ohhh myyyy...as usual,as much as i am happy today as i get to watch sky of love today,some things juz gotta disappoint me..or rather,make me moody,kept thinking n brooding over it?i donno wats the word to describe it mann..haizz..
anw,guess wattt?????????I GOT MY SONOMAMA'S SINGLES AT HMV HEEREN ALRDY!!!PLUS,I RANDOMLY BOUGHT SMAP AMIGOS' CONCERT DVD FOR $164!!haha!im crazyy mann!!n u know what??i almost paid $17 for men's non no again!haha!but don wan ar..hahha!tho the cvr is takuya in blue..ohhhmmyyyyy!!i wanna buy soo much!!but don wan ar..but now,i kept thinking abt it..hahaha!oh nooo!haizzz....im juz gonna keep brooding over it mann...tho no usee...booo...=(
then only we headed to the cathay to watch sky of love..woot!damn nice!haha!then saw kwn aisha..die tegur lawa,tapi ketawa buruk..haha!k,aku malu okkk???1st time npk laki,die da kate gitu..aduh!haha!malu sehhh...so now,i muz learn to laugh graciously..hahhahah!but cant laa..da biase..hahahah!i love to LAUGH OUT LOUDD cannnn??heh..=p
i teared watching sky of love..tapi kwn baik 2 org tu,ketawa..hahah!i tell u,at least 1/2 cried..ade leh smp dgr die sedu sedan,terisak-isak sehh..then,at 1 pt of time,u could hear ppl started to tear open tissue paper..hahahah!but still,it was a touching story n sad..esp when he's dying..typical sad love story,but i like still..juz one bad thng abt it,i think it's a bit too lengthy..haha!
then went to raffles place to rtn the sponsorship,then headed hm..
then at the entertainment,that was went i rcved an sms..n this is the thing that has been keeping my mind occupied..i mean,u may say that it is not sthing worth to keep thinking,but i really wanna know who he is..the descriptiong he gave me reminds me of a guy i once like v much..yes,v much..but due to unforseen circumstances,i jz kept myself away from him..coz u know y?masi dulu2,bdk kecik lagi..mak tk kasi bbl pat telefon dgn laki2..haha!so thats y i kept myself away from him..as much as i wanna get closer to him,cant..we chatted only twice or thrice on the phone,i tink when i was in sec2..
my mly teacher even called me personally to ask me if i hv anything to do w him,coz if i rmb correctly,i rmbered,he pasted by neoprint at his pager,n the mly teacher confiscated it..haha!kecoh sak!!smp cikgu pun msk campur..somehow,he was playful,but as time passes by,he juz get naughtier n rebellious..thats the thing..he's jahat la,senang kate..
then,bile die da grad,dgr2 jadi tk betul..makin teruk..tiq kate die da msk..tk tau skrg da kuar ke blm..so when i rcved these smses,i thot it was him..but he said he was not him..aduh!aku heartbreak jap..hahaha!my story hear may be vague,coz somehow,it's hard to type out ething..
ok,so hw i know that it's not him?coz this person gave me 1 chance to guess who he is..when i guessed,he said he was not..anw,he can lie..but he said he wont lie..oh mann..i donno mann..anw..arggghhh!!jz the thot of it makes me wanna explode..haizz...arggghhhh!!
maybe this person knows me well.he said that if he tells me who he is,he thinks that i will not ctinue contacting him..hmm..a bit true ar..haha!nak lyn org handsome jek..hahah!aiya!!donno arr!!arggghhh!!haizz...but at the same time,i tink this person is playing a prank on me..shitty..
da la..aku penat lyn die..my phone bill is gg to be sky-rocketing agn this mth..=(..aku da ckp pokai nii..haizzz..pe la nasib..