woohooo!!it was a blast!!tho yeah,if only i got that autograph from him..but nvm..be contented..thr's always a next time..HOPEFULLY..
so here's the story..omg..i tell u,the queue is unbelievable..
he signed for solid 3++ hrs..so the organizer said that only that version of the album will be signed..but when xiao zhu reached,he said that he will ANYTHING,as long as it's his!!i was like wtf???i tell,i almost teared,almost cried..seriously..esp when wan qi told me then she said cry..i heard liao,i really wanna cry but held back..no no not exagerrating..wahlaoo!!then she said i stupid..haha!ok laa,i stupid laa..but wth laa seriously..if not,i wil get his auto n shake his hands lor..arggghhh..the thot of it..made me sick..
anw,he's damn kind omg!!!i mean,he doesnt mind watver album u bring,u bring his 1st album also can,so long as it's his..MY IDOL!!!!but i got to see him in the flesh,in real life..
he's really hot n dead gorgeous..he performed
hotshot n gao diao ai..shiok!!gao diao ai was superb..juz like the one he performed in taiwan..his solo dance..goshh!faint!
i juz shouted like nobody's biz..the china ppl in front of me closed their ears..haha!i don give a damn yo!lol!
then,at the last minute also,daz can get me the tix to the sge awards..woot!so i went with dearest adeline..she wanna see raymond lam..
i guess i was lucky enough ystd at the awards,coz at the last minute too,donno y,
they moved part of the blue section to the yellow section..n the screen was right in front of me n i was bit nearer to the stage..so i got to see xiao zhu performed much closer..he performed
gao xiao and hotshot..adeline loves the gao xiao..haha!
hotshot was superb!!gao xiao really touched my heart!he was the last to perform..as usual,save the best for the last siaa!haha!i tell u,
ALL STOOD UPPP to see him perform!
the ppl at the back all went to thr front!!im not exaggerating agn..hahahaha!u can really see the difference in mood and atmosphere from other artistes to him..
HE IS THE STAR MANNN!wahlao!!he was sure damn touched laa!!
n it was the MP that presented him the awards...if u know teo ser luck..haha!honourable siaaa!then he kissed the award..then he shouted I LOVE SINGAPORE..ahhh!
SWEEEEEEETTTT!gosh i tell u..i love him laa seriously..this is the best award show ive really enjoyed other than the APM i went to suppoer vince..wooot!!gotta love xiao zhuu!muacksss!lololol!!
oh ya,
during the red carpet,he made the entrance buy riding the bike..haha!reminded me of his tai ke days..lol!he was all
bling bling..the exact costume he always wears for hot shot.. loveloveloveloveloveloveLOVE!!
then at other times,it was boring coz i donno them..of even if i know,im not interested..lolol!!
and somebody had to spoil utada hikaru's first love..!!!omg laa!unbearable!!i tell u,i can sing jap better than her laa!!serious!!haha!siti,if u hear,u sure wanna faint..lolol!!
then otw home i can guarantee u all were talking abt him,talk abt this will appear in bfb n muz watch bfb..hahaha!i can safely say also that most that attended the awards was to see him..haha!!only he got the loudest cheer seriously..haha..=))
i will patiently wait for him to come agn n i better make sure i get his auto n shake hands..
gotta thx wan qi,daz n adeline for the company n tix..owe u guys one.. =))him aside..nvr get enough of
arashi..im waiting for their believe performance at
music station that was shown on friday..tadaaaa!!!
SUGOII!love it!!i love them all!!!
nino is LOVEEEE!!then they performed at utaban also,a show hosted by nakai..ahhh..super SUGOI N KAKOI..!!
ok la..thats abt all..gotta go back to study n revise mode..prepare for my comm funds..zzzz..hate it..bluek!
ps:anor death at ntu,this time,a china graduate found dead at the nanyang heights,residential area for the staff and grads..this is like the 2nd one barely a week after david's death..n both are from EEE..both are foreigners..my condolences..