Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nonogami Junichi Sensei

and so i watched tenkimi for the 2nd time, and screencap 118 pics. but now, it's reduced to 70+. it will go thru another round of elimination. haha! i know im crapping.

but seriously, the SP is really beautiful. im not bias just coz it's nino. but to me, everything complements very well. from the scene, to the casts, and the song, especially! omg! i personally like eric clapton's tears in heaven. so yup! i can connect with the SP. tho i don understand most of it. haha! esp the letters part. that's the highlight of the SP. i shall just wait for the subs. tho the rating is low, but who cares. it's still L-O-V-E..

intro the story for abt 2 minutes, talking abt the man.


i'd love a psychiatrist like him. heh..

nino papa again!

somehow, he looked damn good in that striped shirt. love!

and i donno why he collapsed halfway.

and this person headhunted him to work for another hospital after he resigned from the hosp, for watever reason, i donno. or maybe he got fired? haha! I DONNO!

telling nino abt the hospital.

shall continue again. heh. LOVE!

and yes! his name in the drama is Nonogami Junichi! not Nonoue or Nonomura! tsk! that's wat i read from ppl's story. lol! wrong info! i kept listening to his name eh, to see if im rite, and listen correctly. ok! i needa sleep! will be gg to sch later for proj. zzz. a long day in sch. zzzz!

Monday, September 28, 2009


just finished 天国で君に逢えたら! it's HEAVEN! shall blog more abt it later. heh. time to sleep now..

*offs to sleep with dr. junichi in mind. heh..*

just another day..

another day of staying at home. another day of ppl coming over for hari raya.

at least, the difference between today and the last few days is that i already started doing my proj. oh! and i fgt all abt forensic science! mind ya, i will be having the mid-term test when sch resumes. bluergh. so, i think i will listen to the online lect later in the day. zzz!

anw, yes! im still in the tengoku mood. more pics. omg! more lovely scenes! super can't wait to watch! in fact, im now dl-ing the drama. no subs tho. but i juz wanna watch, and oogle at dear nino. heh.

yes this is the scene im talking abt! kyaa! with that headphone, somehow, i find it damn attractive.

n he broke into a sweet saccharine smile. later, he teared. aww! nice transition!

happy kazoku.. kya! nino papa!

apparently, not only does mao-chan pinched nino on the cheeks, but the daughter too!

and yes. anywhere, nino cant be separated with his deck of cards..

..even in door to door. nino magician is love.

and to answer wan qi's tag-

oh no shuwen! no wayy am i gg to see it! i'll just irk seeing it. i think it's just SOO wrong, even if i were to tell myself it's art! OMG! naked?? madness! the only time i will see a naked man is when he is still a baby. hahahah! thanks still, but no thanks.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alhamdulillah, rezeki..

another long tiring day of entertaining guests.. i only had 5 hrs of sleep, then helped mum with the chores, then people came batch by batch. ahh! tired ne! but Alhamdulillah, food almost finished, no wastage, green baos are also streaming in. heh. Alhamdulillah, rezeki.. my cousin, Abg Leman gave me 30bucks. wahh! shiok! he's nice. very. he was telling me, that i was the 2nd one after Abg Bob, who got admitted to local uni. and asked me to work hard. i was juz thinking, that this kinda thing is wat makes me wanna work hard. i may dread sch, cursing here and there, but at the end of the day, i still push myself. i wanna make ppl proud of me, me proud of myself, live up to ppl's expectations. tho no strings attached, i will always try my best, within my capacity, to do my best. thanks ppl, for all those strengths and support. i will never forget them. :) insya-Allah, ething will go smoothly for me this semester. speaking of which, i've yet to touch any of my sch stuff. oops!

anw, so by rite, i am suppose to go out hari raya tmr, but got cancelled, coz my bro-in-law's aunt just passed away. Innalillah.

hence, cant go out. up til now, i only went out hari raya once. haah! pathetic n sad rite? but ok la. if u ask me, im also lazy to go out. oops! so yup. tmr, juz laze ard. there may be guests coming. i donno. so i guess tmr, i needa start cracking with my projects.

and i just read goo ranking, ranking on Johnny's talent who has acting skills. wow! guess who is at the top? of course! TAKUYA KIMURA! what else is thr to say? obviously, it's him! and 2nd, guess?! but of course! KAZUNARI NINOMIYA!

No.2 is Kazunrai Ninomiya who ranked up from No.4 last year. He has impression such as going my way type among members. He experiences more and more acting skill every year. We can expect his activities in the future. Not only his acting skill, many people are comforted by CM with his sweet smile. oh! that is so true..

how nice. my 2 ichibans! love love!

and i watched a super old AnS, which was in 07, where the guest was Kokubun Taichi from TOKIO. kyaa! damn cute cann? omg! i juz love the chemistry between him and nino. kyaa! and i just had to rpt that image part.

and they're even wearing checked! i love nino's checked. damn nice clr. i shall find this kinda checked. heh..

haha! see nino! omg! im soo gg to faint laa! heisei checkers. lol!

nino being touchy with taichi. how cute! he rested on taichi's shoulder i/o ridaaa! haha! oops!

but still.. nino prefers ridaaa! *HUGS*!

and yes! TFP2 feat maou! kyaa! lovely! i love them hugging. damn cute i tell u! love love!

ok! stop here! ive more arashi to watch. weee! oh, and SMAP too. heh. love love love! bye!

Friday, September 25, 2009

i'm really that innoncent

bahh! today's the end of sensasi preview! and i cant get to watch sutera maya for the last time. bluergh. coz my cousin came visiting for hari raya, so i cant possibly stay in my room and watch. and the tv in the living room was switched on to tv1, as my father wanted to watch news.

anw, had a gd chat with my cousin's son. yup, so that means he's my nephew. but we're the same age. he was sharing with me abt his NS, then abt sch, n bla bla bla. then he asked me if i hv bf. haha. he also asked if i ever have one before. n i said don hv, but he doesnt believe me, and even said if i am that so innoncent. lol! wat a comment la! tsk! heh. then he teased me and said that he will intro me to his frens, by saying "hey, im looking for a bf for my aunt. interested?" hahha! madness! i know he's joking tho. and he even play play and called me cik indah. hahha! means aunt indah. lol! my cousins beside my father are all very old, im the youngest, and so that's why i hv nieces and nephews my age, or even older. i cant be mingling with my old cousins. i mean, not same frequency. lol!

anw, so much abt that, tmr my aunts and uncles n cousins will be coming to my house. i will only go out on sunday. heng ar i don hv sch on monday. then at least, im not tired.

oh yes! im soo gg to watch nur kasih on youtube! pls be available. i love fizz fairuz. i love ayu raudhah! kyaaa!

and ive resumed my self learn japanese. hoho! i hope to rmb all the hiragana by sch reopens. coz if i were to follow sch's schedule, by rite, i shld've finished hiragana. but im only 1/4 done. oops!

and today is the start of osaka's dome. and i finally get to listen to nino's solo! omg! how cute! love ehh! who cares if he forgot his lyrics? his guitar solo and the music accompaniment is lovely! omg! i wish the fancam was clearer. i donno why he/she actually video-ed the sky, rather than the screen. haha! tho it's nice to see the vast almost nite sky.

jangg! love!

and pics from fukuoka dome..

i juz love those transparent suit. lol!

matsumiya. aww! how sweet, sharing towel.

seriously, i love that hot red pants. lol! even the person who posted this also loves it!


ninomiya kazunari.

ok laa! i hv so many things to do! i mean, watch. lol! byeee!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


it's 天国で君に逢えたら!!! it's airing now still. should end in 15minutes time.. woohoo! cant wait to watch! this post, is gg to be flooded with no one, but nino.. my Dr Junichi.. kyaa!

beautiful scenery..

i will cure straightaway seeing this kinda doctor. best medication.


kyaa!!! i wanna pinch him too! mao inoue looks much better now than compared to hanadan.

the twins!

how cuteee!!! omg! i really cant wait to see him act as papa nino.. kyaa!

osama no brunch interview..

i love his mannerisms.. i love him doin this. i juz love him.

i wish his hair is still styled like this..

he's a leftie, and a rightie.. love!

how cute! do u know what he write to osama no brunch?
"when will you invite me to the studio?" bratty! love! he said so coz he's always in the show, but not live, just video recording. lol! thanks to yamakaze067 for the trans. :D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

my tv remote control

ok. im trying my best not to watch anything today. i juz on to dl stuff. and also study for AB214 later. hoho. after that, im free!

anw, today im a noobie. i donno y, but i brought along my tv remote control to sch. it's stupid n dumb, i know. i think i love my tv too much. reminded me of aiba-chan's encounter of the same thing as this. lol! oops! baka!

ok bye! *counting down to 1030 hrs 2009.09.24*

my taste is getting worse?

it's 0330 hrs, at this time, i nvr sleep, as if i have nothing on later. but actually, i hv. zzz.

anw, quick chats with anh thu juz now. juz catching up. nice to hear that she's still with merrill.

and chatted with natasha for a while too, and she had to comment this.

11:39:18 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
and indah why are you idolising someone so -_- in your dp eeeeeeeee
11:39:29 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
xiao zhu > handsome

11:39:40 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
handsome wat! lol
11:39:53 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
yr taste getting worse
11:39:57 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
11:39:57 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
11:40:01 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
your dp looks like your BFS guy
11:40:05 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
11:40:13 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
really? the dp more handsome. oops!
11:40:14 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
11:40:20 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
11:40:22 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
both erxin
11:40:55 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
lol! it's ok. beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
11:40:56 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3
11:41:06 PM
*STYLE* Dr. Junichi Nonoue <3

my dp now is top row, the 2nd pic. heh..

ohmy! she said my taste is getting worse! lol! and how can she compare nino and xiao zhu? not the same. and nino's definitely not like NAWM. but i'm glad she said 'your BFS guy' . yes, mine. in my dreams. hahahaa!

this is random, i know. i juz wanna say, nino's shuai in my eyes. and that i miss natasha. lol! really!

ok, anw, no more VS arashi til 22 oct with the new timeslot. no HnA for this wk, n nx wk i think. then it will come back again with 2hr SP. and this is gd! then i will be able to concentrate on my work. needa get back on track yo! zzzz! tho i still hv loads of newly dl-ed vids. heh. oops!

okok! quit talking. i can juz go on n on. heh. sleeeep!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the cuteness, to die for.

DAMN ULTIMATE CUTENESS! i love them, to bits and pieces. this HNA cracked me up soo much. their sooo lovable! cho kawaiiiiii!!

i don really get wats the reason behind wearing those wigs. but.. anw..

i love this THE MOST!

omg! omg!


i think he looked super girl. with that chubbyness.. i like! xi huan!!


hahaha! nino's blonde.. with that shades. kinda suit him..


another ultimate cuteness, whats more, with that pose. kyaaa!


1 test down, 1 more to go. n here comes my recess week. and here comes dr junichi. <3!

oooo! Vの嵐 series completed. dl-ing the remaining episodes, and im gg to watch after thurs! weee!

Monday, September 21, 2009

super no moood at all.

shit! i seriously don hv the mood to study. juz study watever i can for the last time. n bye bye. sleeep. oh of course, i need my arashi.

anw, i spent most of the time watching tv, guests came over n entertaint them. now starhub is having free sensasi preview. damn nice can? the malaysian dramas are soo much love! i gottta love nur kasih n sutera maya. it's not usual to see me liking malay dramas ne. heh. when im free-er, im gg to watch them over in youtube. ok! no time no time! i needa arashi, study n sleep! tmr 830am seminar. zzzzz!

salam lebaran!

im tired. my eyes are kinda blurry already. but still, i needa arashi. then only my eyes will be ok. haha! serious! n i will chiong later to study. tho i really don wanna study for that CA. boo! i so much wanna cry la! cry coz i don wanna study. and i hv tonnes of arashi. goodness! all the wrong timing. i needa dl ething, n will watch them, hopefully soon. thursday, faster come!

anw, raya juz now was ok. Alhamdulillah, hong baos are coming in. lol! tho sometimes im shy to take them. heh.. okok! enough talking!

selamat hari raya maaf zahir & batin to all Muslims in the world, esp those closed ones. :D
i treasure the ones who are still around, and i definitely miss those who are no longer around. semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat selalu. Amin.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

control yourself!

omgdness! so many arashi! from mags to vids to con reports. im gg crazy! but i needa studyy! switch off the lappy indah! CRY!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

by rite, but by left...

by rite, i shld've finish my DNA online lecture.

and also, by rite, i shld've started my revision for strategic hr CA nx tues.

but by left, i accomplished none of the above. dame! lecture was only halfway thru. revision, i didnt even touch.


worse, i don think i hv the mood to do anything later. it's malam raya seh! i shld be like spring cleaning, watch nice shows in Suria. sheesh! i really needa start studying man. 5 seminars to revise. :( project, i cant be bothered by it. oops! i only know i did my part alrdy, n juz waiting for updates. i hate projects. i don like the grp. :(

anw, tat aside, love arashi! super! i've paid my pre-order. my pocket is crying again! awaiting for fukuoka concert report, if any kind soul wanna share.

from HnA #65!

i gotta love mannequin five soo soo much!

for the FIRST time, sho was chosen FIRST! haha! but i like jun's most.

VIP ROOM! nose-bleed! the guest likes guys in specs. simple, yet nice. me too! u know how much hots i hv for bespectacled guys.

i like the red specs! ridaaa!

but this is still my ichiban! even the guest chose him as the best! i rmb a poll in DUET, among guys, who look the best in specs. ehem. it was nino. heh! love love!

different angles and sides. PERFECTO! :D

ok! sleep! zzzz!

Friday, September 18, 2009

tonnes of things as always..

ok, im almost done with my persuasion msg assignment. i don care already. whether or not it's persuasive enough, i really don care liao. bluergh!

n Alhamdulillah my quiz went well juz now. 41.25 out of 50, happy n contented. :)

tonnes of things to do, n hope to clear b4 sunday, which is hari raya. n i can foresee that even on raya, i will be mugging for my continual assessment on tues. yes, that sucks! not to mention anor msg test on thu, and a mock forensic test on wed. omg! damn pack can? not fgtting the ongg projects, which are endless.

i need a breather!

anw, rmb abt my girl ost, rumoured that arashi will be singing? it's rumoured that it will be nino's solo, nino's debut!! omg!! how true can that beeee?? let's jus wait n see! was hyperventilating when i read that! if u ask me whether i wan that to be true, i donno. im fine w anything. as in, im happy he's in arashi, with arashi. :) watever it is, he is really loved!

ive got many things to watch i tell u!

2 HnA, 1 VSA, 2 press conferences of VSA gg golden.. bz dl-ing them now. n also touch up that email n im gg to submit n thats it! i had done A LOT today. til then..

fukuoka dome tour starts later today! :)

lesson learnt: don leave ur wallet at home! coz of that, i cant transfer money for my pre-order. coz of that also, i don hv handyplast to plaster my damn freaking painful blisters. and coz of that too, i missed the opportunity to cut my super fast-growing fringe. heng thr's still tmr. baka me..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

aww! sweet! touched!

the new VS Arashi logo! (i think i prefer the old colouful ones. heh.)

i juz saw VS arashi's press con gg golden time. it was ystd, arashi's 1oth anniversary. how sweet. that's a nice bday gift for them ne. im more than happy that VSA is an hr now. weee! it will be on every thurs, 1900 hrs starting from oct 22. i cant wait to see the full press conference, in HQ. you know i loathe youtube, plus the vids are always removed due to copyright issue.

and more surprisingly! omg! JUN'S HAIR! super same as nino's butai hair! kyaa! and nino's hair is styled like last time. like in Yamada Taro. but no matter wat hairstyle it is, my love for him is still deep. L-O-V-E!

and i read that jun bot a 1000 pc jigsaw puzzle for nino's bday. the jigsaw puzzle is a pic of a game that nino's currently playing in his DS. (kyaa, as expected of my otaku. love!) and he hopes to complete it b4 nino completes the game. awww! how sweeet can jun be? love! gambatte ne jun! despite his busy schedule, he still does the jigsaw for dear nino. :D

and the rumour is still lingering that arashi will sing My Girl's ost? i wish it is true!

ALL THE BEST sales- 1,206,302!

things to take note.

~ counting down to nino's SP, sept 24. my Dr. Junichi Nonomura. <3
~ cant wait for Guest of Room no. 0, as ohno will be starring in the 1st epi. i miss his acting. :)
~ jun also has an SP for fujitv anniversary. but that's still long ago.

ok laa! thats all!

ive not been watching my jap dramas! when will i ever be free-er to watch?