Tuesday, February 27, 2007

push or pull?

hmm...kinda lots to share here..let's start with ystd..all of us had meeting to come out with a draft proposal for the baoc..as much as we wanted the changes for day1,but it cant be done as we had to weigh many factors..haizz..sadzz..seemed like day1 will still be the same old day1..

one of the things that we wanted to change was the venue for ice breaking..we wanted it to be at convention ctr..we thought that our convention ctr has 2 levels..as in separate 2 levels.so christina n i went to survey the place..lolz!it was super funny laa!we sneaked in like some illegal immigrants like that..after looking ard,we wanna exit n i tried exiting from the other exit..but cant..so we had to return back to the exit where we entered from..we tried opening the door but cant.i was quite panic thinking that they had locked the door!omgomogm!lolz!christina pulled,cant...i pulled,cant..then we were laughing like hell laa!which i donno y..hahahaa!then i tried pushing instead..then cannn!!muahahaha!how cuckoo can we be rite?lolz!really mann!muahahah!seriously,imagine if were really locked,then none of us had hp with us..omg!

so yaa..after all were done with the proposal,we headed to swensens for the mc reunion dinner..but it didnt looked like any reunion at all coz some went missing n couldnt make it..lolz!so yaa..we dined at swensens for like 3hrs+ laa!lolz!we were soo noisy also until the manager had to come to our table and make us shut our big mouths up..lolz!n ning zhen joked with the waiter..i lazy to type down wat happen..lolz!

i ate chicken baked rice or sthing like that..nt nice ehh..maybe coz to me the taste was too plain n i added chilli sauce to it..lolz!really!nt nice lehh!the nicest one was definitely the heavenly earthquake!yummy!our side ate until like wat laa..wahahah!


lolz!wan qi super scary laa here..

finish liao..burp!

mel's salmon pasta..did u see the nose there,that i circled?lolz!really look like human's nose rite?lolz!it's actually mushroom..muahahaha!

ok..other than that..im happy that aisha passed her motorcycle TP..alhamdulillah..cepat2 laa ehh beli motor jadi aku leh tumpang..heh..
ystd reached hm late also..sheesh!eday go home late,im scared my parents would be unhappy..they may nt say it,but i still feel bad if i come hm late eday..n soo..i reached hm early today!yeah!heh..
today was quite an ok day..meeting with the lecturers about ba-wa-zup review..many things were brought up..lecturers felt that the event was a success..although somehow or rather,some hiccups here n there..ppl actually surveyed that the sports were well-organized.hmm..i think ok lehh..i actually did encounter some probs n juz wanna break down n cried..at some pt of time,i juz feel like..aarrggghhh!really..but u know,endure..thx to joanne too,it was a success..n to peifen too..n all those who knew what happen that day..thx very much..=))
after that,we discussed abt the upcoming bAoc..suggestions here n there..a concrete n finalised plan by tues hopefully..praying hard that ething will go smoothly..=))n talking abt bAoc,wanna share once agn this photo here..=)
wahaha!photo taken on our 1st event..lolz!this photo is such a coincidence with our day1 grouping!cool huh?!?mannz!maybe we r fated to be tgther n be in day1..lolz!eee!i looked so cuckoo laaa!wahahaha!
another onee!!heheh..
wan qi,sab n ning zhen..day3!!lolz!seriously,all of us are fated!
boo!we didnt get our slippers!no more size n pattern!!sheesh!anyways..ning zhen,i didnt know u got quite handsome friends lehh!!lolz!=))
oh yaa...went to tiq's house to borrow her shoes n belt!lolz!im so damn pathetic laa!wahahaha!ya laa...prom in 2 days time,where the hell i gt time to find shoes and belt?what's more,my shoes dont match with the dress..zZz..heh..soo yaa..sorry ehh tiq..aku igt kau..jgn takut..lolz!=))thxthx!!
n another thx..to marinah!!thx laa byk2 bab pinjamkan camera kau kat aku n trust me to take care of ur camera..no worries yeah..i will take care mcm nk gile2 ok?lolz!
hmm..guess thats all..wanna do some research for baoc liao..to my dearest elly welly,don stress too much..n to harjeet,don always gone missing for mc outing ok?lolz!!=))love both of u!!!=))til then..tc...3words the rest of u too=))nitez!

Monday, February 26, 2007


ok..so here are the photos for the ayam penyet outing at lucy plaza..=))

all the girls in the mc except for say hao coz he was making payment at the counter.heh..evern n sab was missing too..family outing..=)

yummy!!my ayam penyet!there is tempeh,tahu,the white vege (i donno wat's it called), kang kong and the sambal belancan..damn nice!

wahahah!alll finished!left only the sambal coz super hot!!yummm!!

then walked ard town n saw this stilt walker giving awau free delfi chocs..heh..cute huh!=)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

silat meeting

today was quite a slack day..had nthing to do..siti was even busy with her own stuff..so i ended up accompanying aisha for her silat meeting.lolz!i was not suppose to be at such an important meeting since i am not even a silat member.but she had no company.the other commitee members of NP silat cant make it,so i accompanied her..furthermore,i need to pass her money..so yaa..heh..

mann!quite dready actually..but when this guy from NUS started to talk abt IVP,then only i was interested n was practically listening to every word he said..lolz!he is quite gd-looking leh..n has gt a nice name!!LENDRA PUTRA!putra in english means prince..mann!he is a prince laa!!

after the meeting,aisha had to rush off to work..n we saw lendra..he was soo kind n decided to send us...aisha was lucky laaa!get to ride in his carr!but me??noo!!i live near the cc..no need for a ride also..zZz..if i had known,i also pretend to go to mrt laaa!!wahahah!ok lame..

anyways..yaa..the meeting was quite an impt one..about the upcoming IVP..n i heard my uncle's name being mentioned..lolz!hidayat..heh..yup..

after that,went to tiq's house to borrow her prom dress..then reached hm liao,ironed the clothes n blasted FAHRENHEIT..woohoo!!nice2!!then after that slack liao..

now wacthing tv..maybe wanna watch my tokyo juliet..tmr meeting..zZz..heh..as usual..

lastly,gdluck to dearest aisha for her motorcycle tp tmr..gdluck yeah?u can do it one laa.=))

til then..tc yeah?3words all..

Saturday, February 24, 2007

ayam penyet yumm!

juz now was the combined meeting for bAoc..ething went well..juz that some scos n ascos nvr come n we were quite disappointed..it was such an impt meeting,1st comb meeting for scos,mc n subcomm,then so many nvr come.i'll understand if they hv a valid reason..if not..mann!haizz..speechless..

anyways..yaa...they got to know what was their grp..very excited n kept laughing..lolz!i hope that they like the theme..

then,harjeet n i had our 1st meeting with the subcomm..it turned out ok..i hope they will work with us til the the end.i hv a gd feeling abt this..hopefully it will..praying hard..so yaa..discussed this n that..set deadlines n all..hmm..im quite satisfied.hope that by the next meeting,we can do a lot more stuff..

many things to keep in mind n im like lost track once agn..haizz..

oh ya!i gt a gift from my dearest angel..mann!really ar..my angel really damn nice laa..n i don think im a gd mortal..wahahaha!mel asked me whther i gave my angel anything for v day..n i said i didnt..n to think back,hw can i nt give??zZz..bad hor me!lolz!but cant help it..i was super duper stress with blaw paper n fp paper..hence it slipped my mind..sheesh!sorry angel!n heyy!u r such a gd angel!not the least bad mann!i love u v muchie!abt changing the angel mortal thingy is those who didnt get nice angel n hence wanna change..lolz!but noww..no longer playing..reason being coz all will b busy alrdy n also many nvr turn up..so play also no use..so yaa..but im happy that at least i experienced of having such a super duper gd angel!=))

after the meeting..mc went town,lucky plaza to hv ayam penyet..wahahah!thx wan qi for the suggestion!that was the 1st time i had ayam penyet..n all of us enjoyed it!n ning zhen went,"wah,after this we all become indonesian alrdy.."..lolz!the sauce or i think it's the sambal belancan was super hot n christina was like gg to cry..lolz!but yaa..damn nice laa!u all shld go n try if u haven..yummy!satisfying..burp!

after that,we walked ard town n were looking for sandals at num..then walk randonmly n aimlessly..saw this stilt walkers promoting delfi snacks..cute hor!heh..oh ya..it was the chingay procession,n hence there were rd blocks..troublesome..zZz..

juz now at 830pm,i watched pesta perdana..it's becoming more n more boring..i don like..i only like taufik's performance..anyways..im happy with the recepient for best actor n actress..they deserved it!cheers to era farida n rafaat hamzah..i've yet to find the new actors who are as gd as them..as for the popular male n female artistes,im also v happy with the winners..they are era farida n taufik..yeah!they deserved it too!muz give chance to the young..although era is nt young,but she's the best among the rest..

juz wanna comment..when wahid satay received the perdana emas award,i was sh0cked that nobody escorted him when he was walking towards the mic to give his speech!!omg!or is it i didnt see it..but i dont think so!the ushers were busy escorting back the GOH..but hellooo!!??!!wahid satay is like the star of teh night laa!pls give him respect lorr!i tell u ar,sometimes i feel that suria's production not gd at all lor..huda n nitty also sucked!omg!they were like unsure on wat to say laa!wth is that mann?it was really damn obvious laa.esp huda..tsk tsk tsk..maybe that's y i don enjoy this pesta perdana..luckily i nvr waste 10bucks to go n watch..heh.. heng ar!

oh yaa!anor thing!guess wat??i've bought fahrenheit's album!!wee!woohoo!!yahoo!damn nice!!i like young very much!or watver the title is..it's very upbeat n hyper n energetic!oh..the song im referring to is the song that my blog is playing..lolz!i likee!now,im trying to find hana kimi with subs i can read..boo!the dvd no eng sub!!sadddd!damn saddd!=((

wth!!i cant upload pics laa!f***** up man!!i hate blogger now laa,eversince muz sign up with the watever shit google thingy..damnit mannn!stoopid!feel like changing,but im lazy..arrrgghh!****!!!!next time then i upload the photos..ciaoz!

central n settlers

weee!!i had super duper fun today tgther with mel,christina n harjeet..we went to settlers cafe as planned!woohoo!i thot i was late,but ended up i was the 1st one to reach..heh..while waiting for harjeet to come,we walked ard the new shpping ctr,central..it was big n mel n christina played hide n seek n catching with me laa!wahahaha!i couldnt find them n ended up walking alone at a pt of time..then ended up,they were at the ground floor alrdy..wahahaha!

this is the toilet at the new shopping centre at clarke quay or the CBD area u wanna call it..damn nice laa!heh..i like the sink area and the drawing of the CBD..

n soo..muz posee!!heh!

oh mann!i feel so tourist!haha!me n mel!..

then there we were at settlers cafe!the 1st game we played was halli galli i think..n i won!heyy,i won ok??wahahah!coz that's the only game that i won..heh..

after that,we played blokus..im lazy to explain though..heh..

christina is soo baddd!she went out all the way to block ebody!evil!lolz!

muz pose..heh..

then our turn..heh..eee!my eyes!zZz..

see!christina dominate most of the area!block all the other 3!hmph!wahaha!n mine was the most pathetic one laa..blue clr..so little..zZz..wahahah!=p

so the player with the least blocks won..it's so obvious..wahaha!christina n her green blocks..n im the loser..wahahaha!

the next game that we played was pay day..agn..i lost!!omg!at 1 pt of time,i only gt that much amt of money laaa!weeekkk!!

poor indah..=(

last game we played was the ghost game..this was funn!n as usual,i lost!mann!indah!!u lost all 3 games!wahahah!wat a poor player am i..lolz!

yaa..this is the name of the game..funnn!

heh..christina,harjeet,me n mel..

posey time!!

elly n indah sun...wahahaha!

i like this pic!!cool!!bang bang!

day 1!!!!!

ba wa zuppp!!

mel mel n harjeetjeet..

this is the new shopping ctr that i talked abt..central..

after that,harjeet left to meet her classmates n the 3 of us headed down to raffles city n had haagen daz..yummmyyy!!

me n mel..n the waiter!hahaha!ok..am i looking at the camera?haha!

christina n me..ok..am i looking at the camera??seriously..they said that i didnt look at the camera..wahahaha!am i really cock???zZz...lolz!we had to take 15 shots b4 we were satisfied..wahahaha!i think this is worse than a superstar's photoshoot session laa..wahahaha!

wahahah!mel reserved herself for nan!!lolz!

our 1st ice cream was new york brownie..we had walnut ice cream n midnight cookies n cream or wat..sthing like that...hahahaha!

yumm!all in the stomaches alrdy..heh..

next was waffle dreams with summer berries or watever u call it n chocolate chocolate chip..wahahaha!i cant rmb the exact name of the ice creams..heh..it's finger-licking gd mann!!

christina's photography skill..heh..

n mee!i always need to pose alone one ar..heh..nice backgrd..i like..=)

tiring but definitely a fun day out!!next,we will go pitstop..woohoo!!soon soon..i wan moneyy!!wahahah!ok laa..til here..i v tired alrdy..tmr still gt meeting at 10am..wahahah!zZz..til then..3words all..=))

Thursday, February 22, 2007

bAoc stress

juz now we had another bAoc meeting..mannz!stress!!scared!!at last,we came out with the theme n the names for the 8 OGs..yay!!it was not easy..

after the long meeting,then me,elly n harjeet continue with our own day1 meeting..mann!im damn scared laa seriously..there's a lot of things to do..!!n there is soo little timee!somebody help mee!my stress lvl is gg to go up soon agn..b4 it goes up,i better enjoy myself this wkend mann..

anyway,we got many prizes in out pigeon hole..heh..got this cute lil candy from dixon for v day..n a folder with our names on it by jenny..thx guyss!but jenny spelt my name wrongly!lolz!induh!wahahaha!it's ok though..heh..the folder is in green clr..heh..
that is the candy!lolz!nice n cute rite?it has flower in the middle of itt..i don feel like eating laaa...but ate liao..wahahah!thx dixon!!
on the way hm..mann!52 was damn sloww laa!i hate it mann!n coz of its slowness,i was late for my hana kimi!dumb asss!i missed 10min!zZz..heh..i think youtube is down now for maintenance..now wat can i do?hmm..i think i edit photos for my wallpaper n my blog maybe..lolz!til then..tc yeah?3words forever all!=)nitez!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

the 3 storey house

wahahahaha!i had a rolling gd time laa todayy!heh!super duper funn!spent the day with the rest of the mc at winston's new house..wah seh!damn nice laaa!3 storeys house lehh!!lolz!nice nice!no words can describe his house..it's like..indescribable laa!wahahaha!sooo..let the photos describe how's his house like!woohoo!=))
ok..this part all me posing!wahahaha!sorry ah!

in his garden with the pond n the waterfall..coool!
this is at the 3rd story..behind is the balcony..

this is me with his mum's jewelry sets..woohoo!
wahahaha!i like this errr..treasure box?or they said that is the medicine thingy or sthing like that..heh..

that pic is at his balcony on the 3rd story..veryy nice!!airyy!!i like!!
the dining area!!woohoo!!
the living room!!with the plasma tvs!mann!he's gt 6 plasma tvs lehh!!wahahahah!
his mum bedroom!mann!like some princess's bedroom laa!all fury2!!comfyy!!
the entertainment room!!woohoo!!nice!dark2!i had funn watching hana kimi there!lolz!
wahaha!elly,harjeet,mel n wan qi...saw that whole stereo set??coool!wayy cooool!

heh!winston's bedroom!n there's an attic!coool mann!
his bed is sure damn comfyy!!wahahaha!
n i like his light!damn stylo milo!!woohoo!!
n now all mcs posing here n there!!

my lovely day 1 partners!!love yaaa!!elly,me n harjeet!!=))

wahahahaha!bath tub in his mum's rm!!woohoo!

wahahaha!somehow,this garderner is very popular n that ppl wanna take pic with him..wahahaha!

wahahhaa!monkeysss!!heh..if u climb here,u can see the houses of the 4 richest men in s'pore!cool!

i like this photoooo!!!

okkk....finale!!me with dearest owner of the house..
mr lim koon han winston!
thx for ething dude!although i didnt eat at ur house..i hope u don mind..at least i drank the green tea n ate the snacks!lolz!don mind yaa..im a bit too strict when it comes to eating..n im touched that u actually took my welfare into consideration by cooking the chicken wings separately n all..thx mann!ur thoughts are very much deeply appreciated..u're the best mann!!really!!=))love yaa!!n i'll definitely gonna miss yaa!=))smile always..=))u rocks!

n this last photo...wahahahah!elly calculating discounts at a shop!!lolz!damn funny!heh..sorry yeah..i hv ur photo with the calculator bt i don hv..wahahaah!=pppp
oh ya!it's tony sun xie zhi's bday!!woohoo!i think like last 1-2 days?lolz!nt sure abt that..but yaa..i still like him..heh..coz of him also,i had my nick name indah sun..lolz!partly coz of him..i gt other reason y i call myself indah sun..heh..ok..watever..lolz!kk..u wanna see more photos of winston's house,can visit wan qi's blog..hehe..til then..tc yeah?wanna continue with my baoc stuff..woohoo!=))3words all..