Friday, March 31, 2006

fuhua's 3rd cultural nite

oritez..the second post of the day..hee~as i said earlier,i went for my sec sch's 3rd cultural nite..nice..met a lot of ppl..met some juniors..funny ones we used to joke abt them..haha!ok,i know thats bad!muahaha!super duper fun!

performances wise,it's the same old one..bands,dances,singing,drums..except that this time there's no!maybe no time to plan..after that,saw some teachers..god!my dear ms yee is pregnant!n she's soo fat!cute!tembam!haha!she used to be so slim,but now,like netball sia!haha!i said so coz she was in-charge of,she herself looked like netball..haha!ms teo is also pregnant,the 2nd baby..wah!we were like.."wah!sume cikgu fuhua kemarok nak beranak ke?"(all the teachers are crazy to give birth ar?)muahaha! dear nani..make stupid joke as usual!NANI,BACE NI!JGN TK BACE!KHAS UTK KAU!she called mr teo and said this: "mr teo,indah wants to take photo with u.."haha!kong asam tul!kesian cikgu tu..die da la tk popular,kau kacau die mcm gitu,kasi die harapan palsu..haha!aku igt ar akan lupa..hmph!

took many photos..all with,once she uploaded all the pics and pass it to me,which i think will be 2 wks from now,i will post it..i had great fun!till then..3 words..


hmm.....wat i wanna talk abt?i donno..haha.niwae..ystd i was working after a few days break..very tired..soo many things to do..soo busy..i worked alone coz abg and cik mas had to settle some stuff..very lazy to last abg came back to work,after 2 wks mc coz of chicken pox..wah!so shocked to see him!haha!he's growing beard!haha!

i have to do soo many things,and 1 of the impt things to do is to read up on POA..zZz..coz i will be taking Accounting Applications & Analysis(AAA),which is sort of an extension of POA..i hv forgotten all abt my POA..bad bad!haha..soo,muz refresh..but,the qn is,bile tu aku nk gi bace?haha!tkde mase tul!plus mls!haha!i hv a feeling next sem will be hell for me!will be studying mainly on finance stuff..hmm..and i know nuts abt that..i've not been reading papers..haha!slamat ar indah!

later,i will be gg to fuhua's cultural nite with tiq,nani,fat and sha..mar cant go..haizz...maklumla,sok nk gi kl..haha!mar,jgn lupa tau bende yg aku kirim.i'm counting on u!haha!hope dat u hv fun=),i wanna edit my blog..put more photos!vince's photos!woohoo!i love vince!haha!till then..3 words..

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


today went malay village for my facial first,not bad ar.very nice.she washed my face,put soo many diff types of stuff on my face..then steamed my face for 15 min..after steaming,that was where the scary part came!!!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!she korek all my pimples la!damn!it was f***ing painful la!i screamed "ouch","aduh","ahh"!haha!!seriously man!i even cried lar!haha!super damn painful..i've nvr squeezed any pimple all my life!this was the 1st time,and it was done by an outsider..haha!after squeezing,she used laser to kill the was painful also,but not as painful as the squeezing..bengkak seh muke!after that,she applied some cream,also painful man!pedih dok!tak leh angkat!but then..after gg thru all the pain..waaaaah!she massaged my face with this instrument..very cooling..nice..hehe... face is bengkan abit..eee!cant wait for it to heal abit..muz apply all the stuff..n im soo super lazy to do that..hehe..super lazy..but,i wan a clean face,free of pimples,soo muz be hardworking abit..haha!lucky i didnt go for the facial b4 APM..if nt,tk glamour benar!haha..

btw..i already had the pics i took at APM..super nice!esp me and vince..mcm pinang dibelah dua!haha!!prasan tul aku!hehe..till then..3 words..nitez..

me& a fan,i love u!!hee~

ribuan bintang di syurga
semuanya bagaikan mendengar
rintihan yang aku pendamkan sekian lama

tidak ku sangka kau berdusta
diriku bagaikan bahtera
yang kian karam di mamah lautan
hilang tujuan

janji-janji yang kau beri
kini telah pun hilang dan pergi
kau mainkan cinta
tiada bermakna
namun tak daya ku lupa
janji-janji dan cinta pertama

(mengapa?kau bisa..)

he was singing janji-janji for me la!woohoo!haha!vince!wooo!

i went with all these wonderful & sporting ppl..tiq's cousins and 2 aunties..

Monday, March 27, 2006

TF1 Sigalp Kampung Huts

i had another super duper fun at my class chalet at sentosa siloso beach...weeee!i went alone coz i had religious class in the morning,n also i wanna watch my tv 1st b4 i left the house for chalet.furthermore,they wanna meet up so early,i was not ready and haven packed my things,so decided to go later..i wanna go with ashwin,donn and syafi,but they go sooo late,so i go 1st..

when i reached harbour front,i donno where to take the shuttle to sentosa la!haha..ok2..can say that im suaku..haha!the last time i went sentosa was yonks ago man!when i was still in pri sch lor!haha!then,i didnt know that i when i still have to take another bus to the beach!haha!i thot it was like when we took the shuttle,then juz take and walk at the blue line to underwaterworld.thats wat vivian said..she didnt said abt u have top board the blue line bus!thats wat she's supposse to say to ppl like me!so blur lar!haha!i really2x looked like a tourist man!haha!i think ar,even tourist also know that they must take another bus to tour around sentosa!haha!wat a hopeless singaporean am i!muahaha!and i saw 2 ppl la!1 of the juniors in my sec sch,and 1 acc boy in np..

then,reached already,got changed,and played some ball usual,i don play lar,coz im scared of balls..haha!so i,juz sat under the shade,played with the sand and know wat i did?the pic says it all..hahaha!

im sick and mad rite???!!??haha!!yeah i am!bahang2 APM masih dpt ku rasakan man!i miss vince!!pls come back soon!hee~okok..stop it indah..

this is the kampung huts..very small and cozy..donn said that it was like his store room..haha!!but seriously,it was nice..i like!!we booked 2 kampung huts..our huts are called siglap..there were bugis also..then,somebody asked the rest whether they wanna go bugis..then,the rest was like.."huh?bugis?how to?wat for?"haha!!skali they were referring to the bugis huts.haha!!can say it was lame lar..muahahaha!

after playing,around 5+,we gt ready the bbq thingy..then,donn called me,asking me where is the place..then i asked who is he with..
donn:ashwin..(then ashwin said hello..)
me:syafi leh?
donn:he nvr go ar.fuck ar he..
me:wat?wa lau!wat sia!
coz he sms-ed me he said he will b gg,then now nvr go..wat a friend!the 2 of them muz be together..if 1 missing ar,not nice u see...haha!!skali,when they reached already,syafi came lar!haha!they lied to me!haha!ashwin will come later..ahhh..thats better..

then,vivian and gang went to swim,left me,syafi and donn,chit-chatting and lighting up the fire for bbq..oh my!donn...u kept on smoking!haha!!

night fell,the fire was ready,and started cooking..yummy!

then,syafi and donn went to fetch!ashwin and donn bought 14 cans of beer!omg!7 each!plus 1 whole bottle of vodka that vivian bought!oh my!drunkards and smokers!haha!reached already,then they started drinking and smoking!non-stop man!one can and stick after another!this is the 1st time in my life im sitting in front of ppl whom i know,drinking and smoking!haha!coz i hate the smell,esp drunkards..they smelled awful..haha!and that goes to both ashwin and donn..haha!!then,eat2 again,swim2..after that,donn left to meet his 2 friends,or rather,his future potential gf..haha!and he kept on saying that today he was gg to *toot*..haha!it was cikopek man!and he was showing me,ashwin n syafi..we were laughing our heads off lar!coz he was like jumping rather than *toot*..haha!donn was super funny!

then,left the 3 of us,vivian and gang went inside the hut and played card games..the 3 of us talk n talk n talk..till bin came back from a fashion show..and joined us..then,syafi was very tired and slept 1st coz he had to go to sch..we called donn to come back,coz he was there for hours..but,he asked us to joined him,so we joined him but the was was 2+ in the morning,enjoying the breeze,the stars,the waves..wah..nice feeling..there were no one else,absolutely no one..(coz it was monday morning,sunday e'body go home liao..haha)then,ashwin said he saw sthing..i was scared that i wanted to go back to the chalet.haha!back at the chalet,the rest still haven sleep.i wanted to sleep,but when alan and hong gay said that they wanted to eat cup noodle,i ate first b4 sleeping..hehe..

while eating,donn came back,saying he was hungry and that 711 was closed,so cant buy any food.then,he said that he wanted to vomit!hah!see lar!drink soo much till he wanna vomit!he was drinking XO with his 2 friends..wah seh!he sure drank a lot!ashwin too!so,he vomitted..ashwin helped him massaged his back..massaged soo hard that donn lost balance and fell fwd together with the bin!haha!super funny!ok already,went to join his friends back..i joined the rest..then,like very bored already,i slept first in the other hut..syafi was sound asleep already..he slept at the upper deck,so i took the lower deck..nice man!i had the bed all to myself..with 2 pillows and blanket..soo comfy!!heee~

around 7+ like that,donn and ashwin came in..they were soo noisy that they woke me up..they were talking abt syafi being the king,and im some princess or sleeping beauty,all comfortably asleep,with blanket and pillow..having all the bed to myself..haha!!then,i said "ehh..wat?im not sleeping ar.."haha!then they kept on talking cock ar..donn and ashwin shared the other bed..there were only the 4 of us in the room,whereas vivian and the rest had to squeeze in the other room..haha!there were 8 of them squeezing!haha!can u imagine that?then,donn joked that syafi won the 1st prize,so he got the upper deck all to himself,then i 2nd prize,so i gt the 2nd deck..the rest all consolation prize,had to squeeze..haha!and lots more la!haha!forever talking crap!oh ya!and ashwin farted at donn!haha!then,tired already,all of us got back to!ashwin was snoring soo loudly lar!haha!too tired already..

9+,woke up..washed up..cleared the place,checked-out,took the shuttle svc to take the blue was a nice nite..last photo..the 11 of us..
middle:bin,bryce,hong gay..
front:alan,vivian,vivien,ghim hui,me..

this is the formal shot..

this is suppose to be the informal shot,but it doesnt look like one..haha!!

b4 gg home,we ate at harbour front hawker centre..i wanted to eat,but gt tummyache ar...i don dare to eat coz i was scared that i needed the toilet,and i don like to shit at public toilet unless i really cant,juz watched them eat..

wat puzzled me was there was this 2 pakcik,looking at me..mcm tak suke gitu..i donno y la!1 pakcik looked at me,then told his friend sthing,the friend also turned to look at me..i was like....wth!y r u looking at me like dat?wat did i do?i was so decent innoncent lar!haha!entah2 aku tk yg syok sendiri..tapi tak!it was soo obvious they were looking at me!behind us no more table!maybe i know y..but i don wanna say..haha!but seriously..i hated the way they looked at me..i've nvr been looked that way in my life ok?sooo...pissed off man!tak tau pape jgn bbl sembarang ar!zZz..or maybe rite,we were sitting at the table where u cant eat chinese food..mcm kat geylang gitu..tapi..tkkan ar!that table is tgh2 the chinese and malay side wat..ala,watver la..agaknye aku ni cantik sgt thats y tgk2!haha!or maybe they know me,i donno them..haha!da nk lyn..haha!

i cant wait for my photo with vince...tiq..cepat lar kasi aku!till then,ciaoz..

Saturday, March 25, 2006

this entry says it all


ALHAMDULILLAH!!!i passed my exams with flying colours!wooo!soo shocked to get all As & ADs..haha!i really didnt expected that!tapi more worries!i will worry abt 2nd yr when the time comes..haha!!

now now....APM '06....
i hv soo much to story,tapi tk tau mane nak start...haha!okok..let's start from when i found out that the blouse i wanna wear,the button hilang!lost!mia!god!i was soo sad n angry that i started to...CRY!!!haha!ya la!at such a time,this muz happen!damn it man!then,i went to find some similar buttons,but i cant!i called syah,nurul,tiq to find where else gt sell button..jurong east,the shop closed down!jurong west,don hv!not even the closest one!damn sial!i gave up headed home..i had to unpicked the last button to replace the 2nd button that was lost..luckily not soo obvious!haha!slamat aku!then,reached home,kelam-kabut siap..haha!tapi nasib sempat..orite lar tu..then headed off to tiq's house,sume da siap,kite blah!haha..

reached expo already,e'body came already,we entered max pavillion!wooohoo!!gerek gile!power!although the seat is not that gd,coz nt in the middle,but still infront!i like!then...START!!!!!

1st performance by VE!!!woohooo!!!power gile!!i like it very much!gd job guys!they sang their latest single,oh no..kamu!!!woohoo!!after that,AHLI FIQIR!woohhoo!!!power jugak lar babe!!woohhoo!!!

the hosts also rox!i like AZNIL n NIRINA!!!woohoo!!!love them loads!fiza was comment..i don really like..kene colour habis2!adi pun same!haha!AZNIL n NIRINA ROX!!!

then,presented all the diff awards..shouted here n there like hell!woohooo!haha!then it was VINCE's turn to perform...power!i shouted like hell when he came out!haha!he really sang JANJI-JANJI!i love it!power!bulu roma ternaik!serious!haha!after that,ADAM's n NIKKI's turn!woohooo!!power jugak!!!!i love NIKKI!!!

but then rite,wat i really damn don like was when vince sang with eka!it should be me instead of her!haha!then,part vince,adam,nikki & eka sang together,also not damn nice lar!coz it was like vince and eka mcm extra gitu!y muz make them sing nikki's & adam's song?cant they juz let my vince to perform alone?!?he sounds nice ok?stupid dum dum!hmph!anywoots..vince still is the best,no matter wat ppl say!i love ya vince!3words!haha!

break time,went to the front and.....took pics with VINCE!!!!woooohhooooo!!!!i love it!i shook his hand!i took photo with him!sat beside him!wished him gdluck,n put my hand on his shoulder!haha!!!sooo happy the gile!!!ahhhh!!!i will nvr forget that moment man!my desktop's background,hp wallpaper and screensaver,wallet,frame in my room..will all be my pic with him!woohhoo!!i like!u can say im mad!i don care!haha!!

then..ROSSA,RATU,ANUAR ZAIN,CT,NURUL&AJAI,DAYANG,JAC,etc turn to perform..they also performed damn well n nice!!i like!oh ya!not forgetting syed azmir and taufik!mawi too!although i don really like him,but ok lar..nice..haha!

then..this was the time im waiting male artist...when they announced the nominees,as usual,i shouted and screamed and yelled when they said vince..haha!ppl around my area was looking at me..i stood up..when they wanna announced the winner,i shouted vince!haha!i don care with ppl looking around!but ended up,marcell won!damnit!i hated that!i don deny that he's a gd singer,but sial lar!i kinda think it's unfair coz die nye album is repackaged...album yg da basi,tukar sana sini sikit,terus dpt nomination,then menang!mampos sak!peng sial aku!tk leh angkat lar sial!tapi matter wat,i will still support vince!vince still has me and his BFs to support him!u go vince!3 words!

siti kene sindir byk kali sak dgn hosts die..esp adi..kong ajar seh..tapi takpe siti..uat bodo sua dgn org2 ni sume..soo childish!haha!

after ething ended,we wanted to take more pics..tapi tk kesmpaian..haha!tiq's father picked us up..when bedok mkt to eat..sambil mkn,bbl sal APM..haha!aku kene kacau rabak2 sak dgn tiq nye sdr n makcik coz i like vince soo much but they don like..kak ain said that i shouted sooo loud until her ears can go pekak!haha!thats how loud i shouted..with the loud music to beat..haha!reached home at 3..lucky my father didnts said anything..maybe coz i did well..thats y nvr say..haha!slamat! dead beat!there's more i wanna share,but i mls..haha!this is the very damn happiest day of my life!!hee~till then..ciaoz...vince....3 words....

oh ya..mane2 yg tadi sms aku,aku tk sempat nk reply..sorry..haha!!
to syah-butang aku da ok da..nasib..siti kau klu tgk kat tv npk gemuk!haha!
to nurul-mesti ar aku suke VINCE perform!suke banget!haha!!

Friday, March 24, 2006


ahhhhhhh!!!!i cant sleep though im very juz tooooo damn excited for APM!!ahhhh!!!cant wait to see vince!!!i wanna take photos with him!i wan his autograph!!ahhhhh!!!haha!!i cant wait for him to perform!!i cant wait for the red carpet!!!ahhhhh!!!


am now listeing to ria..they played vince's song MHC!!woo-hoo!!in the afternoon juz now,KC played janji-janji!!!woohoo!!!i wonder wat song he's gg to sing..i think it's janji-janji...ahhhh!!!tk sabar gile lar siul,smp tknk tido!haha!im mad rite???yeah!when it is his turn to perform,im gonna shout out loud..."VINCE!!I LOVE U!!!!!"haha!!i really damn hope he wins...all the best vince..u rox!love ya!if only i bump onto him in the street..i'll be taking pics with him seh!!!zZz..but npk gaya nye takde chan lar aku!damn!

hmm..APM aside,another reason y i cant sleep,is coz of my RESULTS!!!ahhh!another scary thing!in less than 8 hrs time,i'll be logging onto npal to check my results...then hv to enrol for my IS modules..hopefully can get event management coz that is wat many ppl chose,so,maybe it is a nice module..yr 2 is gonna be hell yeah!taking 2 econs!finance and international econs..zZz..slamat ar kat aku!international econs,i know nuts!i only know home econs...haha!!

k lar..hopefully i will enjoy myself vey damn much to day at the APM later at 8.30pm..don forget to watch yeah!!ciaoz...


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

wild wild rodeo

soooo,today is wednesday...been gg to sch and work for the last 2 days..we've started doing the banner for my group..btw,my group's name is wild wild huh??hee~all abt red indians and cowboys..yeee-haa!!haha..on monday,we already started drawing on the banner,and painted the red&white job man!but some playful guys spilled the paint lar!damnit!then nvm u know,spill already ar,can still talk2 with the lecturer,nvr help to clean up..ended up,me and the others girls had to clean up..god!tough job man!imagine,scrubbing and cleaning the paint from the carpark..super hard..haizz...ystd also didnt do much..coz raining..we cant do any painting..thanks to some ngade2 nak mampos nye lect,don let us do the painting at the carpark coz it's dangerous n bla bla bla,sedangkan we've been doin there for the past semesters..damnit!u sucks man!i hope i didnt get u for my IEF module...bluergh!blah lar lu!

den...after that,went bugis to meet tiq..hee~shop for APM..haha..kite kan nk gi amek anugerah..muahaha!!n yeah!!i got the top i wanted!woohoo!!lacey2 type...weeeee~i even brought the skirt along..haha!while trying,i also tried the skirt along..haha!iy matched very well...and i grabbed it!haha..nice2...a bit ex though..zZz...$24..haha!the skirt and shoe is cheaper lar...haiz...menyesal aku tk mintak kurang lagi..arrrggghh! now...muz save money liao...haizz...spent soo much juz for this APM..haha..then hor..i donno wassup with tiq..she saw this nice jeans,da try sume,last2 tk tau knp..haha!!gile ar kau!

today not much..juz wanna get my hair trimmed,then maybe go jp for a while to find bag,then off to work..starting at 6...sianz...til here..ciaozz..oh result's on friday..damn scared!same day as APM lagi...wahhhh!!haha..wish me gd luck yeah?!?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

again again..again again..

haizzz...i hv sooo many things to blog abt..but soo lazy type out...ya lar...i slow in typing wat..hee~anywoots,it had been such a great week,with soo many things that kept me busy and out all day..i shopped again lar,with kak linda ystd at was a last min plan,but still,we shopped a lot!i bought skirt and another shoes!haha!!im mad rite??n also bought 2 necklaces and spaghetti strap to go along with one of my shirt...wee~gd buy sia!i liiiikkkkeeee!!she bought slipper and also the same spag strap as mine..oh ya!and she bought 2 bling bling pendants..haha!1 letter H,the other letter L..she's mad rite?haha..she said that when she's out with her guy,she will put on the L,if she's alone,she'll put the H..haha!due to some reasons..haha..watever lar kak ehh..sal kan kau bhg...muahahah!!!then..rushed to work..wahh..super tired day..superwoman pun kalah lar aku ckp!haha.. as usual,go for madrasah...luckily im not gd!haha..after that went to quite boring day lar can say..juz go madrasah n work..if no work,kan bez..i'll be watching my erlin montel seh..zZz..oh ya...busy wk ahead..tmr got orientation meeting at 10,will start doing the banner,after that work from all geared missing some ppl..hehe..

Friday, March 17, 2006


been a busy week this week..and im super tired..bukan lar ape..been sleeping late from mon-wed,listening to RIA..hee~coz they are talking abt APM..a tribute to APM..n guess wat?i actually requested a song from vince...(which im unlikely to do so coz i don really like listening to mly radio station)and u know what sempoi said?"ah..nanti vince dtg s'pore,aku suruh die nyanyi kat telinga kau..."haha!!kong asam tul ah sempoi ni!!!klu leh,bagus jugak..i liiikkkkkeeee!!definitely..hee~both sempoi & shai tried callin vince,to ask him abt the APM,but he was not around..wahhhh!!it was late at night,around 12+,nearly to 1,and he went to play some game..i donno wat game..cant hear clearly..zZz...miss my chance of hearing his voice..zZz...this yr's APM sure gempak nye!!!!artistes from indonesia super damn powerful lar!!msia too,esp VINCE!!!woo-hoo!!haha..kk,enough of APM..

back to work..super tired...i hv to work straight tmr,from sat all the way to the following thurs..wah!super tired!plus my involvement in the orientation..i was made the leader of the banner committe,hence muz be really involved and show gd example..wat a still busy as ever..

oh ya..went geylang with mum ystd..wanna buy this range of skincare prod,skali the person said that i muz go facial first,then if wanna do facial,muz book...arrggghhhh!!!waste time...zZz..soo,muz wait..28 mar then gg..zZz...and as usual,klu kuar,tk shopping tak sah kan,kan,kan??haha!!i bought 1 red blouse and black covered shoes for formal wear..can bring to jemputan also..hee~i like!!soo much for saving money,im spending more n more lar!!haha!!die die!!can go bankrupt seh!!tapi takpe..i work quite a lot,so yeah..can can..haha!!

another thing....1 more wk to APM,wat to wear???????????zZz..i hv sooooo many things to keep in mind..haizz...busy woman..haha!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

quizzing time


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Saturday, March 11, 2006


wahhhhh!!!my uncle reminded me of vince's performance last nite!!!!arrrgggghhhhh!!we were in the taxi on the way to my cousin's son wedding,and he was talking abt Siti is gg to marry some Dato' K..then he asked my mum if she watched the anugerah ystd..then he said that Vince sing sedap!!!he can sing very well...(OF COURSE MAN!!VINCE WAT!!MUAHAHA!)..

then he started to recall the name and said.."vin,vince,gitu lar name die..."

in my heart..i was like "aaarggghhh!!!obek!!!asal ckp sal ni???i already forgotten abt it!!!"

n the wedding is sooo nice..i like!!!hee~ething is juz soo nice,in short..hee~

weeeekkkkkkk!!!another sickening news....i hv to work tmr larrrr!!!arrggghhh!!!coz store i/c kena chicken pox!!!weekkk!!!seems like i hv to cover him..n im not looking fwd to this coming week!!!!bluergh!!!n that week is gg to be a busy week for me,and i kene work byk2 hari..damn ar!i've gt ething planned cun2,n this hv hd to happen..zZz.. are some up..hee~i like...but my eyes sume kuyu2..muahahaha!

the mata kuyu...

muahaha!!i love this pic!!see nani!!she was trying to tell my cousin to press the camera's button for a long time b4 releasing it..muahaha..and im tired of smiling.hence that smile..*winkz*

ma next fav pic..muahaha!!how me & tiq looked stupid..with mar & nani posing mcm model..muahaha!!!tiq kekek arr...

haha..i was trying to pose for the bestest pic..but seems like none turns out nice..ade jek yg tk kene..muahaha..but the last pic is nice..nani seducive seh..phheeeee-weeeet..muahahah!!

i love this pic tooo...but kinda blur...zZz..we look sweeet kan?hee~n i look sooo small..

the nicest grp pic...i u girls...muackzz..

super duper funnn day indeed!!!weee~although at first i felt sooooooooo bad coz fat waited sooooo suuuuuper long for me & my dearest cousins..waaaaaahhhhh!!!soooooooooooooooooo damn SORRY!!!!there's miscommunication u see...i told her meet @ 7.15pm..but i seriously cant rmbr when i said that..da tu takpe tau...the slenge me,bkn nak double-confirm dgn die lagi nk janji kul brp ke,ape ke...slenge kan???oh my god!!!im getting older and forgetting things la!!!haha!!s.t.m. tul!!baru 19 thn da nyanyok!guess i need to start spraying memory plus that mum bought for me..haha!!serious seh!!

den...shortly after that,3 puteri pun smp...muahahah!!referring to mar,nani & tiq..hee~then,gedebak-gedebuk,kite pun masok tgk teater die..ok lar,not bad..kinda enjoy the show..i only like the funny parts..other than comment...i don really enjoy the story line,but their acting are suuuper goooood!!!i like!!!up to standard!sungguh lar berbakat!!i will continue to support them yeah!!

pas tu blah....amek pic gile2!!!muahahah!!too bad aisha missed the fun bab die ngah busy berendam di tioman..muahahah!!cant wait for the next outing..that is the cultural nite...weee~looking fwd to it...n of course,to go out with my cousins..tapi bile ehhh??

ahhhh...1 more thing..i missed VINCE'S performance at RTM1 today larrr!!!AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!cik mas also cant record for me coz die da gi geylang...ARRRGGHHH!!!lagi2 vince nyanyi lagu JANJI-JANJI...ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!zZz...sooo sadz..but nvm..i heard that he only sang half of the's gonna see more of him at APM!!!!u go vince!!!berkobar2 terus!!!!muahahaha!!!

btw..i will post the pics later..i juz cant accept the pics from tiq..n my dear nani is fast asleep now..til then...ciaoz..

Friday, March 10, 2006


hmm..been busy lately..busy with what??watching my korean vcds lar!!muahahha!!im currently watching LITTLE BRIDE AGAIN!!!wooo0-hooo!!!i juz love lee dong gun and han ji hye!!!they rox man!!!and as usual,the show nvr fails to move me to's soooo touching!!!imagine how a bad girl wanted to separate the husband & wife,but ended up they are getting closer & closer..muahahaha!!!served the bad girl rite!

then...ystd went out with my dear siew peng(sp)...soooo long i nvr meet her..soo..we went bugis fav place to shop for cheap2 gd2 stuff..hee~i bought the brown straw bag..wee~at last..b4 that,sp went to get her eyebrow trimmed..after buying the bag,off to work...sp was waiting for xue wei to continue shopping i was sux man ystd!!i better not say anything coz i'll get angry again!!!zZz...

today later,im gg to teater kami(Tk)..wee~this time.the show is titled LORONG 12 (alley/lane no.12)..i think it's abt prostitution..i can confirm that there'll be some funny elements,and at the same time,sthing to learn and reflect abt..i hope that my dearest cousins wld like the show,klu tak,mampos aku kene colour nanti!!muahaha!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

my girl & i

it's been a while since i updated..coz im lazy,and there's not much to talk abt u see..soo,let's see wat happen today..bumped into soo many today,and they are looooooong loooooost friend whom i nvr met after the day we received our o lvl results...saw jiafeng and his gf,saw my tuition friend,raimi..
then...went to cathay cine with fat,wanted to watch my girl & i,saw amelia,she's working at the ticketing ya..then saw my juniors down orchard rd..hmm..they seems to be happy..maybe they gt the sch that they wanted to go..i forgot to ask pulak where they are posted yeah... girl & i is sooooo damn nice lar!!!wah!!!i love it!!!i mean,all the korean romantic movies that i've watched,there's none that i said it is not nice,rite??haha!!!u can say it's like normal love story,but to me,each has its own unique-ness u yeah!!i simply love it!!i also wanna watch season for love..who wanna accompany me??hehe~

oh ya..juz wanna share with u this lovely pair of socks of mine...hehe~i like..bought from daiso..

nice??haha!!i like the toes part..soo cute!hee~

Saturday, March 04, 2006


ystd i did quite a lot of things..haha!!!early in the morning,i watched the classic,a korean movie in 2003...wahhhh!!!!damn nice ar!!!!muz2 a bit slow here,coz the show was like 3 yrs ago,n now only then i wanna watch..muahaha!!!any-woots,it was damn nice!!!after that,went out with aisha and fat..went bugis..hee~and....i bought i pants and green last..i get the green shirt...weee~now,i juz wanna find sneakers,slipper,and red polo tee..hee~den im done!got all that i will b my next shopping trip??hehe..

today,work in the morning,last min work..zZz...i was a bit pissed off juz now with my suppose to go home at 2,he asked me to clean the counter area b4 gg home,but he's not gg to add in extra hours,which means i work for FREE,for half an hr!!wah!!free labour or wat?n this is the second time he did to me ok??damn sia!!i was soo angry,such that when i signed out,i st. away went home..den,he sms-ed me y i juz went off like dat..i nvr reply,den he called me back..asked me y i juz went off like dat..haha!!den i said ar,i already said gdbye wat,b4 that..which i really did..
any-woots,i donno y i was so angry with him lar..coz its not always like nvr angry with me..errr..i think pms ar..haha!!okok..a bit pf privacy here..faham2 jek larr ehh..wanita lar katekan..tmr will be rest day..hee~wanna hv a nice deep sleep..ciaoz..

Thursday, March 02, 2006

after soo long nvr work

1st day at work after a week plus of no!! normak stuff,serve customer..that's wat i'll b doin for the next 1 mth plus,during the hols..hee~anyways,b4 work,went to the library with nurul and fat,to help nurul with her flash..haha!!we r not much of help i think..zZz..sorry hor dayah..aku nye flesh skills pun pekak badak,mcm org die..muahaha!!!

back to work,u know the indon old man,who is the owner of the watch shop,juz next to guardian..ah kau!!suke2 tukar name aku jadi indah sari!tak sdp seh!!sia2 bapak aku susah payah kasi name aku!!muahaha!!den asked me y soo long nvr see me..y?miss me ah?muahaha!!eee!!geli gerlgerl!!

oh ya!!!i will miss simon's concert tmr...arrrgggghhh!!my dearest cik icha has gt the tix!!waahhhh!*wailing*..ape nak uat..kene time..hope they will b one..rite cik icha??hehe..

there's nice movies to be watch..i've gt 2 korean movies that i've yet to watch..zZz..there's also big momma's house..hmm..i think i'll be spending a bomb this hols..hehe... more thing..i wanna take my license...but...after hearing from fat abt the theory tests..i scared liao!!!haha!!!how??next wk i wanna register already..zZz....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


mummy!!!!it's over!!!yeah!!!it's over!!my examss!!woo-hoo!!!
soo damn happy lar!!!that's it!end of yr 1..that's very fast huh?pejam kelip,pejam kelip,da nk masuk yr now..can worry my results later..haha!!

i hv soo many things to do..and i cant wait to do..haha!!wanna jln2 satu s'pore,hang around with my cousins,both old and new friends..bonding time!!!yeah!!

after my paper today,went to accompany nurul to repair her hp..then,jln2 jap kat imm..oh ya..thx for the bubble tea..manis mcm org die jugak..muahahaha!!!!hmm..nothing much to update..that's all..hehe..ciaoz..