Monday, March 30, 2009

of F1 and nino!

ahhh!!thr's juz sthing wrong w blogger or is it my connection??

juz a quickie onee!!australian gp was ... hahha!!massa wasnt even in!i think somehow he got kicked out..i think,from wat i saw from the webby..lewis 3rd lehh..but nvm..1st race..msian go nx..i think ard apr..hope tv1 will show coz i think aust gp it nvr showed..

n u nvr know hw much i took to upload these pics..hahaa!!theyre juz soo kakoiii i cant help but!!my entries are infested with!!


ahhh!cant wait for door to door!!it's gg to be yet anor excellent acting from him n i can tell u he will win best actor!confident sakk!!soo manja mann this pic!!i like!!!hahaa!

seee!!u tell me la who can act until so zai..not easy to act handicap sia..

ahhh!!i love this pic laa!!is that flower for mee??hahahaha!

n this tooo!!n it's my hp's wallpaper!!hahahaha!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

quickie one!

yoohoo!!ok it's sunday noon n i super no mood to study laa..hahaa!but will study choice..if only i hadnt on the pc..

i needa on still coz wanna chk if my IT proj is working..heng hopefully on wed ething will go smoothly..gotta thx lao da,coz most of the database proj,he did it..hah!the rest of us are such an IT!

then online liao,tempted to search step n go concert performances..wahlao!damn nice ar i tell u..then linked to truth also..then linked to otherss..hahaha!FAINT!damn nice!i love it!!i love arashi!!makes me wanna buy their dvd concert laa sehhh!DAMN tempted..AAA ROCKSSS!

i love ohno ar..haha!he's like leader,then his dancing is superb..i donno how many times i said this but i still wanna say..haha!the others are equally nice too..aiba's kawaii..sho's kakoii..then jun's ok also..i donno y so many ppl don like it coz of his acting in hana yori dango?lol!n bez of all is nino..nino's ething..WOOOOOT!

anw,ystd i did go the library mugged..can u believe it, from 10-8 straight..hahaha!fruitful too..alhamdulillah..then at night studied a bit of IT..

then juz now went madrasah..n i really dislike this gal,she asks stupid qns,ok la,not stupid,but qns whereby ans is obvious..wahlaoo!smp kwn die sendiri pun ckp,stressing her the answer,in a way that it's obvious thats the ans..haha!padan muke!tk leh ankgat laa deyy!then she replied,juz wanna confirm..wth laa!bdk kecik pun aku rase lebih ckp fhm dr die..chett!

anw im alone at home i'll take this chance to blast arashi from my lappy..mak n bapak went 1day trip to malacca n donno whr amek kemsempatan bukak lagu jepun aku!! =))

til then..ciaoz!!

ps:crazy wk ahead!
~acctg quiz
~IT quiz
~IT presentation
~email written test

thx ehh!=(

Friday, March 27, 2009

half a day of sleep! faint!

i was such a sleepyhead u know wat time i slept or not ystdd??1150 ard thr lehh..zzz..initially i took a short nap..ard 15min..but ended up i stretched til 10+..haha!then woke up,brush teeth,drank my booster then wanna study IT..but cant!!i was like lentok-ing la!then fgt it..i cant concentrate n juz slept!

then nvm!!!i actually set alarm at 6.30,then i off the alarm n slept back..then i woke up at 7+,to study IT,but i think not even half an hr,i dozed off back..u know wat time i woke up or not???10am..10 was ok.but wait!story haven finish!woke up liao,ate,then laze ard while waiting for mak to clean the hse..ok i don hv the energy to help her..u know,mak always clean the hse long as the hse haven kemas or clean,i wont study coz inconvenient..then while waiting for mak to kemas,i slept..haha!buruk kann??n i woke up only at 1220!!!when mak came hm from fetching yaqin from sch..wahlao..then only i dragged myself to the toilet to bathe n then only i started studying..haha!damn irritating..damn kecoh also..tsk!

my plan was to go to the library today to mug.but see laa..chet!but cfm die die tmr wanna go library..i hv tons of things to do ar seriously..damnit..

oh yaa!!u know wat?ystd my comm funds tutor went thru our grades..surprisingly,i got A+ laa!hahaa!me n nat gt A+...woooot!lol!she said that my intro was gd..coz i started off with a quote by earl nightingale..chet!mcm fhm..hahah!steadyy ar!damn haapppy ar,then i smsed yueshun to tell him abt!so i muz do well for my written test nx wk n grp presentation the following hopefully i can get an A grade in overall tho it's only 2AUs..haha!i wish it has higher weightage..

anor random thing..i hv a fav pen brand..MONAMI..haha!been using the red pen n it's finishing..hah!means it's gd..coz most of the pens that i bot,haven finish using,cant use liao..steady arr! when nx sem starts,i wil use MONAMI pen..lolol!!n wats more,it's cheappp!!35cents only lehh..hahhaha!xing zhen also said gd..heh..k nonsense ehh..

then still got wat?oh oh!!was listening to arashi juz now,then it reminded me of their 10th anniversary this or wat?haha!it's their 10th yr after their debut..sure happenning nyee the concert if they hv any to celebrate their 10th..n i wish i got the chance to see them live in jp..speaking of which,it also reminded me of shuwen's entry abt maybe thr's a chance that she will be gg japan..i assumed she may get an air tix to jp on her 21st bday.haha.i donno..tats wat i assumed by reading her entry..lucky her neh! =)

ok thats all..ive done wat im suppose to do online..wanna go n bathe,eat n ctinue mugging..n hopefully tmr my trip to library will be fulfilling.. insya-Allah.. =))

Thursday, March 26, 2009

hu hu..

life's getting bored n im sick of always blogging abt let's juz put sch aside n blog abt random things that came across my mind..but 1st lemme tell score in word challenge in fb is now 10k++..haha!wooot!from no 20,then dropped to 21,then i played until im now in position 18!!woot!hahaha!damn addictive laa.tsk!thats y,thats the only game i dared to play..don ask me to play pet society or any!

n so juz now in bus i was so unglam coz i slept in the bus n kept like knocking,or watver u call it..i donno..wat i know is lentok gile smp nk jatuh..wats more,i was with my 2 paper bags..aiyo..damn auntie can?one contained my notes i lent to sam n anor one was the exam package gdie bag given by abc..sheesh..n my eyebags are showing now..panda eyes..huhu..

so talking abt gdie bag,shiok ehh..i tell u,the queue was freaking loong laa!n we were like so behind..then nvm..we almost didnt get the gdie bag also..heng ar still get if not queue for nothing..the gdie bag not bad leh..i loreal whitening cream la,some other facial products also,then cereal,a can of nescafe n 100plus,some notebooks,a folder from SU..heh..auntie hor..heh..typical sporean..happy!!later SU will be giving out exam package also..there'll be jco donuts n all..woot!n so hopefully i can get coz it's like the whole campus will be eyeing n queueing for it..heh..

oh ya n i fgt to tell u ystd that may memory card for my hp crashed n ALL the stuff inside disappear!SAD!donno's time to buy a new hp mann!

anor thing..a few days ago,i went to corporate communications office to collect cd for iic,then i donno whr to find the person in chg,so i juz randomly asked this man who was nearer for me to ask,then when he looked up,FAINT!he looked like hawick lau!!hahah!that hk guy who looked like!then i told wan qi..faint's like he sent electric love sia..damn yi yang..zhen de!lol! that makes me wanna go corp comm off more!

ehh..F1 will kick off this sunday at australia gp..woot!!will root for ferrari n massa yea..wooot!haha..maybe if tv1 airs it,i may watch.. =))

wat else?nah..nothing much abt my idols..haha!i donno y i always love to blog abt them despite knowing the fact that the less than 10readers i hv cant be bothered with!but nah..i read,can!

NEWS have revealed more details regarding their upcoming single, Koi no ABO, which is set for release on April 29th. The limited edition version of the release comes with a 12-page booklet and a 3-track CD, including the title track, its instrumental counterpart and a b-side, Labyrinth, plus a DVD contaning six tracks from their concert NEWS WINTER PARTY DIAMOND in TOKYO DOME held on December 31st, 2008. The regular edition will come with a 6-page booklet with a 4-track CD, with the additional songs OPEN YOUR EYES and a live recording of Share.. woot!looking fwd to it..ryo..kakoii! matter what he does,still gd looking..sungguhpun die tak mandi pagi n!xing zhen n xiu hui saw my beautiful arahi hp wallpaper,then i asked them among arashi,who's the most gd looking,both also say NINO!!haha!but of course mann! =))

ok..tat's gg to like study..tho i donno wat to!i shall only study for quiz from tmr neh.. =)nitez!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

young hearts!

ok shit..ive logged in to blogger since juz now but was nvr updating it..thats the thing..wheneve i on my pc,i will be soo distracted w soo many things..sheesh!soo many things to do laa..

juz now called yi heng..poor him coz he needa help in acctg..heh..i like!heh..faint ar..was telling wan qi abt it..heh..ebody was in a mad rush la seriously..i tell u nx wk is hell man..chatted with yue shun juz now..haha!im so happy he chatted w me..heh..then wan ranting at him the many quizzes n project presentations n written tests..gdness gg crazy..then he asked me if i will be gg for baoc,ba's orientation..that i was like no la,coz the following wk is exams..n i will be busy preparing n stressing..haha!then he went on to say that my heart will be w them n maybe the force be with me..haha!my heart is always w society man..then disturbed him a bit,asked him a bit of chinese..heh..then he talked abt work n i asked him to comment of my individual presentation..haha!he's always encouraging ppl n saying that i can do it..touched! =)

n shit im getting sleepy alrdy but i needa do's juz getting harder..i did the new exercise,i only got 1/11 rite..haha!twice at that!hw lousy can i be?so i hv 2 more tries..later gotta ask nat or whoever to help me w it..n biz law is like 3/4 done..ZZZ!

oh ya!!juz now..otw to quad for lunch..i saw ehem..yusuf..haha!the mly guy in my chinese class.aiyo..saw him mah,so muz tegur..chet!sia sia jek aku tegur..aku de senyum wave,die mcm setakat hi w that stern look..haha..zzz..but nvm..

then after lunch went to auditorium for the bhg sales..haha!somehow,i donno y,gt bhg sales on sch..then went w yufen..n guess what i bot?hahaha!out of all things,i bot UNDIES..haha!ok a bit!young hearts some more set some more..nice ehh..haha!checkered!lol!i not only like check tops,but checked undies..lolol!!10bucks per set..mak said ex leh..haha!but hai hao la..ok leh..heh..damn paiseh tho..dig for sizes..then gt a lot of ppl..heh..then yufen helped me pay 1st coz i was almost late for chinese..heh..then thr's crocs too..but not the crocs i wanted..if not i also buy sia..tho i no money alrdy n am trying v hard nt to eat in sch..haha..eday bring bekal..ta pao from hm..

ok thats abt it..actually gt more to say..

juz to entertain myself n de-stress..nino!!! =))

in yamada taro..that eyes..aww!

tell me man,hw can i not faint?

in stand up..haha!a bit cikopek look huh..

wahhh!latest one from asianfanatics..gosh!

some time ago.he was NEWS concert..LOVES!

time concert singing niji..gosh!i love those specs n him perspiring..HOT!wonderful performance..

ahhhh!!this one,donno wat concert..

n yess!!my uta onii-san!!!!kawaii neh!

n this is him!OH NO SATOSHI!shuai!!my next fav after nino in arashi..perfect voice,perfect dancer..gotta love him mann!!ridaaa!!

okokok..back to workk!!ciaoz!on a side note:thx to those ppl who gave me encouragement..

step and go on rpt mode..LOVES!

Monday, March 23, 2009

finished once agn! woot!

oh mann!didnt know uta no onii-san only has 8 episodes!n ive finished!hahaha!shiok shiok!wanted to upload pics,but thr's juz sthing wrong w fgt's alrdy 4+ n i better get some sleep!i got some nice pics siaa!wanna post..haha..nx time..woot!

pa pi pu pe pon! =)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

that giant trip

ok so ystd wasnt so fruitful..i ended up gg jb coz kak linda asked me to tag along..but nvm la,acc my mom also..if not she will be shopping alone at giant..

wahlao i tell u it's been donkey yrs eversince i stepped into giant has changed so much n im oh so suaku n my mom is the expert one here..she knows every corner of the giant laa..haha!funny..whr to find minyak la,susu laa..heh..

then went to the pasar borong..neh..boring..haha..but at the pasar,it reminded me of Haikei, Chichiue-sama when nino did marketing for the shop..haha!idiot rite mee?but really siaa..haha!i miss watching nino..hehe..

then mkn lor..i was super full n i don hv any appetite to eat..whenver mak asked whther i wan this or that,i'll juz say no..haha!juz ate ikan pari..sdp..heh..

n thr was this mat msia..i tell u he was freaking funny laa..u know la hor,all these mats love to tease women..then i was passing by,he went on to say "adik baju bintik-bintik,nak beli ikan?"..i was LOL-ing inside my heart laa!he was saying,"the one in polka dot tops,wanna buy fish?" what cracked me up so much was the fact that he said baju bintik-bintik,means polka dots..haha!it's like very funny la,coz it's really so malay!hahaha!we don say bintik2..we say dots or wat la..but nvr that malay word..hahaha!i told kak linda la..damn funny like!funny..

fun but tiring night..when i reached home,i did chinese til like 4+..gosh!damn sleepy..n now here i am juz blogging..heh..n i slept the whole noon juz now..useless...

n i juz realised that i dn hv much time left b4 the exams..coupled with the projects n tests n quizzes coming along the gg to be stress agn n sleeping in the wee hrs is repeating agn..

Ya Allah,i hope that ething will go smoothly til 20apr,the end of my last paper..Amin..

til gg to like studyyyy n then try to watch uta no onii-san later..haha!i love oh no!!! =)))

Saturday, March 21, 2009

sell fish!

another roller coaster wk in sch n im soo really sick of it..u know,how some plp can be soo selfish n i wonder if they ever realise how selfish they are..tsk..serious's like hello??are u the only one who is stress?who has tons of things to do?then others don hv?wahlaoo!i tell u,im like freaking angry n pissed such that i wanna tear right there n then laa..wth!tsk!serious sakk!n coupled with some other things..damnit..

n i tell u that day was the worst of the sick n sian,then i went to cut my's been 3mths since i last trimmed my y not juz go cut..heh..4bucks...chett!i thot 3bucks..but she said my hair long...zzzz...nvr wanna go back to her fierce.wth..i prefer her nice n frenly..but that day she was busy,so the other attended me instead..but ok laa..i always nvr get the fringe that i wanted..but ohwells..haha..muz ask kak linda acc me the nx time..

3 more wks to exams n im feeling it..gahh..hate the feeling..somehow,i feel stress,somehow im ok with it..somehow somehow..haha!

and actually i got loads to blog but suddenly,i fgt mind juz went blank..sheeshh..old liao..

anw,im watching uta no onii-san..damn nice..omg..i had a gd laugh..i think it's stil airing now in mysoju only uploaded til ep7..then ive alrdy watched til ep5..haha!damn addictive n interesting laa such that i don wanna!oh no is sure damn cute n im loving him..woot!

then..i went to asianfanatics juz now to see if arashi has newer pics..then don hv,so went to see nino..wahlao!!so long nvr see his album,soo many pics ehh!faint ar!hahaha!they uploaded pics of him shooting believe's pv..damn nice!omg!im like fainting!hahaha!kop kop!


gosh!that pose..FAINT!


more more!!

that fierce look..gosh!

haha!this is sure damn epi of arashi no himitsu..both him n aiba were suppose to!damn funny that epi..gosh!i wish he was carrying our baby..lolol!!ooops!

ahhhh!!door to door..this one drama that im soo looking fwd to..n juz nice it's airing in apr i think..juz nice after exams..wooot! =))

ok la..i think i better sleep tho i hv the urge to watch more onii-san..haha!later muz do law tut n ctinue w chinese..haizz..sianz..til then..ciaoz!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

like at last!

ok law really sucks to the core n im hating it more and more..damnit..n today was quite a gd n bad day n the thot of the bad part is really irritating..such that i really super don hv the mood to even blog,much less talk abt it..f it..arggh!

anw,chinese was fun! finally,i got to talk to that mly guy in class..ok la,not really talk,but had the oppurtunity to do some dialogue with him n the others..but that mly girl muz be thr also..chet!'s!but sthing shocked me...die nye r karat!hahha!but nvm..handsome can also type..hahaha!he's from aerospace..

n nvr fail to talk abt nino..haha..i saw this at livejournal..i think it's illegal to take the pic..but..haha!omg laa!they're comparing him w this korean guy..lolol!ok la,a bit laa..but nino is more man...n it's just coincidental they pose the same..maybe the photographers have same taste..haha!nino's stil the best.korean guys..nah..i only like those that i like n no more..haha!

nino more man lorr..tsk!hahaha!

okok sleep!!later 8.30 class..zzzz!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

done agn! next? donno..

maou done!omg laa!damn saddddd cannn??the last episode made me cried!gosh!love it!shiok! =)

so next..haha!yes thr's!still deciding which to watch nx tho..heh..maybe yellow tears..but i wanna watch dramas..ok see how..heh..

Monday, March 16, 2009


haikei chichiue-sama done!haha..damn nice..the short love scene..simply oh love it..nvr seen him in a love scene b4..damn sweeet! =) maou next!! that i can only watch in the day coz kinda scary to watch at night coz mysterious..hahaha! =))

Saturday, March 14, 2009


woohoo!!my hands are itching to blog..heh..

i felt so accomplished coz i took like ard 7 hrs to do acctg..haha!yes..7 hrs..ard thr..costing is hard considering this is the 1st time im touching it..ahh..stress nehh..

n as u know,we hv to present our answers in i went to chk which qn my grp is presenting..then the tutor nvr assign!i thot she fgt la,so i emailed her..then she replied me saying that it means my grp doesnt hv to present..haha!cool or watt?lol!im the only one who is soo enthu wanna present,when i don hv!ehh..muz enthu ar,so that my participation is high..coz acctg participation is graded according to now im in band 1,which is best..n muz maintain..lolol!!

ok,since i feel sooo accomplished,went online for a while n get a doze of nino..haha!i was soo shocked laa that one of the vids that i saved as fav was removed!but heng ar got other ppl upload..n hq still..ok so not that bad..hahaha!!

then logged on to frenster for a while tho thr is no need for me coz it has been inactive for so long,but i still updated my profile..hahaha!then set it to!crazyy..

ok wanna logoff liao n ctinue with IT..then maybe if thr's time,i wanna watch nino's drama..currently am watching haikei, chichiue-sama..nice!he won best actor for this too!!after that,maybe wanna watch maou..ive alrdy watched ep 1 coz nino was featured in ep 1..haha!the lead actor for this other drama is oh no! muz watch also..heh..nice nice..then some more the ost is truth..wahlao..damn nice cann?haha!

okok..gtg really..haha!i haven bathe in my 2nd bath..heh..til then..tmr gg IT fair..hope can get a gd digicam!! =))

Friday, March 13, 2009

panda eyes..

finally the gruelling wk is over..n im suffering of sleep deprivation..haha!im juz gg to take things slowly for now n i hope that i can tahan all the way to exams..sheesh!

lazy to blog in details..wat i know is im gg to IT fair n i cant wait to get myself a digicam..haha!jakunn!

n juz nw i watched departures..damn nice..really worthy a winner of best foreign film..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


ok so I was back from sch like 2hrs ago..shldnt have come for the meeting seriously coz it was basically more of update session for the president.nothing impt..zzz..waste my time laa..ahhh..the thot of it..makes me sick..

anw,wat to do,went b4 that,I went imm,to pay bills,n also find myself a new pencil box..coz I wanna get a metal pencil box..but to no avail..those at daiso all damn childish..haha!tho there are some that are nice,but it’s not the flip n open kind..then I don wan tho it’s metal..coz if not,it will defeat the purpose..coz my intention is to put my idol’s pic on the pencil if tutorial or lecture is boring,I can stare at their pics..hahaha!ok I sound kinda!but ya,don hv..then u know wat I ended up buying or nt??socks!hahahah!nice u!nice rite???can wear tmr!!wooot!purple n pink..sweeet!

haha..abit i took out from the packaging alrdy so a bit out of shape..hahaha..nice!!!

then walked ard imm aimlessly..then bot choc ice blended..i donno laa,so down liao cant find the pencil box,even at popular also don hv nice ones..stress,bot bubble!then headed off to boonlay since I hv some time while waiting for xing zhen..

so walked ard,went TS..wahlao!the jap dvds now selling 2 for $30,which means 1 is for $15!but henggg ar don hv those that I wan..if not,ts ought to be!coz the one I bot at jb is $16..haha!$1 diff also money siaa!!then I thot I cld find pencil box,but nah..don hv also..

then it was time to met xing zhen..wahlao..super no mood to talk..hahaha!coz I think damn sian ar no pencil box..or either that,i was juz moody..

then reached sch..president n mc talk2..i listen only..then smsed wan qi n yi heng..yi heng damn sweet can?haha!he was smsed everyone to cfm attendance for meeting tmr..then I replied can make it,only that I will be sleepy..haha!then he replied I will buy coffee for u..ahhhh!!sweet!i told wan qi abt it,she said can faint..hahah!ya lorr..lolol!but ya,he’s juz being nice I know..heh..

then finally home sweet home…hengg ar 187 came very fast n no jam or many ppl in the bus..sweee..hungry liao, i st away eat sia when i reached home..then on pc until now..smelly siall haven bathe!haha!n look at the time now!!0050!gdness!n i hv to be in sch at 8.30 for proj meeting!

but a bit high..haha!lemme blog a bit more..i watched this particular youtube vid abt was a poll regarding who is the most stingy among the members..haha!yess!it is nino!hahaha!faint!then he admitted..he said that he will frequent the bank to like chk his acct or sthing like that..then anor member i fgt who said that he heard ppl saying when he is at the set shooting,he will ask ppl to treat him lunch..then he said coz they're senpai, muz buy..then the host or who ask,then if u with kouhai how?that's junior..then he said he will nvr hang ard with junior if not muz buy them lunch..haha!mann!i think that's a gd trait of him sia..really!!those who marry him will have a stable finance siaa..haha!he's sure is rich..furthermore,i think it's the way he's brought up..coz his parents were divorced,so i guess he had gone thru tough patch..i donno..but who cares if he is stingy?i still love him!!n i really wanna wactch letters from iwo jima!!n im at the last epi of yamada taro and then i ve watched it for 2x!lol!niceee!

im soo into him of him!!my pic folder in c drive is infested with arashi n nino!!

even my lappy!!haha!nice or not the wallpaper???even my hp siaa!!haha!

nice shot!believe!see nino!!got the bad boy the gan jue horr..wo xi huan!!
it's a brand new world!!

n im getting used n loving aiba's nasal voice..hahahaha!oops!

ok laa..gotta bathe n pray n donno..sleeep laa!haha!if not i cant wake up n will be a zombie!!ciaozz!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

game time! amazing!

wahahaha!!i gotta blog abt this!i got this from shuwen's blog..haha!she asked me to!this game is sure interesting laa..basically,all u hv to do is 1st think of an artiste,then answer the qns that the genie asked u,n then he will guess who is in ur mind...haha!!

n amzaingly,the genie managed to answer all the artistes that are on my mind except for one,i as thinking of aiba,he guessed tsuyoshi..lololol!!funny!!

ok,so i donno on wat basis the genie did answer so correctly n cun..haha!maybe coz i know my idols!!hahaha!really siaa!qns all so chicken..

so nino was sure easy..qns asked include like is he like related to akihabara..yes definitely..haha!coz he's an otaku!haha!then did he ever acted in a war movie..duh!haha..letters from iwo jima yo!haha!sure damn so proud of myself..nino muz be too..lololol!!

ahhh..this one also not bad..quite easy..the qns quite st fwd..

ahhh!takuya nehh!!haha!qns like is he children..then i fgt liao..haha!

so i tried david too!super shocked!haha!he even guessed it correctly..qns like did he participate reality tv show,did he win,does he play the guitar..haha!

my xiao zhuuu!!!haha!this one also so easy he related to animal..hahah!yesss!!zhu!hahaha!

fun fun!!then i tried others like ne-yo to..the qn was does his name has a hyphen..lolol!!quite idiotic laa..lolol!!fun fun!!

u may wanna tryy!!

haha!fun fun!should think of harder!but if harder artiste,i donno them..

thanks! i had a blast!

woohooo!!it was a blast!!tho yeah,if only i got that autograph from him..but contented..thr's always a next time..HOPEFULLY..

so here's the story..omg..i tell u,the queue is unbelievable..he signed for solid 3++ the organizer said that only that version of the album will be signed..but when xiao zhu reached,he said that he will ANYTHING,as long as it's his!!i was like wtf???i tell,i almost teared,almost cried..seriously..esp when wan qi told me then she said cry..i heard liao,i really wanna cry but held no not exagerrating..wahlaoo!!then she said i stupid..haha!ok laa,i stupid laa..but wth laa seriously..if not,i wil get his auto n shake his hands lor..arggghhh..the thot of it..made me sick..anw,he's damn kind omg!!!i mean,he doesnt mind watver album u bring,u bring his 1st album also can,so long as it's his..MY IDOL!!!!

but i got to see him in the flesh,in real life..he's really hot n dead gorgeous..he performed hotshot n gao diao ai..shiok!!gao diao ai was superb..juz like the one he performed in taiwan..his solo dance..goshh!faint!

i juz shouted like nobody's biz..the china ppl in front of me closed their ears..haha!i don give a damn yo!lol!

then,at the last minute also,daz can get me the tix to the sge awards..woot!so i went with dearest adeline..she wanna see raymond lam..

i guess i was lucky enough ystd at the awards,coz at the last minute too,donno y,they moved part of the blue section to the yellow section..n the screen was right in front of me n i was bit nearer to the i got to see xiao zhu performed much closer..he performed gao xiao and hotshot..adeline loves the gao xiao..haha!

hotshot was superb!!gao xiao really touched my heart!he was the last to usual,save the best for the last siaa!haha!i tell u,ALL STOOD UPPP to see him perform!the ppl at the back all went to thr front!!im not exaggerating agn..hahahaha!u can really see the difference in mood and atmosphere from other artistes to him..HE IS THE STAR MANNN!wahlao!!he was sure damn touched laa!!

n it was the MP that presented him the awards...if u know teo ser luck..haha!honourable siaaa!then he kissed the award..then he shouted I LOVE SINGAPORE..ahhh!SWEEEEEEETTTT!gosh i tell u..i love him laa seriously..this is the best award show ive really enjoyed other than the APM i went to suppoer vince..wooot!!gotta love xiao zhuu!muacksss!lololol!!

oh ya,during the red carpet,he made the entrance buy riding the bike..haha!reminded me of his tai ke!he was all bling bling..the exact costume he always wears for hot shot.. loveloveloveloveloveloveLOVE!!

then at other times,it was boring coz i donno them..of even if i know,im not interested..lolol!!and somebody had to spoil utada hikaru's first love..!!!omg laa!unbearable!!i tell u,i can sing jap better than her laa!!serious!!haha!siti,if u hear,u sure wanna faint..lolol!!

then otw home i can guarantee u all were talking abt him,talk abt this will appear in bfb n muz watch bfb..hahaha!i can safely say also that most that attended the awards was to see him..haha!!only he got the loudest cheer seriously..haha..=))

i will patiently wait for him to come agn n i better make sure i get his auto n shake hands..

gotta thx wan qi,daz n adeline for the company n tix..owe u guys one.. =))

him aside..nvr get enough of waiting for their believe performance at music station that was shown on friday..tadaaaa!!!SUGOII!love it!!i love them all!!!nino is LOVEEEE!!then they performed at utaban also,a show hosted by nakai..ahhh..super SUGOI N KAKOI..!!

ok la..thats abt all..gotta go back to study n revise mode..prepare for my comm funds..zzzz..hate it..bluek!

ps:anor death at ntu,this time,a china graduate found dead at the nanyang heights,residential area for the staff and grads..this is like the 2nd one barely a week after david's death..n both are from EEE..both are condolences..

Friday, March 06, 2009


ohmann!i so badly wanna blog but am not in the mood now..sheesh!it's raining cats n dogs n i soo much don wanna sleep but the thot of having to go back sch tmr all for the sake of my acctg proj n i cant go n see dearest xiao zhu omgdness can u imagine that?gosh!even if i don hv proj,i doubt i will go coz i don hv bad can that beee?arrrggghh!the thot of it..makes me soo soo soo soo soo soo soo soo upset..damnit!

so many things piling up n im seriously getting sick of it..



that aside..

u gotta watch this LIKE SERIOUSLY!!damn freaking cool laa!ARASHI BEATBOXING..goshh!nvr see b4 one siaa..haha!all the sneezings,blowing noses,vomitting,pig's oink oink,coughing n wat nots..haha!damn entertaining n i rpted it..lolol!gotta love them mann seriously..nino is sure damn cutee!then twds the end,they incorporated love so sweet song..damn nice..!! =)) kakoiii!!sugoiii!! like so busy now..ebody is like finding me for acctg info..n iic also,so many smses i don bother to reply..hhaha..lets juz assume i alrdy sleep n will reply them later in the morning..

n yess!at the last min,miss tan smsed me ask if i wanna go still,she can acc me!yay!so im gg to see xiao zhu laterrr! =)) n i hope it will satisfying n puas..i hope..very much..

so therefore,i muz be kuai n do my proj,do my tut also tmr morn in sch b4 meeting teck wei for proj..jia youuuu!!ganbatte!!

ps:it's raining,n i coincidentally played walking in the rain on rpt!lovesss!

im walking in the rain, just walking in the rain..

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

shag & hyper

yooohooo!in the mood to blog coz i hv some nice stories to share..lolol!!

was damn groggy tho..i was very shagged n i super can feel was like i am awake,wide awake at that..but then,i was juz too to say..i donno..hah..that was my feeling for the entire acctg n law tutorial..speaking of which..i alrdy submitted my law assignment n somehw,i hv bad vibes abt it..but ohwells..wats done cant be undone..all i ask for at least b- n above..if i get c,i sure donno wat to say..haizzz..

then had lunch..ahh this is the shiok partt!otw to IT class after we ta pao food,then radio fusion,ntu;s own radio station was having games..u know the pasar mlm game whereby u throw rings over bottles or cans..haha..ahh.i tried laa..then somehow,the rings got in..out of 3,2 got in..damn happy ar! the 1st ring that got in,i gt a mouse pad n canned drink..then the 2nd ring that got in,i got anor mouse pad..lolol!but that's nt the pt is..the pt is it reminded me of sthing..n do u know wat it is?hahaha!YAMADA TARO!!lololol!thr's this scene whereby nino was aiming very hard to make the rings go in so tat he can win the prize for his family..haha!then i damn happy arr!lol!like this also cann..ya i's crazyy shit..hahaha!then damn happy ehh n i needa share i smsed!shuwen also said i that also can!anything goes mannn!nino lovesss!

then b4 lesson starts,was talking to kah hwee whther she got watch or not ryusei no kizuna..haha!then she went to search abt it..then excited..lolol!of course muz watch ar..haha!nino best actor lehh..somehow..she's fun to chat w..coz of the fact that we have the same interest..haha!oops!

this is the full recognitions of the drama..damn proud!

59th Television Drama Academy Awards
~Best Drama
~Best Actor - Ninomiya Kazunari
~Best Supporting Actress - Toda Erika
~Best Scriptwriter - Kudo Kankuro
~Best Directors - Kaneko Fuminori, Ishii Yasuharu
~Best Theme Song - Beautiful days

12th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Fall 2008)
~Best Drama
~Best Actor - Ninomiya Kazunari
~Best Supporting Actor - Nishikido Ryo

~Best Supporting Actress - Toda Erika

wooot!all hyper in IT class..hahaha!donno y..but yaa..IT is shiok..was playing anagrams..haha..i started 1st,then all also played along..haha!damn funny..

somehow..thats abt all..lololol!the geist is,i played the game n reminded me of nino then i damn happy..haha!all tired now..shall leave ething to tmr..i needa sleep tho i can not sleep n watch youtube..haha!n chatted w ch..haha!funny..he ended off saying if im bored juz text him coz he's equally bored at he's duty is 8-5 at yew tee,some detention barracks..haha..don ask me wat is it..ghim hui shld be in india..the rest busy with training..alan also slacking now..haha!i like chang hong..nice guy.. =))

oh ya!yi heng said i got new bag..haha!i like!gd fren wan qi said..yes i carried my new esprit bag..wah damn nice..lolol!okok..i wanna zzzz n hopefully tmr will be a productive day for me to complete at least some tutorials or sthing..k ciaoz!

gosh is all i can say..

n so the stubborn me still don wanna sleep..despite the fact that the time now is 2am..tsk!how to sleep when thr's so manyy youtube vids to watch..haha!n i came upon this!

lemme tell u..i may love many idols..but i still love HIM the most!gosh!he's really THE MAN, THE STAR..LOVESSS!!aiseteru!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

10 bucks from the sky

yoohoo!!third post of the day..siao or wat?haha!juz wanna blog cann?heh..

so ya..a big hoo haa over the suicide..i soooo feeel for him mann!omg..i read the short report in today n my paper..n it's like ebody's talking abt it..ppl asked me abt sis,my cousin,aisha..he was cremated juz now at 5..may he rest in peace..
n i think now all profs shld be wary of themselves lest it's their turn..they'll nvr know..haha..sad story aside..

i did a survey juz now..last minute decide one..haha..i tagged nat along..wah shiok ehh..juz do survey,then get or watt?it's actually an anagram..u're given 29 anagrams n solve it..anagrams are english words that are scrambled,then u hv to unscramble it to form an english word..haha!surprisingly,it's easy peasy..not bragging or wat la,but i was the 1st to leave..haha..but paiseh ar..later ppl thot i anyhow do n wanna chop chop finish,then get 10bucks then ciao..haha!no lorr..i really did sia..out of all the anagrams,if i rmb correctly,i only donno 2..
got one word..i unscrambled and anyhow typed my answer as BEEFTIN..haha!i donno wth is that laa..but i don wanna leave it blank,beeftin kinda make sense..then otw to chinese class,then only i know wat is it..BENEFIT laa deyy!hahaha!noob rite??i LOL to myself laa...stupid..haha!the other word that i cant solve i cant!anor one is HNET..i was like hent,neth,ehh..noo!stupid!it's THEN..hahaha!tsk!haha..

then nat was like the last 3 to leave..she sat beside me..she thot i anyhow do..coz i was typing quite fast..she thot i juz clicked skip skip,anyhow one..hahaha!unscrambling is like u can say my forte..hahha!funn ehh..i don mind doin it agn for funn n free!lol!i requested for the results..see how pro am!later know liao will blog it..hahahaa!funn!stupid BEEFTIN!chet!

then..wooot!look at this article!!wahlaooo!!im chatting w shuwen then asked her help me news!!nino won best lead actor for his role in ryusei no kizuna!haha!i was juz wacthing it for the 3rd time.woot!shiok cann?ryusei also won other 5 awards..i donno wat don ask me..haha!wat matters nino won best actor..wahlao!proud!happy siaaaa!woooot!i love him loads!like really LOADSSS!

then..she told me anor news..n this is a sad news..abt ryo!he got into an accident..was driving recklessly..involved three cars,then a 60yr old lady slightly injured..heng ar injured not die..n heng ar he didnt drink drive.if not,sure worse!police is still investigating tho..but JE banned him from driving for 6mths..i hope thats not kena kicked out or under probation n cant perform kinda thing..hoping hard mann..sheesh!naughty boy..lololol!but yeah..i hope it will all be fine siaa..sheesh!one gd news n bad anor bad..bluergh.. to sleep mann..tmr 830 class..zzz!ciaoz then..waiting for believe to be transferred from shuwen..heh..meanwhile..oogle!hahha! =))


b4 i sleep!!oh mann!i gotta love their new single laa!


nino's kakoiii!sugoiii!!i love the checkered!!wooot!i love his hair too!!shorter n clean cut!woot!not tat i don like even if it's long.i like all his hairstyle!hahaha!FAINT!dl-ed their song tho the qlty's not so gd but juz make do w it 1st..heh..

This is the movement
Looking for my life
I can find myself (It's a brand new world!)
This is the movement
Looking for my life
I can find myself
This is the movement


ive finished stand up!!in 1 day!yess!haha!nice nice!damn funny!tho i thot can be shorter n sweet..haha!nx up,will to rpt my yamada tarooo!! =))

oh ya!donno if u saw the news..this morning,an engineering student from NTU committed suicide..he even stabbed the prof at the back,then slit his wrist,then jumped down from the bldg..i was so shocked to hear the news from qian yu when she called me...super!

then i caught the ch5 news..wahlao!damn er xin..damn disgusting the blood splattered ehh!ewww!n the thing is heng ar i wasnt in sch..coz EEE is at south NBS also..ahhh!faint!

the student is a chinese was reported that they were discussing the final yr proj..n his grade was beyond passing grade or sting like that..mann!stress!n sadd laa..who ask the prof not to help.ish!donno condolescense..(donno hw to spell..hahah!)

ok laa..sch officially gg to be kuai n study..ok..ciaoz!

i loveeee ninooo!!

Monday, March 02, 2009


oh noo!can u believe itt?i hv finished my law finallylaa siaa!after those gruelling days of uncertainty..haha!gotta thx qian yu,nat,yufen n xing zhen who enlightened me a lot..haha!tho my answer im still not confident..u know law is juz so subjective..thr's no really rite or wrong's all a mtter of hw the hell u argue n hw strong it is..mann!im not gg to give a damn now..i wanna resttt!tmr sch starts leh coz now it's monday..damn fast cann?but at least ive done all my tutorials,or rather,done partially..haha!

it's march!n i only hv 1.5 mths to exams..i think i needa hit the library every fri n sat agn to mugg..

n coz it's last day of term break,ive decided not to sleep early..haha!don care if headache strikes mee..i wanna arashi-ing!hahaha!oopps!i will always have goosebumps whenver arashi wathing the JE countdown..the funny thing is all JE idols performed,except smap..weird weird..sheesh!i wished smap also performed laa..but arashi n news can liao..heh..

ok.thats all..juz wanna blog that ive completed that bloody law.hahaha!ciaozz!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

pening of everything (headache)!!

yoohooo!!in the mood for blogging tho im still very busy with the irritating law assignment n i juz feel like giving up but ppl ard me are struggling very hard to complete it n giving in their best shot..arrgghh!freaking stress over it..i hate individual short,i hate all assignments!period!!zzz!!

anw so ystd i went to jb as planned n im oh so sadd that i didnt get many things out of my was oh so disappointing i tell u..sheeeessssh!!maybe shldnt go city square anymore..haha!but but..the best thing that i liked most that i bot is DVDS!!!!yess!wat dvd??wat else??japanese..whoo???ninoo!!!who else!hahahaha..wahlao..damn shiok cann??

i entered the shop,browsed the whole jap section..saw yamada taro,juz grabbed..then saw stand up..juz grabbed..the uncle sold to me at 40rm each..convert sgd only 16..wahlaoo!damn cheap cann?damn worth it cann?haha!coz in spore cheapest now is 19.90..thats also coz ts is having sales..if not,it will cost 24.90..poh kim worse..more ex..29.90..wahlaoo!damn happy!!then i saw last friends..if i had known,don buy in spore,buy that in jb also..haha!then saw attention pls,but nah..i don wanna buy coz the focus is more on the lead actress rather than yea..if there were more nino's drama,i wld hv bot all seriously..haha!wooot!i hv new dvd collection to watch noww..happpyy!!

then juz shopped ard n suddenly the damn painful headache striked me n it totally brought my mood down but i still had the urge to shop ard..haha!wahlao!i tell u,damn painful..otw home,i lepak in the bus..reached hm,i asked mak to massage...then 11pm i gone!all the way til 10am this feeling a bit better..i donno y,but i think it may due to my sleeping hrs..slept at 4am for 3days..then i think i cant it thats y my headache super painful like shit..when i woke up,my head was far much lighter..ahhh.i hate that kinda feeling..

i think la it's due to sleeping that i gt the headache..thats y i told natasha,that hw i wish humans don need to sleep..even if they don sleep,they are still able to work n wont hv any sickness or watsoever..with such a few hrs of sleep,it will saying this coz ppl will always say they wish they hv more than 24 hrs a day..but noo..i don wish for more hrs..24hrs is enough..all i ask for we don hv to hv at least 7-8 hrs of sleep..sheesh!haha!this is a wishful thinking part of mine..heh..

nothing much to blog abt my jb trip coz im totally sad by it..tho the dvd made me happy..but the fact that i didnt get many things..haizz..anw..oh wells..wat to do.haha!

and yess!ystd also was my niece's 13th bday..mann!she's all grown up now..a teenager..haha..i wished her n she said that she may be a teen,but she still feel like she's a kid..haha!like auntie,like niece..haha!young at heart peee!

happy 13th bday riana!happy 8th bday rudy..ya..rudy's bday was on the little preciousss! =)

oh yaaa!!!as i said,show's coming to town this u know who else is coming or nott???

DAVID ARCHULETAAA!!yess!!nx mth to spore on a promotional triip!!i definitely will be gg even if it's exam mann!omg laa!!!muz go siaaa!!HE IS MY AMERICAN IDOL!!hahaha!

i was telling wan qi,show's coming,archie's coming..when are the JE idols coming??i also wan nino!!ryoo!!takuyaaa!hahaha..faint!

n yess..this friday,still no companyy!!how how howww???if i nvr go,DAMN WASTED! hoping very hard i hv someone to go with.. =((

ok some pics i cope from fb..haha!sweeeet!lovess!!

brotherss!i think this is abt promoting ryusei..

kawaiiiii neeeeee!!!! =))

ok la...thats all..indah,pls stop surfing the web n get ur law done once n for alll!ahhhh!!!

himitsu (secret) on rpt mode! =)