another long tiring day of entertaining guests.. i only had 5 hrs of sleep, then helped mum with the chores, then people came batch by batch. ahh! tired ne! but Alhamdulillah, food almost finished, no wastage, green baos are also streaming in. heh. Alhamdulillah, rezeki.. my cousin, Abg Leman gave me 30bucks. wahh! shiok! he's nice. very. he was telling me, that i was the 2nd one after Abg Bob, who got admitted to local uni. and asked me to work hard. i was juz thinking, that this kinda thing is wat makes me wanna work hard. i may dread sch, cursing here and there, but at the end of the day, i still push myself. i wanna make ppl proud of me, me proud of myself, live up to ppl's expectations. tho no strings attached, i will always try my best, within my capacity, to do my best. thanks ppl, for all those strengths and support. i will never forget them. :) insya-Allah, ething will go smoothly for me this semester. speaking of which, i've yet to touch any of my sch stuff. oops!
anw, so by rite, i am suppose to go out hari raya tmr, but got cancelled, coz my bro-in-law's aunt just passed away. Innalillah.
hence, cant go out. up til now, i only went out hari raya once. haah! pathetic n sad rite? but ok la. if u ask me, im also lazy to go out. oops! so yup. tmr, juz laze ard. there may be guests coming. i donno. so i guess tmr, i needa start cracking with my projects.
and i just read goo ranking, ranking on Johnny's talent who has acting skills. wow! guess who is at the top? of course!
TAKUYA KIMURA! what else is thr to say? obviously, it's him! and 2nd, guess?! but of course!
No.2 is Kazunrai Ninomiya who ranked up from No.4 last year. He has impression such as going my way type among members. He experiences more and more acting skill every year. We can expect his activities in the future. Not only his acting skill, many people are comforted by CM with his sweet smile. oh! that is so true..
how nice. my 2 ichibans! love love!
and i watched a super old AnS, which was in 07, where the guest was Kokubun Taichi from TOKIO. kyaa! damn cute cann? omg! i juz love the chemistry between him and nino. kyaa! and i just had to rpt that image part.

and they're even wearing checked! i love nino's checked. damn nice clr. i shall find this kinda checked. heh..

haha! see nino! omg! im soo gg to faint laa! heisei checkers. lol!

nino being touchy with taichi. how cute! he rested on taichi's shoulder i/o ridaaa! haha! oops!

but still.. nino prefers ridaaa! *HUGS*!

and yes! TFP2 feat maou! kyaa! lovely! i love them hugging. damn cute i tell u! love love!
ok! stop here! ive more arashi to watch. weee! oh, and SMAP too. heh. love love love! bye!