ok..its like 3+ on sat morning..i juz sort of finish some of my proj..i donno if it's acceptable..i need someone to see it first,comment on it,then only i can continue..heh..
anyways,i spent the whole day sleeping..yup!haha!i slept at 4+ ystd,woke up at 11,then laze ard,n slept back til 4+..after that,i got ready to go giant to shopp for foood!n yeah!bought lotsa food..heh..yummy!
not much la..juz stayed hm to do proj,watch some tv..haizz..boring..n later,we will be doin some shopping for ba-wa-zup..so ya..thats wat my sat is gg to be like..but i don think i can stay out so late coz needa help my mu out for hari raya haji..do a bit of prep..more of cooking..ya..thats all..i wonder if tiq is back in town already from beijing..takkan kau hari raya haji dgn kambing2 kat china kann?hahaha!anyways,u're missed!nanti kau da blk aku cite la kat kau sal madrasah k?
til then..tc..im tired n wanna sleep..hope that it wont rain coz if nt,no mood to do shopping..3words..=)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
i juz realised
u know,i was juz staring at my blog n looked at the slideshow of jjh's pic,i realise that i havent had enough of himm!i wanna watch my princess hour agn!
n stoooopid chan u,is nt showing any latest korean drama..zZz..super sianzz!!
n stoooopid chan u,is nt showing any latest korean drama..zZz..super sianzz!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
don be sad my friends
i've just listened to taufik's new album..ok,im a bit outdated but i don care...IT'S NICE!!mannn!damn nice la!though most of the tracks are damn slow n sadd..but ya..not bad la in a way..i like!at 1st,i don like his usah lepaskan la..but when i hear it carefully,it's nice,esp the chorus part!wooohoo!let me translate the song in english..so good ar,the lyrics book gt translate to english for those non-malay speakers..=)
dont let it go by taufik batisah
the most beautiful thing
is there on your lips
i've nvr seen u smile that way for me
has my love gone dry, you had to run to him
it sounds wonderful n nice
the future he's promising u
dont leave me here all alone
don give your heart away to him
dont leave me standing here
alone waiting for nothing
dont let go of my hand
dont throw ething away
dont forget the way we felt
the first time we met
dont let it go
it's hard for me to just forget abt us
i only wish to always be with you
i dont care what the reason is
u shld be togther with him
and i dont even care if the heavens dont agree
u n me shld still be in love
dont let it go
dont let it go
nice rite??very gd for heart brokers..i hope that none of my friends are heartbroken now coz i always hope that they r happy with their loved one no matter wat..other than this song,i like ONE!heh..others,ok2 la..sesuatu janji also not badd..n i still hate sombong the most!bluek!hahaha!no offence yeah?
anyways,been blog-hoppping n ya..many of them r feeling down n out..manzz..hw i wish i can like u know,console them or sthing..haizz..but jz wanna tell all of u out there that no matter wat,im always here to give u my moral support..serious..im sincere..=) smile always aite peeps!=) lovveesss many many!
i've just listened to taufik's new album..ok,im a bit outdated but i don care...IT'S NICE!!mannn!damn nice la!though most of the tracks are damn slow n sadd..but ya..not bad la in a way..i like!at 1st,i don like his usah lepaskan la..but when i hear it carefully,it's nice,esp the chorus part!wooohoo!let me translate the song in english..so good ar,the lyrics book gt translate to english for those non-malay speakers..=)
dont let it go by taufik batisah
the most beautiful thing
is there on your lips
i've nvr seen u smile that way for me
has my love gone dry, you had to run to him
it sounds wonderful n nice
the future he's promising u
dont leave me here all alone
don give your heart away to him
dont leave me standing here
alone waiting for nothing
dont let go of my hand
dont throw ething away
dont forget the way we felt
the first time we met
dont let it go
it's hard for me to just forget abt us
i only wish to always be with you
i dont care what the reason is
u shld be togther with him
and i dont even care if the heavens dont agree
u n me shld still be in love
dont let it go
dont let it go
nice rite??very gd for heart brokers..i hope that none of my friends are heartbroken now coz i always hope that they r happy with their loved one no matter wat..other than this song,i like ONE!heh..others,ok2 la..sesuatu janji also not badd..n i still hate sombong the most!bluek!hahaha!no offence yeah?
anyways,been blog-hoppping n ya..many of them r feeling down n out..manzz..hw i wish i can like u know,console them or sthing..haizz..but jz wanna tell all of u out there that no matter wat,im always here to give u my moral support..serious..im sincere..=) smile always aite peeps!=) lovveesss many many!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
ok..so today i had blaw proj meeting..aku menyampah klu org last min tk leh dtg,bile die tau die tk leh dtg..kau fikir ar,bile kite tgh dicuss bile nak jumpe,die kate leh,no prob..abeh,cukup time,entah2,bile aku da smp sch,aku tanye mane die,org sume blg aku die keje..mak kau!tk ke tu mcm sial name die?die blg sume org,die tk blg aku.logic ke?pdhal smlm aku online pun sial!takkan last min kau br prasan kau keje kul 12 instead of kul 3?walaupun kau last min tau,kau kene blg aku la!coz all this while,die yg blg aku!damn irresponsible la!like wtf!seriously,i cant stand it..!!!damnit mann!aku call,tk angkat.aku msg,tk reply.eeeeeeeee!!!bingit2!abeh,pas tu,suke2 email aku.bkn nk blg kite yg die akan email!mcm sial kan??kite ade la kat sch tunngu die reply..eeeeeee!sial la!betul la!geram nye!!!pas tu,suke2 suruh aku decide sorg2 proj kite yg lagi satu.gi mampos ar!suke2 pe?die senang lengang,keje dpt duit,aku yg terkial2 kat sini..all this ppl really ar!!f***!!!
ok..tk guna aku complain byk2...sukati die...mcm sial!biar aku uat hal aku sendiri..=(
ok..tk guna aku complain byk2...sukati die...mcm sial!biar aku uat hal aku sendiri..=(
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
the holiday
awww!!the holiday was nice...i simply love romantic comedy...=)
watched with nurul at marina gv..wah seh!the movie was damn long!2hrs+ mind ya!hahaha!i slept at some parts,coz it was abt some non-love scenes..hahaha!it was in the late noon also,where im most sleepy..hahah!btw,jude law was exceptionally handsome n gdlooking in the cutie specss!!haha!as u know,i hv this hotttsss for guys with specs..heh..=p

err..cant find his pic in that specs tho...but he was sure damn hott!
anyways,b4 that,guess where did i go???i went to UE SQUARE n met dearest KAK YATI!mann!i love n miss that place..we went to cold storage first coz i wanna redeem the vouchers for my mum..kak maznah still recognized meee!heh..
then,met kak yati...mannn!she's much prettier now la!with short hair n specs..heh..n ya,she's quitting guardian too...gd for her..i mean,she doesnt deserve to be at guardian la..soo much for working soo long,n her fate is still the same there..stooopid guardian..not worth working for..anyways,ya..then reminisce back the old times..haizz...hw nice n memorable it wass..sheesh!thinking of it makes me wanna cry la...i tell u,those times were the bez times of my working life..we didnt chat much tho coz we wanna go catch the holiday..so ya..so,took some pics with her..maybe,will visit her agn b4 she leaves guardian for gd..hah!

kak yati dearie n meeee!syg akak!!

with nurul..

hmm..i haven show u the guy who acted in midnight sun rite?here he iss!woohoo!see his dimple?omg!!im melting la!hahaha!n changhong dare said that he looked chao tar???haha!no way mann!n the song that my blog is playing now is one of the soundtracks to the movie..nice?nice la thennn?hahhah!=)
ok la..now wanna do my blaw proj coz tmr i will b having the blaw proj meeting..zZz..til then,tc..nitez..it's raining!nice to sleep in mann!=)
ps: btw,i've been getting weird calls from some ah sohs..one was asking whether im lao pan niang to a yong tau foo stall..muahahah!another one,i donno what she was talking..don understand..haha!weird calls..
watched with nurul at marina gv..wah seh!the movie was damn long!2hrs+ mind ya!hahaha!i slept at some parts,coz it was abt some non-love scenes..hahaha!it was in the late noon also,where im most sleepy..hahah!btw,jude law was exceptionally handsome n gdlooking in the cutie specss!!haha!as u know,i hv this hotttsss for guys with specs..heh..=p

err..cant find his pic in that specs tho...but he was sure damn hott!
anyways,b4 that,guess where did i go???i went to UE SQUARE n met dearest KAK YATI!mann!i love n miss that place..we went to cold storage first coz i wanna redeem the vouchers for my mum..kak maznah still recognized meee!heh..
then,met kak yati...mannn!she's much prettier now la!with short hair n specs..heh..n ya,she's quitting guardian too...gd for her..i mean,she doesnt deserve to be at guardian la..soo much for working soo long,n her fate is still the same there..stooopid guardian..not worth working for..anyways,ya..then reminisce back the old times..haizz...hw nice n memorable it wass..sheesh!thinking of it makes me wanna cry la...i tell u,those times were the bez times of my working life..we didnt chat much tho coz we wanna go catch the holiday..so ya..so,took some pics with her..maybe,will visit her agn b4 she leaves guardian for gd..hah!

kak yati dearie n meeee!syg akak!!

with nurul..

hmm..i haven show u the guy who acted in midnight sun rite?here he iss!woohoo!see his dimple?omg!!im melting la!hahaha!n changhong dare said that he looked chao tar???haha!no way mann!n the song that my blog is playing now is one of the soundtracks to the movie..nice?nice la thennn?hahhah!=)
ok la..now wanna do my blaw proj coz tmr i will b having the blaw proj meeting..zZz..til then,tc..nitez..it's raining!nice to sleep in mann!=)
ps: btw,i've been getting weird calls from some ah sohs..one was asking whether im lao pan niang to a yong tau foo stall..muahahah!another one,i donno what she was talking..don understand..haha!weird calls..
last day
hmm...quite a tiring day for me as i had to work..n it was early in the morning at 10am..zZz..haizzz..i wanna quit..waiting to fill up the resignation form..i donno if i make the correct choice,but ya..i wanna quit..im very tired..thats all..hahaha!=)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
kak yani's bigg dayyy
oookkkkk!! it is gg to be a long post ahead...coz its been yrs eversince i updated my blogg..muahhaah!
let's see where i shld start..hmmm...ok..at last,i gt a new hp for myself!woohoo!!i juz gt myself a 6288..weee!!went to century square juz for that..haha!coz there was a rdshow there n the phone was on special discount..i only paid for 98bucks..the 100bucks bal,i used the voucher i got from starhub..=)superduper happy!
on that day also,i bought myself LEVI'S JEANS!!weee!i bought it for $89 onlyy!!the actual px was 139+ if im nt wrong...woohoo!worth it mannn!n i can cancel that out of my wishlist...hehehe..=p
thenn..wat else?few days back,i watched midnight sun with aisha at cathay cine!!oh mannn!damn nice laaa!i teared!it's soooo touching n sweet n loving...awwww!juz my type of fav movie..wat's more,it's a jap movieee!woohooo!i simply love the guyyy!mannn!he's sooo damn hot n cute!=) n thenn..
recently,i had BAMP!!the ba camp!!it was supperrr duuppperrr funnn!it's been a loonnggg time i went for a real camp..msa n mc camp nt counted..the last camp i went was ba camp when i was a freshie...now,i went for this camp as helper,it was still funn though!u nvr know hw much funn i had la!heh!no words can describe it... right from the night treasure hunt,to food fiesta,to camp fire..mannn!it was superrbbb!!
welll done proj headss!!!
i salute u laa!woohoo!u guysss roxxx!!! n yupyup..i will nvr forget the forfeit i had to do..muhahaha!thx jerel for the ideaa...thx god i was brave n bold enough to do that...muahaha!=p
n now,i juz gt home from my dearest cousin's big day..ya!
wedding bells r ringing!!! woohoo!damn nice la!damn sweet la!damn emo also la!mannn!her wedding was simple,yet grand n the tradition is still there...i simply love weddings...esp malay weddings..it's soo full of cultures that im always proud of..=) all this pics will tell u hw fun the wedding was..=)
the nite b4 kak yani's bersanding...we went to ben & jerry's..kak rau's treatt..=) ok...part ni blm lagii..hahah!


me...pose 1st b4 i eat it...muahahah!

me...kak rau..kak linda..thx kak rau for the treat!im loving itt!

..all wiped outt..
~KAK YANI & ABG HAMDY.. 23.12.2006~

kak yani n abg hamdy all white...so pure...soo nice...hee~this was their akad nikah(xchange vows)..abg hamdy managed to akad nikah skali..alhamdulillah..=)
here are all their photo-taking sessions..soo nice!!!they even took photos ar desaru!bt i cuckoo forgot to take that phto!it was soo dman nice la!the scenry..omg!!hee~

woohoo!i like this!it's like at korea!the maple tree..

awww!sooo romantic!i simply love the gownsss!soo blueee!my fav clr!!

dearest kak yani is soooo pretty riteee?mannn!gorgeous!!

ok..this is the entrance to the pelamin...nice kann?soo simply yet soo nice!balinese style..

the pelamin...i like!!!

hmm..this is one of the malay traditions..b4 the hubby gets to see the wife,he had to pay some "entrance fees".if the wife's side is happy with it,then she only she will reveal the beautiful wife n then they will proceed to the pelamin..

tadaaa!the lady on the rite hand site is happy already,soo the hubby n wifey can see each other n proceed..=)

the guests and pesilat crowd the area to see the newly-wed couple..

this is another mly tradition,whreby there will be silat pengantin...but these grp of pesilat is performing a special silat for the couple...it has always been like this for our family coz our family has the silat blood..=)hee~so yuppp...it's only natural we always hv this..normally,only individuals will perform the silat pengantin..b4 this grp,we had 7 ppl silat...wah!a lot rite?haha!5 of them r our families..=)im alwayss proud of our family silat..all thx to dearest arwah tok hosni..=) btw,this grp is made og silat harimau n silat sendung seturut ke ape ntah name die..=)

cute rite?akir n libney performing...=)

silat gadoh2...muahaha!


then they cut the cake....

...n feed each other!awwww!=)

their family...tk lame lagi,abg bob n abg as'ad lak..heh...insya-allah..

then with the girl cousins...there are more than this la actually...bt nt all in the photos..tgether with my grandma at rite..=)

ok..this part very sad n emo...whereby they will salam n seek forgiveness n also thx the parents for all the things that they hv done..whats more,this is the 1st time cik mo'a n cik nin holding a wedding,n they are maryying off their one n only daughter,it was only natural that they teared..bt,it was tears of joy..=)

cik nin hugging kak yani..u know,i also feel like tearing also..i was thinking to myself,if i were to get married one day n go thru all this,i will like flooding the whole area with my tears man..tk tipu!im soo gembeng!hah!

b4 leaving to go to the hubby's side..

then back to the wife's side...wearing another gown n pose agn..i tell ya..they muz be damn beat!hah!soo pretty!i like this gown tooo!

this is the berkat...style ehh?
ok thenn...til here...i had soooo much funn now...=)thx e'one who has made me happy these few days...love u guys loads..tc..gotta start my proj already..til then..meryy xmas n happy new yr e'one..luv all of u loadss...=)
let's see where i shld start..hmmm...ok..at last,i gt a new hp for myself!woohoo!!i juz gt myself a 6288..weee!!went to century square juz for that..haha!coz there was a rdshow there n the phone was on special discount..i only paid for 98bucks..the 100bucks bal,i used the voucher i got from starhub..=)superduper happy!
on that day also,i bought myself LEVI'S JEANS!!weee!i bought it for $89 onlyy!!the actual px was 139+ if im nt wrong...woohoo!worth it mannn!n i can cancel that out of my wishlist...hehehe..=p
thenn..wat else?few days back,i watched midnight sun with aisha at cathay cine!!oh mannn!damn nice laaa!i teared!it's soooo touching n sweet n loving...awwww!juz my type of fav movie..wat's more,it's a jap movieee!woohooo!i simply love the guyyy!mannn!he's sooo damn hot n cute!=) n thenn..
recently,i had BAMP!!the ba camp!!it was supperrr duuppperrr funnn!it's been a loonnggg time i went for a real camp..msa n mc camp nt counted..the last camp i went was ba camp when i was a freshie...now,i went for this camp as helper,it was still funn though!u nvr know hw much funn i had la!heh!no words can describe it... right from the night treasure hunt,to food fiesta,to camp fire..mannn!it was superrbbb!!
welll done proj headss!!!
i salute u laa!woohoo!u guysss roxxx!!! n yupyup..i will nvr forget the forfeit i had to do..muhahaha!thx jerel for the ideaa...thx god i was brave n bold enough to do that...muahaha!=p
n now,i juz gt home from my dearest cousin's big day..ya!
wedding bells r ringing!!! woohoo!damn nice la!damn sweet la!damn emo also la!mannn!her wedding was simple,yet grand n the tradition is still there...i simply love weddings...esp malay weddings..it's soo full of cultures that im always proud of..=) all this pics will tell u hw fun the wedding was..=)
the nite b4 kak yani's bersanding...we went to ben & jerry's..kak rau's treatt..=) ok...part ni blm lagii..hahah!


me...pose 1st b4 i eat it...muahahah!

me...kak rau..kak linda..thx kak rau for the treat!im loving itt!

..all wiped outt..
~KAK YANI & ABG HAMDY.. 23.12.2006~

kak yani n abg hamdy all white...so pure...soo nice...hee~this was their akad nikah(xchange vows)..abg hamdy managed to akad nikah skali..alhamdulillah..=)
here are all their photo-taking sessions..soo nice!!!they even took photos ar desaru!bt i cuckoo forgot to take that phto!it was soo dman nice la!the scenry..omg!!hee~

woohoo!i like this!it's like at korea!the maple tree..

awww!sooo romantic!i simply love the gownsss!soo blueee!my fav clr!!

dearest kak yani is soooo pretty riteee?mannn!gorgeous!!

ok..this is the entrance to the pelamin...nice kann?soo simply yet soo nice!balinese style..

the pelamin...i like!!!

hmm..this is one of the malay traditions..b4 the hubby gets to see the wife,he had to pay some "entrance fees".if the wife's side is happy with it,then she only she will reveal the beautiful wife n then they will proceed to the pelamin..

tadaaa!the lady on the rite hand site is happy already,soo the hubby n wifey can see each other n proceed..=)

the guests and pesilat crowd the area to see the newly-wed couple..

this is another mly tradition,whreby there will be silat pengantin...but these grp of pesilat is performing a special silat for the couple...it has always been like this for our family coz our family has the silat blood..=)hee~so yuppp...it's only natural we always hv this..normally,only individuals will perform the silat pengantin..b4 this grp,we had 7 ppl silat...wah!a lot rite?haha!5 of them r our families..=)im alwayss proud of our family silat..all thx to dearest arwah tok hosni..=) btw,this grp is made og silat harimau n silat sendung seturut ke ape ntah name die..=)

cute rite?akir n libney performing...=)

silat gadoh2...muahaha!


then they cut the cake....

...n feed each other!awwww!=)

their family...tk lame lagi,abg bob n abg as'ad lak..heh...insya-allah..

then with the girl cousins...there are more than this la actually...bt nt all in the photos..tgether with my grandma at rite..=)

ok..this part very sad n emo...whereby they will salam n seek forgiveness n also thx the parents for all the things that they hv done..whats more,this is the 1st time cik mo'a n cik nin holding a wedding,n they are maryying off their one n only daughter,it was only natural that they teared..bt,it was tears of joy..=)

cik nin hugging kak yani..u know,i also feel like tearing also..i was thinking to myself,if i were to get married one day n go thru all this,i will like flooding the whole area with my tears man..tk tipu!im soo gembeng!hah!

b4 leaving to go to the hubby's side..

then back to the wife's side...wearing another gown n pose agn..i tell ya..they muz be damn beat!hah!soo pretty!i like this gown tooo!

this is the berkat...style ehh?
ok thenn...til here...i had soooo much funn now...=)thx e'one who has made me happy these few days...love u guys loads..tc..gotta start my proj already..til then..meryy xmas n happy new yr e'one..luv all of u loadss...=)
Monday, December 18, 2006

meeee....with wanqi sneaking...

wahahah!melll!!!wanqi's finger!!haha!take one more time!

yeah..that's perfect...=)

my prize!!i mean,i wrapped that!!nice??hehe..

the consolation prize,wrapped by say hao n mori..

the 1st prize .. by wanqi..very tall huh?hehe..

2nd prize, 1st prize, 3rd prize ..
the consolation prizes ..

mel n her 3rd prize..from angle 1 ..

from angle 2..mel's very special..gt angles one..muauahaha!
preparation was funn..quite many things were done.. =)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
org yg aku benci!part1
aku menyampah ar org yg ckp besar,abeh slalu tknk kalah,tk nk admit defeat..baik dari segi bbl,dr ape2 la..menyampah aku!sheesh!tk tau asal usul,jgn ckp sbrg2 ar!mcm sial!
all my life,i've learnt a lot n i think im improving,to be at least a better person n ignore those ppl yg prangai mcm sial nk mampos..byk bbl sal diorg pun tk bagus ar kan,nanti diri sendiri jadi gitu,dolat,padan muke..anyways..i hate that type of ppl..n thats that..
ah,lagi satu..org yg tk tau berterima kasih..eee!bingit!!bising jekk tau!ckp time da tlg,die da puas,terus senyap..da malu ar tu..baong tul ar org mcm gini!cis!korg2 sume boleh blah!klu tk sedar diri korg mcm gitu,meh tanye aku,aku blg kat depan muka korg!muahahah!
ps:i think im becoming oldies..haha!been listening to all the old songs...muahahaa!
another thing..i'll be gg madrasah all alone...tiq will be in beijing for 2wks..boo!tiiiiqqq!!!!=(
all my life,i've learnt a lot n i think im improving,to be at least a better person n ignore those ppl yg prangai mcm sial nk mampos..byk bbl sal diorg pun tk bagus ar kan,nanti diri sendiri jadi gitu,dolat,padan muke..anyways..i hate that type of ppl..n thats that..
ah,lagi satu..org yg tk tau berterima kasih..eee!bingit!!bising jekk tau!ckp time da tlg,die da puas,terus senyap..da malu ar tu..baong tul ar org mcm gini!cis!korg2 sume boleh blah!klu tk sedar diri korg mcm gitu,meh tanye aku,aku blg kat depan muka korg!muahahah!
ps:i think im becoming oldies..haha!been listening to all the old songs...muahahaa!
another thing..i'll be gg madrasah all alone...tiq will be in beijing for 2wks..boo!tiiiiqqq!!!!=(
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
star awardss
hmm..i know it's too late to talk abt this,but juz wanna share my views on the recent star awards..overall,im quite happy with the results..those who deserves to win has won...tho some i don like,esp the top 10..hah!i don like most of them la..zZz..

anyways,im happy that chen liping won the most favourited award..woohoo!i mean,really...shes deserved it!she has played many characters from a teacher,to witch,to some fatso,a mum n all..n this reminds me of the time when she was involved in the slim10 case with andrea de cruz n if im not wrong,andrea kind of put the blame on her as she recommend it to andrea or wat..sthing like that la...from then,i hate andrea like hell!hmph!serves her rite for spoiling her kidneys..ur fault,then put the blame on other ppl!zZz..i supported chen liping n rayson tan all the way man!i hate pierre png too,since he's the hubby of andrea..haha!

best actor li nan xingggg!!!yeah mann!he juz rox la!i ve liked him since he acted in the unbeatables!woohoo!he's ma man!stupid wife who divorced him!i think she doesnt deserve him too!

best actress ivyyy leeee!wooo!i love her!she's got the charm!!mann...pretty too!who wld hv believed that she has twins???doesnt look like she has ritee?such a pretty mother..i lovee her...next to zoe tayy...

ahhhhhh!!!edmund cheennnn!!!wooo!i love him tooo!heh..

woooooo!!!tony sunnn!i still rmb hw i went b0nkers!!!hahahaha!stll gdlooking as ever...the 2 of them r the bez singer in 5566...maybe partly coz the rest cant sing actually..muahahhaa!

ahhhh!!wth is he doin here rite???Nakata Hidetoshi!!jap football player!!

awwww...isnt that sweeet?ok..make sure their rship last long..i love him la!i still rmb i liked him holland v..=)

eeee!don mind me saying this,i hate themmm!eee!hahah!no offence ehh..

anyways,im happy that chen liping won the most favourited award..woohoo!i mean,really...shes deserved it!she has played many characters from a teacher,to witch,to some fatso,a mum n all..n this reminds me of the time when she was involved in the slim10 case with andrea de cruz n if im not wrong,andrea kind of put the blame on her as she recommend it to andrea or wat..sthing like that la...from then,i hate andrea like hell!hmph!serves her rite for spoiling her kidneys..ur fault,then put the blame on other ppl!zZz..i supported chen liping n rayson tan all the way man!i hate pierre png too,since he's the hubby of andrea..haha!

best actor li nan xingggg!!!yeah mann!he juz rox la!i ve liked him since he acted in the unbeatables!woohoo!he's ma man!stupid wife who divorced him!i think she doesnt deserve him too!

best actress ivyyy leeee!wooo!i love her!she's got the charm!!mann...pretty too!who wld hv believed that she has twins???doesnt look like she has ritee?such a pretty mother..i lovee her...next to zoe tayy...

ahhhhhh!!!edmund cheennnn!!!wooo!i love him tooo!heh..

woooooo!!!tony sunnn!i still rmb hw i went b0nkers!!!hahahaha!stll gdlooking as ever...the 2 of them r the bez singer in 5566...maybe partly coz the rest cant sing actually..muahahhaa!

ahhhh!!wth is he doin here rite???Nakata Hidetoshi!!jap football player!!

awwww...isnt that sweeet?ok..make sure their rship last long..i love him la!i still rmb i liked him holland v..=)

eeee!don mind me saying this,i hate themmm!eee!hahah!no offence ehh..
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