Sunday, June 29, 2008

banana muffin oh so bored i hate weekends...pffft! juz always blogging aimlesslyy..haha..ohwells..juz edited my blog..hmm..i edited my title blog..i tink "don let the sun go down on me" is very nice..hahaha!ok laa,i admit partly it's coz of archuleta,but really,i like..nice..i wanna edit the pic too,but i donno hw to yet,so,i guess it will be soon..haha!must update the photo ar,coz all the photos are kinda!

i juz watched tv all day today plus eat n eat..tsk!im getting last weight check which was few days ago,omgosh..discouraging..haha..i tink it's heavy n nt gd..but not overweight..heh..talking abt eating,i wanna try some cooking at home to kill time n boredom..haha..i wanna try baking cookies n banana muffin..woot!heh..wanna bake cookies coz cookies are sthing that i can keep in the air tight container n whenver im hungry i don hv to search for food..i can juz pop in some cookies into my!banana muffin coz i rmbered that grandma ever baked once n it's so yummylicious n very appetising n very!so i wanna ask the recipe from her..n also,anor reason y i wanna bake that is coz of archuleta!hahaha!omg i tell u im gg crazyy over him tho i don wanna admit it..haha!i saw this magazine scans of him whipping muffin for his home ec sch proj..juz that it wasnt banana but apple muffin..hahaha!soo cute!=))click on the pic to see bigger..that is if u even bother to wonder who read my blog since not many know..haha..but nvm..hahaha!

wat else?hmm..most prolly,i will be repainting or rather touch up my room coz i tink i didnt do quite a neat job in painting my yup..ive pasted masking tape at places that needed that n all i had to do is to wipe clean the wall tmr n start painting..woot!

oh oh!!!u know there's this new reality gameshow that will be showing in spore on 7aug n it's a muz watch!!dont forget ur lyrics!sthing like k nite..but this is gonna be damn funnier n shioker than k nite..woot!but 7aug is like damn,i wanna u tube it...woot!hahaha..shiok if ure bored n uve gt nothing to do,i tink u shdl watch this n u'll be laughing ur heads off..haha!there'll be a spore version too,i wish im thick skinned enough to shy laa u see..LOL!

ok,nthing 5 is showing narnia noww..zzz..lets juz wait til 1030pm for pushing daisies..=)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

songs next.. juz so bored juz now that i ended up wiping dust away from my study table n my tc console..n it's very clean now n i am satisfied..heh..u know,i muz spend quality time n rest now that im not working n am counting down to sch starts..

ellen is damn nice today!shiokness..heh..oh u know,i suddenly forgot to add one more fav show laa!my korean drama at chan u on weeknights at 7pm!hearts of,hw cld i forget that..haha!i feel so tempted to but the dvd or vcd laa..coz i simply like seo ji suk!heh...he's juz soo omgosh..indescribable..

as ive said b4,sometimes,i worry myself when i start to like n idolise gg crazyy over archuleta..signed up myspace juz coz of him,i even wanna send him a card juz to tell him how much i support him..haa!im oh so gile..tho i know there definitely others who are more gile than me..haha!omgomg..i wish im not so crazyy..tsk!haha.. that i talked abt my fav shows,maybe this time,i wanna blog abt my fav songs noww..hahaha!rite now,im soo in love with these songs..

~teenage love affair- alicia keys
~leaving'- jesse mccartney
~im urs- jason mraz
~stop n stare- one republic
~byebye- mariah carey
~one step at a time- jordin sparks
~take a bow- rihanna
~always be my baby- david cook
~better in time & bleeding love- leona lewis
~american boy- estelle

.... n many moreee!!its so nice i can listen it over n over agn..i hv others too..but these are the ones that i like oh soo much!woot!esp jesse n jason!

n if i hv my fav,i also hate these 2 songs v much omgosh it's sooo damn irritating!
~thats nt my name- the tings tings
~lollipop- lil wayne


n joanne's farewell party was ok..i was a bit pissed that they changed plan w/out informing earlier..damn irritating i tell u omgosh!pfft!but nvm..stay cooll..i ranted at poor sayhao..haha!

u know,i may be thinking too much or wat la,but i juz hate it when she asked me hw's the new society..i may be wrong,n this is juz my thinking n im not pinpointing,but i juz felt there is this resentment in her,this oh ok kinda feeling n thot..i donno hw to say..sometimes,i really wanna know from her what she feels..but maybe i dare not know coz im guilty?i donno mann..but ohwells..wat matters is that my batch of society feel for me,im happy enough..nothing is more comforting other than reading that sms from yueshun n daisy..n i juz don hv to care abt others anymore..n im rooting n supporting this new batch!=)

ba society 0607..=)

oh yaa...harjeet is also gg to australia..i wanna do sthing for her..=)

til then..i wonder wassup later in the plans yet..

Friday, June 27, 2008

i cant sleeeeeeeeep!

my goodness!it's alrdy 3+am in the morning n i cant bloody sleep n it's so irritating...tsk!ohwells..since i cant sleep,might as well juz blog..i also donno wat to blog..

been staying at home n watch tv..but is shiokness!it's so shiok that i don mind not having to on my pc to pass time..woot!my fav tv shows..lemme share..heh..since i gt nthing to do n blog abt..

DAILY..w/out miss
~rachael ray
~ellen degeneres show
~entertainment tonight
~price is rite
~wheel of fortune
~3.30pm ch8 repeat drama..falling in love..
~9pm ch8 drama la femme..
~10pm chan u drama when rules turn loose..
~11pm ch8 repeat drama..the undisclosed..

~every mon-so u tink u can dance
~every tue-samantha who
~every wed-sayang sayang
~every thu-OC 4 & america's next top model
~every sun-repeat of wzbqw & pushing daisies

hw cool?lolol..shiokness!i loooveeee repeat dramas..heh..other than that,ive been listening to 987 too to catch up on top hits..haha!

haiyoo..i hope that after this,i will be able to get to sleep..

anw,tho ive been tagged to do this survey from nurul's blog,but ohwellsss im lazyy..hahaha!

wat else can i blog?oh ya..received an sms from yue shun n i tell u it's damn touching n im oh so touched..thx boyy..i AM definitely gg to miss ur mispronounciation..hahah!

later will be gg to joanne's farewell party as she will be studying in yupp..

n ive been putting on weight..haha!

n i think i better hit the pillow...pls i wanna sleep!pfft!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


yoohoo!!photos!!nice!i like!from winston's bday party,theme was pirates of caribbean..=))

nicely decorated,which is jus outside his house..loads of fooood!yummylicious!

from the roadside..hw nice his house iss..woot!i love the rooftop garden juz outside his room..

pinata!haha..somehow,his bro was the one who was able to break the pinata..
not so clear,but that's the interior deco..i like!!with banner n the ceiling covered with cloth..
time to sing happy bday!!

then..posing timee!!haha!i took pic with every corner of his house that was fully decorated to suit the theme..n attached to the pic,im also showing u the actual corner of his house if there's no deco..hahaha!

so that treasure chest corner,this is the actual corner..

his dining area..wowow..loadsa booze huh..haha!nice rite??damn pirate-ish n ship wreck kinda feeling..

this is the actual area w/out the deco..hahah..somehow,the table n chairs are different..the table n chairs from the pirated-deco is from the treasure chest corner..haha!i jzu realised!

another corner..haha!cute flag!this corner is the other side of the treasure chest n juz in front of the dining area,i mean the ship wreck area..haha!

this is the actual corner.. =p
i simply oh love his house!=))

june babies..=)
anw,today juz stayed at home..cleaned the toilet n watched tv the whole day..heh..ctinue watching later..hahaha!
oh ya,ystd i went ntu for medical check up..n i tell u nbs building is not nice..hahahah!i still prefer np blk 72 biz blk..=)
looking fwd to sch starts,but at the same time scared..1mth+ to goooo!
til then..always hoping a better day tmr..=)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

such a darla actually very tired n i have to wake up early in the morning tmr for ntu medical check up n i still don wanna sleep..coz i juz feel like blogging..heh..

so juz now i went to winston's bday party n i nvr regret gg..hahah!coz it's soo nice!the deco,the food n all..wahh..a v nice 21st bday for him celebrating w families n closest sweet!u know,i still hv this a bit of admiration towards!i still rmb the time when i saw him back in baoc when i was the sc..hahah!oh my..i tink ive repeated myself on tis agnn coz if i rmb correctly,i did blogged abt this at one pt of!awww..he's such a darla!heh..(thx god not many ppl know my blog n hence i can blog like this..lolol!)..

somehow,we hv similarities in society..haha!n i like!woot!
-i took over his position as secretary..
-we did 2events tgther,lecturers' day n ba wa zup..
-had stationed with him for sc outing,for baoc day2,bamp food race..i like!
-then,i was also i/c of baoc day1 like him..
-then i ctinued in society as a yr3 like him..
-then both of us are from bfs..
-our bdays are in june..

as u know,he's an indon chinese..his father is u know hw rich he is..being rich aside,i don care if he's rich or nt,i also hv fetish over indon chinese!lolol!esp when they can speak indon so well n nice..sedap tauu!hahah!then i overheard him saying bye to his ah ma..speak indon..soo cute!heh..then his cousins also talk indon to his maid..soo cute!!!awww!heh..oh well..i wish i had a bf like him u know.hahahah!but yaa..his bday party is awesome!woot!from the deco n alll..damnnice..once i hv the pics..i will upload it..=)

then otw home,mel was telling me maybe dixon nvr come coz there is sthing betw the 2 of them..coz u know,as far as im concerned,they are classmates n can be considered quite close..but oh wells..when mel told me that,in my heart n mind,i went..watever laa!if i am winston,i don give it a hoot whether he come or!u know,it's nt that i hv anything against him la,ok la,but maybe a bit laa..eversince when he said that he wanna make a comeback to society n make it stand back on its feet,i CONDEMN him alrdy..hahah!i know im bad..even if he doesnt mean to look down on my way of leading,but still,no wayy!i hate it..i still rmb during baoc 3rd day when he came back,he came to me n asked if ething is ok..i was soo insincerely said ok n smiled soo fakely to him..argh..the thot of it..omgosh!winston is still my best yr3 male ive ever known..=)

ok..i tink thats abt all ar i wanna blog..lolol..jz wanna say i had a rolling gd time juz now..nx will be joanne's farewell party this coming frid..shing shing come out agn!tskk..hahaha!im such a bankrupt now laa..oh wells..til then..i think i better head the bed nw?heh..zzz...

donno siaaa!

i would like to blog,but i donno wat to blog abt..hahaha..oh wells..spent most of the days this wk at home..other than on thu,i helped to collect wan qi's mp3 from samsung then headed to imm..n i bot esprit wallet at a cheap cheap price..heh..

then today juz stayed hm,when at nite i drag my mum to the pasar mlm n jln2 a while coz i wanna photocopy some docs n she wanna buy some stuff..haha!at least tk la boring kan duk umah..then watched tv n touched up present,now all nicely wrapped up n i hope she likes it..

later,i will be heading to winston's 21st bday at his house..woot..the them is hawaiian,pirates of caribbean theme..hw cool..luckily i hv clothes to wear..haha!if nt,kanjiong siaa..lolol!

n now i donno wat to do..wanna chat,donno who i wanna chat with..guess nobody wanna chat w me also..haha!i tink i juz bathe after this,rest,maybe read a bit while listening to radio/mp3 n off to sleep..hope that later will be a better day..=))


Saturday, June 21, 2008 or bad?

u know,ive been wanting to blog abt this,but somehow,i always forget when that article is juz beside my lappy..haha!sthing worth to share n gd to read..

extracted from today paper,this teeny weeny section Focus on the Family..

Comparing urself with others

someone once said: "comparison is the root of all inferiority." how true that is. when u look at another person's strengths n somapre them to your own weaknesses, there is juz no way to come out feeling gd abt urself.

i once spoke to a grp of teenagers at a conference and i'll nvr forget a qn posed by one young man. he asked "it seems tat everyone has more to offer than i do. i envy guys who are better-looking, more athletic, or smarter than i am. how can i deal with my own insecurities?"

the problem he was describing is a common one among young men n women. even at a young age, our self images are shaped by how we stack up against our peers. it's not hw tall we are that matters- it's who is the tallest. it's not hw fast we can run- it's who runs the fastest.

thus begins an adolescent pattern of self-doubt that can become all-consuming.. then answer that i gave to the young man is one that many teenagers need to hear..
when u pit urself against the best and brightest, you are merely setting urself up for failure..mental health begins with an acceptance of life as it is and a willingness to make the most of the unique strengths and talents u've been given..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

thank yous

u know,im juz so damn forgetful nowadays...ive seen this vid some days ago but i simply forgt to share!hahaha!it's a vid of david thanking his fans n supporters..awwwww!damn sweet can?gosh!i love this lil boy soo much!

n now,im trying to navigate ard myspace..i open an account some time ago juz so that i can be on david's OFFICIAL MYSPACE friend's list..coz the last time i sign up,david hasnt come out with the official one yet..heh..haha!im gg crazyyyy agnn!gosh!haha!he also nice laa!at least,fans know wat is he doin n all u know..gosh!im juz soo looking fwd to his album..n hw i wish i can fly to US to watch the idol's juz gonna be great!=)

u muz be thinking wth am i blogging at this hr..haha!ok,here's the thing..i've missed ellen in the morning jz now which i was quite pissed coz i very much wanna catch it on tv tho i can watch online laa..haha!but i love tv u see..i had to watch the rpt telecast coz i didnt manage to catch it on monday as i went i thot i wanna catch it on tue morn at 9.30am..when i on the tv alrdy,i dozed off la!by the time i woke up,dah bis!tsk!

then,today i missed agn..i wanna watch carly n michael johns..scared that the same thing happened,i hv decided to stay up to catch the 3am telecast i/o 9.30am later..hahaha!so,i did loads of things juz now while waiting for 3am..then i was done alrdy,so on my lappy..heh..

btw,dearest winston's present is all ready n i like it v much..woot!one load of my mind..still got anor one on the process of doin n i hope that it will turn out well..haha!

i still hv quite a few things to do..better keep my mind on it lest the deadline over i die!=p

ok,i tink i hv nothing else to blog?then i tink i watch ellen online..hahahah!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

sucker! such a sucker for guys who wear specs!heh..i juz randomly clicked on ppl's friendster to view photos n happened to see this guy's new pics..i was like practically melting...awww..but oh ended up that way..haizz..wonder wat went wrong..maybe in the 1st place,i shldnt even be friends with him..i think it is better that way..

cant stop arculeta-ing to queensway AGN!but for friend's sake,ape2 laa!

i better get some sleep mann..

Sunday, June 15, 2008


hmm..suddenly,i hv so many on my mind that i wanna blog abt..heh..juz randomly,watver that is in my mind,i'll jz blog it..

ystd at suntec was hell n crazyy cann?damn pack laa!i tink ar,today will be the worst..IT show rox can?tho i didnt buy anyting but my printer's ink cartridge..hahahah!kak linda bought sony digicam n the printer n abg hadi bought asus lappy..then we went to bugis agn for me!hahah!n bugis was a breeze!not pack at all!u don hv to squeeeze urself in!hahah!shiokness rite?bugis junction bhg was like closing down la,nobody!!!haha!we were super shocked to see bugis in such an unusual state..lolol!but damn nice n i like!n i bot anor top agn!woot!hahaha!for 10bucks..n im loving it..=)balik umah lepak!suddenly,mat called me to wished me happy bday..haha!i cant sleep n watched takuya til i dozed off..

hmm..17 june is the osmond's 50th anniversary concert here in spore..not that i know them very well,but when i watched abt them at oprah,i was like oh my gosh!there are talented,the osmond brothers,jimmy,donny n marie..ok,the thing that i wanna brought up is that they are from utah!yes!the same city that dearest archuleta is from!hahaha!hmm..seems like utah is a city of talent..lololol!oh oh so proud of them..if i wanna tell u abt the osmonds,i doubt u wanna know abt i'll juz keep it to myself..but yes!at first when i saw their ad on channel5,i thot they are like ok la,normal..but hey!no mann!not the fact that they are from utah,but after so long,they are still as popular n women are gg crazy over donny still!oh so cute!=)

n juz now was the aviva open soo happy that indonesia mixed doubles won coz i love liliyana natsir n widjaya i tink the guy's name..heh..n lee chong wei played a gd game at the men's finals tho i don like him coz men i like ponsana,taufik,peter gade n ronald only n i hate lin dan big time..hahah!thats the only match that im interested..women i donno..hahah!but oh wells..sad that none of the sporean players got into the finals..anw,best of luck at the olympics..i hope that the badminton team will at least get a bronze..n speaking of badminton,so long sia nvr play..heh..

then,nx thing that im concern of is the 2nd NS men that died when he was training..gosh..more n more ppl are dead due to ns..i donno wat went according to wat i read,parents have been giving suggestion,such as a more detailed check up,b4 training,hv a medical check up agn..n most impt that i knew of is that some NS men are intimidated n shy to admit that they are sick of not fit for the training coz peers will kind jeer n make fun of those who arent fit to go for,in short,maybe wat contributed to the deaths maybe due to peer pressure n lack of support n ns men not being frank n,one thing came into my mind..those ppl who cant pass napha,pls don ask ppl to take 4 u n cheat..u r juz making urself to condolences to the recent ns man who passed away..

oh ya!!u know,sunday morn is no longer boring for me as wzbqw is repeating at ch u on sun at 10am!woot!damn shiok cannn?heh.i still find ming dao damn hot..hahaha!oh ya,but somehow,it clashes with REM..but i don really like the new REM coz the REM are now teens,no longer kids..i tink kids are cuter..hahah!but i wanna watch only coz of joakim.oh wells..sometimes,i donno if i wanna watch REM or wzbqw tho ive watched wzbqw..hahaha!oh wells..but come july,i no longer can watch both as most probably,i will start madrasah soonn...

n finally,i hv turned 21 today..haha!welcome to adulthood,indah..lolol!i cant believe that im 21,who doesnt seem to be like 21 coz i tink im still kiddy?hahaha!anw,thx to those who rmbered my bday n wished me..n to wt,thx for calling me..n to kel who sent me a postcard..v much appreciated..there goes my teenage life n im gg to miss those dayss..lolol!needa be an adult mann indah!hahahah!

me n coffee bean's raspberry cheesecake at zam classic..mat was saying maybe im the 1st one who celebrated a bday at zam zam..ahahaha!thx wq n mat!

nicely wrapped present from them...=)i love it!all blue!woot!=))

til gg to..donno wat to do..hahaha!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

will you?

yoohoo!!ive gt my lappy backk n im oh soo damn happy cannn??gosh!im like soo missing it v much..from msn to blogging to blog hop to i tubing to reminicing old pics to i tunes..hahaha!but i hv not fully recover ething in my laptop coz one,im lazy..two,theres still a bit of prob n im damn pissed n i don wanna waste my time blogging wats wrong w it..damn asshole!TSK!

anw..spent quality time wout my lappy attending cousin's wedding,spent time w my nieces n nephews n we had a hell of gd time tho my dear rudy nvr fail to get on my nerves n i jz feel like spanking up n down..i don care if u call me mean..haha!i can be VERY mean n VERY kind ok?don play play..haha!

anw..talking abt wedding,i attended 2 weddings on consecutive weeks..ok im happy for both of them..getting married to a gd guy..n they are of the rite age..ok,here's wat im tryng to bring across..u know,getting married at such a young age..sometimes i wonder y get married at such a young age?ok la,if according to malay tradition last time,18 da cukup tua utk kawin..tapi tu dulukan?i mean,y get tied down at such an early age when u r at the peak of ur life,ur prime hood or watever u call it?when it is the time u wanna enjoy life,with friends,payback to ur parents,give them gd life 1st,after wat they hv done to bring you up..u get wat i mean?esp if u are a GUY!guys shld hv career,goal n all..dave enough money so that u can hv a decent n gradn wedding affair,pay for ething,then in future,u will also hv money for house,for renovation,for children maybe,n u still hv ur parents!

u get wat im trying to bring across here?but oh wells,it's ppl's decision n choice anw,im juz sharing my thots..maybe they hv their reasons at marrying at that time laa..i not comparing or wat la rite,but u tink ar,u end sch life at wat age?at most for guys will be 23-25,that is if until degree,gals maybe ard 20-24..then st away wanna get married meh?u still needa work rite?abeh klu yg da keje lame,at such a young age of 20-ish,for a guy to get married?mann..i definitely don wanna that type of seriously..tapi selisih la kan.aku ckp byk nanti aku yg kene..if gals i can understand laa,kawin muda..but for guys?no wayy..

jz imagine,marrying at such a young age,then later gt child/children,then u wanna tc of them,tc of ur career,or maybe u wanna ctinue studying,then still gt parents..kan stress kan??i donno..hahah!but u know,thats juz my pt of view n im speaking in general..sape mkn chili,die terase pedas..lolol!!!

a lot of news hv been gg on n i can say im quite keeping a close watch n following up..such as the US presidency,saving gaia,oil prices..hhaa!mcm faham sak!but i faham ok?lolol..

n juz nw i went to bugis coz wan qi wanna shop at arab street n haji lane..then walk n walk..anw,i tink haji lane is damn exxx...pfftt..lolol!i still prefer my gd old bugis village..heh..then walk walk leh hungry liao went to zam zam,which the stooopid miss tan called tam tam..hahaha!luckily im quick enough to guess she's referring to zam zam..hahaha!n unexpectedly saw mat!!!lolol!!!really ehhh???like OUT OF ALL PLACES I HAD TO SEE HIM THERE! really shocked,n a bit lost of words..a bit only laa..hahah!

then ordered food,ate n laugh..then suddenly asked me am i celebrating my bday..then i said no,i nvr celebrate n nobody organize for me..haha!i sounded so sad n pathetic huh?lolol!anw,no big deal for used to it leh..hahaha!then mat suddenly took out coffee bean's cake..hahahah!LIKE OMG CANNN???im damn sloww laa,i thot it was all coincidental...only went he took out the cake,the candle,then only i realised that IT WAS ALL PLANNED!hahahah!really!!!!i nvr suspect a bit,not even a teenny weeennny biiit!!!hahaha!v touched laa thenn???but i nvr cry..heh..maybe almost,but nvr..coz BIG GIRLS DON CRY! soo happy n touched laa..i mean,i nvr expect anybody,NOT A SINGLE SOUL to celebrate my bday,other than wishing me happy bday thru smses..hahahah!omg..lost for words for a while but all i can do juz now was laugh?laughter of happiness??lolol!


hmm..i maybe thinking too much laa,but i hope that u all celebrate for me don find me pathetic ehh..hahahah!coz i seriously don mind n im immuned to!there were little celebrations i can think of..other than when i was young,where i always had bday parties organized by my sis n aunts,n celebrate it with my other june cousin,my sec sch days whreby we juz went out n treat each other to meals,society 0708 spring cleaning cum my bday..hahah!thats all..n tis the best one ive ever had..omg...thx v muchhh's soo nicely well planned,n im soo suprised..hahaha!i tink i wanna cry liao as im typing this..heh..but really,i can nvr thx the 2 of u enough..=)))

after that,i ate the whole pc of raspberry cheesecake to myself,then set off to bugis in search of my thick 5bucks belt but to no avail n i ended up buying 5bucks top n i went crazyyy choosing which one i want..hahahah!plus that wan qi also bought until 3..hahaha!damn cheap laa!!hahaha!damn happy cann??

n now my leg is aching like hell n i cant get to sleep in this tmr gg to IT show w kak linda..lagi rabak cann?many ppl = more tiring leg until wanna drop off..hahaha!

so,in conclusion,im very happy n touched plus a bit pissed coz of my stupid laptop clock..TSK!hahah!

til gg to slowly organize my files esp my songs n fav links!woot!!archuleta,here i cooommmmeee!!!=)))

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

long awaited pics

ok..lotsa pics ahead..hahaha!my graduation ceremony n graduation dinnerr...=))

me receiving the cert from the guest of honour from pwc..

ok..this one damn funny..i had juz collected my cert,n was otw back to my sit,my sis wanna take pic..haha!in the middle of the cc at lvl 2..paise sia..heh..

my mak n support..wout them,i wouldnt even be in np..

my sis n her children..

mr andre lee,my ba soc adviser..

me n mr philip lau,the director of ba..bigg man..muz take photo..heh..

me n mr ben financial planing adviser who gave the zest award..=)
miss tan wan qi..gemini rocks!haha..

my tf21, tf 04, tf07..they simply rocks..
lol!stupid pose at the stage in cc..
me n jeeet!always there for me for society..=)

jasmine..acc gal i know from iap at merrill..

mr chew chang hong, silver medallist..he reallly help me a lot those 3 yrs..from class to iap..i can nvr ask for more..thx soo much!

me n lawsonnn...=)

the gals..

dickson..this guy is friendly..i juz met him once during baoc..haha!
my scroll of proud can?heh..

my transcript..

haha!muz show this one..hard work sia..after all the shit ive been thru,i tink i deserve gold for cca..heh..
saturday 31 may 08
grand copthorne waterfront hotel
grand ballroom

pose pose!hahah!
me n gold medallist..=)

me n joyce!!!she look girl!i hope she chooses ntu..hmm..

me n daz!she really looks like superstar rite??with the cap n tie n vest..cute!heh..

me n mj..his face a bit like ghost?haha..thx to the lighting..

mr alan mok..

yiling..also juz knew her..heh..

me n muah hwee..soooo loooong nvr see him n happy to bump him at the dinner..=)

ehem..heh..pose pose!

creaaammmmyyyyy..yummyyyy!hahaha!if u get wat i mean..hmm..maybe only mr lee knows coz he said that..hahaha!
me posing at the stage..hahah!
last but not least..if siti posted her lappy..i also wannn!hahaha!my latest desktop wallpaper..damn nice cann?i had a hard time looking for the original!
indah loves archuleta!
til not gg online for quite some time..ciaoz!

servicng time

i shld be sleeping now at this time as i wanna go n jog later at 730 with aisha..but u know,when i hit on archuleta,i juz cant sleep..haah!u tube him n listening to him over n over agn..heh...

im sending my lappy for servicing!so i cant go online for maybe a wk or so..i hope it's not more than a wk..this time is the best time to send my lappy as my nenek is coming over to sleep on i cant login to my pc as it's nt v nieces n nephews are also here sleeping i better dont on my lappy..nnt diorg pun sibuk..hahaha!so yup!ive chosen the best!

i hope that my lappy will be ok after that..i don really wanna buy new lappy until at least anor 3 yrs..hahaha!budget babe..

okok..shall try to sleep now..til then..ciaoz!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

disneyland i wan

oh my actually v tired alrdy considering now is like 4.20 am in the wee hrs n im still here logged on is msn n still able to blog considering i juz came back from the graduation d&d..tiredness..

but arhuleta is keeping mee all wide awake..eversince im logged in,ive been watching vids of him from many websites..damn nice can?better than u tube..hahaha!i simply love damn cute!i wanna be the host n pinch his cheeks n give him bear hugs..i wanna be his date coz he said dating at the disneyland is fun..soo cute kann?omgosh!melting n fainting..haha!more n more of him days ahead..woot!

n d&d was fun..tho i was seated separately from my classmates coz of different diet,but ok table ok..there were ppl from fsv,engineering,biomed,horticulture..yg horticulture tu kental skt..hahah!maybe coz the way she sounds..liek wahh..haha..ok tk baik kutuk course org..n the guy beside me,i tink he's kinda!n he's from ee i tink..same as him lehh!u know who..heh..n n..he won 2nd prize in lucky draw..hw lucky..then i wished him congrats..heh..saje amek kesempatan..nnt da tk jumpe lagi..n there's anor guy..damn dao..maybe coz of his looks..but he's gdlooking..ok la,nt style..hahah!oh wells..

fun nite,great nite..take pics..memorable..will post soon..=))

til then..i tink i better get some sleep lest i cant attend the wedding later..suddenly i forgt my cousin's name..hahah!oh!shahidah laa..heh..not close mah..heh..okok..ciaoz!!

off she went to lala land,accompanied by archuleta's soulful singing...