Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ok..so I was super early juz now la!hahah!even roger was nt there yet!i reached ard 805..ya..muahah!did nthing..juz laze ard..pretend to take out my pcs of paper n start jotting down some notes..then…siti was sms-ing me abt the idols interview at 987..hee~oh ya!i forgot to tell u sthing ystd..i saw ahmad!!haha!kk…I used to hv a crush on him..but nt anymore now..haha!kk..back to joakim…his mum’s bday is today..awww…hehe..

Ok..at work..i did crap…don wanna talk abt it la..but ya..haizz…no mood to blog abt it ar..maybe if u wanna know abt it,ask me ok?i’ll tell u the whole story..haha!i juz told tiq..complaining to her..haha!siti too..thx guys for ur listening ear..hee~

After work juz now,went to town..haha!agn…hmm..ya..i needa shoppp…so,guess wat i shopped for?haha!a nice shirt,(not for me tho…for..ehem..),a nice hair clip…(agn,not for me..haha)…n a bag!!thats for me!!haha!so..i spent quite a lot..zzz..i already seriously no money,yet I spent..haha!im mad man!hahah!the shirt costed me 26.90..the clip is 12.90..my bag is 19.90…haha!

Damn tired like hell la!haha!with my heels walking ard town..all the way from cineleisure to taka,to wisma,to far east..hahaha!no heels for me tmr!hahah!juz wanna wear my baby shoe..hahah!i hope that tmr will b a better day..

Last but nt least…




specs specs!!

hahahaha!!!my 1st day at work..damn funny?slack?i donno hw to describe..hahah!for what i know,i was soooooo damn sleeeppppyyyyy!!!!!hahah!imagine from 10-5,i did nthing but data entry???for gdness sake!!!omg!!!hahahahaa!!!n i didnt even had lunch!!from morning til i knock off,i had nthing but coffeee!!!zZzz..haizz..thenn...ya...thats all..i don wanna talk much abt work,but talk abt SI!!!!!!!hahahaha!!joakim!!!!aaahhhh!!!

yeah!!!we went to the hangout!!!hhahaha!!sanggup nye aku kan!!dr keje..hahahhaha!!yup yup!!the idols were early...but rushing...thx to the stupid camera guy or whatever u call it..he sux!!!anyways...yeah!!gt to take pic!!hahah!altho im ugly...my eyes nvr fail to close!!hahaha!but wat the heck!!!joakim is soooo cute la!!he's wearing specs la!!!hahahaha!omgomg!!!when i saw him in the bus,i was like.."ahhh!!he's wearing specs!!!"...haha!!

hahahahha!!!ok..this was to test the flash..hahah!my eyes didnt close la!ish!!ok..the pokok seemed seram ehh...

siti n jon!!omg siti!!u pulled him???hahah!!

siti n hady..ok..she's damn crazy over him..juz like me n joakim..hahah!suka sak siti!!(to the other mrs hady mirza out there..ehem..nurul n shikin esp..jgn marah..muahahah!!)

(sorry...no more pic..haha!)
me n joakim!!!ahhhh!!wooooo!!!weeeee~~~hahaha!tell me when the hell he wanna wear specs???hahah!im lucky yeah???hahaha!ok..i hate my eyes tho!!arrgghh!!

ok la...now i needa get sleepp...i don wanna be sleepy agn like juz now..hahah!til then..tc..3 words..

Sunday, August 27, 2006

relax ar babe!

ok..today is a very relaxing day for me...wee~that was a great feeling man!woohoo!hahaha!went for madrasah,then reached home,watched a bit of korean drama,then i dozed off til 5..hahaha!then,watched some tv agn,n then did some ironing.juz now,i went to atiqah's house to borrow some clothes from her.haha...imagine,7 wks of work..i need soo many formal clothes..needa do some shopping b4 atiqah needs her clothes back..there goes all my money..im burning a damn big hole in my pocket man!seriously..hahaha!haizz...i really need to work soo much to recover all the money that i spent..oh ya!do u know hw much is my hp bill?hahah!$281.98..
oh my gdness!nvr in my life i expected such an expensive bill!hahaha!i donno hw long i'll take to settle the bill..haha!

ok..other than that..nah..not much of a prob here..i forgot to tell u the conversation i had with shikin on the way home..haha!i was asking her,if her bf gt say anything that she is gg gaga over SI..her bf nvr say anythng..then,we were prasan la..i asked he,if hady wants her,who willshe choose..she said she'll choose hady..hahah!tk baik kau!then,she asked me if i n joakim how..i said la,suruh die masuk islam dulu..klu die tknk,da..lupakan jek..then,she still ask me,klu die tk leh lepaskan,mcm mane?hahaha!shikin shikin..lawakz!!takepe..biar kite syok sendiri..

oh ya!u know...back at yahoo grps..there are still ppl who wanna slam my idol la!damnit!n this is wat one of the members replied to the slammer!hahaha!gd word woman!!!

I can see that u have much of hatred stored inside you that u have to come all the way to the GROUP to voice out ur VIEWS.tsk tsk. takecare alright. health is important. However the funny thing that i dun get is...whats wrong with joakim?so you think he can't sing. But is that what everyone thinks?Let me tell you.ACTUALLY NO.AND pls. Be reasonable. He doesnt sound like a screeching car. Everyone knows that. Unless you are one idiot who hasnt heard what a screeching car sounds like?That must be really sad. Why are u the typical ppl who just talk and talk and do nothing? Just becos U think he sounds bad so its his fault she got booted out? PLEASE,grow up. Thank you. This is a voting system, its not a "PLEASE I WANNA BOOT MYSELF OUT"competition. If u still do not understand the meaning, call me okie.Ill explain to you. I can be reached at 9********. If u are tryin to earn urself fame but looking like a dare devil, coming into our group and bring JOAKIM down, sorry u are not successful at all.Cos to us, u are nothing but a fool.

hahahaah!gd job woman!!!i think she has explained well here..if ppl still don understand,then seriously...i donno wat to say..all of us don care wth ppl is gg to say..hah!to hell all those ppl who gt nthing better to do!bluergh!!

ok la... im damn tired now..wanna catch some sleep...im scared tmr..how how??hopefully ethng goes well..wish me luck.. =)))til then..tc..3 words..

Saturday, August 26, 2006

fri & sat

ok..time for long updates...hahaha!


my last paper!!!god!!!u donno hw happy i was man,ystd!!happy like ...i donno!!hahaha!so relieved..ething has come to an end...no more books,notes for me!!i can put ethng aside now!now,it's juz a matter of time for the results..im all ready to receive a D..haha!a D is still a pass tho..if i can pass ething w/out having to rpt any module,im thankful enough..so,i can juz pray hard now..

after my last paper,when to town with aisha..while waiting for the alumni meeting,i asked her to accompany me to find t-shirt for ehem..but..i donno what to buy!donno what design!!hahaha!so,ended up nt buying..

then..went for the alumni meeting..kental la!i was very paiseh to go in myself coz i know no one la!it's at rice table btw..called mrs tay,nvr pick up..i waited for like 15min la outside!haha!then,when i saw her,went in with her..hahaha!im soo cuckoo la!
ok..i didnt know that the alumni ppl are really alumni..ex-np students..n i was like.. "so,wat am i doin here?i haven even graduate?yr 3 also haven la!"...haha...somehow,mrs tay said that im juz a..i donno wat to say..but..anyhows...wahh!the food was super delicious la!!!yummmmyyyy!!!wooo!!there's chicken,in many varieties..tahu goreng..ala..many la!!burp..i was super full..haha!for free some more la!muahahah!

somehow,rice table was noisy,so we had to go to other places for the meeting..we ended up at BK opposite..hahaha!talked n talked..i juz kept quiet..coz i thot im nt suppose to say anything...hahah!then,on the way home,say eng asked me y i was soo quiet juz now..haha!in the cab,i ended up voicing my views..hahaha!then,he told me to post wat i said on the yahoo grps..hahaha!so yeah...thats it abt the meeting..weeee~n off to la-la land..


as usual....SI ROADSHOWSSSS!!!haha!i missed the one at TM,sooo..i cant miss this one!there were 2,one at westmall,the other one at toa payoh hdb hub..decided to go to toa payoh coz siti,wawa n vincent will be gg there..soo..i went there!altho westmall is far much nearer..haha!but anywoots...yeah!!i had fun!!super duper funn!

i went there with shikin..ok...now,she's also smangat!!way to go girl!hahah!i was asleep for the whole journey..sorry yeah,tk lyn kau..hee~then,when we reached already,met wawa..she tegur me,whether i juz woke up from sleepp..haha!it was obvious!my hair was in a mess!hahaha!thenn...went to find vincent..he was eating at BK...so we ate 1st..then went to popular to buy some stuff...then..we started queueing..

the whole event was in conjunction with some donation thingy...so,there's this host who is in charge for the whole event..then,he was saying that the idols will be here,n that start asking the crowd who we support..i didnt shout joakim tho..then he asked,"so,who support joakim?" (the he laughed)...n i said out loud.. "ehh,y u laugh??"haha!damn fierce ar!haha!then he went.."ehh,i support him ok..." ok fine...haha!make u do!if nt,y he laugh rite,when he asked who support joakim..hhmph!

it was a loooong wait tho..haha!anything for the idols man!then..this vincent la!haiiyooo!!he actually let his friends (i think friends he made at some rdhsows..) came in n join the q...n the girl happens to be the one i hate !!omg!!ok..don talk soo much coz she also likes joakim..haha!soo,fellow joakimians muz be friend friend..hee~

finally!!!the idols arrived!!!wooooo!!
joakim is in all white top!!!wee~he's soo angelic sia!!wooo!
hady was wearing red..woo!hot hot!jon is as cool as ever..jas is very sweet n simple..paul..as usual..his style..weeee~

then..took photos as usual..n i'll always hv to call joakim to pose for me..hee~weee~nice nice!!he posed some pic with paul...weeee~nice nice!!!sorry yeah..cant post the pics here..oops!solely belongs to vincent..hee~so ya..woooo!!

then,the autogrph session starts...daniel went ard asking the idols qn..when joakim answered,i was like the only shouting for him..hahah!wooo!smangat aku!!then,daniel was like asking all of us to like u know,make friends with ppl in front n behind us..then he said sthing like this.. "example,if u ask this person who is he supporting,n he/she is joakim's fan,then u don friend him.." then i said "OI!"hahaha!then he went.."im juz joking...im always joking.." hahaha!see!today i scolded 2 ppl,who said sthng abt joakim in an indirect way..haha!muz protect lil joakim..u go boy!!no worries yeah!!

then..finally!!it's our turn!!woo!jon recognised me!!!weee~u go jon!!jon is such a sweet man..hee~then..JOAKIM!!!wooo!he hugged me!!!yeah!!he hugged me! (haha!like he nvr hug b4)..wooo!haha!i shant elaborate further..let me keep it to myself..hahah!gave him the letter i wrote..weee~ (i think by now,he recognises me already..hee~)then paul n jasmine...i donno wat to say to them..haha!so ya...wooo!i told joakim,i wanna see him do the saliva yoyo...haha!kk,im crappy sometimes..muahaha!funnn!shikin had soo much fun too!!mentel ehh,peluk jon!hady mane nk letak??haha!she was like,pratically giving e'one her phto she took with them to ask them to autograph..haha!damn funny n cute la she!hahaha!

siti n wawa shouted non-stop...watver for..haha!vincent was always clicking away..hahah!me..nthing..hahah!juz looked at all the ppl..haha!then...when it was abt time to leave,all of us went to the carpark..hahaha!wa!!!all those ppl chased the bus all the way to main rd!!vincent,his friend n me was like..."yes!!run!run!chase the bus!!run run!!" haha...we shouted like nobody's biz to ask all those ppl to run n chase the bus..hahaha!we were laughing hard to ourselves..muahahah!anyways..funnn!hahaha!i enjoyed n cherished every moment today...jon,joakim,joakimians made my day today..

i watched the re-runs jz now..u know wat?i seriously don find anything wrong with joakim's performances..n anyways...KEN,DICK,FLO...U SUX!!!SUCKIEST JUDGES EVER!!it's enuff that the mass public are slamming him like shit..n u guys had to rub it in!he knows it already!!all he's trying to do is improve...n u said he hasnt?ass hole la!omg!i seriously cant take it man!i don give it a damn to wat flo said abt him exiting...n that fans shld do him that favour..aaaahhh!!f*** off la!omg!im soo vulgar!oops!no more no more!!watver is it,the 3 of them sux to the core..criticise ppl's chinese,as if theirs are gd...i think they cant also speak properly la!get off la!grrrr!!

8days also another one!!!omg!!!they really went overboard man this time!!!like jamie said,if we were millionaire,we wld sue them!!damnit!!

oh ya..to those who watched SI..did u see me??hahah!i was in tv..haha!!wooo!supportng joakim all the way...on thurs' result show,i gt to wear the joakimian shirt..they r short of 1 person,so annabelle asked me to wear...wee~hahaha!thurs result show was nice!!i gave joakim my own-made paper banana..(wah!at last i can draw a decent banana)..haha!vincent helped me passed it,since he was at the mosh pit..then he took the banana at his heart..he wanted to put it in his pants..haha!funny sia..weee~then,1 by 1 the idols said a shoutout b4 the show started..n he said "i hv a banana with me..."..then cant hear wat else he said..hahah!joakim super cute man!!!wee~hahaha!

ok la..til here..in a days time,im starting to work at the place im attached to..wished me gdluck ok??im scared actually...i will do my best to be a gd employee..hee~til then..tc..b4 i leave,here some pics...hee~3 words.. =))

me n wani...on the thurs result show..

jay was at toa payoh too,promoting his music sch..so,i took a pic with him!!!wee~..NICE??of course!!jay's kinda hot huh??Wooo~haha!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

no mooooooooood

haizz...i wanna blog,bt i don hv the mood to blog..i got sooo much to say la!haizz...donno leh..lazy to type i think..hahaa!anyways....the judges damn sux bigg time today!!omgf!damnit!a*****e!!!aarrggghhhh!haizz...nvm..im behind him all the way no matter wat..til then..tc..wish me luck for my killer paper...i don even hv the mood to even recall..haizz...damnit!ief sux!!!aarrgghhhh!!!!nonetheless..3words..=))

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

stress!!!like hell!!arrgghhh!!

omgf!!!!IEF is killing me la!i donno man!!i seriously donno wat to say!i mean,i've been reading n all la,but somehow,i feel that the paper is not gg to be easy la!first,i don read newspaper,except on SI(haha)..then,my common sense damn low,then...i donno anything abt trade...arrgghh!those in biz course n taking econs will know wat i mean..arrgghh!some more the lecturers sux biggg time!luckily my tutor is not..arrgghh!how how???i wanna go for my SI...n i hv my IEF the next day!!arrgghhh!spoil my mood la!guess i don hv to sleep la!i juz slept for 3 hrs ystd...slept at 5,n woke up at 8..this is madness man!nvm nvm...juz for these few days..endure!!persevere!!!chiong!!3 days left!!!

oh ya...my dear fiona tagged me...wahh..it's been a long time since we met my dear student leader(SL)...i will nvr forget the days during ba camp..best camp ive ever attended!silver bird rox man..u,tzi khee n jasmine rox my sox..hee~that's when i become bolder,friendlier,more independent n of course,make new wonderful friends...i will rmb each n e'one of u..to fiona,u r the best SL i ever had..i will nvr forget u,tzi khee n jasmine..tc aite??all the bez in ur future endeavours.. =))

kk!wat am i doin here?????studddyyyy!!!argghhhh!!!til then..tc...3 words...

ps:joakim's singing chinese song tmr!haha!cant wait!!wee~

Monday, August 21, 2006

2 more to go!!!

ok..update time..hee~hmm..let's start with sat..ok..so thats when my 1st paper was..alhamdulillah,i cld do it.watever i learn,came out.luckily i didnt study extra stuff..coz i trust mr chong..watever he said,i juz studied.wat he nvr said,i didnt study..so,yeah!it was spot on.there are some qns that i donno though n i anyhow hentam.hahaha!

rite after the paper,went home with aisha..we decided to go n eat..we ate at kfc imm..hee~then..walk here,walk there..haha!we gt nthing better to do la,as if the exams are over,when it was juz my 1st paper..haha!then,that sat itself,went for yet another facial..it's gonna take sometime b4 my face really heals..hmm..muz really2 take care la!i cant eat my all time fav food that has chocs n nuts on them!arrgghh!stress stress!haha!

then,at nite,as usual,watched my SI encore telecast.wee~i love it!i simply love it!or rather,i love joakim.haha!

after that,i watched this sat nite movie at chan5,unfaithful.did u guys watch?
omg!the show damn nice la!n i hate the wife soo much!she's gt such a nice,loveable hubby n son,with a cute son,n she actually nvr had enuff of it!she wanted more!i donno wat the hell she wants la,when she already had such a nice complete family!she actually gt to know this guy,n somehow,fell in love with him.when her hubby was at work,her son was at sch,she actually went to the guy's house n did nthing except sex!omg!sick la!even at the public,they can hv it la!omg!imagine,when she was having tea with her friends at the cafe,n the guy actually came over also,they went to the back near the toilet n sex la!omgomg!kk,im nt watching coz of the sex,but i wanna know hw the story ended,n how the hubby gt to know abt it.it was his friend who told him abt it.he don wanna believe it.then,he gt a spy n took photos of them.he lied to his wife that he had to go chicago for some biz matter.then,his wife took the oppurtunity n went to the guy's house,main main,smp lupa nk amek anak die!sial la!!i really cant take it la!she was damn unfaithful.uat malu kaum wanita jek la!astaghfirullah!mengucap seh tgk cite ni!then,when the hubby got to know abt it,he went to see the guy.then said la,did he realise that the woman is married,for 25 yrs,with an 11 yr old son..hw can he do like that la..then,while the hubby's eye looked ard the house,he came upon this figurine that he gave his wife.he was damn shocked n angry la!the wife gave it to him!then,suddenly,he gt soo worked up,his vision somehow went wrong,n he hit the guy's head with the figurine!omg!he was bleeding like hell la!then of course,he died.omg!then he hid the body..

cut short the story,curiousity aroused.police came to questioned the wife coz the wife knew the guy.that was the pt when she found out that he had a wife!haha!padan muke die!she donno that the hubby know abt their r/ship.then,sooner,she found out that her hubby knew abt it n it was him who killed the guy.she donno wat to do.she don wan to lose him.it's enough that she lose that guy.then,back at home,the wife saw that figurine at home.she was shocked,coz she rmbered that she gave it to the guy.then,she actually opened it n saw this lil msg saying.. "happy 25th anniversary"...awwww!see la!her hubby gave her that with such a sweet msg..

then..the ending quite mrepek la!they were in the car,n stopped in the middle of nowhere.the hubby was thinking of turning himself in...then..after that..finish..haha!do u know where the car was?in front of the police station.hahah!i think u hv to interprete the ending urself.to me,i think he's turning himself in..haha..i donno..

so ya...nice movie!see hw bad human can be??n that brings me to all those joakim haters!u sucks!damn u!!f*** la!

so,thats hw i spent my whole saturday..i was suppose to study la,but ended up watching telly..hahaha!

sunday..i skipped madrasah,coz uztaz was nt there..another uztaz took over n he's boring..haha!soo,i ended up revising for fmgt..the paper was juz now..ok la,can do..i cant do theory part..haha!heck care..finally,2 papers done..left with 2 more papers...jia you!!!to all those who r taking exams n tests...gdluck too..

ps:cant wait for specs this wed!!the idols will be singing 2 songs!!wooo!weee~all the best joakim..=))

til then...tc...3 words..

Friday, August 18, 2006


ok...i donno wat to blog...juz been a bit sad nowadays..haizz...i seriously donno wat state im in now..i hv so much things in mind..or is it because im over-reacting n too emo??i donno..seriously..it's as if im in that position,but im actually not..i don dare to say anything here,as much as i wanted to..but...a big thx to siti,who is always there to listen to me..i also listen to her...so,we listen to each other ok?hee~

oh ya..u know what?i suddenly hv this feeling to try n perm my hair..hahaha!what do u think?hmm..haha!

so,tmr is my 1st paper..hmm..i donno..juz go there n do my bez,that's all i gotta say..haizz..anything else?i donno..haha!oh ya..listen to the song..nice rite??hee~jojo's new song..enjoy yeah?til then..tc aite...3 words..

Thursday, August 17, 2006

ape2 la..

hmm..i donno wat to blog abt..haizz..now,i juz wanna know who really tag my board,using joakim's name..hmm..play a trick on me huh?how to like actually track down?hmm..get wat i mean?haha..

anyways..i went to the hangout on monday..haha!hmm..the funny thing that happen was we were screened by the police!haha!they were asking us y were we there n all..haha!they donno that the idols live there la!haha!kk..policemen are busy enuff..they don care abt such things.hmm..my 1st time ever being screened by the police,but for some gd reason though..hahaha!funnnn!the idols only reached at 1045!late sia!but nvm..anythng for them man..i took pic with jon,nurul n of course,joakim..weee~hee~but somehow,the pic didnt turn out nice..trying to ask someone to help me edit it..once it's nice,then i post..hahah!funnn!

k la...muz study liao..omgomg!!my 1st paper is this sat!wish me luck aite??til then..tc...3 words..

ps:i will be bz voting for joakim too..hee~guys out there,don forget to vote for ur fav too..don blame joakim if ur fav is out...!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

pics time!!

no posts today..juz pics..ennjoy...hee~

idol mania at cineleisure...

me n joakim!!!wooo!not forgetting paul too!!wooo!

haha!a grp pic with all the "top12" !!

top7 roadshow at parkway parade

how do u find this?cute rite?haha!it's a massager..hehe..siti bought one for hady too,but in the shape of a soccer ball..hee~=))

hehe...we were bored la,while waiting in the q,sooo..we called daniel n took pic with him!he's such a cutie hor??hee~great n funny dj too..rmb he used to dj-ying with sheikh haikel..n glenn too..=))

thennn...bpk mertua aku!!hahaha!that's vincent,a fan of joakim too=))

finale..hehe...me,shikin n nurul..hee~

Saturday, August 12, 2006


ok..i haven been blogging...coz im juz plain lazy..plus been bz studying for the exams..arrgghh!im so stress la!i hate exams soo much la!i will only like it only if i pass..haha!seriously,i don expect much for this exam.as long as i pass ething,gt at least a B for all modules,dah Alhamdullillah...doa byk2 seh..so ya..at last,i start studying..fmgt i think ok..ief..omg!die!aaa,ok la..fms..muz memorise like hell!

thenn...back to idols..haha!i had soo much fun man!so damn happy my joakim is in..i know many r nt happy..but what the heck!i don care!u ppl cant blame him he's in la!juz blame urself coz u don vote enough for thise whom u like!thats all i gotta say man,seriously..i will always believe in my stand that joakim can do it...i don care og ppl wanna slam n kutuk him like shit..serious man..

i went for the results show..hee~sadddzzzz!damn saddd!i cried la!when rahimah was out!omg!cried too when joakim was in!omg!i was both happy n sad la!happy coz joakim was in..happy n i cried n jumped!haha!somehow,wheni rahimah was out,the tears juz naturally roll..ya!i donno y..but i cried!somehow or rather,i can connect with the idols la,such that when ousted,tears will juz roll..boohoo!ya..im very emo at times...i watched the rpt agn..n i cried la!AGAIN!ya!the feeling is still there..i will always rmb rahimah man..i look her like my lil sis..rock on rahimah!=))n nt forgetting my dear joakim..hee~was soo happy to see him today!!hee~

i juz wanna share hw im feeling rite now..hee~i juz hope that all the idols will do their bez in the rock theme.seriously,i like all of them..i don wan any of them to be eliminated la..haizz...but hv to la..haizz..kk..til here..i needa study ief!!arrgghh!tc aite...3 words..=))

ps:i took pic with daniel ong n joakim's father(ehem,my father in law??haha!)
will upload soon..=))

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


ok...so today was a bad day for me..nt really say bad,but..i donno la..donno hw to describe it..i shall nt say it here tho...coz i know confirm aku kene condemn rabak2..hmm..so ya..i juz hope that ething will go well..waiting for that day to come soon..

but...this kinda make my day..hehe..yeah!!b4 i fell in love with joakim,i fell in love with him 1st.hahaha!yeah!!it's none other than PRIMERO..if u read my previous post,i did talk abt him..hehe..so sweeeeeeeet rite??hehe..he's so cute la..but too bad,if im nt wrong,he's gt a gf already..haha!anyways..when i wanna take photo with him,it was funny la..

siti was like.. "hey primero,my friend wanna take pic with u..u hold on ar.."

then he was like.."ohk,hold on where?here?"(he was holding on to randy..haha!funny..cute also la!!)

hehe..kk..im mad..til then..i seriously needa start cracking now..til then..tc yeah?3 words..=))

awww...hw i like this pic...*winkz*

Monday, August 07, 2006

donno wat title to put..

haizz...as u can see from my taggy,sume org nk aku nye joakim nye out.haizz..pe la salah die yg korg nk die out?hmm..no matter wat,i will still root for him..n..im gg for specs tmr la!hahaha!thx annabeln jamie for helping me ask for tix.so..tmr is gg to be a long day for me..with tutorials in the morning,then specs..weee~cant wait..joakim is gg to let loose a bit og monkey-ness tmr..hopefully it wont screw up..all the bez aite??don disappoint the fellow joakim-ians..we believe in u..hee~

ok..work juz now was ok..juz that now im down with flu.bluergh..a bit of tekak gatal..grr..boring!i hate to be sick la!anything else?ok la..nt much..that crazy siti asked me to go to hangout.haha!gile pe?haha!like stalker sia!haaha!i wanna go la,but..cant leh..got soo much things for me to do.haizz..n i haven start revising.omg!damn worried la!donno y leh,but im juz plain lazy..haizz..i hope to do well tho..to at least score a B..i don wan any Cs in my report slip..haizz..pray for me aite?

n to my dearest kak linda...who has been down for days n wks..hope dat u r doin ok...pray for u that u'll be fine..=))

til then..tc..some pics..hehe..the card that i bought for him..wee~3 words..=))

the 1st pg..

the 2nd pg..

the last pg.. =))

Sunday, August 06, 2006

sat updates

oritez...i was soo super damn shagged ystd that i didnt went online..slept very early at 1050..haha!can u believe that?wah..damn nice n shiok la the feeling..hehe...

anyways..yup..i went to yet another rdshow ystd.haha!kk,im mad..so,we planned to go to the one at suntec,but somehow,the one at suntec was in conjuction with some other event,so we decided to go to cineleisure instead.haha!b4 the rdshow,there was this cosplay quest..ok..i find them irritating.haha!shall nt elaborate on that..

waited very long as usual.n yes!i gt to develop photos of me n joakim,so that he can autograph on it.yeah!hehe..but then..the svc was damn poor!i hate her la!ok..don wanna talk abt it too..juz wanna say that konica at taka was sux!hope that u close down soon!suck ppl money only.damn u!haha!

thenn...430pm..finally!they reached!weee~haha!ok..i didnt shout n cheer that mad.donno ehh..kinda no mood ar..haha!but joakim was standing at my side..weee~i like!he's hot la!he wore all white top that day!wooooo!hahaha!then..all the talking n asking qns..hmm..ya..siti gt to asked qn to hady..siti's cousin gt the bag from jasmine.haha!they like jasmine soo much!gt her a doggie bear!soo cute la the kids..hehe..so ya..then..paul's fan r crazy!omg!they shouted for him non-stop.i can go deaf man!eday muz dig my ears sia!haha!

then...the autograph session!yeah!ok..it was a bit cock up here..i wanted to give chocs to both joakim n jon..wanna give jon coz he has done me a big favour.so,i bought another choc for joakim.but,the choc that i wanna give joakim melted la!melt like hell!haha!then,the choc that i wanna give jon,had to give to joakim instead.hahaha!pity jon la!but nvm jon..i will nvr forget ur help.n...i will give u maybe on tue if im gg to specs..or nt,the next rdshow..hehe..so ya..joakim went thk u to me,shake hands..hehe..wanna hug ar,but i a bit paise leh..hehe..nvm nvm..next time..ok,ni part aku boring.de 1 makcik ni..ehhhh..suka2 cium joakim aku!arrgghh!aku ni blum cium2 die.muahahahahah!kk..takpe...hmph!haha!his mom n friends were there too..i admire his mom's support for him.she was standing there for the whole thing,with his posters n all..my dear joakim,u hv made ur mom proud of u soo much..despite all criticisms n all..ur mom n u braved thru it..thats wat an idol is man..no matter wat ppl said,u r still my idol..=))

kk..haha!back to the session..so ya..paul damn cute la!haha!he said that my belt is nice..bling bling..haha!one idol didnt shake hands with me..shld i say who?hmm..better not..he/she didnt even hulur the hand out to shake hands la!wahh!i blacklist that idol liao..if u still become the idol,gd for u then..haha!mat,nurul,jas,jon..they r all wonderful n friendly ppl...i love them all too!=))

ok..didnt manage to take any pics..coz i don hv camera with me..boohoo!but nvm..my main purpose to the rdshow is to pass him the card n chocs..n get my photo signed..hehe..so ya..wee~i like!

here it is..nice?nice la!!all framed already..hehe~

after that,went home by myself...very tired already..went to popular to buy skecth book..hehe..so ya.thats all lor..at night,watched the SI rpt..haha!i saw myself on tv,shouting for joakim.muahahaha!i missed one idol's performance tho..guess who..haha!tk tgk pun tkpe ar..zZz..

ok la..til here..here r some phtos that i hv long wanna update..hehe..njoys..TC..3 words..


i is for indah!!hahaha!


evern,chistina n me..ok..my eyes!sthing wrong la!hahaha!

ok..lights on ba booth..hehe..all of us simply loves to take pic..christina n me..


me n nurul...nurul..u r soo damn pinky!plus...u kinda look fat??haha!time to shed some kilos man!muahahaha!

sweetie syah n me...wee~

after the specs...weee~nurul n me are soo pinky!muahaha!

ok..this was before the results show...while waitng for my tix...let's cam whore!!hahaha!i love it..

muahaha!we r such posers man!weee~do u realise that nurul wore red n i wore white tat day?haha!we cant wait to celebrate national day la!haha!soo patriotic of us huh?hee~

Saturday, August 05, 2006

it's really finally over!

finally..today marks the end of all proj n assignments!yay!at last!im soo relieved like hell!haha!no more proj!thats it!i had enough!ok..so i gt back my ief proj..alhamdulillah...my grp gt the highest.haha!surprised?very surprised!we gt a B..no one in tehe cohort scored an A for this proj..hmm..so..a B is ok..highest some more..weee~thx all..u've done a great job..it's all worth it..

ecd presentation..ok la..donno wanna say gd or nt..i don really care abt the presentation coz it's only 10%..the report carries the highest weightage..n i think the report screwed..juz pray for the bez..as for the test,i gt 47/60.happy?happy..haha!i heck care ecd already..muahaha!so..ya..i pass can liao..

oh ya..my attachment..finally!resolved!i was sent to this American Home Assurance Company..hmm.it deals with insurance thingy i guess..yupp..but i donno where exactly the place..hmm..will find out soon..my workng time is from 8.30-5.30..yeah!can watch SI!n can go to rdshows on sat!wee~coz it's a 5-day wk only..wee~alhamdulillah!syukur!!hopefully it'll be fun n enriching..wee~wish me bez of luck aite?til then..tc...will b gg to suntec later to see SI..weee~3 words..=))

Thursday, August 03, 2006

happy?yes. sad?yes. pissed?yes.

kk...let's see..as usual,i was so damn lazy to wake up this morning for I&E presentation n 1-to-1 session..but,still dragged myself...hehe..ething went smoothly..i simply love it!BIG THX TO RAYNER,JOEL N NT FORGETTING OUR HOT MAMA,MS ZARINA..if nt for u guys,the event will nt be a success..hee~i don deny that i actually hv doubts in u guys in the 1st place,coz u all seemed playful n nt serious,n also our grp is so small,3 oni..n i thot that was impossible..but heyy!i underestimated u guys...u guys r great la!u can be playful,but..when it comes to proj,u guys r serious..n i like that!gd job guys..im sooo proud of u..=)))

after that,i went hm..to get ready to go...BUGIS!!hehe..wat else rite,if nt to shop..hahaha!funn!at last,i gt myself a small bag n black belt..its so hard to find la!wats more,i muz find gd bargain one..hehe..yayness!im happy!the nike bag only costed me 43.actual px was 61+..then,my black crown bling bling belt is only 10bucks!!weee~gd bargain!!hehe..kk..no more spending..i think i'll spend only when the next sem comes..coz sch term is abt to end,so i don need any clothes yet..juz make do with watver i hv...heh..so yeah!!my money is well-spent..wee~juz left to pay my bills..

now..this is the climax of my dayy!hahaha!i went for the results show!!weee~u bet i had funn mann!hehe...ANOTHER BIG THX TO JOAKIM-IANS...w/out u guys,this is impossible..hee~

ok..the starting didnt go well..this is wat happen..pauline called me n ask if i wanna go down to mediacorp..so..yeah!i wan!i asked her for the mosh pit tix.coz i wanna stand..then,by the time i reached there,they actually put all the ppl with the mosh pit tix tgther with the unumbered tix.n that was like soo super duper damn unfair la!wa lau!i mean,those with mosh pit(mp) tix shld hv more priority wat!i was soo damn pissed la!waited soo long there,b4 we can get seated la!zzz!then gerald n melvyn went down,n they were like talking sthng to the crews...then i signalled him la,y r we still here,despite getting the mosh pit tix..then he replied relax,they will bring us up..ok..hw can i be relaxed,when siti told me that the mosh pit area da pack,n they sealed already??arrgghhh..i was super stress n tensed man seriously!haizz..

then..at ard 745 like dat,at last!they brought us inside!ok..i seriously wanted to stand la!i was like begging like hell man!i was like pulling his shirt n all..haha!they still don let man!wa lau!then..when i reached at joakim's side,they were asking me wat happen..then i explained la..mel n ger was like telling the crew la,oni 1 person go down,wat diff does it make rite?true wat..wa lau!then i saw 3 ppl juz went down like that..then,i pulled this lady crew n told her,y they can, y i cant?she said thats nt her biz..i was like..ok,wth..then..the masking tape was torn..it was no longer sealed!haha!n guess wat i did?i juz rushed down like that!hahaha!all of them also told me juz to run down like that..haha!i was small n fast enuff that nobody saw me doin that!hahaha!weee~then...i was juz on time..when i reached there,all the idols came out to shake hands with ebody!hahaha!n i get to shake hands with JOAKIM.hahaha!super happy la!nt forgetting all the other idols!hahaha!nurul n siti was shocked hw come i suddenly came down..they were like.."ehh..hw come suddenly gt 1 xtra person suddenly shook hands?"hahaha!ok..u can say i was super crazy n making a fool of myself..but heyy..im juz trying to fight for my rites that i deserve..there's nthing wrong with that man,seriously..i hope that u guys don find me irritating or wat..sorry if i hv been misbehaving myself..i will behave the nxt time.

lesson learnt:DON TAKE THE STANDING TIX!IT SUX!hahaha!

so..ya..the tensed part..hmm..ebody was so stressed..donno who's in,n who's out..surprisingly,JAY was out!omg!damnit!y him???haizz...nthing can describe how im feeling rite now..i may nt be his fan,but...ya..he left me crying..i was soo emo!!he also cried..boohoo!he ended the show by singing solitaire..wa lau!damn sad la!some more the song so sad..wah!i teared a lot la!i donno y ar,but this SI made me cry soo much!boohoo..u know rite who i wan to be out soo much..i don wanna say..hopefully that person it out next wk man..doesnt deserve to be in la!my JOAKIM definitely deserves it!ok,talking abt JOAKIM,i hate ken's comment la!he said that JOAKIM can only make it as an actor or host..then i was like..if u said that,y did u make make him into the top 28???rite??wa lau!the judges really damn sux sometimes..arrggghh!hopeless..zZz..watever la ehh..

hmm..enuff of SI..i think u ppl who read my blog become sianz already coz i always talk abt SI..haha!now..muz practise my presentation already..wish me luck aite guys for tmr presentation..til then,tc..i seriously needa get cracking..3 words..

oh ya!forgot to tell u..primero was there juz now!wanted to take pic with him,but was too emo juz now that i forgot..haha!primero is sooo hot in person..haha!but JOAKIM is hotter..hee~

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

u r a better man no doubt joakim..

ok..today i was damn lazy to wake up..haha!suppose to wake up at 8,to meet them at 10,but..haha!damn lazy ar!okok...back to sch..lunch time was hilarious la!haha!anh thu n i was on the way to SIM,then there's this 3 boys,asking me where is the ngee ann canteen,then i direct them,then he went "wat if i still cant find?i find u?"..haha..then i was like,"ok..can..i'll be at SIM.."haha!errr..i bet they were juz flirting..haha!in the middle of the rd..haha!then the funny part was....when we wanna go back to np,we saw them agn la!hahaha!then,the same guy went "ehh..if i really cant find u,i wld steal ur cute smile!"hahaha!kk..i was so kembang la!hahaha!

ok...now..THE SPECTACULARS!!!!!!!!!wahhhhh!so damn rox la!i enjoyed myself soo much la,sitting with fellow joakim-ians..weeee~i gt to hold joakim's big signboard n banners...weee~hahaha!cheered n cheered,screamt,shouted..haha!did u guys see me on tv?haha!i think they captured me la,n i was shouting like mad!haha!buruk!bt nvm..anything for JOAKIM man!haha!

my JOAKIM sang so well la!there's a lot of improvement la!im soo proud of u la JOAKIM!!haha!he sang to be a better man...wah!!he is indeed a better 18 yr old man la!hahaha!


ok...so i had super duper funnn!thx to all joakim-ians..thx to the mum...thx to all who hv made it possible for me to be there...yeah!i had soo much fun la!weee~the others hv also performed well..i luv all of their performances..haha!ok la..im tired now..needa sleep..do proj..tmr gg to yet another results show...weeeee~hehe..i wanna stand at the mosh pit la!hopefully..hee~til then..tc..3 words..

us..at the student plaza..wee~all of us wore red/pink..hee~nice nice!!

me...posing...hee~with my kacang putih..hehe~

hehe..u know what this means?hmm..hehe..if u know,then gd..u know me tooo well already..i gt this from the lect day deco..rather than throwing it away,i might as well take it home n deco my rm!hehe..

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


okie dokie...today is quite a relaxing day for me..hmm..ya..but somehow,sthing bad happened this morning..guess what?i planned to fast today,so i had to sahur 1st.so,my mum woke me up,then she heated up the lauk..while she heated it up,i went back to my room to sleep for a while more.bt somehow,i overslept.then,my mum woke me up.the food was burning!ya!omg!i donno la!arrgghh!my mum la,she didnt tell me she's nt fasting,then hw i know?haizz...then,i ended up having no food to sahur,i juz ate epok2 n 1 chicken wing.then slept back..it was dangerous..if we were to detect it later,i think the whole house will burn down..nasib..alhamdulillah takde pape..

then..in sch..boring la..slept during the revision lect.i seriously cant take it la..damn tired like hell..luckily sch ended early today..soo nice..hee~i reached hm only,i slept..all the way til 4..haha!shiok sia!i still feel sleepy though..after this,maybe sleep lor..haha!!

oh ya!there's a story abt JOAKIM in the papers..arrggghh!i tell u ar,the reporters damn crappy ar!like duhz!y wanna match make some1?what trouble r they looking for man?i was like..WATEVER LA!!omg!haizz...i hope that all these doesnt make him worried,lose concentration n all..hmm..all the bez ya,mr j..=))

ok..i've been tagged by my dear afiqah..hehe..so..here it is.

Seven random facts about me :
~im now a super duper BIG FAN OF JOAKIM JUDE GOMEZ
~im super duper kanjiong
~im sick in the brain..(haha!thats wat tiq juz said abt me)
~i love to shop..
~i love to eat..yup!esp chocs!yummy!
~im kiasu..
~im super paranoid..

seven things that scare me:
~get scolding..
~exams..stresses me a lot!
~presentations!(i will 2 this wk!argghh)
~momok(although i haven experience b4..hee..)
~my dad..super scared..haha!

seven songs at the moment :
~life is wonderful-jason mraz
~me n u-cassie
~call me on-janet jackson ft nelly
~doin too much- some artiste ft baby bash
~so what-ciara
~all songs sang by JOAKIM-woooo!my SI!!
~best friend-50 cent n olivia

seven things i like:
~all my SI collections
~my lappy
~my MP3
~my telly
~my hp
~prezzies from adeline..i like the purse very muchie!thx ya!
~my bed of course...zZz..

Seven bad habits :
~sleeps during lectures
~nvr do tut or proj for modules that i hate soo much
~always scold ppl if things nvr go my way (im trying to get rid of that bad habit of mine)
~when im super lazy,i wont do a single thing..nthing at all..
~i can be very clumsy at times..such that i can make a fool of myself
~i cant think of anything..haha!

Seven victims to do this activities :
whoever wants to do,juz do ok??hahaha!maybe,to name a few ppl..hmm..

okie...so..here r the pics during our I&E events mgmt at montesorri kindergarten..hee..funnn!

let the show begins..giving away sweeeetsssss...

lecture time!!!


colouring competition time!!!

pick-up the litter games!

wassup joel??haha!

the grp photo..hee~fun dayyy!

oritezz...till here..i needa start doin my ecd ppt..bluergh..til then..tc..see ya..3 words..

oh ya!thx tiq for acc me to get my hair trimmed..hee~=))