Thursday, January 29, 2009


oh mann wat a day it was in sch juz now..heng ar i can wake up..

so i had communication fundamentals at 8.30 am n i felt,or rather,we felt outcasted coz the tutor kept saying "u ppl muz be from gd JCs,n therefore hv gd command of english,n able to make it to ntu nbs.."..n she kept saying GOOD JC,GOOD JC..zzz laa!when she said that,the 4 of us looked at each other n gave that look..haha!hello???don fgt that poly students also hv quite gd english n we made it to ntu nbs..tsk!n the 4 of us,the ngee ann student,sat in 1 table..haha!can anytime shoot!jj..paiseh..heh..

then nvm..later after that,she told us that she also taught in ngee ann on career svcs,u know,the ppp that we attended..then the 4 of us "ehh,u mean ppp?"..then we told her laa we're from ngee ann n she was shocked!hahaha!hello??i think she really thot poly students cant make it to uni?tsk la!then after that,she approached our table n said that it wasnt easy for poly students to get into uni,wats more,a biz faculty..hahah!then,u think all poly like that meh?haha!a bit irritated laa..i really gave that watver face when she kept stressing gd jcs..chet!i feel really insulted n down n demoralised..sheesh!

that aside,then went for law lecture n it's oh so boring i juz dozed off at 1part of the lcture..cant help it laa..i donno y,but i don like the style..xing zhen was telling me also back in np,law was much more fun n easy to follow..i think it's juz the delivery..otherwise,i tell u,i'd hv enjoyed law very much n participate actively in tutorial..

then hm sweet hm..later needa come back sch for chinese..sheesh!coz of the chinese make up,my 1day wk becomes 2day wk..but nvm..all for chinese..haha!i really wanna do well for chinese mann.

talking abt chinese,finally in the forum,the access to the lyrics session is opened!woot!then i can start practising singing his songs..woot!i wanna master chao nan zheng zhuan maann!now i alrdy get the chorus!happyyyy indah! =)

ok that aside,tutorials are piling up..xing zhen n nat alrdy did n i still haven do..sheesh!ought to be shot!

oh ya!then juz now suria was showing the new k nite..sthing like don fgt the lyrics,but much more fun!i love mr tak tau..haha!

wat else?hmm..oh ya!monday i will be gg for a health check up in's free,so y not get a body check up..will chk for blood pressure,bmi,n i donno wat else..i think glucose level n all..haha!then will draw blood ehh!indah's scared of needle!it's been such a long time eversince i had an injection..scaryy!hope all goes well n i don faint or sthing..heh..then after which,they will post me the huh..foc some i hope i wont be that unhealthy..heh..been eating lotsa junks lately sia..coz my chinese neighbour gave us goodies for ive been eating nuts n chocs n drinking gassay drinks..oops! =p

ok til then..wanna log off liao n watched bfb..tho the past bfbs are boring coz it's juz showing the best entourage episodes for the past juz watch lorr,not nice then sleep..gotta wake early later for chinese..hope that i don doze off when i reach hm later after class coz jz now,i slept the whole of late noon..not doing anything..hopeless..sheesh!


i miss hotshot..

pics from aisha's cam..heh..

wo bu hui chang ge..haha!if u get wat i mean u know..wahlao!damn ugly pose n she snapped..haha!i was super enthu n semangat singing to nora's song...nice song sia..i like.. =)


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

wo yao bao bao..haha!

the thought of having to wake up early later for 8.30am class is really very dreading..damnit!zzz..

this ke ai xiao didi damn ke ai ar,dancing to xiao zhu's ge zhong qiang shou..haha..damn cutte!soo young ehh,still i was watching it,i saw one fan got to take pic with him BAO BAO him!!faint!then nvm..he bao bao back,then sorta pat her..u know,if u get wat i mean..mann!i want it mann!hahha!faint ar!the only idol i get to hug b4 is only joakim..haha..mann!n the only idol i got to shake hands with is park yong ha..haha!other than that,no hv..takuya is far fetched laa..haha!mann!i can only dream abt it..LOL!

n i definitely love this.him performing yi zhi di xiu at a cny concert..donno wat channel concert tho..very refreshing.. =)

i love his photoshoots..seriously..hott!

oh ya!n i fgt to tell u!ystd,i watched this don fgt the lyrics taiwan cny version..hah!there's sun xie zhi..haha!man..kinda miss him..his still gd looking,very well maintained..very shuai as usual..he sure his stuff ya..then got one song was their own song ehh.556 wu suo wei..haha!damn cuteee!they sang n danced to it..lolol!reminds me of mvp qing ren..those days back in sec sch gg crazy over them..LOL!memories.. =)

my post is always abt idol ehh..heh..sicko!anw,i sent an offline msg to siti n was asking her whther that guy actually hugged her.haha!coz it seemed like n im like oh so excited..haha!but nah,it! =p..

Powdered Snow

hello!!ok so ive finished watching 1 litre of tears omg ive nvr cried soo much when watching a's damn sad n touching sia..i wanna faint..even the special one..tho most of the scenes are rpted from the drama..mann!n im in love with nishikido ryou.haha!faint!he juz reminded me of someone..gosh!his molie.i cant help but oh so attracted to it..haha!not anyone who has got mole is shuai siaa!kakoii neh!!!!faint faint!nx,i wanna watch his other dramas..esp last friends..i heard from subcomm,jia huey that last friends is that i know that he acted in it,so muz watcchhh!woot!lets see ya when i can watch coz i still hv pi li mit to complete..heh..

heh..n i love the song's rocky n i like..woot!ive dl-ed it also..heh..lovesss mann!

that niece,riana juz told me abt archie appeared in ellen!faint!i missed i caught it on's really very refreshing to hear crush agn..i love him! =)

so ystd i spent the 2nd day of cny at my sis's!the moment i reached her hse,i saw her new haircut.haha!i teased her n said she looked like nyonya..haha!both her n riana straightened their hair n had short hair,a bit of concave..lolol!funny..

then my sis also juz subscribed to starhub cable..wahlao!damnshiok!i feel liek subscribing also la..but come to think of it,i think better don..hah!coz if nt i will watch tv only n nvr do work..furthermore,i don think i hv the time to watch ya..heh..

wat else? sthing on forum abt xiao zhu n he's such a sweetie n romantic n tho he admit he's a bit chauvinist..hahaha!who isnt rite?even takuya is..but since theyre so deadly handsome,it's ok man..haha!read up.. =) credits to the forum..

His most romantic memory was a past Valentine's, Show had purposely had an argument with his girlfriend and stormed out. That night he lit a rocket and aimed it at the 3rd floor window where his girlfriend lived. He comically said, "I just put my wager on that one, 'cuz too many of them would be weak." When the cracking of the firecracker caught his girlfriend's attention and opened the window, and outside, she saw candles set up reading "I LOVE U," she was surprised and stunned. He immediately called her downstairs, where he had previously already placed flowers on the second floor, and then at the entrance of the first floor he put a little stuffed animal pig. After the two of them hugged, he helped her put on a necklace, and afterwards? Show amusingly said, "Why would I tell you!"

lolol!i wish someone wld do tat to me..ok laa,realistically,of course not show,or takuya rite?hahah!mann!!faint! =p tho he sounded sick or secretive why would i tell you..must be something hanky panky?hahahaha!only he knows la hor.. =p

oh ya!i dl-ed usher's here i stand!nice ehh..not bad..i like!n i cant help but always watched xiao zhu's usher's dance..heh..damn addicted siaa..

now in the midst of my resume n cvr letter..wanna touch up n send to nat for printing since my printer no ink alrdy..sheesh!soo many things to dooo!n thr's sch tmr..aahhh!!SIANZZ!

til then..i better start cracking man..shit!i don wannn! =((

ahh faint!he's in some or sthing like that..

ahhh!faint agnn!

i looove guys in fedora hats n that shades!juz like ehem n ehem..haha!takuya n show laa who else..lolol! LOVESS!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

go with the flow yo!

ok i love to flood my blog with vids.. =p

i saw this!!damnit!damn niceee!him performing gao diao ai..damn relaxing n laid back n go with the flow kinda gan jue..i love it laa!the dance moves,very natural n flow juz like that..n it's damn close up..ahhh!i likee!faint!

n i saw this..footage of signing..faint ar..i was telling wq i wish i was a lil kid so that i can hv the advantage of hugging or taking pic with him when queueing up for autograph..haha!then i was telling her,i don ask for much,get to hug him liao i damn freaking happy like shit!haha! head over heels over him laa!

it's near 4am..sheesh!sleep can?

Monday, January 26, 2009

sing song

yoohoo!!man..the day passed so fast juz like that n it's alrdy tuesday..sheesh!n ive barely done any tutorial..heh..but im now doing my resume n cover dead laa..

anw,it's been some time since i blogged abt david a..n i saw loads of his vids ystd at ard 3+ in the wee hrs at all started coz i was editing my friendster profile,to chg the vids posted..i wanna put a little too not over you mv in my profile n hence i searched for it at youtube..then there were many results of it..he performed live..wah seh!damn nice lorr!haha!im like dang it!so mesmerising!n i like it damn v much!when i listen to him,i'll juz forget he's juz 18yrs!gosh!he's really gt the talent..not many can sing with much feelings yo..he's one great kid mann..i love him still..a little too not over you is shiok!

and then i heard his bonus tracks,those that are not found in the cd that was imported to spore..kinda sianz laa..the song that i liked is works for me..wah seh!damn nice..simple lyrics but i damn like it!can connect.. =)

Yeah, yeah, mmmmm
No I won't make up my mind
I'm too good at wastin' time

And I know that life is unpredictable
Just never know what I will find

Am I gonna stay, oh no
Am I gonna leave, I don't think so
I guess I can define me as that kinda guy
Maybe it's a big mistake
But baby that's the chance that I'll take

You say I don't know what I want
But it worked out just fine
You said it never could be done
But it worked out just fine, oh
You can say anything you want
But it worked out just fine
If it works for me
Then it works for me
If it works for me
Then it works for me

I can't forget the things you said
Your words keep running through my head
And I know you're just trying to help me out
Thanks, but I'll follow my heart instead

Am I gonna stay, oh no
Am I gonna leave, I don't think so
I can't decide between the
left side or the right
Maybe it's a big mistake
But baby that's the chance
that I'll take, Oh Yeah!

There were days when a song could not be found
There were days when my voice would make no sound for me, for me
But I don't worry about it where I'm goin'
'cause I know just where I'm wanna be
And it's time for you to see


i woke up at 9+ in the morning,with 4hrs of sleep only..heh..juz to catch xiao zhu at v power concert at ch u..damn shiok!tho i alrdy watched in youtube,but the gan jue bu yi watched on tv itt! to cash studio with aisha!!i had a damn rolling gd time singing k juz now laa!haha!but lemme tell u 6hrs also not enough la!donno yy!considering only me n aisha,6hrs also nt enough..we wanna sing anything n everything..even if we donno..haha!i sang xiao zhu's song n aisha sang hindi songs..damn funny ar i tell uu!but i really enjoyed myself singing k coz i got to sing songs that i wanna sing..

ok so wat songs did sing?lol!some of it that i really enjoy singing..haha!n sing it til the end at least coz some songs i juz sang til chorus coz there are too many songs i wanna sing,n so in order to sing all,i sang a bit of!like that also can ehh..heh..

tears in heaven,let me love you,my cherie armour,i swear,bersama bintang,fantasy,serasi bersama,kembalilah,i believe i can fly..then some half way singing includes abba hits,usher's,spice girls,justin timberlake,mltr,mj,blue,boys2men,brian mcknight,n the list goes on..this are some that i can rmb..

the highlight is,i sang xiao zhu's song!i self praise myself ok,pardon me..haha..i think nice ehh..hahah!considering chinese is not my mother tongue..haha!tho some pronounciations are really damn wrong..haha!but who cares?not that aisha can understand also rite,whther i sang correctly or!i sang quite a few songs..from tao tai lang,lian ai da ren,xing fu lian ren,zi wo cui mian,twinkle & ai zhuan jiao..LOLOLOL!!

i tell u,i cant help but lol!i started singing tao tai lang 1st..then at that time,aisha went to the toilet,so i wasnt so shy to the time i ended that song,she juz came in..THEN,when i started to sing xiao chou yu,she LOL-ed at me!haha!then i cant help but LOL too n asked y the hell she lol..HAHA!damn stupid laa!i cant ctinue singing liao after was all recorded..i cant help but laugh when i re-watched the video..haha!stupid aisha!she said that she was terperanjat/shocked when she heard i started singing..haha!idiot!then aiya,no feel liao..skipped the song..haha!but ya,i think i sing tao tai lang nice eh..haha!i think coz im alrdy familiar with the words n that ive been singing that during my sch break..haha!used to it already..yea!im proud n happy of! =) i think if xz hears it,he will be proud..hahaha!ok watver siaa indah!

then after that,sang lian ai da ren..this one also funny coz it's a duet with xiao s im xiao s,then i had to keep changing analog/digital,pretending that i was singing with xiao zhu..haha!damn stupid i know..hahaha!

zi wo cui mian was ok..xing fu lian ren,i wish i cld sing better..then that aisha had to interrupt me,n i missed some lines n went!then sang twinkle n ai zhuan ji fen leh..sadd..anw,u muz be thinking hw can i sing so many of his songs rite?lol!coz i brought my hanyun pinyin lyrics along..thats y i can sing..haha!so all the while when i was singing,i was referring to the lyrics..haha!thats crazy n mad i know..heh..only tao tai lang i nvr refer to hor..heh..happy!im loving it!im gg to like master these songs n improve it on my nx sing k session..which i donno when coz i wanna save money 1st..sheesh!so many things to but so little money..

then sang reason was coz after watchng that short clip that xiao zhu danced to his songs,i wanna sing his songs..haha!his songs are most rappy kinda feeling,so a bit hard to sing sang a bit here n thr only..anw,im soo addicted to confessions part 1..shiok shiok ehh!i hv nvr listened to it,only confessions part 2..part 1 damn nice..then i will always rmb xiao zhu's dance.. *winks*

then i sang i swear..hah!initially,i kinda fgt the starting tune..then skipped.then the nx round,i sang agn..ahh..then!this song is one of the english songs that he knows to sing,so i also wanna sing..heh..

i sang mostly english songs..coz i kept singing mly n indon for the past sessions,so switch short,i juz wanna say i had loads of funn!great company..thx shaa! =))

then aisha was hungry we went to lido n she had ljs..i wasnt that hungry maybe coz singing xiao zhu's songs made me full,plus i had 2cans of drinks.wah made me full enough sia..haha!even when i reached home,i only ate one bread,then full liao..hmm..

ok so now i alrdy had my share of fun n joy n slack-ness,it's time to go back to the mugging mode..tutorials n lectures are lining up waiting for me to attend to it..sheessh!til then..i hope to finish my resume n cover letter rite now n wanna watch xiao zhu.. =) ciaoz!

taken at forever 21,with the fedora hat..haha!do i remind u of anyone that im crazy over with?lol!go figure!i love it! =) thz ah qi qi for the shoot..coz i don dare to pose initially..heh.. =p

Sunday, January 25, 2009

myy trendyymann

one more post b4 i switch off my lappy for the night n ctinue w canopy love..haha!the mv outt!wooot!chao nan zheng zhuan!shit!i wanna sing k this song lorr but nt easyy!hahaha! =)

they made my week!

ok,it's gg to be a post of 1!

let's start with tues,the 1st day of the sch wk for me..had acctg lecture as usual,n after that,my chinese class..gosh!!surprisingly,quite a few nvr come,including the one that i made frens with!sad!i was lonely man..i sat at the last row,n that row,the ppl all gt gang liao,so i was alone..damn lonely n sad..really..haha!

but the table was turned ard!when it was time for dialogue practice,my tutor chose partners for us n i got a chinese guy..heh..woots!being a gentleman,he moved to the back row,i/o me gg to the front coz i volunteered to go infront then he signalled "nvm i go behind."..aww!then intro lor..i shook hands with him n intro mrs luo..ehh indah..haha!then he said he's ivan..ah this part i like.he was like,"eh indah?i-n-d-a-h?"..then i said yes..then he replied "indah means beautiful in mly rite?"..i answered,ya sthing like that..SHY!hahaha!then i was like hw u know..n he is a msian n took mly..then i asked lor how come take chinese..coz he speaks canto..ehh shuai!canto ehh!hahaha!then wanna learn chinese..tho i hate the fact that i think they shldnt be learning chinese,coz nt that they donno any hoot..but anw,that aside,the fact that he is quite gdlooking,he's forgiven..haha..then dialogue lor..then asked him wat course is he in,n surprisingly,he's from accountancy!n we're in the same grp/sem!woot!haha!then i jio him ehh ask him whether he formed grp alrdy or nt,but i think he mistook me for asking him which grp is he from,as in the semester..haha!faint!then i wanna ask agn,but aiya,nvm..if got fate,we will grp tgther..hahaha!then end of lesson liao,he wished me happy new yr..haha!coming to that,it's v funny hw ppl wished me cny,asked me whther i buy cny clothes or nt..weird..haha!really ehh..weird..hahaah!maybe juz like hw ppl wished me xmas..haha..multi-racial la thats my tuesday..happy! =)

wednesday was even a happier day coz i don hv IT class on that day n i ended my day at 12.30pm..damn shiok!so i had acctg tut 1st in the morning..sat w my grp members,yiheng n teck wei..then teck wei went.."u're from ngee ann?"..then i said "yaa..u also?" then he said yaa..he said that i look very familiar when he 1st formed the grp last wk..haha!omg!we're same poly!grad same batch!coz he's a msian n hence don need to serve ns n got into ntu..wah seh!wat a small world laa!he's from acc tho n im from bfs..then during the tut,talked a bit abt sch,results,np n all..heh..he's such a smart aleck laa i shld say..ppl double degree siaa!haha..nice chatting w him..i donno y,but i love np!they rox laa!esp ba..heh..oopps! =) then went for blaw..then hm sweet hm!

now,come to think of it,i suddenly make soo many frens who happened to be be from np,n also a msian!haha!msian peng you,last sem i had one,who is wai lam,then this sem 2,one from chinese class n anor is acctg..haha!then frens from np,one from IT,anor one the same one who is a msian..haha!wat i wanna say is my prayers are answered,Alhamdulillah..for the gd grouping..i don wan history to rpt itself..

on wed also,we went to celebrate siu cing's bday!aiyookk!all i can say is i enjoy myself n the company is great n they are sweeet..i eat to my heart's content..cheesecake is marvellous!seafood platter is shiok!yummylicious!will post photos once ive rcved from mat.. =)

thur was a damn bloody loong day n i super cant tahan the tiredness from 8.30am to 9pm for the acctg tut make up..we were so shagged that natasha didnt even make it for the 8.30am class coz she juz cldnt wake up n her ass is in pain..hahaha!that day,i thot i wanna sleep late since on friday,i gt no sch n usually i will sleep i watched my hk drama,but ended up,i nvr watched..i fell asleep n was awake at 12,n realised that i fell!damn tired liao so i switched off n doze off all the way til 9+ the nx day..

which is friday,baking dayy!baked cookies..actually bake for wan qi,but at the same time,i think i shld bake so that i can bring the cookies to sch for snacking since i wanna save money,n also for snacking at hm while watching tv,n also since mak is gg to wak nia's house in jb n so she asked me to help her make some to bring over to aunt's i baked 3batches of cookies..wahseh!all the way from 10-5..shiok!haha!satisfying..n yea it was a tan loves it.woots! =)i hoped my aunts n cousins love it too..haha!

on that day also,my old neighbour dropped by to pass her daughter's wedding card..aiyok!her daughter is getting married!mann!time flies!i rmbered hw we use to play tgther at her house,then go hold tgther..she's a bit older than me tho..maybe 3 yrs plus?im nt sure..n nw she's all grown up getting married..then i asked my mom hw abt her other children?her son is now an air steward with SIA i think..wah seh!i heard liao i wanna faint..wonder if' he's shuai!haha!coz i can only rmb his face when young but grow up donno..then her eldest daughter,not yet married..then i was like ehh y haven married,since the younger one gettng married mum said she choosy,got 3guys wan her,she doesnt want.then i went of course la muz choosy,coz she smart leh,high qualification,cant marry any tom dick or harry sia..haha!mus comparable n match mah..shi bu shi?then i said laa,thats y la,girls don study until so high,if nt,wanna marry also hard..haha!i think she's still studying now ehh..donno wat she's pursuing!anw,happy for that we're all grown up,i doubt we still recognise each other..

then came saturday..the day we went back to soc rm to take pics coz like finally,they are tearing down that building..haha!it was surprising to see the batch as old as 03/04..haha!nice!no words can describe hw much society means to me..seriously..all the fun times,the bad times,the happiness,the sadness,the pissed-ness,the angry-ness,the unreasonable-ness,the pang seh-ness,the quitting-ness,the breakdown session-ness..omg..indescribable..only god knows wat i went thru..but still,sincerely,i love society..whr it opened my eyes,see more of the world,make more friends,see the many diff ppl of diff walks of life n personality..n most imptantly,that it is not easy being a leader..even til today,i still ask myself whether i really made the right choice that time..that feeling,that guilt,(ok,i donno if i shld use that word),will be with's juz hard to let go..but nonetheless,i gotta thx these ppl..u know who u are..i still enjoy society no matter wat..despite the many downs n setbacks..LOVES!my 2nd home..u're gg to be much missed!

after that,we had dinner at swensen's holland v which is shiok also!haha!long storry here also but too lazy to type..haha!i was very noisy n i find it!we had a gd laugh..nice..i like! =)

then headed off to town w wan qi n sab..went ps..i got myself an eyeliner coz my eyeliner of 1yr finally finish..hahha!until dry..haha!i bot fasio brand..hope it's gd..damn cheap ehh coz having 20% budget ar,so mus buy cheap cheap..then hm sweet hm..=)n here i am blogging the whole wk's happening..

pics timee!

my society..0708..loves!much loves!much!i hope that we can still keep in touch,celebrate bdays,hv outings n all..=)

my n ur wasnt thr,but her frame was thr..=)

my successor,my proud,who picked up the pieces..much appreciated.. =)

i tell u,im gg to miss it soo much that i think i can tear anytime now as im typing this..afterall,i spent half of my np life here..tat radio that i always on to 987 to acc me if im alone in the rm..

the files that we refer holding 0708 file..

the board thats always full of things to be done n my handwriting is still thrr!haha!

the locker whr i store the docs n rubbish..somehow i was always hoping that my angel left sthing inside but nvr..haha!nvm..

one the trophies we won..sadly,that trophy is nt the one that i lead..haha!ohwells..

indah n society room... =)

in loving memories of ba society rm..i will come back agn when the room is totally empty..

n i will nvr fgt my xiao zhu.. =)

the red topp i talked abt!gosh!hot!

aiyoo!see tat bit bit of flesh?ahhh!fainttt!

woot!sexyy boyy changing!ahh!hahah!

while doin the cheng yao guinness world record..xiao gui came down too,to cheng yao him..sweet!i love them both loads!soo huggies!=)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

i can feel it coming!

ok im very busy n tired the past few days n i wanna blog but now super no mood coz really very shagged..shall update soon..heh..

but but!!!i cant help but update SHOWWW!!! LOVES!!

having photoshoot..damn nice..i loveee his poses!! =)) twds the end he was dancing to usher's..argghhh!!!damn HOTTTTTTT!damn sleeeeeeeeek!

show dancing to other usher's songs..haha!tyring to pai mv for it..super like usher lor with him singing to his songs..tho he doesnt really know the gg to sing usher too! =)

AMAZINGGG!seeing the crowd dancing to cheng yao..damn cool..

anor angle from fancam..damnit!damn niceee!

til then...ciaoz!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the minis!

wooohooo!!somebody uploaded show's mini concerts held at schs n so i wanna watch n don wanna sleep 1st.haha..while waiting for it to load lemme blog..sheessh!sch's alrdy so busy n i still wanna blogg..haha!hopeless indah..pfft..

ok so wat?mann..the concert is damn superb laa..tho it was juz a mini concert,but mann!damn professional n like those big big concerts,tour kinda concert siaa..faint!i wish he performed in NTU..haha!i mean it was so nice of him to hv concerts in schs coz it's not easy to organise a concert..

the opening is marvellous,magnificent,fabulous,marvellous..hahhaha!he went "woooooh!ahhhh!"damn sexxy!!!his 128 moves under 20seconds is AMAZING!!!

then gt 1 part he was changing rite on the stage,behing this screen,so u can actually see him changing..wah seh damn cool cann?hahah!hao SHUAI woooorrrr!buay tahan ar..damn shuai..damn i tell ai!!then he sang my fav song chao nan zheng zhuan..english is trendy man..hahaha!

trendymann!damnit!!!arggghhh!wo si huan damn a lott!omg i see his fit body..omg those buffs n muscle..mann!simple yet slick dance simple red tee n tie n that sun glass..omgosh!wat more can i ask?i ask for me to be thr..haha!the song is sure hard to sing,n he had to dance too..mann..superbb!

another fav..dang itt!sexy boy..SEXY!!

ok this is him singing 第二順位,di er shun wei,means 2nd priority or 2nd place,i donno..nice...omg..faint!he sang with full might n feeling!n he dropped his mic at the!!

cheng yao..cuttee!!!i love it!

ok a bit sianz coz xing fu bu mei's video is only a miserly 24seconds..hahah!then others i'd prefer nt to watch coz it's in tudou n i don like tudou..

all these i think are held in 2 diff's actually loads more but i think i leave it to the nx day when im free-er..hahaha!=)

that aside,my IT presentation is carried fwd to after cny..woot!so which means this wed,i only hv lessons from 8.30-12.30..wooot!damn happy siaa!i simply love this n nx wk laa..happy happy indah!i will try to spend my time wisely n complete my tutorials n readings b4 i immerse myself in under the canopy of love and 1litre of tears..haha!woooot!n of course,dear show.. =)

talking abt 1litre of tears,i suddenly wanna watch coz after watching bfb's epi whreby show brought this girl on tv date..this girl was diagnosed with the same disease as the one in 1litre of tears,so out of curiosity i watched..i know this drama existed juz that i nvr i know y tiq cried until her eyes went bengkak..every epi sure cryy!1st epi liao cry..damn saddd n touching like wat..NICE!

oh ya..ive said that one of the bfb's episode whereby the guest is khalil fong n he sang my cherie amour..then he also sang tears in heaven..coz i watched agn juz now at ch u.that time was watch at youtube,nw ch u..heh..(im crazy,can watch many times..)it was funny hw xiao gui asked xiao zhu to intro the sing my cherie amour n he went "pi ar"..coz he didnt know the words,he only recognised the word my..hahah!cherie amour is french,so he didnt know..khalil went explaining wat is my cherie amour..heh..n i tell u im gg to sing that 2songs in my next sing k session with aisha..we planned to sing for 5hrs..hahahah!n im gg to bedal all the songs,from mly to english n hopefully i can memorise show's song by tat time..i hope that it will be opened on cny..

oh ya!n IT fair is coming to town agnn in march i think..i die die also wanna get a digicam so that i don always hv to borrow from my sis..heh..needa savee!!man!i can save soo much only,but wanna get soo many things!sheesh!i still wanna get stage's stuff also..pfft...moolah!

to end this yet anor loong teenage mag..damn nice! =))byee!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ichi Rittoru no Namida

if i were a flower, then now i'd be a bud..
i shall treasure the beginning of my youth without regret..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

wo bu hui sleep.haha!

n so the stubborn me doesnt wanna sleep despite the tiredness,i donno here i am blogging away..

i woke up quite early today at 10..ok ystd..haha!then slack ard as usual..started doing my IT presentation n i hate IT stuff..imagine,finding abt gaming pad,joystick..gosh!bored me to death..then after that distracted,youtube..haha!

after maghrib ctinued with IT..come 8.30pm,i switched off my pc n watched manjalara..wah damn shiok..while watching,i did ironing..2wks of clothes,it took me 1.5 hrs..haha!damn tired..

then bathed n then ctinued with IT,then iic..then ctinued with youtube..heh..

meanwhile,chatted with daz n had a fast catch up w her..heh..talked abt her fav singer..coz he sang my cherie amour n tears in heaven at bfb n it was damn nice..faint..n i love xiao zhu's antics..heh..hw he acted like stevie wonder..haha!fyi my cherie amour was by stevie..then he went like neh i know him n his songs..haha!that was last 2days bfb..friday i mean..

then chatted w her abt the sph award's 2nd in both most pop male n best mag cover..sheesh!im gg to like voooteee when the lines are open..haha!mus 1st lor,at least in one of them..if can,i wan most pop male lorr..shessh!hello?wats the fc doin siaa!i hoped that ppl at the intl forum read my thread n vote..haha!im like soo smangat can? =)

ok then wat else?hmm..nothing much leh..later after madrasah gg to ctinue with IT n hope to finalise it n get it done n over with n after that nt gg to think abt it..sheesh!

chinese is sure damn tough..i went for the online lesson..i think im like so funny,kept on repeating the words to get the 4tones n initials correct..pfft!not easy yo!but trying my best..i don wanna SU it,if nt defeat the purpose,shi bu shi?

this coming wk i hope it will be a nice one coz we're celebrating someone's bday n will be eating at fish & co..ive been craving it 4 quite some time..heh..then sat will be soc reunion at soc rm b4 that blk will be tear down..hope it will be a nice one..

other than that,i hv my IT presentation,same day as the bday celebration,which is on wed..then thu will be practising elevator pitch,don ask me wats that..i hope i don screw so badly..hv yet to prepare for it..zzz..n also acctg make up tutorial on tat day from 7p-9p..busy busy week yaa!

but after that,LOOOOOOOOOOONG cny break from fri-wed..woot!wed's lessons are all made up..wooot!shiok or wat?kalah org cina yg celebrate cny..i nvr celebrate but my hols damn kann!=)

ok la..til then..i wanna zzz liao tho my eyes still can tahan..better be kuai n SLEEP lest i will doze off in class later..

~trying very hard not to dread..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

at a glance

u know when sch resumes,im juz soo lazy to blog..but i wanna blog still..haha..mann..sch tires me enough that i don hv the mood to blog..but i wld love to blog,u know,juz to jot down wat happened,for memory..hahaa!

so last sun met wan qi coz she wanna shop for her cny clothes still..haha!bot a top coz it looked like the one xiao zhu wore on the u weekly's always fun meeting wan qi..after that meet up,i tell myself to stop gg out coz i will SPEND w/out fail..n here i am trying v hard to save money..i even ta pao food to sch k?hahaha!no la,juz bring some!like that also gd..can make my tummy not so buncit..

my cousin's o lvl results not so gd but i think she's taking it easy..advised her liao so i hope she make a gd decision..heng ar my time over liao..hahahaa!

my 1st chinese class was on tue..hahaha!my tutor is a sporean actress..i think ppl will know her one..when i entered the class,i was like..ehh!niiii??hahahah!lazy to talk more abt the class..all i know is that i hv to work v hard for the class coz it's nt easy n im praying that all will go smoothly for me..

wed,i saw my beloved china tutor n he's soo oh damn sweeet n cute..haha!i was at lvl b1 n he was at b2,n we juz talked to each other across the storey..haha!i was asking him whther he knows whr is tr80,but he was talking abt other!communication barrier la hor..then i was like,ehh,nvm..hahahaha!then said bye..then when i reached hm to chk my email,he sent us an email!ohhh!soo cute laa!so actually he thot that we were asking him his class index coz if u rmb,we wanted to be in his IT class..hahha!mann..he was damn darn sweet laa!he actually took the effort to find email us n inform us his index so that we can swop class..mann!touched!hahaha!he still rmbered us..haha!the 3 of us..ya...hahahah!i wld stil love to be in his IT class,but his classes clashed with our other lesson,so bye bye xu yun..nonetheless,his email made my day..i cant help but SMILE n grin from ear to ear..haha!

wat else?hmm..nothing else..haha!been mugging n nothing else..other than that go online xiao zhu-ing..ive got loadsa updates on him tho..haha!

sph is holding an inaugural award concert here n he is one of the nominees..i wanna go for the concertt!

he was very sad that ppl still thot he bot the charts n i saw the was really damn sad..i really feel for him..

then,his cheng yao mv was damn nice..omg!i was was cutee!reallly very special feeling..

still awaiting for his chao nan mv..i saw snippets of him dancing to the song it was also damn nice..haha!

his song is no 6 on 933 charts..waiting for no 1..hahah!

stiill got wat?haha!donno brain like nt working liao..i wanna ctinue xiao zhu-ing,then sleep..later do IT proj n chinese..zzz..lolol..

Saturday, January 10, 2009


my day gone juz like that but it was worth it and enlightening n i hope that i will like word doubly hard..haha..

so actually ystd aisha asked me whther i wanna go open hse,but i don want to coz i wanna study n also coz if i go out,i will spend money n thats nt gd coz i wanna save money..haha!

but but!juz now at ard 11+ i think,chang hong smsed me n asked me whther i got go open hse,then i said no la,coz nobody's gg n also lazy..then he replied n said that he wanna go coz wanna collect his proj back..mrs choo,our acad mgr called him n asked him to collect i replied n said whther he wants me to acc him,since im free n it's been quite some time i last saw him..a bit miss can meet him n update each other a bit.

so in the end,i went for the open hse..haha!smsed aisha n told her that i can meet her also in sch since she was gg too,to see the silat performances..

reached liao,as usual,a bit dear ch was botak..haha..couldnt find him at the bustp,he called me out..haha!of course we went to the ba side n look for mrs choo..but she was busy talking to anor person,i think a graduate also..talked until super long laa..u imagine,we walked to blk 51,then came back n still havent finish talking..faint!hahaha!

then suddenly,they walked away!faint!the 2 of us were like stalkers laa..haha!followed them,waited for them..n finally!done!n we approached mrs choo!haha..n catch up..wah seh,she called me by my FULL NAME..hahaha!as usual,we talked n talked..then mrs tay also thr..

n u know,it's very enlightening n motivating to hear those words from she asked me hw's sch,n i ranted at her how badly i was bad seriously..but for a start,it's ok..then she said that ch needs a bit of my traits n i need some of his,n we will be ok..haha!coz ch is the more serious type,study study,then must learnt to relax a bit..whereas me,the bubbly,outgg type,muz be try to be focused a bit..haha!i hear liao i LOL!which is damn true laa..i need to FOCUS!haha..then ch muz take a bit of my outgg-ness n bubblyness n we complement each other liao..haha!but ya la,not easy n we know that too,so muz word a bit harder..

then also advised us on improving our english..haha..coz she said that our batch,command of english very poor.i think she talked abt this coz o lvls result is also a deciding factor on successful uni application n our batch,happened that those with hen gao gpa,still didnt get a place in uni coz of poor o lvl result..ok la,not poor,bt not so gd results..ya,she said we muz watch more english shows,movies,listen english music n all,anything english..haha!then she said tat ch muz be someone who watches a lot of chinese,then she asked me wat i like to helped me answer,i like to watch jap..haha!then she said forget abt jap!watch english!hahaha!she said my articulation poor sia..wahseh!my articulation n pronounciation quite gd siaa..really eh!my form teacher said so..hahah!

then ya lor,advise us..give some tips..i cant really rmb all..then she said she said all these to us coz we are her bao bei,her precious..awww!touched siaa heard that!n yes i can see tat..she loves n tc of her bfs students..n she also said that u may not be the smartest n brightest,but as long as u're hardworkind,u're forgiven..i donno wat she meant by forgiven,but i think i roughly get wat she meant..haha!

then she also said they lecturers are not blind n they know their students well which is true..i didnt know mrs choo wld know soo much abt us juz by observing us,n she doesnt tutor us except for lecture..

n we must learn to be THICK SKINN!donno ask..don say ok ok only..ask,ask n ask..which true v lazy to ask one..coz im v scared that i may be irritating,by asking too much..then donno wat leads me to tell her abt my IAP back in merrill,abt making phone scared of making phone calls..then my supervisor made me pick up calls..purposely one..hahaha!but all these are trainings..starting only like that,after that ok liao..haha!

then talked n talked..saw mr philip lao passed by n juz said hi..heh..coz still talking to mrs choo..then mrs choo losing her voice liao,so ch made the move n said that we make a move 1st..pitiful mrs choo,talked soo much to her graduates..haha.coz there were other grads that came too..then we ciao lorr..

headed to the library to get ch's proj..then headed home..wah seh the library become nicer siaa!

then i waited for him to board the bus coz im nt in a rush,n wanna stayed longer to talked to him..then he told me abt the other guys wat they're doin in NS..then talked abt EHEM..i don wanna say who..haha!i was a bit bitching abt her..yes,a her..hahaha!then talked talked until his 184 bendy bus came then i also ciao to meet mak at IMM..

so at IMM,went to daiso n foood..yummylicious..mak was kind n said angkat jek..coz i said expensive,she said nvm..mannn..mak loves me aite! =)

it was funny at daiso,coz choosing colours mah,then i said i wan blue,then she said always blue..the existing plastic holder at hm also blue,then new one also blue agn..hahaha!then i said ok laa,take pink..then wanna get the basin also same..i wan blue,she said don wan coz will look dirty..hahahaha!wth!i think she said sthing like "asyik biru jek.."hahaha!

then when choosing eggs,she wanted to take those big ones,then she took the ones very small..then i was like "eehhh..this one big meh?"..haha!choose soo long,the eggs still looked small..then i helped her,don need choose,i saw liao big ones,then showed her then she went "ok,big.."hahah!then reached home,she said agn,"yah,this one big.."haha!ya laa!see who choose?she nvr wear specs,she cant see..i always told her to wear specs,but she lazy..she say very tiring n rimas..hahaha!thats my mak..haha!

otw hm i bot bubble tea from the new shop that juz opened at my void deck..haha..the boyboy so cute la..i wanted choc ice,then he asked milo can?i asked la,y,no choc is it?then he said," choc.coz ystd the students buy until finish.."hahahah!sthing like that la he replied..damn funny!so i ordered yam instead..haha!wah seh!he took like ages to prepare..haha!still learning the ropes..but nice n cheap ehh!i like!diee..i'll be unhealthy n drink bubble tea always..haha!some more so cheap..die..hahaha!

then hm sweet hm..helped mak a bit w laundry,had dinner..then read accounts n here i am blogging away..haha!quite a long post hor..i doubt ppl read..haha!

while blogging,i read up on show..omg!thr's a kind soul that translated the u weekly mag i bot..wah seh!then they interviewed him ask abt marriage,then he gt 5 criterias..hahaha!then talked abt album..faint ar..i love him more n more n more n more..hahaha!

then at the forum got talked abt lee hom accused him of buying the charts..then he replied nicely,smilingly n said that he n lee hom gd friends,n it's the media that started all these..mann!he's really nice n down to earth n i think he doesnt wan history to rpt itself,like wat happened to him n jay..mann!i love him la!

ok soo long post n im v tired of time!! =)

ok tho im nt from fms,but i the sch nice ehh..hahahah!new facade..

the new canteen..damnit!damn nice ar!nice ambience..damn big,freaking wide subway..shiokness..too bad last time i rely on canteen 1 which is PATHETIC..cheey!

BA entrance..i like the lights..heh..

ok,poor qlty pic..haa!i shy laa,take tourist only..haha!

the BS side..playing who wants to be a millionaire..

BFS proud..hahah!but boring ar..bfs nothing to show..hahaha!

aiyook!!bull!roarr!hahah!ok does bull roar?hahah!rawr!ok sound better..hahahah!tho now mkt is bullish..

u know,it juz slipped my mind to take pic with mrs choo!haha!noob siaa!so busy take aimless pic,but nvr take pic w her..chet!hahaha!

wah seh!library lvl 3 also damn nice ehh..


my bubble y did i post this pic?coz the plastic cover showed leo..hahah!n it's show's star..haha!k im mom muz be thinking y the hell i take a pic of bb tea..haha!

ok la..seriously,my hand damn tired..byeee!! =))

oh!!at imm juz now,i heard gao xiao at best denki..then also showed hot shot..happy cann!haha!damn nice!

indah is happyyyy agn!! =)))

Friday, January 09, 2009


aiyooo!faint ar!bfb on xiao show..tho i don understand most of it,but who cares?juz watch..hahaha!faint faint!!woot!!they upload quite fast today coz it's himm!!hahah!!wooot!!

pi li mit getting more n more shiok..aaron sure damn darn cute...xiao gui too..haha!!

ok ctinue watching..byeee!


aimless entry..heh..

woohoo!!time passes by so fast ya n my 1st wk of sch has come to an end ystd..woohoo!happy la thenn?so which means my friday today is free..weee!but ya la,wanna do my tutorial..sheesh!but still,i hv time to xiao-zhu..jz now after sch,i didnt do anything the whole day..super slack coz im v tired n don hv the mood to do's juz the 1st wk of sch,i wanna enjoy a bit n holiday still..heh..

anw,some ppl really juz get into my nerves n i really cant stand it..super irritating i n i juz feel like smacking their face..haha..damn idiot lorr..grrr..make me have wrinkles only..tsk!but bother too much by it also for wat..waste my energy..i TRY to ignore..pffft!

so i had communication fundamentals juz now n i made my 1st malay friend n she's called adilah..hah!she said that she was me in bus sometimes..ehh,i nvr really look at who is in the bus unless u're some hot guys..haha!but ya la,nt to the extent of exchanging number kinda thing,but say hi..hhahaha..back to the tutorial i had,it was an eye opening..but aiya,i donno hw to say,but aiya donno laa..hahahah!chet!

then went for biz law lecture..wah seh a bit sianz learning law all over agn..then went hm..sweee!

n so i watched bfb..later wanna watch bfb 8th jan episode,coz am waiting for someone to upload the hq one..i love him to bits..haha.donno hw many times i said that..n his single is has jumped from 11-8..shiok shiok..i like..heh..will go to no 1 soon,trust me..

n n i wanna get stuff from stage!omg!!coz after watching las 2 days bfb n they went to stage in taiwan,mann!damn nice ehh!but very very gui im money!!don eattt!!hahahah!n i wanna get that skirt..damn nice..wooot!im trying to find the pic but the website i donno wat it says..hahaha!no link to click..hmm..weird..

n i cant wait for chao nan's mv..woot..19 jan is the date!!! =))

ok thats quite bored n hungry also..haha!ciaozzz! =)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


shuaii!damn nice pink..

aiyokk!noobie!i like!haha..both pics from his latest idea wat was the entry abt tho..hmm..

ok,suddenly,i hv so many things to blog..or rant..or share..or juz blog for remembrance..i donno whr to start,so i'll juz blog down watver that comes into my mind..

show 1st..haha!im soo happy to see news abt him,articles abt him..coz my father always brought home mypaper,i will always turn to the chinese section 1st n see if thr's anything on show..hahahaha!for 2 days consecutively,they published news on sure other chinese newspaper also cfm reported abt him..woot!talked abt his album reaching 81000++ copies sold n if reach 150k,he will dress himself as a girl..n also because his album was launched on the same day as lee hom,his copies was sold more than lee hom,n it was by a landslide..wah sehh!happy mann!i really wan his copies to be sold more than 150k n that's possible..mann..he's reaally one of a kind man..i love him soo much a fan..hahah!wooot!

talking abt him,i wanna hear him sing i swear coz in the recent bfb,he said that he can sing i swear..haha!mann..n i swear,by the moon and the stars in the sky..i'll be there..ohh yaa..n talking abt newspaper articles,his cd was also reviewed in nanyang chronicles,ntu was rated 3 out of 5..hahaha!ehh shld be full 5 stars lorr..hahaha!it's damn nice..shiok shiok!

ok so juz now b4 i went to sch i went to imm as planned coz i wanna get my bodyshop tea tree stuff since it's cheap..then otw i saw sandeep,my sec sch fren..then nvm..i think i've said this b4,if i saw one person i know,i will see anor person agn at some other places n true enough while i was browsing,i saw my aunt..haha!then tegur n say hi laa.not nice rite if nvr say hi..haha!then nvm!went i left imm n headed to the bustop,i saw alvin!wah seh..3 ppl at one go..sheesh!if u ask me,i don like to meet ppl when im outside..haha!unless ya laa..some guys..hahaha!

n some things juz angered me soo much..i really hate the halal foods booster coz they kept addressing me as madam!wtfish!i alrdy told them im a MISS,n not MADAM..f!don tell me they nvr change or update their record?damn angry lorr..pls don f-ing assume that all those who called to order are parents..damn irritating lorr..then hor,always call to ask whther i wanna order or nt.the nx time they call,i tell u im gg to scold them n say to chg from MADAM to MISS n to stop calling me to order,i will call when i wanna order..ppl busy..alamak!irritating like f laa!luckily lustre not like that..klu tak,mintak kene marah gak..damnit!

then u know,i jz had to catch up sessions,one with my gals from sec sch n then juz ystd,met siti..i juz realised that at both sessions,i was asked the same qn..when will i hv a bf,or if i hv a bf alrdy..haha!mann..funny etime ppl ask me this who doesnt want a bf rite..but seriously,i still haven find one,n how am i to find one?coz u don expect me to go ard sch,n then if i saw a guy i like,i go and approach rite?haha!ridiculous wat..then some more im in business,i can safely say there's barely any malay guys,from yr1 all the way to yr 3..even if there is,i think they're attached..but ya la,ive yet to see..ive nvr see one so far..i think 1-2 only..even if i go lunch also,like they wanna approach me like that..shi bu shi?hahaha!so ya,belum ade jodoh..klu ade,ade la die..speaking of which,im gg for chinese class,n the chinese class has lots of malay guys..haha!so maybe that is a sign?lolol!mcm fhm!

oh ya!!soo long nvr talk abt nawm.haha!his hairstyle changed liao!i donno whther i shld say nice or not..hahahahah!sthing diff tho..=)

ah then anor thing that pissed me is when ppl are soo cheapo at the wrong place n time n i really hate this kinda person coz u're not poor but u're so f-ing cheapo over small amounts n i find it irriating coz it's always happening n im the one who suffers..once in a while nvm u know..i take great pain n effort to do such things n u easily juz photocopy n then photocopy nvm,at a cheaper rate..u may think that im being calculative,even with friends,but this is not abt being calculative but it's too much!i really hate it man..if there comes to a pt whr i really cant stand it,im juz gg to be this irritating n selfish girl ar i tell u..darah upp jek siak!

ok wat else?oh ya..tmr lesson at 8.30 so i muz sleep early tonight coz if nt i cfm cant wake up..muz do some read up for biz law..trying to be gd n hardworking girl gg to come up with a timetable soon n try to follow it closely..coz when projects start pouring in,i think im gg to hv a hard time managing praying that i can cope n breeze thru this sem n get a decent results that will lead me to a gd specialization..insya-Allah..pray for me..

my life is juz gg to be revolve ard sch,sch n more that even my closest friends are busy with work and/or sch,i don see the reason y i shld not hv trying my best mann..

til then..i wanna rest a while n have dinner n pray then start reading up,accompanied by xiao zhu then tv for me also coz thr's nothing on tv other than don forget the lyrics n bfb,which i watch online..haha!ok gd game..i!til then..ciaoz ppl!

im lovin it!

i was multi tasking,watching bfb n updating blog..haha!busy while watching,these juz caught my eye n i simply loveee them soo much!

haha!not gay cfm!juz a brotherly kisss..muacks muacks..haha!

n i donno wats got into them coz i donno wat they were talking,then xiao gui juz hugged xiao zhu..haha!i think it was soo damn darn cute laa..i can feel the love xiao gui has xiao zhu n hw much he looked up to him..

lolol!damn funny i kept watching that part.. i had my lecture juz now,which was ystd considering today is alrdy wed..haha!i had accounting lecture..ok la,not bad..similar to poly..they said the lecturer doesnt sound local..must be either from taiwan or hk..haha.n when they mentioned taiwan,of course it reminded me of xiao zhu..

just that i was late.almost late for lecture..but i was definitely late in meeting natasha to print notes..i only woke up at 8.30 when i was supposed to meet her at 9,30..paiseh sia..

anw,i only had lecture,but after that met siti..fuyoo!like finally i got to meet her..haha..FINALLY!went to fix my specs..woohoo!my black specky all ready!then we went bugis to lepak a while n there we went updating each other n to hear stories from her i was!jz wish her all the best in watever thats happening n keep updating..donno when will be our nx meeting..insya-Allah ehh..

haha!u see the ah pek bigg sia masuk frame..haha!nice or nt i wear specs?hahaha!


then after that otw hmi saw u weekly lehhh!!cover pg is xiao zhu!!faint!but i didnt buy 1st coz later crumple..haha!so i went imm 1st coz i wanna get some stuff..then only buy at imm..haha!so i actually bot specs box for my new specs n the cleaning cloth..then bot the u weekly..then otw to exit,i saw bodyshop got sales!i wanna go,but it was so pack n im carrying the magazine like precious coz don wanna crumple it..haha!then the place so crowded,later ppl bang here n i jz headed home..haha!later maybe b4 class i go..heh..

ok to be 4 liao..n still haven sleep..maybe coz later lesson at 2.30,so i can sleep a bit later..heh..then i also did my 1st tutorial of the semester already tho some i donno hw to happy siaa..i hope i can keep up to that pace for this sem..sheesh..nt easy man..ok la..til then..ciaozz!

aiyokk!faint!i love his pose..i love his mouth..haha!



yay!my new specs compartment..nice clr..i had soo much difficulty in choosing which one i wann..

i chose this coz it's red n bright n the black part inside complements the red v well..wooot!love it!

haha..pose specs also muz pose..

ok then pose inside..hahah! =p

Monday, January 05, 2009

start all over again..SIGH!

ok so sch resumes tmr n my timetable is soo sweee n i like it v much..tue-thu..woot!n i juz applied my electives,it's confirmed that im taking chinese..haha!wish me luck man..coz the exam date for chinese is in between my accounts n IT paper..a bit sucky laa..but bo pian..electives are very competitive n wats more i missed the not many choices..i hv to jia you mann this sem coz last sem was sucks like shit n if i wanna go into a gd specs,i muz do well this sem..insya-Allah..pray for me man..heh..

so since sch starts alrdy,i muz cut down on xiao zhu-ing which is very will be very hard to keep track of him eday..haha!mann..but i try to balance ething life is gg to be only study n xiao!

talking abt him,i watched the saturday's epi of bfb n it was damn funny..he was pretending to carry a baby..mann!he'll be such a loving father siaa!wooot!i wish he can be the father of my baby..hahaha!chett!

patting the baby..aww!haha!

wooot!muaks muaks!

awww...kuchi kuchi..haha!

hug hug!bao bao!! =))

ok thats all..gdluck to all those who are also facing the same fate as me,which is sch resumes..haha!

n also specially for dearest wan qi who is gg to lead a hectic life,juggling work n sch at the same time..jia you mann!n keep in touch n always update me things now that u no longer blog n it was such a sad thing i wanan cry..haha!tc gal! =)

til then..ciaozz!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

downtown..east side!

ohmann!i hv LOADS of fun today,thx gals for taking the day off today n had this short meet up..heh..thx to mar's father,who let us used the car..woot!so with a car,we can go ANYWHERE!we went downtown east,to play at nebo 1st..

ok la the place..but not as cosy..i still like pitstop best..ive seen mind's cafe in ppl's blog..i still think pitstop we played some games..n even extended an hr more while waiting for the movie to start..i love snorta tho i lost like hell..hahaha!i love headbanz too..n my all time fav is taboo..haha!i think our table is the noisiest..mcm mintak kene bedal..haha!but the person working thr said tat he liked our grp..very on..haha!we were soo enthu that when we played,we stood up n played..hah!n they said that the guy is handsome n looked like clarence..the guy i like back in sec sch..hahah!i was like nooo!!haha!this guy's a bit on the shorter side..haha!clarence more gd looking..lolol!

so ya.played n played..then tired ready to watch movie..we watched yes man..ok la,funny..but i think i was too tired,i dozed off a bit..haha!muz be the popcorn that made me sleepy..heh..

then after movie,our plan was to go changi airport n had dinner thr n hang ard..BUT!upon seeing the parking rates,which were damn exx like shit,we decided not to have dinner there..sad..i thot i cld pai zhao(is that hw u spell?i donno..hahah!) at terminal 3 coz ive yet to go thr..haha!then we juz went to east coast to hv dinner which is equally shiok..heh..=) i was damn darn hungry such that after dinner,tiq was telling me,we fgt to take pic..hahahah!nvm..fill up my stomach more! =p

after that,we wanna lepak mah,so they planned go to marina barrage,since most of us had not been thr!damn nice!it was freaking windy n cold laa!i can like be blown away siaa...hahah!im not exaggerating..but really..hahaha!it's wld be nice if u go in the day or late noon..shall go thr agn one day.. =)

then tired was went hm..wooohoo!happy!we managed to do many things n cvr the east side of spore..coz we're like from one end to anor..heh..

so time!!

aiyook!pose pose!i like my hair..haha!

do we look like sisters?haha!we look quite a like back in sec sch with our ponytail..juz that now dear nani is more tembam (chubby)..hahah!i donno y she posed like that..she said it made her look slimmer..hahah!

agn..i love to take pic like that sia,i realise..haha!hug the person..

with the ppl working there..chris on the left n matthew on the rite..the one they said who is handsome is matthew..hahha!no comments.. -.-



playing headbanz..

so now only gt this pic..she cant guess..hahah!so she's lousy.n she pointed middle finger to me coz i boo-ed her..sheesh!lol!

im a pickle..i think im damn smart ar..hahaha!

im a candy barr!

she's a french fries!

and she's a pitcher..n she cant guess it!she went..ape sakk!

ala, york..pose like statue of liberty..haha!

ya la ya la..tomato..haha!

otw to the carpark,i saw this..Confessions of a Shopaholic..hahah!nice hor..but i feel like im flushing toilet bowl..hahaha!

n this is marina barrage..somehow my camera cant snap nice pics..sheesh!

nice view.i like.. =)

aiyook!pose ms tan..nice or nt i wear this top?hahah!

signature pose.. =p

ok end!in short,FUN-FILLED!tired liao..ciaozz!