Friday, October 31, 2008

it's coming to an end's been a hectic week..ok,every week is ya,nthing special..been studying for the 2 quizzes n i passed my stats quiz,6 out of 10..haha!not easy hor..10 qns in 30min,heng suay one..haha!i happened to get the qns that i know n sure of how to answer,tho some is tikam,anyhow guess..haha!but overall,my hardwork is paid off..i still had time to update my fb acct and watched my hk drama n proj runway..haha!ohweells,alhamdulillah i passed..nx wk i will get back my econs test..all i ask for is not less than 7 coz i got 7 for micro,so i hope to get at least 7 for macro.confident?half half..full marks,no way..hahaha..

so after the test today,natasha was very happy,then when i told her abt giant is selling the hard disk drive at such a cheap px,she went,ok let's go..hahahaha!so ya,we went to imm giant n she got herself the hdd n thumbdrive n i also bot the thumb..then bot some food..haha!i bot my toiletries..speaking of which,i forgt to buy my bodyshop toner..haha!ohwells,nx time..

so much has happened,call i can say is overall im very much stresses but still procastinating..urgh!i hate that feeling..sheesh!

abc was giving out their publication,n thr was a feature of him..ahhh!smittened!hahaha..nat kept saying he's not nice,but to me ok lehh!hahaha!n i went to baf club website to see his pics..hahaha..oops!heh..stalker,cikopek..lolol!

oh ya!anor happy thing!i got an A for my other marketing proj..wahh!damn happy ehh!coz after presenting,like i said previously,i wasnt confident of getting an A,n im happy if i settle with B..but surprisingly,my tutor,boey said quite excellent,which means at least an A..hahah!wooohoo!that calls for a celebration..i love marketing!i love boey!i love my grp members,nat n sam!hahaha!coolios!=))

n SURPRISINGLY too,my ob project,got an A n A-..haha!anor unexpected one..coz i thot i will get B or even a C..haha!but i think jeff is being lenient..anw,it's 10%..i wish i got an A for the 20% one..but ohwells,im happy still..

n i hv anor proj left,that is stats..yes stats..zzz..hard siaa!but oh wells,im gg to persevere n do!yes!coz i love xuyun..haha!i love all my tutors!they rocks!woot!

having said that,with all the projs n quizzes coming to an end,the 1st semester of my uni life in yr 1 is coming to an's all too fast,wayy to fast,sometimes i felt that i juz joined ntu nbs.n im sure everyone else is feeling tat way definitely gg to miss the gd times i had..not all tho,i mean some to a certain extent..some are better be forgotten..aha!ok im bad..pfft..lolol!

in a week's time will be my first ever uni exam,n that's's definitely a big thing..n i hope to give my all for the exams..pray for me ya..

ok,seriousness aside,this sunday is the BRAZIL GP..the final race to determine the winner..i know ppl will be rooting for lewis,but noo..i wanna root for felipe instead..woot!im gg to catch it!

n anor highlight,the US presidency..woot!obama laa then!tsk!hahaha!go go!

n one more thing,the credit's cfmed that US is officially facing recession..yes juz today..scary..ive been somewat following all's time to u know,follow up all these n not only watch dramas..haha!

n one more thing!haha..the list will go on i think..needa meet up with wq,watch coffin with aisha n eat at sakura with my tutorial mates..haha!

ok..soo long ar my post i think..some after soo long..haha!my raya pics..enjoy!! =))

ok so this is pre-rayaa..1 more wk to raya i think,i baked macroons..i think thats wat the kuih is called..haha!the mixture that contains cornflakes,choc chips n the meringue..i think that's wat its' called..i donno..ya shld be..haha!

the end product..ok la,my camera is juz a hp camera so not clear..damn nice hor..haha!finish liao ar..hahaha!

this is 1st day raya n my aunt's house..n this is only 1/4 of my cousins..thr's more..really..some haven come..some nt in pic..donno whr they go..haha!

then this is me..duh..haha!pose pose!my fringe got hole!lol!

anor angle..

the angle is nice,so my sis wants her children to pose thr too..haha!riana n rudy..

my sis n her hubby..married for i think 10-11 yrs i think..alhamdullilah..

in the car..heh..sempat kann..

this is the 2nd wk of raya i think n we went to my 3rd bro's hse..n these are his children..clockwise,shasha,boboy n wani..n their lovely aunt..ehem..heh..

haha.candid!i think i look like one of them?hahhaha!act!young at heart can?heh..

yes them!my nieces n nephews..

the anak daras..riana n shasha..

heh..pose pose..credits to my bro in law..this is the pic that i took gazillion times b4 im satisfied..haha!riana took a lot,not happy,my bro in law helped me take..hahaha!

hahaha!vain pot!my nieces n nephews cant stand me!

my mak n bapak..=))

n this is the 3rd wk of raya,we went jln2 to makcik2 hse..i love this pic v much!soo sunshine!hahaha!indahsunshine mahh..=p

anor angle..a bit brighter..woot!

haha! camouflage!

me n riana..riana is gg to be taller than me in time to come..hahah!i kecik!

n this is the jln raya with madrasah peeps..went to uztaz's open house..this is the grp pic..the students are from the munakat n solat class..

the gals in the munakahat class pluz uztaz n family..his daughters are sure damn cute!

the gals..hahaha!do i look nice in tudung?hahaha!=)
til having lecture tmr at 9.30..zzz..sat go back sch..zzz..ciao then!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


omgosh!damn happy today can?mktg's final presentation is over n im wayy damn happy..haha!our presentation was fun,but whether we can get an A,im not sure..anw,wat matters most,im happy that it's over and im satisfied with..wooot!

and and!omgosh!im also damn happy coz i saw NAWM!haha!as expected,i know liao i will surely see him today at the major talk coz he will be so called presenting the banking major..awwww!smittened!but the sad thing is that i was waving at him n he cant see???gosh!cock?or juz don wanna wave at me back?haha!ohwells..but anw,i said hi to him..i likee!!heh..nat says he's not gdlooking at all..haha..oops!to me gdlooking can liao..he was wearing checked shirt today n his specs..i likee!!!so takuya when he wore checked shirt..haha!woot!i also like to wear!hehe..

then at the end of the talk,proceeded for lunch n i saw him at the canteen also..aww!he was eating alonee..soo sadd..i wanna go overn talk to him lorr,but i shy plus scared later he sees me,then lose appetite.hhahha!ohwells!smittened!n 1 other thing is that after lunch he queued for bbl tea!!i also wanna queue laa,but i was late for lecture liao..zzz..if not i can queue directly behind him n talk to him!hahah!gosh!heh..crazyy liao..hoho!

watver it is,HAPPPPPYYY!!!=))

ok,to end off,my husband..=)

i likee!!vampire!hahah!

geeky!i like!!! =))

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

damn blueee

omgosh today is damn monday blue day..i slept the whole noon from 3-6 laa..i can barely open my eyes siaa..all thx to the proj meeting i had in sch,it's supposed to be my free day but bo bian needa do mktg whole monday gone juz like that..sheesh!stress!!

n nx wk is a killer havong 2 quizzes..shittty!econs on wed n stats on fri..heng ar monday public hol,n i BETTER make sure i make full use of that day to revise..TSK!

n exam is 3wks away inclusive of this wk..gosh!im oh so worried like 1st exam ever..4.5?far fetched..hah!4,insya-allah..i wan banking i gott work my ass off..ya allah..

ok laaa,im off..done with my parts..later will be ob proj meeting,n i hope it's gg to be smooth..will be getting our assignments grades n scared im charged for plagiarism..i donno damn oh f-ing paranoid..TSK!im worrying too much..sheesh!stress!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

team ahh!

yoohoo!omgosh!!!china grand prix was coooll..k tho i didnt watch coz there wasnt any coverage in tv,not even in tv1,which was disappointing but i do know the race started at 3,so i gave myself an hr plus to check the results,n it was saddening that hamilton won..haha!coz im rooting for felipe...heh..anw,thats nt the main idea..i watched the news too to catch the results,n the report..n it was reported that kimi gave felipe way to overtake him so that at least he wont be soo many points behind hamilton..awww!touched!thats wat i call!mcm fhm..but really rite..then kimi also said in the press conference after the race that he wasnt in any position to win the driver's championship title,so he gave way to felipe..awwww..!!heh..sthing like that's interesting to read abt like so in love with f1 now..last race to determine the driver's championship in brazil on 2nov..wooot!tats brazil's spore timing will be on a monday morn?or nite?sthing like that..wooot!hopefully tv 1 or other channels will play it..looking fwd to it..i wanna watch all the accidents and actions..haha!interesting siiaaaaa!but still,alonso also not bad..still good..heh..anw,he won championships b4 so he had his fair share..but that doesnt mean he shld stop..he still played a gd game..heh..hahhhahaa!

shiok shiok!n omgosh!relentless justice is getting more shiok n shiok tho i missed lotsa episode liao..n it's coming to an end soon..sadded..cant oogle at hawick.haha!im so ciko!tsk..

ok,im in the mood to do i better do b4 the mood is gone..hah!ciaoz!! =)

Friday, October 17, 2008

fate?coincidence laa..

sheesh!my mind is in a whirl..if there's such a phrase..haha..anw..ya..loads on my mind..3 wks away from exam n im still in this condition as if exam's still far way..with 3 more presentations to go n 2 quizzes too..gosh!im so deadd..i donno if im hating or loving sch..

anw,i don wanna sound all sad n sappy in my entry...hah!i saw someone unexpected on wed!haha..i was eating lunch n was facing the malay stall..n to my surprise n unexpectedness,guess who i saw????YUSMAN!haha..ok so u donno him but he's one of those who attended tuition with abg fadriel and sir..gosh!small world can??upon seeing him,not that i approached him or wat laa,but i smsed ayu n told her abt it..ayu knows him too,coz of tuition too..heh..yaa,saw him back in np too,n now in ntu too..mann..fate?hahha!mcm fhm..coincidence la hor..heh..yaa..mann..he's damn goodlooking..serious..he's very fair n putih,kuloit bersih berseri..hahah!!while i was eating,suddenly i was very more laa..joking..if only n if only we talked during tuition times..but nah..he was always quiet n studying..donno is it shy or wat.but ohwells..that was like more than 10y ago?i think so..hahhahaha!memoriesss....=)

ok,then other than that,today i also saw him!!not yusman,but NAWM!hahaha!wahlao!he was like directly in front of me in fal juz now laa..he seemed busy,with his hp,then printing some stuff..i wannay say hi to him,but damn shy!hahaha!nor regret..shiiit!should have just called him n said hi rite?some more in front of me only ehh..not like the other time..sheesh!regret ar..hahha!i waswondering wats thr to be shy abt when i was the one who asked for his number n msn..haha!ohwells..ppl gt gf lehhh indah..hahaha!but who cares..eye candy only..oh ya!n he wore specs!haha!i like!!!faint..then i also wore mine today!then we wore levi also!hahahaha!ya,coz he was standing up n i saw his butt..hahaha!call me cikopek i don care..hahha!mann..anw,so much of coincidence laa that i saw him today at fal agn,with specs..haha!coz he doesnt really wear specs..maybe when studying or lazy to wear his was much of coincidence coz i juz find out the banking n finance club website n was surfing it n looking at his pics..haha!then he popped up..hahahaha!man..nawm..FAINT..hahaha!see his pics...seriously faint..sheesh!

anw,today was fun coz i attended the 1230 stats tutorial,so that i can go home early n i reached hm at 3+..damn nice time go for 1230 class then my afternoon wont be wasted..hah!

ok laa,i wanna do work..but i donno which to do 1st..sheesh!til then..byeee!!im smitteneddd!!!gosh!y muz i see u?hahha!ewww!i sound gross..hahahahaha! =p

Thursday, October 16, 2008



ok so i don say that often..damnit!!smap's latest album that i juz got it a few hrs ago is damn f-ing nice!damnit!hahah!im gg to like listen to only takuya laa..hahah!daang itt!his solo performance in the album is called STYLE..damn got style lorr!damnit damnit!hahah!i donno y,but yaa,i can only say damnit..haha!other than him singing HA,this fast song of him is damn nice laa seriously..coz normally he sings rock or slow,but this one a bit jazzy,fast..damnit!hahahaha!I LIKE!!!KAKOIIII!!

ok,but as a whole,the album is superb..seriously,nvr disappointing..worth my 64.95..hah!tho i didnt get the poster,but nah,it's contented n satisfied..woooot!happynesss!!!!n his song is on rpt mode now..haha!im gg to put my neyo on hold 1st..dam mesmerized with STYLE!stylo milo ar babe! =)))))

ok,smap aside,today is damn f-ing looong day from 1030-630..i shant blog so much as i hv many things on hand..shall update u soon..

but,i loveee meeting my soc peeps!miss them..tho some didnt make it..but it's ok..there's always nx time..we ate at ayam penyet ria.haha!ok ni part kecoh..coz the indon guy asked mat to like sit 4 ppl 1st,then bile org da shift,then we will sit 6 tgther..when he got ready our seat,still faraway laa!then i saw this big grp juz left,n i quickly asked the indon guy.."ehh mas,bisa duduk di situ nggak?sudah kosong.."hahaha!mcm fhm kann aku!!nak bbl indon laa pulak!hahahah!maan,i think i make a cut to speak indon slang..hahaha!mann,afterall,i do hv bit bit grandparents are pure indon..kampung nye..hahahah!anw,ya..i was a bit bit smittened by that guy..hahah!thats y i approached him n dared myself to talk like that..hahahaha!then when he said "bisa bisa.."..i replied "ok,makasih yaaa.."hahhaahha!

anw,i spent quite a lot today buying my bodyshop stuff n smap,all in all i spent abt 130++..wah siao..haha!


Monday, October 13, 2008


aiyoo!my hand is gatal/itchy to blog coz im juz so sick and i juz wanna rant..hahaha!my monday is so damn wasted coz no one's free to acc me to go out..sheesh!it's my free day,n i had super no mood to do anything..i only started to get cracking at 2+ after wacthing right frequency on tv..hah!even so,i was so damn distracted..chett!then thr's AI rpt on tv,so i watched a bit..tmr cant watch!!some more it's the top10 guys performin..haizz!donno laa!then watched lovers in paris..hah!my fav korean drama back in i think sec sch?or poly?i think poly..hahaha!when i ws in u know y i rmb?coz i did sthing related to lovers in paris for my IT proj..i think muz come out with animation n website,n i relate it to lovers in paris..hahah!damn funny tutor muz be thinkng im!ok,so was that yr1 or 2? brought back loadsa memories..i dragged my mum to jb juz to get the vcd too,coz at that time,it's hard to get eng/malay subbed dvd n vcd..hahaha!crazynesss! =p

anor thing that brought back loadsa memories is this drama is repeated every sat on ch8 at 11am..called fantasy..haha!nani n i LOVED this drama soo much..we were soo crazy over it,from the postcards to singing the song despite our not so gd chinese..hahah!i juz found out last wkend that it was airing,n i sms-ed nani abt it..haha!those childish can we be..hahahah!i loveee tay ping hui laa!n nani loves chen han wei..that gay..hahahah!anw,the new chinese drama in ch8 at 9pm is damn nice too!hahahah!n my korean drama,is gettng hot n hot n dramatic n i like!i teared laa!

which brings me to wanna say that women are naturally paranoid n very sensitive creature..hahaha..mcm fhm..

anw,while i was revising my stats juz now,i rcved a call from someone unexpected..hahaha!n i was like ..... hahaha!then later she smsed me to thx me n hope to see me soon over lunch or sthing..haha!then guilt strike me..hahahaha!oops!i shant name la hor..not nice..anw,aiya..donno laa..wan qi was saying stop being mean,she's my fren afterall..hahahahahah!im bad,i admit.. =(

ohya!!!anor thing!finally!ellen's on tv agnn!!omgosh!damn nice cann!i love ellen laa!n juz now the guests were michelle obama n jonas bros..mann!im a fan of barack obama..hahahah!i think he's gt the charisma laa..woot!anw,he was saying that if he won the presidential seat,he will give mccain a place in the govt,but nt the cabinet..this is to like make peace with republican..see!obama so nice lorr!hahaha..oops!political issues,cant say anyhow..anw,i support barack..most of the ctries polled supported obama,but in US itself,i think still half half..lets wait for nov then..

n anor thing..wan qi was saying my blog doesnt look like a blog blogged by a uni student..haha!the way i like to put loadsa fullstop after every sentence..normally only one fullstop,but i put many many..hahaha!nonsense..hahah!n she said my blog's wordy..hahhaha!good wat..wordy=ppl lazy to read..i prefer nobody to read my after that i asked mat whether he read my whole entry..n he said he'll skip if i talk abt smap n david a..hahaha!then if i type malay,he will mcm fhm..haha!i donno y,but i like to add in malay words..i feel it's more mee..some things are meant to be expressed in malay..more meaning..hahah!then i wanna translate,but lazy..hahaha!

ok,anor wordy entry.haha!anw,year of the gentleman thumbs upp!i like!super!n anor song,make it mine by jason mraz..damn nice!woooot!

Wake up everyone
How can you sleep at a time like this
Unless the dreamer is the real you
Listen to your voice
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue
Leap and the net will appear

I don't wanna wake before
The dream is over
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I, I know it
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I'll make it all mine

I keep my life on a heavy rotation
Requesting that it's lifting you up, up, up and away
And over to a table at the graditude café

And I am finally there
And all the angels they'll be singing
I, la la la I, la la la I, la la la la love this

Well I don't wanna break before
The tour is over
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I, I know it
I'm gonna make it mine
Yes I'll make it all mine

And timing's everything
and this time there's plenty
I am balancing
Careful and steady
And reveling in energy that everyone's emitting

I don't wanna wait no more
No I wanna celebrate the whole world
I'm gonna make it mine
Because I'm following your joy
I'm gonna make it mine
Because I, I am open
I'm gonna make it mine
That's why, I will show it
I'm gonna make it all mine
Mm gonna make, gonna make, gonna make
Gonna make it, make it, make it mine
Oh my, yes I'll make it all mine =)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

let's groooooooooooveeeeeee

omgosh!!!japanese gp was fab laa!hahah!ok,so ya,after the spore gp,i was like interested in gp..n i actually catch japanese gp juz now n mann!i saw some of the greatest stunt,or rather,bleeps..hahah!from racers whom u least expected..but wats more impt is that alonso won agn..omgosh!luck is really by his side..wooot!i salute him not supporting anyone or wat la,juz u know,like he who deserves wins..wooot!i think lewis muz tone down a bit n don be soo says that he is a bit stuck up..i donno laa!but anw,yaa..i like alonso..he's soo cute..lolol!when he won,he did tha action,where u hit ur heart that one,aiya i donno laa wat u call!wahh!AMAZED!

anw,,quite a few came or visiting..tak tenteram nak tgk tv..n after that,i dozed off for 2hrs..hahahah!damn tired n sianzz..

n i had my dose of coffee,from the leftover from serving the guests,so it means that i cant i hope i can concentrate to do my stats..zzz..

n i lovee with earth wind & fire..let's disco!hahaha! =))

miss pls..

yoohoo!!soo happy to go out today coz it's raya,so it's only rite that i go out and do,b4 that,i went to a jemputan, cousin's husband's brother got married..haha..not so complicated rite the relation that im trying to explain?anw,wahhh!his bro is damn handsome ar i tell u!lol!really!not really of the world difference between the bro n my cousin's husband,juz that his bro is more handsome,taller,not like my cousin's husband,a bit on the plump side..haha!even my sis said that the bro is handsome..fuyoo!terpikat jap aku..TAPI!!his wife is a chinese.haha!no laaa,the chinese lady want to say pretty also,not so pretty leh..a bit bukit,meaning like a bit too cheena..i!the bro so handsome,i wished he found someone prettier..haha..ohwells..da jodoh..i wish the everlsting marriage..ya..n the food is damn nice...hahaha!

anw,my sis n bro in law was complaining laa,y ppl uat majlis during raya,then i told them laa,coz it's sunnat n dpt byk berkah..then my sis asked how i know..i said lor i learnt..hahaha!my bro in law asked whther im taking kursus rumah tangga..hahah!then i said la,im taking the munakahat class..hahaha..then my bro in law teased la,y i take that class,lain mcm jek..hahah!then i quoted wat uztaz says,this kinda thing muz start young,if not when u grow older,with many other commitments,then no time to learn all these..heh..mcm fhm jek aku ni kann..hahahaah!then my sis went on to tell riana she also muz ctinue to go madrasah..hahaha..ya time,go study lor bw smp mati tau..penting..heh..mcm fhm laa lagi..haha..but tru rite..heh..

after that,went for visiting..ya allah!asyik mkn jekkk!mkn kuih,mcm2 kuih..mkn mee lain..nak muntah sakk!hahah!serious sak!this is like the 1st time ever,during raya visiting,i ate at EVERY house..hahah!super cant tahan..n worse still.3 houses cooked the same thing..MEE!n i hate MEE!i prefer bihun..hahah!then,ppl cook liao,if u nvr eat,a bit not i force myself to eat..a bit also jadi la kan,rather than nothing..hahahah!ohwells!heng ar i nvr vomit..n cam whoreee!hahaha!i was such a fussy person,riana had to take soo many phtos of me,then tak puas gak,i asked my bro in law to take also..die sanggup layan aku..hahahahhaha! bro in law bez ar...hahahahah!

last house was my bro's house..penat!!!

anw,riana juz finished her!she sounded damn confident..she said that the paper was damn darn's nonsense..hahah!gosh!nvr ever in my life i said a paper is easy n nonsense..not overly confident..hahaha!mann...she's bright..not like me..hahah!psle is hancur berderai..haprak nak mampos..i wish her all the best mann..i wan her to go gd sch..insya-allah..i envy her.. =) n am proud of her..

ok wat else ehh happen today?oh ya!im starting to drink halal food booster to boost my brain power..hahahah!smangat kann..heh..ya lor,i wanna study n im always tired n all,so i need some supplement..aiyo,ppl old liao,so need supplement..hahaha!n the funny thing is that on the invoice,my name is MDM INDAH lehh!hahaha!aiyooo!!at least when i called to make the order,the least u cld do is ask for my salutation rite,not anyhow suit madam,even tho most ppl who called to order are mothers..haha!but u cant assume wat..sheeesh!'s funny laa..MDM INDAH.hahah!lame lagi tuuu!

oh ya..n my green packets..alhamdulillah can cvr at least half of my holiday flight..heh..still needa safe mann..

n anor thing..ive done my mktg tutorial..woot!happynesss!!left with a bit of econs n stats..ok laa,i think thats all ar..til then..chalo malo!

ps:wahlao..juz now went his house nvr see him..a bit bit miss him..hahahahah!oops!miss as in friend misses friend..heh..sheesh!

Friday, October 10, 2008

donno laaa

sheesh!i donno,but im getting to hate sch..bluek..i donnno laa ehh..but all those hopes on me to do well,those encouragments..i donno..i was juz thinking,3 yrs for damn shiong,xiong,or however u spell it,it's craziness..i donno laa..haiyo!i know n i really know damn well that i shouldnt be thinking abt it rite now,now that im already in's useless if i grad with a 2nd lower class honours..thats like juz a normal degree..fuyooo!stress ar stress!i may seem all happy go lucky gg crazy n all,but deep down,im in deeep shit..hahaha!

anw,gg visiting tmr..kinda of no mood to go leh..but at the same time i wanna goo..aiya,donno laa!my sis is damn irritating sometimes..pffft!

ok,anor aimless entry for the sake of an entry..hahahah!

so you can cry by ne-yo

So it's over
He's with someone else and you know her
And you just can get any lower
You sit in the dark alone
And won't answer your phone
Well i'm sorry.
I want to attend your pity party
I rather go have calamari
And maybe a drink
And yes I think
You should come with me

Life is long
There will be pain but life goes on
With everyday a brand new song
But if you rather stay at home
Let me do you a favor

I'll ask the sun to shine away from you today so you can cry
(if that's what you want alright)
I'll ask the clouds to bring the rain for you today so you can cry
(if that's what you want alright)
ooooo If that's what you want alright

Imma Lover
And the pain of a heart from another
Can be difficult to recover
Yes this I know
But difficult isn't impossible
And you shiver (Shiver)
He was your warmth
You Cry Lips Quiver
Well honey go on cry me a river
You wanna be down (you wanna be down)
Fine let me help you out
How bout

I'll ask the sun to shine away from you today so you can cry
(if that's what you want)
I'll ask the clouds to bring the rain for you today so you can cry
(if that's what you want alright)
ooooo If that's what you want alright
Then that what you want alright

And your tears won't bring him back
I know you wish that it did
But it just don't work like that
Ooo I know that healings takes time
Hey even your heart has a pace
Ooo but how much time are you gonna take
Hmm too much will be a mistake

I'll ask the sun to shine away from you today so you can cry
(if that's what you want alright)
I'll ask the clouds to bring the rain for you today so you can cry
(if that's what you want alright)
I'll ask the sun to shine away from you today so you can cry
if that's what you want

juz pondering..gemini-the extreme??make it or break it?fickle?he's gemini too!gosh!but....ohwelllsss!

irritating S***!


part of me told me to juz forget abt doin stats and anor part of me asked me to at least TRY..zz!damnit!it's juz damn hard..or either that im distracted by some other nitty gritty stuff..i donno if i shld say it nitty gritty or major..zzz...ohwells..sadded!!

he accepted my friend's request..all the more i wanna faint..faint coz it's irresistable..faint also coz im disappointed..hahahah!slhs..sheeessh!i wished it was someone lovey dovey..*envious*..aiya..forget it laa.tsk!irritating indah!pfffftttt!!

ok,im so damn distracted n i seriously don wanna do stats..arggghh!bluek! =((((((((((

at the verge of i donno wat..depression?giving up?crazy?psycho?i donno...=(((((((

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


u know,i think it's ridiculous and impossible to say that if someone better comes along,i will leave that current bf of mine,but of course i will be sad..omgosh!i donno laa,maybe i will call that kinda person a bitch..or maybe is that a too strong word to use?i donno..but anw,i think by saying that,i think it's equivalent to say that that guy is not right for me i realised,n then im juz gg with the flow,and along the way if i find someone better than u in any way,be it status,looks,or watver,n i hv a change of heart,i will leave you..but no doubt i will be sad leaving you..omgosh!reasonable or not???wahlaoo..n i will pity the guy coz as far as im concerned,the guy is nice..after soo long tgther,afterall that he's done,after all that uve been thru,n this is wat u get?my my..i cant accept doesnt matter whther the gal is my friend or not,but from the perspective in general,i think it's juz wrongg..sheesh!matters of the heart,complicated..sheesh!

anw,monday was fun coz i went to seouls garden to eat and after that sing k..woot!like finally,i sing k!hahah!melalak mcm nak ape..sang like nobody's biz..i was sooo out of tune..i cant hit high notes but i don care,i juz shouted n screamed..hahahah!i sang hari raya songs..n kak rau was boredd with it..n i was singing rock with you by michael jackson n they find it boring n skip that song while i was singing halfway..hahah1damn idiottt!i shouted like wat ar for skipping my song..they cant stand my oldie-ness..but nice watt..wahlaoo!!hahahaha!we sang for 3 solid hours..shiokness!wats more,only 3 of uss..hahahaha!damn satisfying..damn puas!

then sch starts n im getting sian of it..zzz..but ohwells..i hv to keep on my feet..exam's a mth away n im damn f-ing stress..tsk..esp stats..gosh!

n im damn in love with ne-yo's so you can cry..damn nice ehh!!

i think this album of his,yr of gentleman is damn nice..wooot!

ok..i wanna like doooo my work..n doooo my stats..zzz...!!! =((

Monday, October 06, 2008


yooohooo!!fun fun day!i started the day by getting ready to go to uztaz's open house..FIRST time eversince i wore tudung during raya,which was yonks ago,when i was in like wat,k1?hahaha..kecoh sakkk!mane dgn tiq ckp mcm makcik2,si aisha ckp mcm minah fairy nak gi raya..mane dgn aku takut ade org dtg coz if thr are ppl coming to my house,a bit hard to go out plus im wearing tudung,then ppl will thot i wear liao but the fact that i havent n the nx time they see me,i nvr wear liao..hahaha..k in short,KECOH GILERR!hahahah!

then hor,while in the lift,the damn lift had to stop at lvl5,n my neighbour masuk!hahah!n she tegur me..tsk!hahahah!paise sia...nx time she saw me i don wear tudung..hahah!

then da smp,mkn2..uztaz nye solat class nye bdk2 pun de..his 2 daughters damn darn cute!omgosh!esp umairah..super looks like uztaz mann..hahaha!my uztaz not bad u know..hahahahha!ok ni part mentel..sorry..but i know laa,he's so warak,n da kawin pun..juz a passing comment..heh..ya..then ya lor..hahha..i donno wat to say short,i juz wanna say i wore tudung to jln raya..hahaha!

beh nak blk,pun tkt ade org dtg..hahah!n true enough de org dtg!omgosh!hahahah!but ok laa,still not bad coz yg dtg is cume 1family..heng ar not one big grp..haha!im damn scared n paranoid can?lolol!

then at the later part of the day,at ard 7,i had one big grp came for visting..kak tipah n adik beradik..ribut..n i hate ppl to come in big grp..hahahah!anak dara pmls org kate..hahah!ohwells..but but thats not the highlight!

jeng jeng!!kak ani's visit!hahaha!she came liao,then asked me whr am i schling now..then i said la ntu biz..(fyi,im getting sick of saying ntu biz..i feel like wearing a tag ard me so that ppl don keep asking n i keep answering..hahahha!)..ok so ya..then she told me abt her son also in ntu engineering!!omgosh!!*HYPERVENTILATING*..hahha!yes,her son is the same age as me,we sch til sec 5 i think,or is he in madrasah,then went to poly..i was in np biz he was in sp engineering..then now in ntu eee...hahaha!wooot!then i asked her la,he nvr go ns meh..then she said then i rmb,coz teh govt don take madrasah students for ns coz of fear of terrorist..hahaha..crap!!anw,thats gd wat rite..better for him..don needa waste 2yrs..straightaway go uni..woot!n we're in the same uni...hahah!ok so y am i sooo happy?coz he's cute!hahaha!omgosh!i still rmb VIVIDLY he came my house last yr,then he's these geek nx door,wears specs..studious kind..AWWWW!!!*SMITTENED*..hahhaha!but juz now he didnt come coz he juz came back from studying n was tired..his mum,which is kak ani la,my cousin,asked him to tag along,but he was tired so didnt tag rajin..see..i also wanna be rajin like him..heh..anw..woot!im smittened by own anak sdr,my own!complicated!haiiiyooo!thats the way it is father's side,sume tua2,aku jek yg muda..hahah!smp same umur dgn anak sdr sendiri..chimimology..hahahhaha!then kak ani said that if i happen to bump into him in sch,tegur him..hahah!inside my heart i was like "OF COURSE!!!"..haha!but then i told her,i can tegur him,i recognize him,but if he nvr recognize me,uat malu jek..hahaha!then she said juz say laa,u're cik monting's daughter..haha!ok,so like he knows who is my father..ok so maybe he knows..hahah!haizz.smittened x10!lol!smart,baik,wat else can i ask for in a guy?lol!his 2 elder bros are in al azhar..did i tell u his father is muslim convert?yaa..see..bagus kan..sheesh!*ADORE*..hahha!his name ehh..not sure of the spelling tho..ashari,ashaari,sthing like that..ncie name...gosh!goosebumps!hahahha!

so yaa..that's my father's's visiting was all from my father's side..hahahah!im proud of my father's side tho im not close..they're a better lot,more educated than my mum's..hahhaa!n i muz be getting the genes from my father's side..hahah..mcm betul jekk...

ok so today was a crazyy n funn day..collection pun alhamdulillah byk even tho i think im too old for collection..hahhaha!n ppl kept asking me whther im still schling..n did i tell u that stimes i don need to answer that qn coz my father n sis will help me answ..siap dgn ckp aku ni dr ntu..hahah!i very paise looorr..

n ebody's asking me to work hard,wishing me luck n all..thx guys..very much appreciated..=)insya-allah,as long as it's within my means,im willing to work hard..

in short,im happy..hahahahhaha!im smittened!dear shafii wrote on my wall n im soo the kembang..hahah!pardon!

okok..i better go liao..hahahah..he's working very hard now i think coz later's the start of anor sch i muz also be doin sthing..hahahah!gileerrr!til then..byeee!=)


Sunday, October 05, 2008


yooohooo!!!2.20am..not yet crazyyy..i don wanna sleep yet,i don hv the mood to do anything yet..sheesh!anw,i stayed at home the whole day today..slacked..not doin anything other than entertaining guests..then i only did mktg tut a while ago...sorry laa,still hari raya moood..LOL!

anw,abg ali n fam came juz now..we only see each other one a yr,that is hari u know wat abg ali asked or nt?he asked me which sec lvl am i in noww..haha!aiyoo!at most,if u wanna ask me which lvl im at,ask la sthing like now poly,or sec sch or wat..not which lvl are u at..hahaha!then i said lor ntu..he was surprised..hahaha!ya laa,how can u not be surprised,when we only see each other only on raya,or jemputan,which is damn seldom..LOL!anw..then he started to interview mee..hahaha1which faculty n all..n his son,yes his son,who is my nephew..hahaha!considering he's much older than me,asked me which jc was i from..ahahah!jauh sekali tu jc..poly mann..ngee ann rocks like wat ar!hahahah!ya,then he was surprised also,coz he also knows and said that to go uni from poly wasnt easy..then he asked am i a merit im humble,i juz nod my head n smiled..malu sehh..hahahaha!malu ar,tul..then he was like wowow..hahaha!then his younger bro is taking a lvls this yr,n is scared n u know,entry to uni is not easy..n wats more,he wans to go smu..insya-allah,leh..heh..ya..ok,my main pt is that this nephew of mine was from triple noise..hahaha!ya,that talent show,ok i donno wats the name alrdy..yaa..he was the shafiee..ya..tho i prefer his other member..hahhaha!yaa..then b4 he left,he asked for my fb account to!n he added me liao..he called me auntie..hahahah!ya la,im his auntie..then wat do i call him?hahahahah!cant possibly call him name much older than me..hahaha!anw..they're cool..n thx god die da putus dgn dalina tu..chet!my mother teased him if he has any new gf..hahhahaha!ooops!then he said he was taking a break..haha!i hv no idea how old is he..ok later see his fb..hahah!oh ya!n we have 2common friends!haha!SURPRISINGLY..they're JOAKIM n JIA JUN..haha!ok,joakim ehh?i donno how they can be for jia jun,muz be the lifestyle bash thingy or watver..hahaha!small world..hahhaah!anw,it's funn to see ur cousins once in a while n try to keep in touch..haha..this is my father's a bit old like the youngest among all the cousins..n klu nak ikut pangkat,im like a grandma liao..hahahahha!funny..amazing too..LOL!talking abt him,i juz saw him singing mak minah at salam lebaran dulu2 at suria..hahaha!wat a coincidence.. =)

then,after that,nobody liao,i took a nap in the noon..hahaa..then woke up,watched ch8 to watch my hawick..awww..heh..loveeee him..wooot!

then later my aunts came..after that they went to my anor aunt's house..i was lazy to tag along considering it's only 1 house..malas aku nak siap2..hahahaha!im such a lazyy bumm.pppfffffttt!!

then while i was alone,i watched more tvv..hahahah!oh ya!talking abt tv,like AT LAST,i watched the LAST episode of takuya's change..hahaha!damn nice..i misss takuyaa sooo much n i cant wait to get hold of the latest album...somehow,still haven reach spore yet..TSK!i REALLLLLYYYY2 hope that it will come with a poster like those in japan and pre-ordered..haizz..anw..i hope when i go to town on monday,it's alrdy in stores..omgosh!!!thr's preview of their album at victor entertaiment's website..damnit!the songs are damn nice!reallyy!!all the more i cant wait to get hold of the album..arggggh!!*HYPERVENTILATING*

still got wat?i hope that nobody will come later coz i wanna go out..tak elok klu nak kuar beh de org dtg..wats more,im wearin tudung...haha..paise ar..not paise la,but later ppl thot i sekejap kai,sekejap tak kai..u know that kinda thing..anw..yaa..paranoid as always..

ok so it's 3am..i better start doing my ob grp report..shhessssh!hate ob to the core..pfftt!!til then..ciaoz!

miss independent..

Friday, October 03, 2008


it's fridayyyy!yyaayyyyy!it's been a GRUELLING week for me,juggling and rushing mu marketing presentation,ob's presentation which was the sucky article arena n i hated it soo much..n juz now i had my stat quiz..which was anor crazyyy thing n but thx god,alhamdulillah i juz passed,7/14..hahaha!considering many failed,so im happy i!

here's the story..before we started the quiz,we had tutorial 1st..then the when we wanna start the quiz,we had to click submit..but i wasnt ready to click submit n start..n my china tutor happened to be beside me,n he clicked for me ehh!hahaha!sabo siaa!i was liek shrieking laa!hahahha!funny siaaa!then i was super kanjiong,coz if click submit,the clock will start ticking n i only have 25 min to complete the 12 qns..wahlao!damn kanjiong!!chiooong ar i tell u!then time's up alrdy,i submitted,n was scared to click ok to see my results..haha!then my tutor was ard my area also,then he said,"ok,u don wan to see,u let me see.."hahahah!he danm cute lorr!i said "ehh sir,don wan..haha!later i fail,how?i don wanna let u see.."then he replied "okok.."hahahaha!then i say my prayer 1st,then i pass!7 out pf 14!hahahahha!i was like yesss!hahah..then i called my tutor.."eh sir!i pass!see see!"..hahahah!die sanggup tau layan siao cha bo ni..hahahhaaha!i was darn damn happy laa was an adrenaline rush laa..pheww!those sleepless nights,studying for stats..crazyness..but ok..over alrdy..i can put one side alrdy..wooooot!i hv 2 more quizzes tho..1 more from stats still n also anor one from econs still..scaryyy..!!!anw,wished me luck man..i hv a feeling the quiz juz now was blessings from my prayers,plus a bit luck..i donno..hahah!i tikam damn a lot..lolol!anw..alhamdulillah..thats all i can say.. =)

mktg presentation was cool too..i looove my marketing..hahah!we've been eating,drinking,sleeping and breathing southwest airlines..hahaha!n we vomitted out all that day..haha!i donno how we did for the proj tho..still waiting for our tutor's comments..i hope it turned out well..i wan an mktg tutor's cool too..i like..heh..=)

n as for ob..NO COMMENT...zzzzz!damnit! =(

n here i am blogging..hahaha!im gg to rest n recharge b4 i resume all my tutorials for nx wk n one more ob report n ob presentation n anor mktg presentation..phewww!time pass by very's alrdy oct..n im sitting for my exams nx mth..masya-allah..cepatnye..serammm!

1st day raya was hectic also..went to too many houses until my kepala pening,n when i reached this house at w'lands,i asked my mum to help me ask for panadol..hahahah!pening babe tak leh tahan..

ok then wat?aiya donno im like so free,coz i refuse to touch any i think i'll watch the tv til i doze off..i wanna chat,but nobody to chat with,so might as well offline..hahahah!ok laa.ciao!