Monday, March 31, 2008

forever like this

haizz...forever thinking abt my uni worried cann..haizz..ive juz signed up for smu..tho i don wan smu..haha..i only wan nus or ntu..haizz..

anw..monday blues..i hate it soo much..pffftt...smsed him,but he nvr replyyyy!!!gosh!regret cann?this is deja vu experiencing the same feeling as when i sms-ed the other him..=(.. sadded cann?

oh wells...wat to do..i alrdy said it wasnt my loss,so i shld juz stop thinking abt it..hahaha!he asked for my no 1st anw..but still..haizzz...hahha!such a contradictory..

okok..tmr gg to smu n then to lavender to do my passport..haha!til then..i wanna get a dose of bookworm!haha!an online game..shiokness!

til then..hope for a better day tmr..

i juz simply LOVE him!

ps:k nite played all the jiwang songs..same goes to mat's i tune juz now when i on it..haha!hmm..mcm kene jek dgn nari..heh..

n i thot i cld stop the countdown..=(

Thursday, March 27, 2008

walking day

oh mannn....i really regretted gg back to sch..damnit!im juz pissed off laa okkk?thanks to wan qi,i was ranting to her n i felt so much relieved n glad that she understand me..i mean im not saying that im not at fault,somehow or rather,i admit i contributed to it too,but this is a team thing,i cant possibly be the only one to be bothered with seriously..=(sadded..

ok,so we went to capital tower 1st to get the docs from her friend,then from capital tower,which is at tg pagar in case u donno,we walked all the way to smu,which is at the other was quite a loooong walk i tell u..haha..n it was drizzling..we had 2 at 7-11 coz ms tan wan qi was thirsty..then stopped by the esplanade bridge coz ms tan wanna take photos of the spore flyer n esplanade..hahah!then walk n walk..til we reached the admin building n submit the docs..

then,we headed to suntec for the bodyshop sale..we walked agn ok..hahaha!while walking,u know the cross junction of the bridge rd n donno wats the other rd,traffic light spoil!!!oh mannn!n it was amazing for the vehicles juz moved ard,with no traffic signs,not even a traffic police was at sight!damn dangerous cannn???then dearest n kind ms tan called the lta to inform them..haha..then the lta said that they had received a few feedbacks abt it n alrdy sent ppl to look into it..then when we were walking,we saw the man,starting to repair..hahaha!cool sehh..but the most impt thing is tho the traffic wasnt working n no tp,the vehicles did cooperate n gave way to one another..hence i doubt there were any accidents..=)

then we reached the body shop sale!!heh..n ohmmmyyyy..damn manyy ppl cannn???at ard 7 i tink,it was super packkk!!as pack as the IT fair!u cant walk!u hv to squeeeeezzz ur way thru..rabak gile!so,if u wanna go for the sale,go at least 2 that 1 can help to queue up,the other one shop..then take turn to shop n queue..hahaha!the more,the merrier...lololol!!the sale's til sunday..i feel like gg agn!heh..wanna get some perfume..but juz now,all the perfumes were smelly..hahahah!so,i juz got myself papaya body foam,papaya body scrub,n a body scrubber for $23.80..woot!happy!=)

then,otw hm,saw evern..haha..then went home with her..she was otw to meet her bf..

n also!dear ms tan alrdy passed me my smap album pams all the way from japan!wooot!now i hv 3 new addition to my smap collection!proud!hahahaha!wooot!!n im listening to itt!damn nice cannn????=) oh ya!n she gt me a sign stating president from shanghai..haha!thx wan qi..but i tink i dont deserve that..but thx it..will take pic of it n post it some other time..=)

n i am looking fwd very much to takuya's new drama called change n the new gatsby ad!!wooot!love takuya loads!muackss!!

n,on anor sad note..i hv no confidence of getting admitted to ntu..some ppl alrdy received call from ntu to go for interview..n my friend's cca pts,which is so high of 3.7++,the interviewer said that gpa cant make it for the accountancy course...wth laa..beh aku,mati ar!tak pandang langsung ar gini..i was super down laa..i was telling my mum abt it,despite my high gpa,i cant get into uni,n i started crying..but then she said that it's ok,if worse come to worse,i'll juz hv to take pte degree,at sim or sthing..haizz..ya Allah,i really hope i hv a place in ntu,if not nus..amin..

i donno y,whenever im happy,sad news will bound to come n i will be sad..haizz..anw..wat to do..happen alrdy..juz pray hard n tawakal..n wait for the call..i donno wat to do now..cant sleep yet..heh..maybe ctinue with hero..i re-watched from epi 1 at 1am ctinue w epi3 if i hv nthing to do..til then..ciaoz..

7th day = 1 week =(

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


hahaha!!! such a noob cannn???now then i know if i wanna type my post,i must click on the compose tab..hahah!then only i can format my wordings..hahahah!stoopid ehhh..hahaha!now blogger rocks..hahhahaa!indah such a noobie!pffftt...

anw..stayed at hm the whole day..wanna go imm also lazy..ended up watching hero movie agn..i love takuya..loads..hahaha..then slept from 5-7 coz was super bored like wat..initially jz wanna take a nap while waiting for the 5.30pm chan 8 rpt drama..but ended up sleeping til 7..hahaha!

damn bored..zzz..i donno juz like living aimlessly nothing n money doesnt come rolling in..stress cann?sheesh!

wanna go bodyshop sale,but at the same time,don feel like gg..hahahah!wth laa..pfftt..n i really hate to go sch now,with all the political stuff..getting sick of it..i will only come tmr n not frid..biar..hahahah!tgk jekk..aku tknk bw laptop besok..sengaje..heh.

n now im thinking wat to do after i end this post..hahahah!sianzzz...til then..hoping for better days gg forward..=)..ciaoz..

6th day

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


woohooo!!takuya's new dramaaaa this coming spring in apr....woooot!!cant waiiiittt!!!

mcm terase bile bace nii..hahaha..anyways...
just hope i won't misunderstand ur friendliness for adore unless u wana meddle liking and loving me..=D

it is sickening gg to sch..seriously..i don wanna come tmr..really..thats it..y the hell i worry soo much when they don give it a damn???damnit shitty!arrggh!

u know the line from how to lose a guy in 10days??now i know where else i saw that line!!hahaha!from the leap years!hahaha..nice nice!i've read the leap of love finish..damn nice..more detailed..v much diff from the movie..both are nice..=)cheers to leap of love!

was chatting with zai ystd n was telling him abt mr m..haha!mann..sometimes,i juz feel that i still hv this teeny weeny likeness towards him..haizz..seriously,i donno yyyyy..haizzz....seriously,if i know the reason,i m more than willing to let it goo mann..=(

haha!n i guess i shld just STOP thinking abt boys..hahahaha!lololol..i donno laaa...zzzz..start to think wat i wanna do tmr..=(kk..i tink nothing to blog..i juz felt pissed today..pfffttt..til then..ciaoz..

5th day..

Monday, March 24, 2008


hello...nice to go back sch tho i had nothing much to do..n my plan to run the track today was not fulfilled as it was raining cats and dogs..hahaha!

for once,i wanna talk abt some serious stuff gg ard..i read today paper a few days back,i tink the wkend edition or sthing,n the PM was commenting on hw the malay muslim committee here in spore shld start on financial planning..which is true..i mean,i hv seen and am aware of the malay families here in spore..bergaya sana sini dgn kereta besar,umah besar,org nk renovate,die pun nk ikut renovate,tknk senang sikit,die pun nak..u know that kinda thing..they dont think abt the future..all they think of is the present now,living in comfort n satisfying their wants,not needs..tsk2..

n in the article itself,it also stated how the family go for renovation n car loans,n then,when it is time to pay up,they dont hv enough money..not only not enough to pay for the loans,but also the more impt things like education and daily necessities..then where they turn to??the MP,the RC..n give all sorts of reason like economy down laa,pay low laa n bla bla bla..

it's like is there a need to haave big houses nicely decorated,pose with cars??ok laa,if u can afford it,i don mind man seriously..if it's to the extent of u alrdy know u don hv the means,abeh masih nk action pack n show off,uat pe kann?

n i think children play a big part too..not to be demanding n help out..mcm mane mly nk maju babe klu mcm gini kann?tsk2..

anw,still,it's a matter of whether u wanna do it or not laa..senang jek..nk tknk jek..n a matter of controlling urself..i know ppl will say it's easier said that done,but nvr try,nvr's time mann ppl..

that aside,i read abt a dutch man who produced the anti-quran movie..astaghfirullah..ape nk jadi dgn dunia ni???smp ade movie mcm gitu?anw,i donno how to comment on this's like..i donno mann..haizz..

and on some financial news...bear stearns might probably be taken over by jp morgan chase..that bad mann the financial world..wat not with the weakening us dollar..been hearing all these over the news n reading them on's funn!haha!at least,my diploma do come as useful..hahahah!

n i juz feel like washing my hands off,aku nak mogok!!wed-fri don wanna come..i refuse to help n i don care..really..haizz..i donno laaa!!!give uppp!!arrggghhh!!zzzz....

4th day..

Sunday, March 23, 2008


yooohoooo!!mak's backkk!!woohoo!! wasnt jam as they went by the tuas she reached here at 6+..heh..not many things tho that can be bought from malacca..and out of all things,she bought for me undies!hahaha!she juz loves to buy for me undies..heh..leh bukak kedai laa sehh..heh..but she also randomly bought for me kain colour orange..for raya..haha!orange striking gile..nnt hari raya aku bersinar2 n terang benderang..hahahah! is yet anor boring day for me..woke up,watched sch house rocks,then suddenly,got the urge to clean my tv console..hahaha!gosh!damn dusty like wattt!!hahha!clean n clean..then cleaned my bookshelf also..then cleaned the whole house..then tired!hahaha!bathe,had lunch,n c'tinue with hero smp abis..while wtching,also did some ironing..

n now here i am blogging abt wat happen today..hahha! thing that the weekend's coming to an end..for those who are working,of course weekend is sthing that they don wan it to end..hahahah! not working..hahhaha!oops!

third day..haven sms!etime my hp beep,i wish it was him..heh..but nvm laa..aisha da kate,die tu angan2 2minute..hahaha! planning for my class's gathering..we havent meet each other since attachment..hmm..hopefully this wk all can make it..either sat or sun..hmm..

n n!!!guess wattt???wanqi's friend alrdy bought for me my smap's album!!wooot!super happy cannn???but the thing is,she nvr bought for me la festa!!!hahaha!miscommunication i guess..and on that day when she was at hmv tokyo,if u buy 1,got 10% off..if buy 2,20% off...arggghh!!wasted kannnn!!!hahahah!anw..nvm..contented enough with pams...=))heh..

n also!!!i juz bought a top n bag online!!!hahahah!woot!shiokness!!bought a blue kimono top...can see it from the link here..

n a brown sling bagg..=)) model no BAA001..wooot!!

both my fav clr!brown n blue!!woot!takuya's fav clr too..=)heh..happiness!!cant wait to get the stock!!!=)

ive been rotting at i guess tmr i will b gg to sch..n maybe hit the track or gym to exercise..heh..til then..ciaoz!

that day...kungfu panda & i..n U..=)

anw,from how to lose a guy in 10days..
it's better to love n lost than nvr to love/fall in love..

Saturday, March 22, 2008

boredom back home!!hahaha!staying at my sis's house was sure damn bored that i hv decided to go home..tho it's still bored at hm,i have my lappy n my dvd player..hahahaha!!

it's saturday,i played badminton at je stadium with mar,tiq n her sis..nani ended up not gg due to some probs..sheesh!!played full force..haha..shiokness!!i guess i gotta keep playing n exercising to keep myself fit n healthy n occupied..heh..

then headed hm,do a bit of house keeping,then watched my SMAP 012 VIVA AMIGOS!!shiokness mann!!n furthermore,there's nobody at home,so i switched on full blast..wahhh!damn nice..i love it mann..smap's concert is nvr disappointing..i love takuya v much really..heh..=p

then,tv has no nice show..i c'tinued with hero..really damn bored like SHIT..i always hv to replay all my dvds..but gd laa in a way..heh..

after this,i also donno wat to bored..cant wait for my mum to reach spore..missing her..haiz..

donno wat plan tmr..hmm..i wanna go out,but no company..hmm..mann..i donno wat to do mannn...zzz..n thay unknown idiot is still smsing me..n i cant be bothered..n am still smsing with aisha's friend..heh..aisha told me that at work,he shouted.."Indahnye bumi ini...!"..ehemm..heh...=)but he didnt sms me today..ystd too..soo..bored..hahahahahah!okok..the entry is gg nowhere..hahaha!til then..ciao!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

aku kebosanan

oh was quite a boring dy for me as it was raining cats n dogs n i was bored to tears in sch..juz helped a bit here n there..tmr needa come sch agn for a talk or watver u call it n im gg to be bored to death abt it..arggghh!!

n my mum is gg to malacca this frid,n so i had to stay at my sis's house..arggghhhh!!mum will be sleeping at aunt's house tmr as they will be moving off at 5am on frid..arggghhh!!then i muz go to my sis's house tmr alrdy...argghhhh!!u know,as u grow older,u wont like to be away from house one..some more my sis's house doesnt hv broadband!she's still using the old slow dial-up connection..ohh nooo!!so bored laa deyyy thennn??tsk3...haizzzzz...wat tough luck...

u muz be asking y i didnt follow my mum if i dread gg to sis's house..because no bdk2 go malacca!!all adults..hahaha!sianzz ehh if i go..furthermore,they will b gg by car,n i think no space alrdy..haizzz..sianzz!!

anor sian thing is i will b playing badminton on i hv to travel all the way to je to play badminton..kauuu!!mls laa sak!!how how??hahaha!this wk is sooo sickening can???haiizz..

n u know wattt??that idiotic malaun stopped sms-ing me coz i nvr bother to reply his sms..damn idiotic ehh..if u hv the cuckoo bird,if u r a man,then juz tell me who the hell are u laaa!!wats so difficult??he is so scared that once he revealed himself,i will not talk to him,i gues he muz be someone whom i hated so much last time,so thats y he don wanna come clean with me n tell me who he watever laa..u wanna be friends with me,then juz be frank with me laa!!mcm kedi sak!mcm kental okkk???damn idiotic lorr i tell,i tink the 1st few msgs that he sms-ed me are all fake..he is this juz some idiot who is not who he claimed to be..damn f off mann!irritating..then,suddenly,anor friend of mine suddenly sms me n asked me if i wanna sms-chat with him..n u know wat i reply?i said my free sms had hit its limit n i had 1 idiot who doesnt wanna tell me who is he n anor one is my friend's friend..heh..

ya,this new guy saw me when we went to watch sky of love at the cathay..n he asked my no from my friend..heh..nak kenal2..heh..ah ni br namenye LELAKI!nak kenal2,blg jek la name..

but 2 boys senyap..n im bored..haha!ok la,i don give a damn that the unknown idiot didnt sms me..but the other guy,my friend's friend nvr sms me..hmm..y ehhh??heh..mentel sakkk..hhahahaha! still in sch,at 7.20pm..i cant wait to home sweet home to pack my bag..haiz..

lastly,juz to share sthing...YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIE UNLESS YOU HAVE TO AND IT'S NECESSARY..---->for that unknown idiot

Monday, March 17, 2008

sky of love

ohhh usual,as much as i am happy today as i get to watch sky of love today,some things juz gotta disappoint me..or rather,make me moody,kept thinking n brooding over it?i donno wats the word to describe it mann..haizz..

anw,guess wattt?????????I GOT MY SONOMAMA'S SINGLES AT HMV HEEREN ALRDY!!!PLUS,I RANDOMLY BOUGHT SMAP AMIGOS' CONCERT DVD FOR $164!!haha!im crazyy mann!!n u know what??i almost paid $17 for men's non no again!haha!but don wan ar..hahha!tho the cvr is takuya in blue..ohhhmmyyyyy!!i wanna buy soo much!!but don wan ar..but now,i kept thinking abt it..hahaha!oh nooo! juz gonna keep brooding over it mann...tho no usee...booo...=(

then only we headed to the cathay to watch sky of love..woot!damn nice!haha!then saw kwn aisha..die tegur lawa,tapi ketawa buruk..haha!k,aku malu okkk???1st time npk laki,die da kate gitu..aduh!haha!malu now,i muz learn to laugh graciously..hahhahah!but cant laa..da biase..hahahah!i love to LAUGH OUT LOUDD cannnn??heh..=p

i teared watching sky of love..tapi kwn baik 2 org tu,ketawa..hahah!i tell u,at least 1/2 cried..ade leh smp dgr die sedu sedan,terisak-isak sehh..then,at 1 pt of time,u could hear ppl started to tear open tissue paper..hahahah!but still,it was a touching story n sad..esp when he's dying..typical sad love story,but i like still..juz one bad thng abt it,i think it's a bit too lengthy..haha!

then went to raffles place to rtn the sponsorship,then headed hm..

then at the entertainment,that was went i rcved an sms..n this is the thing that has been keeping my mind occupied..i mean,u may say that it is not sthing worth to keep thinking,but i really wanna know who he is..the descriptiong he gave me reminds me of a guy i once like v much..yes,v much..but due to unforseen circumstances,i jz kept myself away from him..coz u know y?masi dulu2,bdk kecik lagi..mak tk kasi bbl pat telefon dgn laki2..haha!so thats y i kept myself away from much as i wanna get closer to him,cant..we chatted only twice or thrice on the phone,i tink when i was in sec2..

my mly teacher even called me personally to ask me if i hv anything to do w him,coz if i rmb correctly,i rmbered,he pasted by neoprint at his pager,n the mly teacher confiscated it..haha!kecoh sak!!smp cikgu pun msk campur..somehow,he was playful,but as time passes by,he juz get naughtier n rebellious..thats the thing..he's jahat la,senang kate..

then,bile die da grad,dgr2 jadi tk betul..makin teruk..tiq kate die da tau skrg da kuar ke when i rcved these smses,i thot it was him..but he said he was not him..aduh!aku heartbreak jap..hahaha!my story hear may be vague,coz somehow,it's hard to type out ething..

ok,so hw i know that it's not him?coz this person gave me 1 chance to guess who he is..when i guessed,he said he was not..anw,he can lie..but he said he wont lie..oh mann..i donno mann..anw..arggghhh!!jz the thot of it makes me wanna explode..haizz...arggghhhh!!

maybe this person knows me well.he said that if he tells me who he is,he thinks that i will not ctinue contacting him..hmm..a bit true ar..haha!nak lyn org handsome jek..hahah!aiya!!donno arr!!arggghhh!!haizz...but at the same time,i tink this person is playing a prank on me..shitty..

da la..aku penat lyn phone bill is gg to be sky-rocketing agn this mth..=(..aku da ckp pokai la nasib..

Sunday, March 16, 2008

white message

ok..another aimless entry..hahaha!juz love to flood my entry with endless smap videos..smap rox!woot!tmr gg to watch sky of love..wooot!sure cry!!hahaha!

oh ya!b4 i c'tinue,juz wanna make an edition to my entry b4 this..

I GRADUATED WITH A DIPLOMA IN BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES..haha!not baKing n finance..heh..thx ehh siti for pointing out..wahahah!!=p

oh nooo!!this is the coupling song from the new singles sonomama!!called white message!i love it soo muchh!!it's a lil more upbeat as compared to sonomama,so i like it!!the single is worth buying!!cant wait to get itt!!i love the song like wat ar!!omg!!!die2 muz get the singles!i will check it out tmr at hmv heeren mann!hopefully in alrdy siaa...argghh!mesmerizing cannn!!esp takuya's part!!takuya is getting hotter n hotter ookkkk???love him loads!i simply love his hair!

n for this vid,they sang it at one of the smapxsmap show..i like!!

i think of you everday
i feel ur breath eday
i wonder
i'll be there
i'm crazy
i love u and thanks a lot
i trust u

some english lines..they complement the song v welll n i like!!

dangan fighter live!woot!

ok,this cute lil japanese baby dancing to smap's dangan fighter..damn cute siaa!haha!true smap fan!

a 2oth smap annivesary done by a fan..gosh!damn touching..from where there start with 6 members,then mori left the grp to pursue motor racing n succeed,n the remaining 5 remain n succeed too!cheers to mori n smap!

both vids have takuya playing the guitar n it wasnt easy he said..lolol!n i love the hat..gosh!i love it!

smap- theme of smap 017..finally!


ok..first of all,i wanna say that..


alhamdulillah..i couldnt believe my eyes that when i received the sms,i got an A for my attachment,which means i gt a full score of gpa 4 for the 2nd time,wats more,at my final semester b4 i graduate from np..i checked again at npal to double confirm i get A for iap..n yess!correct!i got A!n my graduating gpa is 3.7266..which is unexpected too coz i didnt expect iap to get A,and i thot that my final gpa will only be 3.6++..3.6 n 3.7,tho only 0.1 diff,it does make a HUGE diff,esp in np..ebody is so smart n competitive,esp my classmates..n other classmates who went for iap also most gt an A,some even AD,a distinction..congrats n im happy for them..n im also happy for my classmate who failed cm,passed this time with a B grade,n graduated don need to stay back...n my soc members,all passed too..happy for them..esp dear weiting,he passed his cost accounting which he failed last semester...i think this semester is a blessed semester..alhamdulillah!

but still,i cant out my mind at ease as i my place in uni is not confirmed..n im damn scared like wat..praying hard i will get into the uni..

anw,went to bugis today with wan qi to get my white pants as i promised the aunt that i will buy..heh..n n i also got my kemeja like the type that takuya loves to wear!!hahaha!wooot!damn happy cannnn??heh..n suddenly i hv craving for yong tau foo,so ate dry yong tau foo at banquet..woot!thx wan qi for the company..=)

haha!n yup ive finished reading leap of love!damn nice!tho i expected the ending to be better..heh..but still,damn nice..=)

n now,i needa stop spending for now..=(lucky monday's sky of love is free tix..heh..til tired of tired but i doubt i can sleep..hahaha!byeee!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

k nite

woooooot!has a rolling gd time mann today!!woot!went out with the sec sch girl clique..heh..then otw,we were reminiscing on the sec sch days..haha!gosh!time flies mann..had a gd laugh sia..lololol!!

then we headed to cash studio..wooot!shiok!haha!sang n screamed like nobody's biz..haha!tk leh nyanyi n smp pitch pun masih nk nyanyi..hahaah!n i juz love sejauh mungkin by ungu..hahha!lagu tangkap dok!n when i wanna sing im w u,si kwn2 baik aku ni sume ketawakan..haha!da la!tk nk nyanyi..malu..haha!but shiok!i loveee karaoke..heh..=)

but u know,etime when im happy,sad things hv to be heard n i tink im v exhausted n sick n tired of it..arrgghhh!but wat to do,im fated to faceall this shit..I CANT WAIT TO GRADUATE N GET RID OF ALL THESE!!!!!!!!

anw..wat a day..but still,happy..thx girls..=)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


ok..nothing much..been slacking much at home with nothing to do..wanna do,but lazy to do..gosh!i cant stand any longer at home..hahaha!but i don wanna work!but i need moneyy!!hahaha!oh mann...tough choice mann..

anw,sunday went to nani's sis's wedding..wowowoweee!!handsome groom..heh..n the deco is n black combination..i like!sthing diff that ive nvr seen b4..then slacked at hm..

same went for ystd..slacked the whole day wacthing princess hours coz i love eun much diff from cp..heh..=)then,suddenly dear changhong sms-ed me to inform me that the hero movie dvd is out!wowowow!!cant wait any further,i sms-ed aisha for company since she will be from work..hahaha!so i headed to poh kim n bought it!woot!it comes with free t shirt n poster!woot!i think i wanna frame the poster..hahaha!damn nice siaa!gues needa head down to ikea soon,to get the frame n boxes for my tonnes of cds,vcds n i watched it on the same day at night!woot!damn nice!damn funny!touched!romantic!i love the part where takuya said you have my promise in spanish..wooot!sooooooo ROMANTIC & CUTE!heh..

wooot!!!39.90..worth itttt!!

n today,here i am blogging aimlessly..hahaha!been raining cats & super no mood..makes me hungry & eat..tsk2..arranged photos for my album..more or less like that..SIAN!i guess i better go n find job soon mannn..zzzzz......damn sianz!argggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

it fair

wahh...i went out today to the IT fair..heh...didnt bought many things..juz a small that im using the mouse,i feel tat the mouse is small for me..wahahaha!anw,nvm laa..i was v lazy to find was crowded,considering it's only frid today..tmr n sun will be the worst ar the crowd..tsk2..

wanna get external drive,also donno which is gd or cheap or watever..hhaha!wanna get digicam also,like..aiya..hahaha!anw,saw syafi..gosh!donno y,like so happy when i saw him..hahahaha!he was working for panasonic,giving away pamphlets..then aung also work,for motorola..gosh!that handsome boyyy!wahahaha!mcm pompan mentel seh npk die..hahaha!tk tegur..malu ar..tkt die pun da lupa sape aku..hahaha!tgk dr jauh pun ok..igt nk step tgk hp ke ehh..haha!

oh ya!!went to hmv juz now..n to my sadness,smap's singles will only reach spore 2-3 wks after the release date in japan..booo!so,i can only get it like end of mar..weeekkkk!!!i wan sonomama n white message!!!!=(

anw,more vids of takuya n smap..hahaha!

endorsing toyota nx time when i wanna buy car,but only toyota..wahahah!

yozora no mukou duet with goro..nice!

playing cupid for this guy..haha!takuya damn boyish laaa!!i like!!his hair damn cute!gosh!

v much a rocker..

damn cute like wat arrr!!

show your smile song..nice!i hv the single!proud!hahaha!

til then..i got nthing to surf alrdy..think i wanna watch long vacation..agn..wahahah!wooots!finished with grand tribe liao..damn NICE!cried like wat ar!! takuya!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

give me your heart

omg!!the leap years is definitely v nice to watch n u will nvr fail to tear when u watch it..omg!!!the scenes are beautiful!n i love ananda n li lin v much!!best local movie ive ever watch..i tink,as far as i can rmb..heh..woot!cheers to the leap years mann!now,i wanna read the novella itself..=)

then,nothing much alrdy..haha!juz watched movie at jp only..oh ya..juz visited hmv webby,n i don seem to see smap's new single!omg!don tell me they are not shipping in???gosh!!i wan the single so badly!ohno!!pls pls pls pls pls pls i wan the singles!release date is today..hopefully tmr in..waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!(crying out super loud!)

anw,was u-tubing n i saw their mv!!omg!!i love them all!!esp takuya!!then shingo..i love shingo's hairstyle now..hahahah!wooot!sonomama...hana taga..(ok..gomen if i spell wrongly..hahhaa) them loads to bits n pieces!muackz!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

mr sun pls come out

gosh!staying at hm is sure damn bored like wat..n i don wanna go out too coz the weather is damn don wanna waste money..oh mr sun!pls come out tmr!

stayed at home the whole day doin nothing..juz watched hero until i finished the whole series alrdy..donno wat to watch nx..whether the grand tribe or long vacation..haha!spoilt for choices!pfftt..

ystd went back sch..stress as usual..tho some ppl tho made my day..and some juz made me feel sucky..don wish to talk abt it..

tmr will be gg to watch leap finally..heh..i like!it's gonna rock mann!woot!i wanna clean my room,but i hv not bought boxes to store my dvds n vcds n i donno how to clean..haha!mann..actually i hv tonnes of things to do but i don wanna do..things like ironing also..heh..the thing i hate to do laundry basket,juz mine alone,da full..tsk2..

anw,this is smap's new single coming out on 6march..woot!damn nice ok!!!

called sonomama,a soundtrack from a drama acted by goro..woot!damn soothing ar the song..thats the thing i like abt smap..their songs,klu fast,fast..klu slow, it's nice laa..woot!smap forever!

ok wat else?i tink nothing alrdy..haha!don wanna blog abt sad gd..hahaha!i think i will do some ironing later n clean up my wardrobe..time to give away some clothe?i donno..hahha!simpan pun bknnye pakai..tsk2..hahaha!

hmm..donno if i ever post this vid b4..i like the song v much laaa!heh..=p

n it's been a long time i talked abt gong yoo..haha..juz ystd i saw the vid of him leaving for ns..gosh!2 yrs!oh no!i tink ar,they shld be like spore..serve the nation when u are young,st away after u da grad from tak.ntah2,tiba,in the mid of an age,kene serve the nation..klu reservist ke ape takpe ar..kental sak!!ish!haizz..gonna miss him mann...n nthing from him for 2 yrs..gosh!all i can do is just watch n rewatch him in dvd n u tube..hopefully dvd shops will produce more of his dramas in dvds so that i can buy n oogle at him..heh..

oh ya!n i juz watched seducing mr perfect at last!n i really like daniel henny..gosh!v tall!nice bods!omg!my mr perfect!hahah!woot!ok la,no need so built like that,but sthing like that can alrdy..hahaha!i love him!talking abt him,it reminds of my lovely samsoon..that i watched for only an hr last sunday..n there's only 2 things i like abt the show..daniel himself n one of the songs that were played in the drama..hahha!no offence,i tink the drama v slow..wahahahah!oops!

uuuuwaaaahhhhhh!!!!hhhhoooooottttt!!!cair babe!!!

mahco in suits..i love man in suits mann..but i also love man in casual wear..wahaha!

romantic!a few lines i rmb..
the gal said:"him shouting at me is like sweet whispers.."...
"him scolding me is like saying he loves me.."
sthing like that laa the line...heh..
oh ya..then when the gal asked him since when did he fell in love with her,he said.."the first time we met,when u hv a lipstick mark on your face,n when i see that,i wanna kiss uu.."
uuuuuwahhhhh!!!i heard that,i was like head over heels laaa!hahahaha!damn romantic like what!gosh!i wan my guy to say that to me also laa..hahahaha!bile tu ye agaknye..wahahha!

seducing mr perfect's ost,kisisng me..sang by daniel henney himself n alex..(donno who..haha)

singing creep with guitar

him wearing specs...gosh!hoott!!all guys i like,all wear specs also handsomee!!gosh!!irresistable!

sometimes,i tink,until i get myself a bf,i tink i wont be crazy over these ppl..hahaaha!oops!

ok laa..enough of daniel henney..i better juz like takuya n no one else..wahahhaa!til then..nothing to do already...feel like sleeping..heh..ciaoz all!=)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

missing him

omg..u know,i donno y,but suddenly,im juz missing this person..haha!!mr lim koon han winston!heh..out of all the many seniors in society,im only v close with him n peifen..omg..donno y,when i view his friendster,i kinda miss him soo much!love taking pics with him!haha!u know y la hor..he's soooo...u know wat..haha!i dare to blog this coz i know nobody reads my blog..haha!only a few knows my link anw..n i use to hv a crush on him when he was the mc n i was just the sc back then..=)

some photos i took with him..=)

the reunion dinner..i still rmb peifen said.."y u take soo many pics with him?"..heh..oops!

baoc..=)the secretaries n day 1 ph..

at his house during cny..


theres more actually,but all burnt into cd n deleted from my pc..gosh!he's really been missed mann!i wanna go to the zoo with him!!but when ehh??heh..

omg!the thot of gg back to sch tmr is really sick!i juz don wanna see the lecturers!argghh!!shit shit!!=((

n i haven wash up since 9+ juz now when i reached home..tsk2..burok2..kk,wanna wash up now n watch my takuya..muz always get a dose of him..heh..til then..bye!!!=)