yoohoo!!ive gt my lappy backk n im oh soo damn happy cannn??gosh!im like soo missing it v much..from msn to blogging to blog hop to i tubing to reminicing old pics to i tunes..hahaha!but i hv not fully recover ething in my laptop coz one,im lazy..two,theres still a bit of prob n im damn pissed n i don wanna waste my time blogging wats wrong w it..damn asshole!TSK!
anw..spent quality time wout my lappy attending cousin's wedding,spent time w my nieces n nephews n we had a hell of gd time tho my dear rudy nvr fail to get on my nerves n i jz feel like spanking up n down..i don care if u call me mean..haha!i can be VERY mean n VERY kind ok?don play play..haha!
anw..talking abt wedding,i attended 2 weddings on consecutive weeks..ok im happy for both of them..getting married to a gd guy..n they are of the rite age..ok,here's wat im tryng to bring across..u know,getting married at such a young age..sometimes i wonder y get married at such a young age?ok la,if according to malay tradition last time,18 da cukup tua utk kawin..tapi tu dulukan?i mean,y get tied down at such an early age when u r at the peak of ur life,ur prime hood or watever u call it?when it is the time u wanna enjoy life,with friends,payback to ur parents,give them gd life 1st,after wat they hv done to bring you up..u get wat i mean?esp if u are a GUY!guys shld hv career,goal n all..dave enough money so that u can hv a decent n gradn wedding affair,pay for ething,then in future,u will also hv money for house,for renovation,for children maybe,n u still hv ur parents!
u get wat im trying to bring across here?but oh wells,it's ppl's decision n choice anw,im juz sharing my thots..maybe they hv their reasons at marrying at that time laa..i donno..im not comparing or wat la rite,but u tink ar,u end sch life at wat age?at most for guys will be 23-25,that is if until degree,gals maybe ard 20-24..then st away wanna get married meh?u still needa work rite?abeh klu yg da keje lame,at such a young age of 20-ish,for a guy to get married?mann..i definitely don wanna that type of guys..like seriously..tapi selisih la kan.aku ckp byk nanti aku yg kene..if gals i can understand laa,kawin muda..but for guys?no wayy..
jz imagine,marrying at such a young age,then later gt child/children,then u wanna tc of them,tc of ur career,or maybe u wanna ctinue studying,then still gt parents..kan stress kan??i donno..hahah!but u know,thats juz my pt of view n im speaking in general..sape mkn chili,die terase pedas..lolol!!!
a lot of news hv been gg on n i can say im quite keeping a close watch n following up..such as the US presidency,saving gaia,oil prices..hhaa!mcm faham sak!but i faham ok?lolol..
n juz nw i went to bugis coz wan qi wanna shop at arab street n haji lane..then walk n walk..anw,i tink haji lane is damn exxx...pfftt..lolol!i still prefer my gd old bugis village..heh..then walk walk leh hungry liao went to zam zam,which the stooopid miss tan called tam tam..hahaha!luckily im quick enough to guess she's referring to zam zam..hahaha!n unexpectedly saw mat!!!lolol!!!really ehhh???like
OUT OF ALL PLACES I HAD TO SEE HIM THERE!gosh..im really shocked,n a bit lost of words..a bit only laa..hahah!
then ordered food,ate n laugh..then suddenly asked me am i celebrating my bday..then i said no,i nvr celebrate n nobody organize for me..haha!i sounded so sad n pathetic huh?lolol!anw,no big deal for mee..so used to it leh..hahaha!then mat suddenly took out coffee bean's cake..hahahah!
LIKE OMG CANNN???im damn sloww laa,i thot it was all coincidental...only went he took out the cake,the candle,then only i realised that
IT WAS ALL PLANNED!hahahah!really!!!!i nvr suspect a bit,not even a teenny weeennny biiit!!!hahaha!v touched laa thenn???but i nvr cry..heh..maybe almost,but nvr..coz
BIG GIRLS DON CRY!heh..omg..im soo happy n touched laa..i mean,i nvr expect anybody,NOT A SINGLE SOUL to celebrate my bday,other than wishing me happy bday thru smses..hahahah!omg..lost for words for a while but all i can do juz now was laugh?laughter of happiness??lolol!
BUT SERIOUSLY,BIG FAT THX TO MY FAV MAT OF ALL TIME,PU MAT MING JUN,N MISS TAN WAN QI,MY SOCIETY LISTENING EAR..HAHA!!hmm..i maybe thinking too much laa,but i hope that u all celebrate for me don find me pathetic ehh..hahahah!coz i seriously don mind n im immuned to it..lol!there were little celebrations i can think of..other than when i was young,where i always had bday parties organized by my sis n aunts,n celebrate it with my other june cousin,my sec sch days whreby we juz went out n treat each other to meals,society 0708 spring cleaning cum my bday..hahah!thats all..n tis the best one ive ever had..omg...thx v muchhh man..seriously..it's soo nicely well planned,n im soo suprised..hahaha!i tink i wanna cry liao as im typing this..heh..but really,i can nvr thx the 2 of u enough..=)))
after that,i ate the whole pc of raspberry cheesecake to myself,then set off to bugis in search of my thick 5bucks belt but to no avail n i ended up buying 5bucks top n i went crazyyy choosing which one i want..hahahah!plus that wan qi also bought until 3..hahaha!damn cheap laa!!hahaha!damn happy cann??
n now my leg is aching like hell n i cant get to sleep in this condition..tsk..plus tmr gg to IT show w kak linda..lagi rabak cann?many ppl = more tiring leg until wanna drop off..hahaha!
so,in conclusion,im very happy n touched plus a bit pissed coz of my stupid laptop clock..TSK!hahah!
til then..im gg to slowly organize my files esp my songs n fav links!woot!!archuleta,here i cooommmmeee!!!=)))