me receiving the cert from the guest of honour from pwc..
ok..this one damn funny..i had juz collected my cert,n was otw back to my sit,my sis wanna take pic..haha!in the middle of the cc at lvl 2..paise sia..heh..
my mak n support..wout them,i wouldnt even be in np..
my sis n her children..
mr andre lee,my ba soc adviser..
me n mr philip lau,the director of ba..bigg man..muz take photo..heh..
me n mr ben financial planing adviser who gave the zest award..=)
my tf21, tf 04, tf07..they simply rocks..
lol!stupid pose at the stage in cc..
me n jeeet!always there for me for society..=)
jasmine..acc gal i know from iap at merrill..
mr chew chang hong, silver medallist..he reallly help me a lot those 3 yrs..from class to iap..i can nvr ask for more..thx soo much!
me n lawsonnn...=)
the gals..
dickson..this guy is friendly..i juz met him once during baoc..haha!
my scroll of proud can?heh..
my transcript..
haha!muz show this one..hard work sia..after all the shit ive been thru,i tink i deserve gold for cca..heh..
saturday 31 may 08
grand copthorne waterfront hotel
grand ballroom
pose pose!hahah!
me n gold medallist..=)
me n joyce!!!she look girl!i hope she chooses ntu..hmm..
me n daz!she really looks like superstar rite??with the cap n tie n vest..cute!heh..
me n mj..his face a bit like ghost?haha..thx to the lighting..
me n muah hwee..soooo loooong nvr see him n happy to bump him at the dinner..=)
creaaammmmyyyyy..yummyyyy!hahaha!if u get wat i mean..hmm..maybe only mr lee knows coz he said that..hahaha!
me posing at the stage..hahah!
last but not least..if siti posted her lappy..i also wannn!hahaha!my latest desktop wallpaper..damn nice cann?i had a hard time looking for the original!
indah loves archuleta!
til not gg online for quite some time..ciaoz!
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