Saturday, November 24, 2007

H for HERO



it was the happiest moment when i get to watch him in movie...he is soo oh donno i said, indescribable!heh..the plot,the funny element,the romance,the seriousness,perfect!i had a gd laugh...a gd lil cry..feeling loved at the same time when the movie ended with him smooching takako matsu..oh no!!damn nice laa ok!!!love him loads no matter wat!!!muacks!

some photos from hero..wowowowooweeee!!!handsome!!arrgghh!!irresistable!!



he is THE MAN,THE PROSECUTOR,who wants to know nthing but the truth n punish the bad!

i love him in turtle neck!

i love his pout!

i'll be there for u...forever...



love loads!anw,woke up only at 12..damn tired n juz wanna catch up on sleep coz i slept v late the past few days watching long vacation.heh..woot!i like!heh..

late noon,went to visit nenek at alex hosp..after that went out w sha n ain,ate at sakura intl buffet..shiokness!heh..sorry ehh,korg kene tunggu smp 1 jam..lolool!!heh..n for the 1st time,i can eat raw salmon n squid..shiok!didnt taste that bad..soft like jelly..i like!heh..takuya muz be proud that i can eat that..tho i cant eat the unagi,coz i tink the sauce is abit too thick..if only there's jap rice,i tink it'll taste better..thats hw japs eat..heh..mcm2 ehh aku..the dessert is also shiokness laa!heh..yummy!!

but then,now i threw all out in the jamban alrdy..otw hm,tk leh tahan nk buang dok!hahaha!

ok,n now here i am blogging away,talking abt nthing but takuya kimura..til then..ive gt loads to do,but nvr start doin..either lazy or sick or no mood..i hate work!!left 2more mths!yeahness!heh..til then..jaaa nae...=)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


ok..didnt expect that frid's bowling was funn!super duper funn!!i didnt know i can bowl..haha!coz i thot that the ball is heavy n that i cant bowl..hahaha!

get to know the colleagues better and can talk..nicole yeo was saying that in the office,i kekek keep quiet,bt actually im v noisy.haha!but take some time mah..then at work my left n rite keep wat rite?haha!

anw...tho i can bowl,nvr once i strike..haha!lousy sia..somehow,i bowled at the wrong lane,i bowled at sy's,no choice,he had to bowl on my lane n then he striked!hha!then my scoreboard ade strike!!haha!ok laa,altho not me..heh..=p

talking to aki-san is nice tho sometimes i cant get wat she was talking..n she still rmbs that i like takuya kimura neh..haha!coz i was asking her is she gg to watch hero..hahaha!n she loves to talk with neh at the back..her language afterall..she bowled very gracefully too!haha!nice jap lady..i like!

spend my sat n sun at home bumming..heh..need a rest..

but bad news had to be heard when i was over the moon..damnit..shant say here..super no mood..but wanna thx wanqi for ur listening ear..=)

til then..wanna watch hero special later!!Wooot!til then..

overall,i had gd time this wk..=)

thx ppl!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

kimura san, otanjobi omedeto!

the clock just struck 12..n it's 1am in japan..

i wanna wish my husband,kimura-san,a very HAPPY BDAY!

no amt of words can express hw much i love u..

aiseteru ne...!!!

otanjobi omedeto kimura-san!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

yasashii kotoba

damn blue laa monday!not much was soo bored,despite drinking coffee,i still wanna close my eyes..i hate sundays n mondays!

anw..juz finished watching the 1st dvd of my smap sample bang concert tour..wowowowow!speechless!indescribable!woot!now i donno whether to continue 2nd dvd..haha!scared work sleepy.damn..cant wait for end of attachment..looking fwd to it soo much!heh..woooot! end this short entry..some quotes..heh..enjoy..=)


in a day, when u dont come across any probs,u can be sure that u are travelling the wrong path ~swami vivekananda

3 sentences for getting success
~know more than others
~work more than others
~expect less than others ~william shakesphere

don compare urself with any1 in this world.if u do so,u are insulting urself ~alen strike

winning doesnt always mean being 1st,winning means u're doin better than uve done b4 ~bonnie blair

i will not say i failed 1000x, i will say that i hv discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure ~thomas edison

everyone thinks of changing the world,but no one thinks of changing himself ~leo tolstoy

if someone feels that they had nvr made a mistake in their life,then it means they has nvr tried a new thing in their life ~einstein

nvr break 4things in ur life
coz when they break they dont make noise but pains a lot.. ~charles

if u start judging ppl,u will be having no time to love them ~mother teresa

Sunday, November 11, 2007


hellooo!i had super duper funn ystd coz i got to shop at bugis!woot!last mth didnt get to shop u see..n it's been quite some time i caught up with dear siti..heh..n i got myself 2 tops..n n n!!most importantly!!!guess wat i got???



after we ate at the common coffeeshop,we decided to walk to suntec..da jln2,then nk blah..coz we walk thru citylink,so singgah hmv jap..n i saw the dvd..i'd alrdy plan to buy w this mth's nak beli,tapi the plastic cover torn alrdy..not nice!haha!so i dragged poor siti to hmv heeren..haha!n yessssshhhh!i got it!!wooot!haha!204 regrets!i deserve that u see..after a hardwork..heh..i shld treat myself to this type of thing..super satisfying..heh..finding one suitable day to watch it..heh..

otw to orchard mrt,saw syafi's friend..n he went.. "ehh,tu kwn syafi.."..haha!igt pulak..heh..ok laa..coz in BA,he is the only mly friend im close with throughout the usually spot us tgther..

n at bugis,i saw ridzuan n his girlfriend..his my bro in law's younger bro anw..heh..wah,da de matair..kencang...aku ni masih single!haha!the funny thing is that i tegur him..bile gi umah die,tk pernah cite lame la kan knp tk bbl..bile masing2 da bsr,we became distant..nak tau,tanye..nnt i story2 u..haha!anw..out of curiosity,i asked my niece sape name die,die pernah dtg umah ke tak..haha!tapi si bdk kecik tu tk tau die pun tk tau!ape da..but she said that he girl is kurus kedengkik..thinner than me.haha!tk tau laa kann if she's exagerrating..haha!aku pun nk turun bugis hand in hand dgn bf i..wahahah!bile tuu?LOL!

a few gd news actually n im happy for dear friend alrdy patched at last..dear kak linda is getting engaged in december..alhamdulillah..after gg thru all the hard times together..guess it's worth it..his bro,abg hadi pun same..dua2 tunang serentak..senang sikit keje makcik aku..heh..

other than that,nt much leh..juz that i didnt go for the gathering at my teacher's house today..lazyy plus no mood..juz wanna slack..i wanna do nthing in sunday if for monday u see..heh..hmm..

on the last note..for siti,thx soo much for the company..haha!from bugis to suntec n heeren...thats quite a distance..haha!yup2,i owe u a drink..nx time ok..?LOL!

it's nearing 12..don feel like sleeping coz i wanna watch the concert..but im scared tmr i will be sleepy..haha!how how??shall see how..til then..ciaoz mann!


Friday, November 09, 2007

watsons hk la dehh!hong kong!

ok...frid!woot!super nice cann??i like!haha!

anw..ystd also work..the office was super quiet..only a fews rows were occupied..the nice thing abt work ystd was that i can cab thru n fro..haha!went to work in mercedez cab..heh..shiok..the only nt nice thing was that the uncle talked too much!i thot i cld sleep in the comfy cab...sianzz..n i reached super early at 8.40..haha!n started clearing the emails n all..oh ya!i don hv the other access card,n hence i cant go in..but luckily i saw anor lady,n she opened the door for me..heng ar..heh..

despite being a public hol,i still left ard 6.30pm..then reached hm,slacked n rest..i dozed off at 10+..haha!super tired ok?

n today..bumped into nicole otw to NEL..had a nice chat w her..we were talking,or rather gossiping abt our traders..haha!i learnt n got info a lot from her..nice..=) wish i can be a trader but at the rate im gg,i doubt i can..haha!i don read papers..much less be interested in the financial news ard us..haha!but to be in the front office,i think i can..haha!like real only!LOL!but thats my aim..if not,middle..=)work hard indah!

ok la..even if im nt a trader,my husband trader can?haha!as long as he's nt someone like my dear lecturer jeffrey wu can alrdy..haha!oops!

hmm..anything else?nah..guess nthing much..the funny thing that happened today was that i wanted to call someone,but ended up calling watsons..n it's nt any watsons u's watsons hk branch leh!haha!damn funny!i was laughing to myself.hahahha!

kk..think i hv things to brainstorm my proj?or see my smap n takuya?hahha!pardon me for my crazyyyness over him..heh..=p

til then..thx for the 2 for tagging my old rusty blog that is not known to many..n i like it..haha!ciaoz!oyasuminasai!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

take off!

ok...its midweek..tmr thurs,then frid..i wanna enjoy my weekends..i needa break mann..damn tired from ething..damn stress of ething..argh!

society has been gg thru in my mind n i donno who i can talk to abt it..ok,i did talk to aisha abt it,but i needa talk to someone who understands society or gone thru society..seriously,i really feel like a failure..i cant even command respect..haiz..i wonder how to command respect wout being fierce..haiz..damn ar..being shoot by ur own ppl in front of ebody,hw do u feel?hw do u feel when ppl whom u hv trust n hope leave u,1 by 1?i donno juz soo shagged n i had to handle soo many things that im now nt at my means n desire to do it..argh!f ar!

i donno if ive make a big mistake by joining agn..wonder n wonder..n i donno when all this is gg to be settled..too late to say all this rite?now,the only way is to sit n think of hw to solve the prob..but if only me solving,hw sia?when the prob is among u?hello,wake up laa..u big enough alrdy..haiz..damn ar..i donno!shit ar!argh!don wanna talk abt it ar!

anw...on a happy note,i donno gt happy note or nt..haiz..juz miss my friends..bile ni nk kuar jumpe korg???mcm nani kate,kangen bangat!haha!okok..wanna sleep..u all hols,i still needa come back work tmr..zzz..til then..ciaoz!

indah is soo down despite smiling n laughing n crazy-ing always..