Tuesday, February 27, 2007

push or pull?

hmm...kinda lots to share here..let's start with ystd..all of us had meeting to come out with a draft proposal for the baoc..as much as we wanted the changes for day1,but it cant be done as we had to weigh many factors..haizz..sadzz..seemed like day1 will still be the same old day1..

one of the things that we wanted to change was the venue for ice breaking..we wanted it to be at convention ctr..we thought that our convention ctr has 2 levels..as in separate 2 levels.so christina n i went to survey the place..lolz!it was super funny laa!we sneaked in like some illegal immigrants like that..after looking ard,we wanna exit n i tried exiting from the other exit..but cant..so we had to return back to the exit where we entered from..we tried opening the door but cant.i was quite panic thinking that they had locked the door!omgomogm!lolz!christina pulled,cant...i pulled,cant..then we were laughing like hell laa!which i donno y..hahahaa!then i tried pushing instead..then cannn!!muahahaha!how cuckoo can we be rite?lolz!really mann!muahahah!seriously,imagine if were really locked,then none of us had hp with us..omg!

so yaa..after all were done with the proposal,we headed to swensens for the mc reunion dinner..but it didnt looked like any reunion at all coz some went missing n couldnt make it..lolz!so yaa..we dined at swensens for like 3hrs+ laa!lolz!we were soo noisy also until the manager had to come to our table and make us shut our big mouths up..lolz!n ning zhen joked with the waiter..i lazy to type down wat happen..lolz!

i ate chicken baked rice or sthing like that..nt nice ehh..maybe coz to me the taste was too plain n i added chilli sauce to it..lolz!really!nt nice lehh!the nicest one was definitely the heavenly earthquake!yummy!our side ate until like wat laa..wahahah!


lolz!wan qi super scary laa here..

finish liao..burp!

mel's salmon pasta..did u see the nose there,that i circled?lolz!really look like human's nose rite?lolz!it's actually mushroom..muahahaha!

ok..other than that..im happy that aisha passed her motorcycle TP..alhamdulillah..cepat2 laa ehh beli motor jadi aku leh tumpang..heh..
ystd reached hm late also..sheesh!eday go home late,im scared my parents would be unhappy..they may nt say it,but i still feel bad if i come hm late eday..n soo..i reached hm early today!yeah!heh..
today was quite an ok day..meeting with the lecturers about ba-wa-zup review..many things were brought up..lecturers felt that the event was a success..although somehow or rather,some hiccups here n there..ppl actually surveyed that the sports were well-organized.hmm..i think ok lehh..i actually did encounter some probs n juz wanna break down n cried..at some pt of time,i juz feel like..aarrggghhh!really..but u know,endure..thx to joanne too,it was a success..n to peifen too..n all those who knew what happen that day..thx very much..=))
after that,we discussed abt the upcoming bAoc..suggestions here n there..a concrete n finalised plan by tues hopefully..praying hard that ething will go smoothly..=))n talking abt bAoc,wanna share once agn this photo here..=)
wahaha!photo taken on our 1st event..lolz!this photo is such a coincidence with our day1 grouping!cool huh?!?mannz!maybe we r fated to be tgther n be in day1..lolz!eee!i looked so cuckoo laaa!wahahaha!
another onee!!heheh..
wan qi,sab n ning zhen..day3!!lolz!seriously,all of us are fated!
boo!we didnt get our slippers!no more size n pattern!!sheesh!anyways..ning zhen,i didnt know u got quite handsome friends lehh!!lolz!=))
oh yaa...went to tiq's house to borrow her shoes n belt!lolz!im so damn pathetic laa!wahahaha!ya laa...prom in 2 days time,where the hell i gt time to find shoes and belt?what's more,my shoes dont match with the dress..zZz..heh..soo yaa..sorry ehh tiq..aku igt kau..jgn takut..lolz!=))thxthx!!
n another thx..to marinah!!thx laa byk2 bab pinjamkan camera kau kat aku n trust me to take care of ur camera..no worries yeah..i will take care mcm nk gile2 ok?lolz!
hmm..guess thats all..wanna do some research for baoc liao..to my dearest elly welly,don stress too much..n to harjeet,don always gone missing for mc outing ok?lolz!!=))love both of u!!!=))til then..tc...3words the rest of u too=))nitez!

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