Sunday, April 29, 2007


u know wat?i woke up only at 11 laa!n i missed my religious heng ar tiq also nvr go,so nvm..coz if either one of us nvr go,we also nvr go..wahaha!

anyways..juz now was the dancefloor doesnt really matter who won actually,coz i only supported styles from beyond...since they were out,i didnt really bother..the winner was vas n pris..hmm..ok laa..i supported them also laa in a way..but the bez is still BENJI from SYTYCD II!!!wooohoo!he damn rox laa!omg!i tell u ar,u juz throw any songs at his face,he can dance lor!cooolnesss mann!

nothing much also today..heh..juz do some random yup..gotta get back to do some tut..if nt penny will nagg..zZz..lolz!til ya'll..3words..=)

ps:hw i wish i donno anything..

Saturday, April 28, 2007

paul chang called many times?howwww??donno..=(

before i start..juz post some pics...=)

lawsonn's & yue shun's 19th bday at fish & co glasshouse..=)

grp pic..

with yue shun..

with lawsonn..

@ christina's house..

woohoo!i like!! her room's balcony..=))like i said...can oogle at ri n rjc guys..wahaha!

@ appreciation dinner.. whole mC pic..heh..

reunion dinner..

ba society 06/07..

yr 3s...

yr 2s..jeet not inside..

century square close liao,n we had to walk down the carpark ourselves..wahaha!

okies...bloggy feeling the stress for my grp proj now..sheesh!im scared like shit!scared also,but still haven start..damn it mann!i juz don hv the mood laaa!howww???zZzz..

anyways,interview for MC juz now was quite screwed up..i didnt expect such qns from was hard..really..n i cant think properly of hw to answer..wan qi asked me if i hv the confidence..i donno mann..seriously..if i get in,i will do my best..if i nvr get in also least ive experieced it before n im happy i was once in MC..but still a bit sad if nvr get in coz i wanna experience the whole thing's yupp..let's nt think abt it anymore..

reached hm,i slept!lolz!damn sleepy laa!i slept from 1.15-5!wahaha!then,woke up liao,went to buy printer with my mum..yayness!i hv a printer at last!weee!heh..i don hv to worry abt phtocopying n asking changhong to help me..i don hv to trouble him anymore!yay!lolz!

juz did a bit of tutorial..mann!im sick of tutorials alrdy laa!haizz..til then..let me juz continue doin watver im doin..wahahaha!

ps:monday pit stop!!

Friday, April 27, 2007


i've been wanting to update my blog since tues, but i was juz plain lazy.. lolz!!

this wk has been quite an enjoyable n fun for me, although i think i don really like half of my class.. but i still love my old classmates loads!=)

anyways..lets start with tues..b4 we went for the appreciation dinner, me n sab went to christina's house!!!woohoo!1st time ehh went to her house..n like at last i get to go her house..wah!!damn shiok ar!its soo spacious n homely!!i like!!heh..n i like his bro's room best!!but i still like christina's room's balcony bez..u wanna know y?coz u can oogle at RI n RJC guys!!wahahha!wooohoo!thats soo heaven!!then,sab n i had nothing better to do,we disturbed ppl walking along the street.wahaha!and there was this auntie who actually looked up at us..wahaha!oh oh!!n i love her toilet mann!wahhh! day if i hv the chance to go agn,i take phtos ok?heh..oh oh!!her siblings including her are swimmers!!n they got loads of medal..loads!yup!lolz!if only i can even swim..wahahah!im sooo not sporty mann!ok..watver..lolz!

n we were late for the appreciation dinner!heh..anyways..i don really enjoy the dinner coz i donno hw to appreciate the nepalese didnt taste quite rite for me..wahaha!then mr paul chang made his was touching..after 3 yrs i think,he is handing over the society to mr andre lee..not many of us like him..wahaha!

after dinner,home sweet home..damn tired laaa..

wed passed by doin my tutorials..i slept the whole afternoon coz i ended sch at 1..wahaha!shiok-ness!!

n thurs..which was 3 hrs ago..we had reunion dinner!!all MCs gathered once agn..we went to jerome's food outlet at century square...mind ya!!tampines ehh!but anything for our dear jerome!!heh..waited for christina n sabrina super looong..wahahah!even princesses n queens were not that late laa..heh..juz joking..

after eating,we went mcdonalds' n it was the prize giving was an emo by one,each of us passed them their gifts n lil by one,one by one teared..even the yr2 MCs..i think ppl at mcd were looking at us..wahahah!but who cares?heh..seriously,i like the feeling was juz soo touching, thru tgther thick n thin for a yr was no easy feat,really..esp after gg thru baoc,i feel more belonged n understand each n everyone of them better,accept for who they are..altho honestly speaking,i don like them sometimes..not say don like them,but u know..yaa..heh..this type of thing hard to express ar..heh..but honestly also,i love each n e'one of them eventho i might not be soo close to yupp!ba society 06/07 rocks my socks mannn!!all the wayy!!

reached hm only at 1+..mum kept calling me..for abt 3times..wahahah!she was juz so worried n paranoid..heh..n u know wat??we went to jenny's house while sending her juz now..we went inside ehh!omg!we went to the top storey..n u can see most of spore laa!wah kao!shiok ar!i like sia!!n we were happy that dixon,sab,mel n me were the 2nd ppl who came inside her house leh..1st was peifen..wahahah!shiok ar!!i'll post the pics once i get from dixon..heh..we r gg to tell the rest of the mc that we went inside alrdy..wahaha!esp ning zhen..wahaha!!

so yupp..thats wat been happening to me the past few days..n indah is very happy!!! =)))

time for serious work now..i think i gotta do my tut properly..not sleep in lecture too..lolz!n saturday is MC interview..scared??of course mannn!heh..gdluck to all ya..=)..

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

my complete personal profile

my complete personal profile..

You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

You are an emotional and sensitive person. You are inclined to delight and wallow in all things that give pleasure to your senses but nevertheless your tastes are refined and you reject anything that is indecent or vulgar.

You are feeling under considerable pressure and you are being forced to make concessions. You are not particularly happy with this state of affairs but you feel that you have no alternative. If you were to force issues you would be left out or completely ignored by one and all.

All of the stress and strains resulting from disappointment have led to agitation and anxiety. You have been going out of your way to make a good impression, but you have reservations as to the likelihood of succeeding. You feel that you have a right to accomplish all that you set your mind on but you have become helpless and distressed when circumstances have gone against you. The idea of failure is most upsetting and this can even mean utter dejection. You see yourself as a scapegoat and you feel everyone in your sphere of influence has tried to take undue advantage of you. You are trying to convince yourself that your failure to achieve standing and recognition is not of your making but indeed of those around you.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.


Monday, April 23, 2007

i like this song

this is the one and only song that i like from rihanna...lolz!

Ps (i'm Still Not Over You)

what's up? i know we haven't spoken for a while
but i was thinkin bout ya
and it kinda made me smile
so many things to say
ima put them in a letter
but it might make it easier
the words might come out better
how's your mother? how's you little brother? does he still look just like you
so many things i wanna know the answers to
wish i could press rewind and rewrite every line to the story of me and you

dont you know that i've tried and i've tried
to get you out of ma mind
but it dont get no better as each day goes by
and im lost and confused
i've got nothing to lose
hope to hear from you soon
p.s im still not over you, still not over you

excuse me i really didnt mean to ramble on
but there's a lot of feelings thats remained since u were gone
i guess you thought that i were gonna put it all behind me
but it seems there's always something there to remind me
like a silly joke, or something on the tv
boy it ain't easy
when i hear our song i get that same old feeling
wish i could press rewind
turn back the hands of time
and i really shouldn't be telling you

did you know i kept all of your pictures
didn't have the strength to part with them yet
oh no...i tried to erase the way your kisses taste
but some things a girl can never forget

lastly,to my dearest partner...goodluck for ur battle tmrr!!!=)))

Saturday, April 21, 2007

cries.. was quite a relaxing day for nephew's cry woke me up at 9am..he was crying coz my mum went to the market..i was lazy to hushed him coz no matter hw much i hushed,he will continue crying,so i juz switched on the tv back n went back to sleep..n he also stopped crying...lolz!woke up at 11,made my bed,swept the floor n did the bAoc attendance thingy..

after that,asked aisha to accompany me to town to get some stuff..heh..then we went this fashion n she gt herself a top..she was happy laaa..lolz!but was late for work..wahaha!i wanted to get a top too,but donno what type..sheesh!heh..

then,home sweet home..watched some usual,im damn lazy to do anything...havent start on my tutorials also..wah mood!!i wanna drive!!lolz!i thot that i wanna go to my sis's house tmr..but think back,i hv lotsa things to do,so i think next time bah..

now,wanna continue watching enginee...i love takuyaa!lots!!=)

i last.. dead beat now..but i still wanna blog..lolz!ok..1st things 1st..juz wanna say i hope that my new class will be a nice scared that it will be one such that it's very cliqueish..sheesh!stress ar!heh..

then..alhamdulillah my driving test all went smoothly..thx all for the encouraging words n the well wishes..(n also from someone whom i didnt expect to hear from..lolz..)seriously,w/out it,i wont really hv the courage n confidence.. i shld also thx the instructor who warmed me up..n the tester..who is very lenient to all other instructors,particulary abg azman,hisam,husry n wanda..u guys rox..although wanda is fierce n i actually cried when he taught me..lolz!i shant elaborate more..

n most importantly,to my lovely partners..thx soo much for waking up soo early,cabbing down from bishan/sengkang to bbdc n popping in juz to support me n give the gung-ho amt of words can describe how i felt at that time..i nearly teared..really!thx soo much girls!!i appreciate it very much..with the 2 of u there,i dont dare to fail..thx girls!!=))love ya'll loads!!

after test,we all cabbed down to sch for lecture..mann!investment lecture is also boring laa!wa lau!hahaha..after lecture,slacked at the booth..5 plus,we went off to glass house to hv fish & co n celebrate lawsonn's n yue shun's bday..happy bday guys..=)

it was funn!thou my stomach was giving me probs n i cant really enjoy the meal..heh..they were sabo-ed with cream on their faces..hahaha!n we were the noisest..hahaa!n there were many others celebrating their bdays,n so we sang for them too n did the everybody dance now dancesteps..lolz!shiok mann!wahaha!n as usual,we cam whore like nobody's biz..wahaha!

n to mel..get well soon..other than that..nothing,i wanna watch my takuya in engine..thx mel for the link..woohoo!takuya hottt!!=)

til then..nitez..=)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


seriously,im still tired n im not enjoying it..i really want a real rest,with nthing to do at all..

anyways...sch's usual,i will doze off in lecture..CFAS is damn bored laa!for now,i think treasury's shiok coz jeffrey wu's mad n cool!lolz!my final yr is nt gg to be an easy one n i can feel the pressure..

on another note,hw i wish bAoc has not ended..for some reason..=(

til yeah?

ps:confidence lvl 1/4,im hoping for some luck n miracle..

ps 2:im in love with call your number!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

bAoc 07

before i start,let me juz post some photos of the lovely pressies i got from my dearest society peeps!!

lovely konyaku jelly from angel mori!!thx womann!i like!!u even wrapped it soo nicely..=)

pressies from dixon from goldcoast..until now,i still haven eat the biscuit..heh..thx yaa!i like!!=)

from angel mori agnn!we will go to probs mann!then can go to pit stop too!lolz!=)

from sab sab!!she went vietnam n get all of us pouch!!i like!!(in the vietnamese's accent..lolz!)

n from winston!!wooo!!i love the SMAP sooo much laaa!n the gold choker tooo!damn nice ar!!winton has gt gd taste huh?lolz!thx mann!i like it too!!bt the bicuit break!!n i cant bear to eat itt..!lolz!

ok...finally,bAoc is finally happy n sad at the same time..

happy coz finally all our hard work is paid off n ething went very one expected it to succeed so successfully..(ok,thats a very wrong english..lolz!)...all the budget,the meetings with soo many ppl..the liasoning with diff types of ppl..the misunderstandings,the tears,the happiness,the stresses n all..all are worth it..

im sad coz i will miss the whole preparation process..i will miss 03-12..i will miss society ppl..the mc,the subcomms,the scos n ascos..the advisors,esp ms lindsay,ms rosa koh n ms ang..

time passes by soo fast n that ba soc 06/07 is over..1 yr juz passed like this w/out me realising it..i will miss it mann,really..seriously..

on the last day of bAoc,when we had debrief,it was the most emo moment we by one,we expressed how we feel now that bAoc is over...or to be more precise,ba soc is by one,all of us teared..tears of happiness..i cant help but cry too..that juz goes to show how attached am i to society although when i joined society,i was not as attached..

at first,when i 1st joined society,i don really like it coz i was not close with for meetings was juz meetings to me..n to get the work done asap..thats all..i don hv a sense of belonging there..but slowly,event after event,then when bAoc prep started,i start to feel attached n i love the feeling of it..i got closer n understand each n everyone of them..all of u r really loveable ppl in ur own way..thru the process of the prep,i learnt a lot..n thx to each n everyone of u,i become a better understanding person..more patient,less childish..more relaxed n less kanjiong..become a stronger person n not cry..

after gg thru that,the next qn is:should i join society agn?i donno..i know at first i said that i don wanna join..but now,i feel like joining..i feel that i wanna make up for the loss..i also feel that i hv more to give n contribute to society..wat i hv done now is nt enough..but,at the same time,i don wanna join coz im scared that i cant commit..wats more,i feel that im already in my last yr of poly,i wanna enjoy myself n be stress free,concentrate on my studies n give my best shot..(hope to get gpa 4 for the last time maybe,if i cnat afford it..lolz!)..i donno..i still cant decide..sheesh!!

anyways..during bAoc,i was happy to see the yr 3s coming back n helping made me feel closer to really gonna miss them laa..the feeling is gg to be diff now that they hv graduated.i wont be seeing them agn in sch anymore..the feeling's gonna be awkward..

soo short,im gonna miss bAoc soo much n it will be one of the most memorable moments of my life in NP..

til then..i sleepy alrdy..many things nt yet done..zZz..lolz!im gonna hv rest now..i think i really need sleep..til i post up pics from peeps..get ready for sch on monday yaa!=)3words all..

ps:im enjoying pop-up smap!!!=p

Saturday, April 07, 2007



all these words to summarise how ive been feeling lately...hope that each day will be a better day for me n that it will be like how it used to be last time..really..i miss it..

but of course,im nt sadd all the time..heh..armpit n mouthhh!!!LOL!!!

my lovely cousins..after a long time since we last my nenek's house..=)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

2nd day

im emotionally,physically n psychological sick..lolz!it's my 2nd day,still a bit sick n v tired ever since..if u know what im talking abt..lolz!

gonna be busy during this i think no post for the moment..til yeah..=)

ps:styles from beyond is out!s**t ar!!bluek!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

after 2 mths

i juz hv soo much to blog abt,bt i donno whre to really thx to siti for being my listening ear although u alrdy hv started working n still stayed up late to chit chat with me..when r we gg out n u treating mee ehh?lolz!im waitingggg!wahahaa!

anyways,1st driving lesson (after 2 mths) was funn..tho stressing at times..thx to abg hisam for those conforting words..he made me regain my confidence n semangat to re-take my test..still stress over what other days am i free for my lessons..sheesh!ive gt soo many things on hand..although ppl might nt see it n been wondering y the hell im spending every min in sch during my whole hols..

cik mas juz sms-ed me n asked me out..n i cant make itt..i seriously donno when im free,although i seriously wanna go out with her n the other guardian colleagues (who r my sec sch friends also..lolz!)..

til very sleepy im hungry alsoo!bt im lazy to if i nvr eat,i cant take my medicine!soo,how?verdict=muz eat this hr.. -_-

Sunday, April 01, 2007

cousins best!!

it was funn meeting my cousins..we celebrated our niece's 1st bday at my grandma's house..happy 1st bday batrisyah!(hope that is the correct spelling..heh..)..although i missed cutting the cake coz my sister n i only reached at 6+..lolz!did some catching up with my cousins...n we laughed like donno wat laa!thx ilah for all the stupid n lame jokes u cracked..u made my day..=)

anyways,the day b4 dat,after day 2 trial run,met up with my sis at causeway pt to get her present..n we settled with one..then reached her house n relaxed..damn tired that day..n we watched my girll!!heh..i like!but at 12+,my eyes were damn heavy already,n so we zZz..woke up only at 10+,but then after a while,slept back n woke up only at 1+..shiok mann!lolz!i donno y,bt whenever im at sis's house,i juz wanna sleep n do nothing else,other than eating..she stocks up a lot of snacks..yummy!heh..

n now,here am i blogging at 3+am on a sunday?lolz!heh..i wanna get over n done with the briefing manual,then only i can hv a piece of mind n resume my driving prac on monday at 8am..heh..scared n stress mann!really!!hope all goes well..after a long time of nt driving,im scared i'll screw up..=(

til here..later no religious class,so can sleep longer..heh..nitez e'one..=)