Thursday, September 25, 2008


omgosh...i so cantt concentrate doin my ob individual's damn ass irritating i tell ya..gosh!im sooo distracted..sheesh!hard to discipline myself la..especially when u're's sooo hard to squuueeeeezzzzzeee 3400+ words to 2500 having such a hardd time yo..shheeeesh!now i now why we learn how to write summary back in sec sch..hah!

n ive been contacting this norlizan to ask abt my photos..haha!i wanna get it asap,so that i can see that pic on np website..hahaha!prasann sak!lol!

tmr i will be meeting kak rau,syah n donno who else to buka same2 at fresh bulgogi..daaa,nak step korean la pulak kann..hahahah!cant wait!wooot!n b4 that,i better bloody hell finish my OB..irritating sakkk!PFFFFT! end..i looove this pic..credits to mr samuel ling..haha..he was in tioman a few days ago to get his diving cert..then while we were chatting online,he asked me if my name means anything..then i asked him y,is it coz he saw my name a lot of times in msia?hahaha!then he sent me this pic..lolol!nice one!=)


ps:i was writing lhs on my notes which means left hand side and THAT thought juz came back FLASHING!! =((

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