ok...sooo long nvr update..heh..i went back sch ystd for meeting..yup..kinda miss sch laa i admit..heh..the funny thing is that i received a call from raihana asking me whether there is PM..n i was like..huh?wats PM?haha!portfolio mgmt laa..she didnt know that i was on attachment..heh.then she went..no wonder didnt see u in sch..haha!apa dah!
ok..i knew wat to blog abt..but now,i forgt ething..tsk..haha!
ok laa...i had funn today relaxing..heh..tmr thur!after that frid!weet!god..but i hv trial run..heh..boo..
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
arggggghhhhhhh!i need a breather!!!damnit mannn!assholee ar all thesse ppl..i shant say who..u wanna know,ask me..n i'll tell u..damn it!argh!!
been so tired n sick of ething already..im always getting myself into trouble and unnecessary stress..f*** laa!argh!!eeeeeeeee!!!!!bingit nyeeeeeeee!!!!!!c************!!!
anw,on a happy note,i was brave enough to cfm a trade with morgan stanley london juz now..haha!i nvr thot i sld ever do it..mau confident lebih babe..heh..tho sy was nt here for 2 days,i was able to cope with work,tho i didnt dare to pick up his calls..n once i see no outstanding work,i quickly left..haha!bertuah kan aku..heh.
nthing much to share anw..as stated earlier,im juz pissed with some ppl who arent helpful ar all..n call urself that...f off laa i tell u...when im damn angry,i'llget damn vulgar ok??don tink im this n ure that,i don dare to scold n demand u..enough is enough laa b***!pfffffftt!!
jz wanna share some things i received from my work email..=)
a long time ago there was an emperor who told his man that he could ride his horse and cvr as much land area as he likes, then the emperor would give him the land area that he cvred.true enough,the horseman jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as he cld to cvr as much land as possible.
he kept on riding n riding n whipping his horse to ask it to go faster.when he was hungry or tired,he didnt stop coz he wanted to cvr as much land as possible.
then came to a pt when he had cvred a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying,then he asked himself "y did i press myself so hard to cvr much land area?now im dying and i only need a small land area to bury myself.
the above story is very similar to the journey of our eday life. we push very hard eday to make more money,gain more power n recognition.we neglect our health,time with family and to appreciate thr surrounding beauty and hobbies we like to do.
one day,when we look back,we realise that we don really need that much.but then, we cant turn back the time that we've missed.
life is nt abt making money,acquiring power or recognition.LIFE IS DEFINITELY NT ABT WORK!work is only necessary to keep us living n so as to enjoy beauty and pleasures of life.
life is a balance of work,play,personal life & family.u hv to decide hw u wan to balance ur life.define ur priorities,realise wat u are able to compromise,but always let some of ur decision be based on ur instincts.
happiness is the meaning of life,the whole aim of human existence.so,take it easy.do wat u wan to do and appreciate nature.life's precious,life's short.don take for granted.live a balance lifestlye n enjoy life.
watch ur thots,they become words
watch ur words,they become actions
watch ur actions,they become habits
watch ur habits,they become characters
watch ur characters,they become destiny!
i know its easier said than done,esp living in spore..but maybe we shld try..n see,even if there is lil improvement,at least we still try..=)
been so tired n sick of ething already..im always getting myself into trouble and unnecessary stress..f*** laa!argh!!eeeeeeeee!!!!!bingit nyeeeeeeee!!!!!!c************!!!
anw,on a happy note,i was brave enough to cfm a trade with morgan stanley london juz now..haha!i nvr thot i sld ever do it..mau confident lebih babe..heh..tho sy was nt here for 2 days,i was able to cope with work,tho i didnt dare to pick up his calls..n once i see no outstanding work,i quickly left..haha!bertuah kan aku..heh.
nthing much to share anw..as stated earlier,im juz pissed with some ppl who arent helpful ar all..n call urself that...f off laa i tell u...when im damn angry,i'llget damn vulgar ok??don tink im this n ure that,i don dare to scold n demand u..enough is enough laa b***!pfffffftt!!
jz wanna share some things i received from my work email..=)
a long time ago there was an emperor who told his man that he could ride his horse and cvr as much land area as he likes, then the emperor would give him the land area that he cvred.true enough,the horseman jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as he cld to cvr as much land as possible.
he kept on riding n riding n whipping his horse to ask it to go faster.when he was hungry or tired,he didnt stop coz he wanted to cvr as much land as possible.
then came to a pt when he had cvred a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying,then he asked himself "y did i press myself so hard to cvr much land area?now im dying and i only need a small land area to bury myself.
the above story is very similar to the journey of our eday life. we push very hard eday to make more money,gain more power n recognition.we neglect our health,time with family and to appreciate thr surrounding beauty and hobbies we like to do.
one day,when we look back,we realise that we don really need that much.but then, we cant turn back the time that we've missed.
life is nt abt making money,acquiring power or recognition.LIFE IS DEFINITELY NT ABT WORK!work is only necessary to keep us living n so as to enjoy beauty and pleasures of life.
life is a balance of work,play,personal life & family.u hv to decide hw u wan to balance ur life.define ur priorities,realise wat u are able to compromise,but always let some of ur decision be based on ur instincts.
happiness is the meaning of life,the whole aim of human existence.so,take it easy.do wat u wan to do and appreciate nature.life's precious,life's short.don take for granted.live a balance lifestlye n enjoy life.
watch ur thots,they become words
watch ur words,they become actions
watch ur actions,they become habits
watch ur habits,they become characters
watch ur characters,they become destiny!
i know its easier said than done,esp living in spore..but maybe we shld try..n see,even if there is lil improvement,at least we still try..=)
Monday, October 22, 2007
aku sungguh la bosan!
i donno wat to update..all i know is im sick of work n i wan to get done n over with attachment..it sucks!bluek!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
still raya moood
before i start...juz show some pics...he is my husband,takuya kimura!!wooot!!aiseteru!!!

ok...work & work & work & more work!!v stress!b gd too..time passes v fast!the thing i hate abt work is that when there are soo many things to do,there are sooo many!and when there is lil,theres sooo lil i wanna sleep!dengz..
anyways..ystd n today was hell yeah!pfft..went hm only 7+..reached hm at 8+..tired..n i dozed off super early ystd..haven even finish 1epi of my hubby's show,i slept alrdy..lucky thing mel called me,if not i will jz sleep with my lappy still on n my sofabed still in the sofa form..haha!buruk kan aku!ish!!
anyways,im still in raya mood..but no chance to raya..work n work..fri-sun will be msa camp..bile mau ray beb?kentut tul..tapi pe nk uat..terpakselah sacrifice kann..haizz..nasib badan..
n for now,i juz wanna tell u that i cant get enough of takuya!!pay is nx wk..guess i wanna spend on takuya..heh..so muz save on eating..sanggup beb!haha!gile2...pe nk uat..
ok...work & work & work & more work!!v stress!b gd too..time passes v fast!the thing i hate abt work is that when there are soo many things to do,there are sooo many!and when there is lil,theres sooo lil i wanna sleep!dengz..
anyways..ystd n today was hell yeah!pfft..went hm only 7+..reached hm at 8+..tired..n i dozed off super early ystd..haven even finish 1epi of my hubby's show,i slept alrdy..lucky thing mel called me,if not i will jz sleep with my lappy still on n my sofabed still in the sofa form..haha!buruk kan aku!ish!!
anyways,im still in raya mood..but no chance to raya..work n work..fri-sun will be msa camp..bile mau ray beb?kentut tul..tapi pe nk uat..terpakselah sacrifice kann..haizz..nasib badan..
n for now,i juz wanna tell u that i cant get enough of takuya!!pay is nx wk..guess i wanna spend on takuya..heh..so muz save on eating..sanggup beb!haha!gile2...pe nk uat..
Monday, October 15, 2007
slamt ari raya!
assalamualaikum sume!!
ok,1st of all,b4 i start,indah disini nk ucapkan slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin..klu de terkasar n tersilap kate,mintak amoun byk2..halalkan mkn minum ehh..semoga berbhg disamping keluarga slalu..=)
ok..raya was definitely fun!!tho u know..i don wanna elaborate here..to pte sometimes..but nonetheless,happy time muz be happy rite?heh..
oh ya!frid,eve of raya,i dpt blk siang..alhamdulillah..heh..thx colleagues!reached hm,tk abis2 kemas smp tido..haha!tlg mak sikit2..nk masak tk tau,jadi tlg laa ape2 yg patut..n i watched my hubby at night..heh...
ok,lets start with 1st day raya..surprisingly,my dearest 3rd bro was early!bab slalu die lbt dtg umah..heh..yg lbt this time was my sis..LOL!3rd bro peng jek..i pun!haha!soo late!kite spm umah nenek lbt seh!org sume da tinggalkan kite..haha!oh kakakku..apa dah!haha..n i loved to take pics!haha!at the last house,posing jek!haha!muka da minyak2,br nk posing..heh..nanti i da get from my sis i will post ok?heh..1st day was v penat..almost sume umah makan,minum air gas..ish!heh..smp umah lepak!tapi,tetap sambung dgn watching my hubby's drama..heh..woot!
n 2nd day raya,which was ystd,tk kuar..tapi org dtg amai!aduh!smp tk terlayan!umah aku da la kecik,then org sume dtg serentak..kecoh dok!waduh!tk leh angkat ehhh..i ni da la pemalu..mane nk lyn org nk solat,nk tumpang toilet..lemao jek..but can say that my mom yg paling penat..tk abis2 masak jek..aku ni tk tau msk..lol!jadi tlg kemas2 jek..heh..oops!mcm ne nk kawin ni?lol!
cik seri came only at 11..LOL!lbt tu..smp nk tertido2 tunggu..haha!n i sempat sambung drama hubby i..heh..smp da abis pun tgk..haha!melalak2 ar tgk..haha!beh,sedih gile..tk leh carry..y muz he die in the end??yyyyy!!!!
anyways...ill be gg to sch later..zzz...my day off..ended up gg to sch..bt shld be for a while..tired..ok la..think ive done wat im suppose to do..society laa then..wat else..yeap..til then..ill update agn..n i donno when that'll be..LOL!slamat ari raya once agn!=)
ok,1st of all,b4 i start,indah disini nk ucapkan slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin..klu de terkasar n tersilap kate,mintak amoun byk2..halalkan mkn minum ehh..semoga berbhg disamping keluarga slalu..=)
ok..raya was definitely fun!!tho u know..i don wanna elaborate here..to pte sometimes..but nonetheless,happy time muz be happy rite?heh..
oh ya!frid,eve of raya,i dpt blk siang..alhamdulillah..heh..thx colleagues!reached hm,tk abis2 kemas smp tido..haha!tlg mak sikit2..nk masak tk tau,jadi tlg laa ape2 yg patut..n i watched my hubby at night..heh...
ok,lets start with 1st day raya..surprisingly,my dearest 3rd bro was early!bab slalu die lbt dtg umah..heh..yg lbt this time was my sis..LOL!3rd bro peng jek..i pun!haha!soo late!kite spm umah nenek lbt seh!org sume da tinggalkan kite..haha!oh kakakku..apa dah!haha..n i loved to take pics!haha!at the last house,posing jek!haha!muka da minyak2,br nk posing..heh..nanti i da get from my sis i will post ok?heh..1st day was v penat..almost sume umah makan,minum air gas..ish!heh..smp umah lepak!tapi,tetap sambung dgn watching my hubby's drama..heh..woot!
n 2nd day raya,which was ystd,tk kuar..tapi org dtg amai!aduh!smp tk terlayan!umah aku da la kecik,then org sume dtg serentak..kecoh dok!waduh!tk leh angkat ehhh..i ni da la pemalu..mane nk lyn org nk solat,nk tumpang toilet..lemao jek..but can say that my mom yg paling penat..tk abis2 masak jek..aku ni tk tau msk..lol!jadi tlg kemas2 jek..heh..oops!mcm ne nk kawin ni?lol!
cik seri came only at 11..LOL!lbt tu..smp nk tertido2 tunggu..haha!n i sempat sambung drama hubby i..heh..smp da abis pun tgk..haha!melalak2 ar tgk..haha!beh,sedih gile..tk leh carry..y muz he die in the end??yyyyy!!!!
anyways...ill be gg to sch later..zzz...my day off..ended up gg to sch..bt shld be for a while..tired..ok la..think ive done wat im suppose to do..society laa then..wat else..yeap..til then..ill update agn..n i donno when that'll be..LOL!slamat ari raya once agn!=)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
he is ohh so talented!
he can sing
he can dance
he can rap
he can act
he can host
most beautifully n naturally..=)
wat more can i ask?my husband..TAKUYA KIMURA!!!aiseteru ne!!
he can sing
he can dance
he can rap
he can act
he can host
most beautifully n naturally..=)
wat more can i ask?my husband..TAKUYA KIMURA!!!aiseteru ne!!
Monday, October 08, 2007
seputeh qaseh ramadan
somehow,im v tired n wanna sleep,bt at the same time,i don wanna sleep coz the radio is playing all the raya songs..haha!i wanna listen!heh..today was a long day for me..
in the morning,da p geylang dgn mak cari kuih utk jiran cine kite..then jln2 kat half the bazaar nk cari accesories n i managed to get the 3 for $5 earrings..lol!after that,went hm to put all the heavy kuih n headed to my sis's house next..bab nk amek baju kak ipar yg die tempah..then also i kirim my sis mask from face shop.haha!at 1st tknk buka umah die,bt she told me causeway pt de accessories,so decided to go there n buka at her house.haha!
n yeap!i managed to get necklace for one of my baj kurung,n anting2 lagi..plus hair clip.hhaahaha..woot!tinggal nk raya jek.haha!i need to get eye lash curler coz i cant seem to locate the current one.haha!n also get the foot petal.yeap2!
watched soo lazat..joakim..heh..cute..supporting him as always..=)i thot they are gg to cook some eurasian or korean food..skali portugese..hmm..
then rushed hm to catch seputeh qaseh ramadan.damn shiok cann?tak leh dok!!melalak tgk..damn sedih like wat laa...mak pun nangis ar..dgr die tersedu sedan..haha!i tell u,im in love with fahrin..haha!i like the part where he said this..somewhre along that line..
sudikah awak jadi kekasih saya
walaupun soalan saya ni bodoh
saya tau hati awak da tertutup krn dlm hati awak cume ade satu lelaki
tu sebab saya mintak kebenaran awak utk saya mencintai awak
supaya awak sentiasa dlm hati/hidup saya..
awwwwww!then he touched her hand...awwww!omg!argh!i like!haha!seriously,damn touching like hell!
n when he talked to her husband,qaseh adalah kekasih saya,saya sanggup gadai nyawa saya den donno wat else he said..omg laaa!im lost for words mann dgr die ckp gitu..the love he had for qaseh is juz soo deep!somehw,he has this affinity with her.even her own husband tak feel like that for her..awww!!wil i ever get that type of man,who will loveme with all his heart?aww!haha!
the best mly drama ive ever watched mann..its been a long time since i melalak watching a malay drama..n this drama is so short n sweet n like!bez!wooot!heh..
ok la..i tink i wanna zzz alrdy..tho i jz saw him online now,don thnk i wanna chat.eh..klu chat,nnt aku tk igt tido,then sok eje tertido2 nnt,mati dok aku!heh..had a nice chat w him ystd like after soo long..happy!=)
kk...sleep indah!haha!mlm raya nnt leh dgr lagu raya..haha!okokokokok...til then..i love u all loads!=)
in the morning,da p geylang dgn mak cari kuih utk jiran cine kite..then jln2 kat half the bazaar nk cari accesories n i managed to get the 3 for $5 earrings..lol!after that,went hm to put all the heavy kuih n headed to my sis's house next..bab nk amek baju kak ipar yg die tempah..then also i kirim my sis mask from face shop.haha!at 1st tknk buka umah die,bt she told me causeway pt de accessories,so decided to go there n buka at her house.haha!
n yeap!i managed to get necklace for one of my baj kurung,n anting2 lagi..plus hair clip.hhaahaha..woot!tinggal nk raya jek.haha!i need to get eye lash curler coz i cant seem to locate the current one.haha!n also get the foot petal.yeap2!
watched soo lazat..joakim..heh..cute..supporting him as always..=)i thot they are gg to cook some eurasian or korean food..skali portugese..hmm..
then rushed hm to catch seputeh qaseh ramadan.damn shiok cann?tak leh dok!!melalak tgk..damn sedih like wat laa...mak pun nangis ar..dgr die tersedu sedan..haha!i tell u,im in love with fahrin..haha!i like the part where he said this..somewhre along that line..
sudikah awak jadi kekasih saya
walaupun soalan saya ni bodoh
saya tau hati awak da tertutup krn dlm hati awak cume ade satu lelaki
tu sebab saya mintak kebenaran awak utk saya mencintai awak
supaya awak sentiasa dlm hati/hidup saya..
awwwwww!then he touched her hand...awwww!omg!argh!i like!haha!seriously,damn touching like hell!
n when he talked to her husband,qaseh adalah kekasih saya,saya sanggup gadai nyawa saya den donno wat else he said..omg laaa!im lost for words mann dgr die ckp gitu..the love he had for qaseh is juz soo deep!somehw,he has this affinity with her.even her own husband tak feel like that for her..awww!!wil i ever get that type of man,who will loveme with all his heart?aww!haha!
the best mly drama ive ever watched mann..its been a long time since i melalak watching a malay drama..n this drama is so short n sweet n like!bez!wooot!heh..
ok la..i tink i wanna zzz alrdy..tho i jz saw him online now,don thnk i wanna chat.eh..klu chat,nnt aku tk igt tido,then sok eje tertido2 nnt,mati dok aku!heh..had a nice chat w him ystd like after soo long..happy!=)
kk...sleep indah!haha!mlm raya nnt leh dgr lagu raya..haha!okokokokok...til then..i love u all loads!=)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
ok..im back updating my berhabuk blog..hahaha!im damn shagged n tired laa..so kinda lazy to update sometimes..but nw i kinda hv the mood..heh..so i'll update..
ok..lets see..last wk was wuite ok..work was ok..over the weekends,i got a haircut..heh..i donno if i shld say it's nice or not..n im telling myself once n for all that im nt gonna cut at that bloody place..argh!when i was abt to give him the 2nd chance to let him cut my hair nicely n do a proper rebonding..damnit!dats it mann!i don hv any more trust in u!ni laa org mly klu uat bisnes..kadang2 tk betul.mcm manenk maju.i complained to my sis n my abg ipar seh.haha!glad abg rizal was on my side..haha!he rox!my bro in law!hahaha!haizz..dats it..no more!argh!mls nk cite pjg2..nk tau story nanti indah citekan..heh..
after getting the haircut with my sis,we went town to jln2 cari baju raya rudy..after that buka ayam penyet..yummy!heh..u know,my abg ipar is sometimes very contradicting..coz he was talking abt gg geylang the following day,then my sis said tk ya bw budak2 ni sume,leceh..but my bro in law said klu tkde diorg mcm boring.haha!then indah ckp ar,beh klu bw diorg,dirog degil nanti abg rizal gak yg geram..haha!die ckp mmg tul,tapi takde diorg boring..hahaha!LOLOLOL!contradicting mann..anyways..he still rox..haha..then,he sent me home..haha!takkan laa aku nk blk sorg2..sheesh!haha..anyways..nice night out with them..if only i don hv work on the monday,i da tido umah diorg n slack on sunday kat uman diorg..dearest rudy kept asking me on that day where i was heading to after the shopping trip..haha!awww...im soo touched..my sis was like saying,despite me always scolding him,he still likes me..haha!my rudy!woot!i love u too lil kid!=)
sunday,i was sick..that sat da seme2 sikit,then sunday makin teruk..batuk2 sume!byk phlegm..smp laa nari..i didnt help mum with uat kuih pun..nasib my sis in law de..i spent one whole day sleepin so that i can get well for work the next day..heh..indah damn pemalas dat day..seriously..haha!
n ystd was the 1st day of the wk of anor routine of work..dead..haha!soo many things to doo laa!argh!tired!stres!argh!but in a way it's nice..time passes by more quickly..i like!heh..but i hate it when i had to make calls n email traders..argh!all these ppl really get on my nerves..y muz there be broker n trader?seriously..argh!
oh ya..did i tell u that mr lee came to our workplace n had lunch tgther last frid?heh..he was super damn funny..haha!i cant eat tho..but he said he will treat me the next time..make sure ar..hahha!then we were talking abt our investments results..i think most or all of them on the table gtan A,except me,a B..then he saw saying that im nt the academically-inclined person,bt more of an all-rounded person..hmm..i donno laa ehh..if i wanna be proud of being as such,or wat..org kate ape,keliru??hahaha!haizz..but seriously ar,my gpa did dropped by a lot..but i only gt myself to blame..heh..anyways..da lepas pun..so lupekan jek laa..hahaha!
on the last note,i received an unexpected email from my aunt!!hahaha!awww!so damn touched cann?this is wat she emailed me..
Hi ..how ur u? how is ur studies ... hope ur doing fine.
I heard from ur mum sekarang u banyak project eh .... and also dah boleh drive seh ..congrats .... :)
ah tau takpe..maybe my presence from all the kenduris n family gathering explains that..im soo busy with society n work..wat can u expect...i hv to make sacrifices.thx soo much laa cik idah!waiting for a reply from u..thx soo much for asking!muacks!
ok la..til then..i wanna ciaoz liao..bayangkan ni blm mandi..haha!busuk!!ish!nk mandi n tido!!woot!heheh..til then..lagi seminggu lebih nk raya..heh..kk..bye!!
ps:siti,ive updated..hahaha!
ps2:eh eh..de org tag..sape tuuu?hahha!
ok..lets see..last wk was wuite ok..work was ok..over the weekends,i got a haircut..heh..i donno if i shld say it's nice or not..n im telling myself once n for all that im nt gonna cut at that bloody place..argh!when i was abt to give him the 2nd chance to let him cut my hair nicely n do a proper rebonding..damnit!dats it mann!i don hv any more trust in u!ni laa org mly klu uat bisnes..kadang2 tk betul.mcm manenk maju.i complained to my sis n my abg ipar seh.haha!glad abg rizal was on my side..haha!he rox!my bro in law!hahaha!haizz..dats it..no more!argh!mls nk cite pjg2..nk tau story nanti indah citekan..heh..
after getting the haircut with my sis,we went town to jln2 cari baju raya rudy..after that buka ayam penyet..yummy!heh..u know,my abg ipar is sometimes very contradicting..coz he was talking abt gg geylang the following day,then my sis said tk ya bw budak2 ni sume,leceh..but my bro in law said klu tkde diorg mcm boring.haha!then indah ckp ar,beh klu bw diorg,dirog degil nanti abg rizal gak yg geram..haha!die ckp mmg tul,tapi takde diorg boring..hahaha!LOLOLOL!contradicting mann..anyways..he still rox..haha..then,he sent me home..haha!takkan laa aku nk blk sorg2..sheesh!haha..anyways..nice night out with them..if only i don hv work on the monday,i da tido umah diorg n slack on sunday kat uman diorg..dearest rudy kept asking me on that day where i was heading to after the shopping trip..haha!awww...im soo touched..my sis was like saying,despite me always scolding him,he still likes me..haha!my rudy!woot!i love u too lil kid!=)
sunday,i was sick..that sat da seme2 sikit,then sunday makin teruk..batuk2 sume!byk phlegm..smp laa nari..i didnt help mum with uat kuih pun..nasib my sis in law de..i spent one whole day sleepin so that i can get well for work the next day..heh..indah damn pemalas dat day..seriously..haha!
n ystd was the 1st day of the wk of anor routine of work..dead..haha!soo many things to doo laa!argh!tired!stres!argh!but in a way it's nice..time passes by more quickly..i like!heh..but i hate it when i had to make calls n email traders..argh!all these ppl really get on my nerves..y muz there be broker n trader?seriously..argh!
oh ya..did i tell u that mr lee came to our workplace n had lunch tgther last frid?heh..he was super damn funny..haha!i cant eat tho..but he said he will treat me the next time..make sure ar..hahha!then we were talking abt our investments results..i think most or all of them on the table gtan A,except me,a B..then he saw saying that im nt the academically-inclined person,bt more of an all-rounded person..hmm..i donno laa ehh..if i wanna be proud of being as such,or wat..org kate ape,keliru??hahaha!haizz..but seriously ar,my gpa did dropped by a lot..but i only gt myself to blame..heh..anyways..da lepas pun..so lupekan jek laa..hahaha!
on the last note,i received an unexpected email from my aunt!!hahaha!awww!so damn touched cann?this is wat she emailed me..
Hi ..how ur u? how is ur studies ... hope ur doing fine.
I heard from ur mum sekarang u banyak project eh .... and also dah boleh drive seh ..congrats .... :)
ah tau takpe..maybe my presence from all the kenduris n family gathering explains that..im soo busy with society n work..wat can u expect...i hv to make sacrifices.thx soo much laa cik idah!waiting for a reply from u..thx soo much for asking!muacks!
ok la..til then..i wanna ciaoz liao..bayangkan ni blm mandi..haha!busuk!!ish!nk mandi n tido!!woot!heheh..til then..lagi seminggu lebih nk raya..heh..kk..bye!!
ps:siti,ive updated..hahaha!
ps2:eh eh..de org tag..sape tuuu?hahha!
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