..woot!obama laa then!tsk!hahaha!go go!
n one more thing,the credit's cfmed that US is officially facing recession..yes juz today..scary..ive been somewat following all's time to u know,follow up all these n not only watch dramas..haha!
n one more thing!haha..the list will go on i think..needa meet up with wq,watch coffin with aisha n eat at sakura with my tutorial mates..haha!
ok..soo long ar my post i think..some after soo long..haha!my raya pics..enjoy!! =))
ok so this is pre-rayaa..1 more wk to raya i think,i baked macroons..i think thats wat the kuih is called..haha!the mixture that contains cornflakes,choc chips n the meringue..i think that's wat its' called..i donno..ya shld be..haha!

the end product..ok la,my camera is juz a hp camera so not clear..damn nice hor..haha!finish liao ar..hahaha!
this is 1st day raya n my aunt's house..n this is only 1/4 of my cousins..thr's more..really..some haven come..some nt in pic..donno whr they go..haha!
then this is me..duh..haha!pose pose!my fringe got hole!lol!
the angle is nice,so my sis wants her children to pose thr too..haha!riana n rudy..
in the car..heh..sempat kann..
this is the 2nd wk of raya i think n we went to my 3rd bro's hse..n these are his children..clockwise,shasha,boboy n wani..n their lovely aunt..ehem..heh..
haha.candid!i think i look like one of them?hahhaha!act!young at heart can?heh..
yes them!my nieces n nephews..
heh..pose pose..credits to my bro in law..this is the pic that i took gazillion times b4 im satisfied..haha!riana took a lot,not happy,my bro in law helped me take..hahaha!
hahaha!vain pot!my nieces n nephews cant stand me!
n this is the 3rd wk of raya,we went jln2 to makcik2 hse..i love this pic v much!soo sunshine!hahaha!indahsunshine mahh..=p
anor angle..a bit brighter..woot!
haha! camouflage!
n this is the jln raya with madrasah peeps..went to uztaz's open house..this is the grp pic..the students are from the munakat n solat class..