Friday, February 29, 2008

really finally last day

k,aku la paling burok laa kan skali..dr tadi smp umah kul 9,smp skrg tk mandi2 lagi..i stinking shit!bluek!haha!was in front of the pc from juz now smap-ing n shayne ward-ing!

is my last day at work today..happy n finally,im out of ML..ghim hui n chang hong treated me..alhamdulillah..heh..mkn free on last day..shiok..haha!i tink teck fern like wanna cry sia..n when ryan called me from his hp to tell me abt some outstanding stuff that he left for me to as he was on half day leave,then when he said all those things,omg!i wanna cry laa!haha!esp when he said,don cry ar..hahaha!tapi tahan jek..lagi sikit jek nak nangis..heh..gembeng sakk aku!lolol!i mean i was close to him n talked to him a lot,bkn mcm si sy tu..heh..anw.yup!im happy now that im not working there anymore..stress ok!

ok laa..i hadnt had my dinner also siaa..tsk3!burookkk!!haha!wanna logoff alrdy..i love this vids loads!from smap to shayne ward!coolios!=)

cant wait to watch leap years with aisha gile!she'll be back tmr!gosh!miss her siaa!

with moneky majik ard the world..

with monkey majik agn,singing monkey majik,ghandara,ard the world..these ang mohs speak jap!!i wanan learn!!n takuya hair ade jambul..hahaha!

original monkey majik..nice song..i like!

wooot!fav single!i bought the single juz to hear this song..heh..buzzer beater..

wowowow!still loving shayne ward when he first sang no promises,n now the new album..=)wooot!gosh!my fav 3 songs!jeng jeng!!

my fav line..
And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made

no you hang up


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

kpak bing bing!

work,work n more work..3 more days to goo..woohoo!!cant wait!!haha!but at the same time,im thinking where to work..juz wanna find some simple job that is not stress..hahahaha!n i wan money to come in..heh..

anw,aisha not in town,it's so sianzz..haha!takde org nk kacau..heh..

oh ya,today is the last ep of kpak bing bing,damn touching n romantik laa then!gosh!i love suhaimi yusof mann!he sang lelaki ini for his wife until his wife went speechless n cried!i also cried laa then???super touched ok??if my husband sang that for me n declare his love for me tho married for such a long time,sape tk touching sakk!hahaha!heh..k,tu lame lagi nk fikir..haha!matair pun tkde..tak abis2 dgn takuya die..hahah!sape ntah nk layan aku pun tk tau..heh..

u know how lemah smangat i can be,juz now the phone rang,n i jumped!hhah!sy laughed at me i tink..heh..gosh!he wore new cufflink today..when is he ever gg to wear mine??i wanna see sia nice or nak blg die kan suruh pakai..haha!de nnt die igt aku gile n buang tebiat..

oh ya,tmr gt 1 pmt haven!coz i donno hw to pay..hahaha!ok..nthing much..juz 3 more daysss!!wooot!!=)til then..aku blm mandi!!busukk!hahaha!after that,watch my takuya!!!=)byeee!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


today is definitely a boring day for me..but lazy to go out too,so juz bumped the whole day at home doin tmr,i tink i hv decided that if they offer for me to stay,im nt gg to stay anymore..tho i wanted to initially,but i tink i don wan already..hahaha..donno y ehh,maybe juz sick alrdy ar..heh..i donno mann..

from jz now,ive been u tubing for new smap vids n arranging songs for my playlist in ipod..heh.hadnt had my dinner yet coz i had a super late lunch.n now im hungry..wathching 5epi of coffee prince jz now makes me wanna drink coffee,n now i kinda cant sleep..hahaha!but tmr working ehhh..haiyooo!!donno wats wrong w me laa..tskk..

oh ya!cant wait to watch leap yrs..watcing teh trailer on tv so many times n wathng the making,i cant wait to watch..

ystd went shopping w vivian n bought sneakers,pants n earrings..hahaha!til then..i tink i wanna eat..tho i know its late..heh..

n of course!!smap vids!=)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

vids agn..=p


omg!!!my blog,my friendster,are playing this song!HA! by takuya kimura..woot!damn nice!omg!don mind the shirt he wore..haha!but damnit!damn nice laa!woot!

smap x smap feat nile rodgers & chic..gosh!takuya damn sexyyy okkk???love his moves simply!!!

kylie minogue in smap x smap singing i should be so lucky..

then sang cant get u out of my head..

then 2 hearts..not in order tho the arrangement..heh..don like kylie..juz like takuya!!!hahaha!woooot!hottt!

2000 concert singing dynamite..woot!takuya's hott in blue!!i like!my fav!his fav!aaahhh!!hahaha!

mermaid!!i love this song!!i love the CG!!!gosh!!takuya damn hoottt!!ahhhh!

singing songs from their smap vest album,an album compilation of their best hits..i love it v much!!takuya's fav includes yozoza no mukou..he etime plays the guitar..gosh!!love his fingers!hahaha!

smap x smap w christopher cross..ahhhh...gosh!takuya!!in black!damn nice!

old song,but still v refreshing to hear it...=)donna ii koto..

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

aimlessly is sianzz too when i cant occupy my time..when im free,im sooo free...when im busy,im sooo busy..

anw,i hope that i can help wq to get the job..heh..n i donno y,suddenly,i kinda admire my mentor more n more..wahaha!oops!die tk la kacang mane kan,tapiii..haha!donno wat attracts me..he's such a shy boy..wahahaa!donno y juz now nk blk,die br blk dr toilet,senyum mentor..=)

ok,this is such an aimless entry..haha!wanna shoppppp!!!!!!=)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

like finally

ahhh!alhamdulillah!at last!ive registered for my uni admission!insya-allah,with god's n parent's blessing,i will hv a place..n i v much want to join ntu..tho im half hearted,whether wanna do accountancy or business..this is because im scared that when im in biz,i cant get the specialization i wan..hence i out acc 1st,then biz,then biz & acc,a double degree course..haha!

as for nus,not much also..acc 1st,biz 2nd..don think highly of nus tho..haha..i tink if u wanna talk abt biz sch,ntu's still the bez..anw,im hoping n praying hard i can continue my studies in the local uni..ebody put high hope on me,ok,at least my family n closest relatives..chatted w kak rau juz now,n she was giving a pc of her mind too..thx loads kak..=)

n now im a bit relieved..ahhh..n i wanna zzz alrdy..but irritating society makes me worry like wat..

anw,v sleepyy alrdy..gosh..still hv loads to do at work n admission..til then..bye!

still v much in love with takuya n im gg crazy over my girl AGAIN!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


kazuko-san asked me to pose with the poster..haha!so that she can show it to her friend in japan..=)

yes,this is kazuko-san..v nice lady..v friendly..

the cake i ordered for them..=)

from anor angle..=)..damn big huh?hahaha!v nice too!it juz melt in ur mouth..mmmm!

anw,busy w work as usual,reached hm,totally FLAT!damn tired!gosh!haha!hence nvr update the blog..damn lazy to do anything once reached hm..n i slept at 10plus ystd,woke up only at 11+ juz now..hha!sungguh la buruk nak mampos!

hopefully i can go out tmr to shop.haha!si aisha tu sakit pulak..arap2 baik ar sok..u tube juz now,nthing much from,i donno wat to do..argh!wanna apply for uni,i tink nt yet..haha!soon ba..wanna read up n make my choice 1st..heh..

oh ya!dean is a v nice man!v friendly n chatty,nt like sy..hahaha!but nvm..all also nice..heh..doin pmt now,n help w confirmation hong is now in credit suisse..happy for him..=)

n my girl still rocks big time!watching it in chan u makes me wanna re-watch it..hahaha!love lee dong wook n lee da hae!=)

til then..wanna read up!!!c'mon indah!u can do it!=)bye!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


ahh..finally,i took my napfa test..phew!tho as much as i wanna get gold,i cant..hahaha!bt nvm..bronze pun bronze laa..hahaha!

catch up with wq over dinner..haha..nice..miss her..comforting talking to her..=)

now,wanna do my things also no go back work already..arhh..the thot of having to wake up early agn,iron my clothes..mendak babe!=(

til then..hope that all goes well for mee..haizz..


Saturday, February 09, 2008


im soo stressed up noowww!!but don wanna talk abt it..i hate to blog on sad stuff..heh..woke up only at 11+ juz now..brushed teeth,ate,watched one epi of gong yoo,bathed,n headed to im in sch..haha!doin my bloody proj..haha..i still gt loads to do but damn lazy to do..haizzz...donno siaaa!!pfffttt!!!

a few things to do..

1. reflection of the proj
2. 300words essay for uni admission
3. prepare all the docs for uni admission
4. do my napfa
5. watch gong-yoo
6. watch takuya

hahha!the last 2 is crap tho..hahahah!gosh!!i donno sia!!i gt soo many things to think of!shit!time do sthing indah!shitty!

anw,gt sthning to show u..on thurs,kazuko-san surprised me with sthing!!!



takuya's poster from japan!!woot!cant be found in spore okk??i tink...haha..but ya..really!!flown from japan siaaa!!for me siaaa!!gonna frame it up mann!!

3 takuya's photos for meeee tooo!!form japan tooo!!wooot!nice!!!!

the poster n photos combined!=)

oh ya..this is the photo of the cufflink that i bot for my mentor..nice?heh..=)hope he likes it..ex ehhh..

Friday, February 08, 2008

Gong Yoo-ing!

o...m...g...!hahaha!ive been u tubing gong yoo the past 2 days non stop..listening n watching over & over again..gosh!!he really reminds me of pyh mann..really..can act,can sing..gosh!juz like my takuya!takuya still no 1 tho..hahaha!when im free,i'll embed the vids here..arrrrr!!!as much as i don wanna fall in love with him,im alrdy in love with him..hahaha!awwww!!he's soooooooooo charming!i saw his audition vids,gosh!he indeed can act v well,sing beautifully...arrrr....damn hot!heh..but too bad,wont see him in like 1yr+ to 2yrs,coz he needa serve the army..i think their system is a bit old alrdy,still needa serve..pfffttt...anw,i hope he will continue his career after the ns..

n n i wanna watch one fine dayy!!!gosh!he's damn wayyy too sexyyyy in that show!hahah!my colleague has the vcd sia!but no subs coz it's from china..hahahah!damnit..nvm..i will find..n i wan sch 4 tooo!he sand damn a lot in that show!n i wanna rewatch my tutor friend coz he starred in that show too!haha!i didnt realise that laa then!coz when i watch the show,i only know kwon sang woo n kim ha neul..kkk..will watch all of these mann!marathon!!wooohooo!=)

wanna continue writing my thank you card n wrap my mentor's last day..=) & =(..

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

flowers!LOVE IT!

awww!!today is such a beautiful day for me..a gd ending to my attachment..both sy n esther treated me to swensens..tho i don enjoy the food,but it's the thot n company that i enjoyed..1st time,i talked to sy soo much..haha..he gave me his thots and advice on my admission to uni..aww..he is indeed my mentor..=)

then,i ended up walking back to the off alone..haha!they said they needa get sthing..while esther had to go to the bank..haha..byk laa korgnye nk p bank n get sthing..wanna get sthing for me rite??hhaah!

then,somehow,late noon,teckfern told me that the receptionist called,n asked me to get flowers from the reception..wahahaha!alfarahizah happened to be the receptionist today..haha..then i approached her,n she asked me.."indah?for u."..oh ok..thx...awwww!!!the flowers are damn nice!gosh!i LOVE the pink roses!the colour comb,GOSH!damn nice!awwww!!

when i went back to the office,all pretended..hahah!pdhal2..hahha!then,a few mins later,all crowd ard me..hahaha!n passed me the present..hhaah!gosh!i was soo touched n moved that i teared laa then!!hahaha!super cant tahan!they asked to make a speech,hahahaah!how to???i cant!!hahha!as much as i hate the job sometimes,n the ppl do get on my nerve,they are still lovely ppl..

then claire came over n asked for my no,coz she's getting married in nov,n will be inviting me..awwww!!soooo sweeet!!!=)'s a wonderful n sweet memory for me to end my iap..=)happy..=)

below are the photos of the flower..i love the flower more than the baby g watch..hahahaha!=)

with the watch..=)

jus the flower...=)

and all the diff angle of the flower..=)LOVELY!

u can see the water droplets?hahaha!i juz sprinkled water to it..heh..=)

this pic too...=)

til then,now needa crack my brain n start writing the thx card for everybody..=)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

royal cakes

hello!!today is my off day to replace cny this thur n fri..heh!shioknesss laa then!slept til 12!heh..burok kann..tapi pe heran..penat laa seh!heh..

pagi2 cik mas called,she thot she saw me,so tried to call me..hha!org tgh tido,call..she said that it's been a long time since we met..heh..then was thinking whether im still the small lil girl..hahaha!

anw,in the end,i didnt go napfa..haha!coz i don hv the confidence to get at least a hopfully i can take the test in monday,coz if nt,my cert will indicate that i am absent for the napfa,which will make my cert damn UGLY!haha..told vivian also,so we will be gg on mon,w ch,i gt some time to train..pls don be lazy indah..

n also,i hv alrdy ordered royal cakes juz now..heh..yummy!strawberry cake..coz im scared that the choc will be too muak for them..the strawberry is juz nice..i bought it n tasted,since i cant taste it nx tues..hopefully the delivery will go well on that day n all will be present..heh..

tmr back to work agn..super sianz!haha..the thot of having to do the same thing eday is boring mann..booo!but nvm..looking fwd to the treat from my mentor tho..heh..til then..i sign off..=)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

of cufflinks,to cards,proj n raya pics..all in 1..haha!

hello!!im updating nthing better to do laa u see...finally i went to town with aisha was raining cats n dogs..but,finally,i got the cufflinks for swee wasnt ez mann,so spoilt with choices..ade byk gile2!!hahaha!n i donno what's his taste like..heh..hmm..anw,hope he likes it..juz a simple yet cool fav clr..haha!hope it's his too..heh..then bought the card left to think wat to buy for the rest of the colleagues..stress...mus buy b4 wed..kang nnt kedia sume da tutup..hahha!

n my dear cousin replied my email alrdy..haha..she's jz soo sweet too laa,that i was moved to tears u kak linda!=)

n i was bz with my multimedia proj..hope all goes well..trying my bez alrdy..they don like it n wanna edit,by all lazy alrdy..pfffttt...

anw,online with zai jz now,n i asked him to send me his raya pics..haha!like after soooo long,finally,i managed to move him to come online n send me..heh..woot!so here u gooo!!nice pics ive got!raya with my sec sch friends are shiokness!=)enjoy...

gosh!im so like mak nenek!

set rambut dulu...

sape diri mane ni??haha! hal ehh fat..

kk..arrangement ni cantik..ok tak??

like FINALLY!!!haha!!nice,black,pink black..pdhal tak janji..

me & nurul..

me & mar..owner of the house..rindu kau sih!!

grp photo..pat ehhh...

me & company..always..hahaha!thx ar girl!

i like this too!!at tiq's house..the nice rose flower drawn by her love, sweet..=)

i like this pic too too!! black n white kann..mcm camouflage..heh..on iman's bed..haha!mate pun da steam jek..heh..

me & fizah..gosh!she's soo pretty now!n soo ladylike!not like me,im still soo kiddy!!

me & tiq..die laa org paling terdekat dgn umah..ape2,kol jek die...hahaha!

til then,i needa sleep mann..12+ laa..tmr monday,cfm a lot of things..damnit..=( monday!

i still love HA! by takuya kimura!gosh!sexxayyyyy!!!!!!!=)

HA! usual,soo long nvr update..heh..coz im jz plain lazy to type after a long day at work..

today is sunday..tmr is monday..n im working..zzzz!!!hate monday v much!this is gg to be the last monday that im gg to hate...hahhhaa!woooot!

anw,this wk has been quite hectic 7& downs,but im taking it against my use's either u can solve it or u sick n tired n i jz wanna wash my hands off it..really..

so thu was my off day,n went to amk hub to meet up w siti..bought specs!at last!for 75 bucks..then watched 27's super nice i tell u..i love romantic comedy..siti bought her canon bigggy camera..hahaha!hady nye pasal,die sanggup..wat else?oh!!i bought gong yoo's dvd!!biscuit teacher n star candy..super nice ok!!!i like!!i love gong yoo now!!like soo much!hahah!but like i said,i still love takuya morreee!!=)(anw,im listening to takuya's Ha song!!gosh!so nice laa then!!but i cant dl!!!arrrgghhhh)

oh bz with my multimedia proj..soon,iap is gg to be over..n im soo HAPPYYY!!but at the same time,a bit sad.i don deny tat..tho at times i juz hate them,but overall,they are really nice ppl..

oh ya!!!sowen n kan came to singapore that day on wed..wooo..heh..gosh!!kan is cute!!tall n big!!haha!really!!gosh!n he knows almost everyone except for me n nicole tan..then he said..

"hi,we have nt met before.u are?"
"oh indah!so u r the one who has been doing my things for me..thx!i'll buy u lunch."

wooot!gosh!!im soo happy that he knows me!!all that constant emails n reminders..heh..this goes to show that im doin my job..n well ok??hahha!i love him!n im soo happy i get to meet him b4 i leave i wish i can meet andy n kelvin too..sowen not that much coz rarely contact him other than yy..anw,nt much abt yy..she's fierce..(rollsss eyess)

okok,gtg for now..wanna siap to head to town to buy my mentor presents..heh..til yaa...will be blogging often soon after nx frid..wooot!=)love u all!!love takuya v much tooo!!!muacks!