Wednesday, March 08, 2006

my girl & i

it's been a while since i updated..coz im lazy,and there's not much to talk abt u see..soo,let's see wat happen today..bumped into soo many today,and they are looooooong loooooost friend whom i nvr met after the day we received our o lvl results...saw jiafeng and his gf,saw my tuition friend,raimi..
then...went to cathay cine with fat,wanted to watch my girl & i,saw amelia,she's working at the ticketing ya..then saw my juniors down orchard rd..hmm..they seems to be happy..maybe they gt the sch that they wanted to go..i forgot to ask pulak where they are posted yeah... girl & i is sooooo damn nice lar!!!wah!!!i love it!!!i mean,all the korean romantic movies that i've watched,there's none that i said it is not nice,rite??haha!!!u can say it's like normal love story,but to me,each has its own unique-ness u yeah!!i simply love it!!i also wanna watch season for love..who wanna accompany me??hehe~

oh ya..juz wanna share with u this lovely pair of socks of mine...hehe~i like..bought from daiso..

nice??haha!!i like the toes part..soo cute!hee~

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