Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i wanna b a pop star

wahh!!i love this vid v muchie too coz i love ken hirai tooo!!heh..his songs are nice n i like the genre n style n voice..but takuya's still the best..heh..i like the ending song..i wanna be a pop star...lalalaal.woot!i really2 wanna learn jap mann..seriously..i nvr shopped jz to save money n learn jap..but juz that i donno where to study..hmmm...

Online Videos by Veoh.com

anor one with stevie wonder!!takuya loves soo muchw stay gold..haha!coz he peformed that song u see..heh..awww!soo nice!!!i love it!!it wld hv been better if they sang my cherie amour..

Online Videos by Veoh.com

takuya singing wonderful tonight by eric clapton..awww!!nice!!!i love him playing the guitar!!

Online Videos by Veoh.com

ok,v sleepy alrdy..haha!5 more days to goo!!endure!!!!!!!!=(((

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sleeping forest

as usual,bz n tired as always..h i hv nthing better to do other than watching dvds n listening to smap n youtubing smap..hahahaha!juz bought anor 2 takuya's drama..watched one,sleeping forest..damn nice..a bit scary...beautiful life watched b4..will watch agn soon..hahaha!

n the latest vid in youtube is ayumixsmap..haha!nvr liked ayumi..i juz find the vid nice coz i love smap juz too much!

oh ya..kazuko-san loves smap soo much too..hhaa!she loves yozora no mukou song.heh..n she said after listening to it,she v sleepy..coz too soothing..haha!smap's song,when it's fast,it makes u wanna get up n dance..when sloww,really v shiok!heh..=)

here is the ayumixsmap...love takuya!!

n their 1st single of 2008 coming out!!!MONKEY MAJIK!!wooot!looking fwd to ittt!!!=))

Saturday, January 12, 2008


wow!like finally!!!after a few days of restless nights,juz to complete the damn bloody formal rpt that i hate soo much but the bulk of my gpa will depend on it v much..n finally i hv submitted it..i don care if it's gd or nt..haha!wat matters is i have done n thats that..fullstop..

n like finally,i can resume to normal nights spent watching dvds..haha!watch takuyaaa!!!watch coffee prince!i feel like watching now,fyi..hahahaa!

one more task left to do,and that is the multimedia proj..after that,i hv approx 6mths to slack..wooot!insya-allah,i hope i can continue my studies in the uni..yeap yeap..now,i wanna hv a gd bath and then if not so sleepy,watch a bit of coffee prince..heh..til then..i wanna take a nice bath!!so stickkkkyyyy!!due to the adrenalin rush to submit the rpt by midnite..hahaha!boo!til then..im outta here!

3 more weeks to TOTAL FREEDOM!!!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

indah reporting to u sir!pffftt!

haizzz...report writing is super sianz,esp if u hv peers ard u who r soo enthu abt it n it makes u super stress like wattt..arggghhh!!not gonna myself abt it..juz wanna do my bez n hopefully i can get gpa of 3.5..thats all i ask for mann..haizzz..damnit..

n it's raining now,n gd to sleepp..so i tink i better sleepp..stay up also cant do my rpt..no mood alrdy..hope that i can go hm early tmr so that i can do rpt..or at least nt many work to do so tat i can do my rpt at work too,which i don think is the case..arrggghhh!!til then...

i love this mv sooo much!

Tomodachi e ~ Say What You Will
To My Friends ~ Say What You Will

Saturday, January 05, 2008

juz feel like it..

suddenly,i juz feel like blogging..heh..nothing much to say actually..juz that my mind is full of the final report n im getting sick of it.it's not easy to write mann!damn hard!pfffttt..spent the whole noon juz now wathing coffee prince for the 2nd time..sambil2 tu,gosok baju and kemas almari..bersih sikit almari tuu.heh..

mom went johor with the makciks..hmm..wanna follow,but no space..plus all adults..later boring..heh..so stayed at hm n be a gd girl,do rpt..hahaha!

anw,didnt talk abt wats my new yr resolution rite?heh..not much actually..juz wanna do my bez in eting i do..if i ever get to continue my studies,i wanna do well like how i used to back in sec sch days..poly jgn ckp ar..each sem,teruk terus..hahaha!

wanna share this video w u,i juz love it..takuya is damn gorgeous here..coz of this vid,i bought striped long sleeve juz to be the same as him..haha..gilekan?then i also have a shawl..ah,kene ar tu..my sis n abg ipar layan aku tau,bile i wanna weear like that...haha!they do understand me huh..=)

til then..wanna do a bit more of rpt n continue w coffee prince!!!=)


Hoshizora no Shita de Translations
-Under the Starry Sky-
Further, you grow further away as you wave
But there's nothing I can do
Even if I stretch out my hand, I can't reach
As you get smaller and smaller
Through the window
You always make me realize how much I love you
But it's too late to reach you
My trunk is full of hopes and reams
Now the brakes don't work, I don't regret it
There's only one direction to go
Waiting for me ahead
Is a small, silent, lonely apartment
I've finally gotten a little used to seeing myself in the mirror
Wearing a suit

The days I dreamed of
Weren't supposed to be like this
In the day I've just left behind
I was alone, crushed by the crowd
Without even the courage to see you
At some point we even lost contact
I struggle alone, just to get a little closer to you

When I look up at the starry sky, I think of you
The gentle breeze caressed my cheeks
If someday when I'm old I can still laugh innocently
I hope you'll be by my side looking up at the same starry sky

There was no hesitation
That day when I talked to you in the restaurant
How many cups of coffee did I drink?
"Look, dreams are something you've gotta make come true"
Had you already
Seen everything by then?
I probably looked pathetic
As I desperately explained my ideals
I tried to act cool
Saying, "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"
If I'd known it would come to this
I never would have said those words
Now the raging wind that blows around me
Mercilessly pierces my skin
Why is it that when I've decided to throw everything away for my dreams
All I want to do is run into your arms?

But you'd probably reject me
Even if I could see you now
I'd probably just complain
I've told my heart hundreds of times
That this isn't good enough
As I chase your shadow
And the person I'll become

I wonder if this sky continues to you
I wish I could have gone to see you right now
I want this to reach you before tomorrow comes
All alone, I swore, wishing on a shining star

I'll never hesitate again
I balled my hands into fists
I'll pick up the fallen pieces of stars
And put them back in place again

When I look up at the starry sky, I think of you
The gentle breeze caressed my cheeks
If someday when I'm old I can still laugh innocently
I hope you'll be by my side looking up at the same starry sky

Friday, January 04, 2008

putera kopi

ok,i hope it's nt too late to wish hny..haha!been lazy to update ar..work is fine,sometimes unfine..donno wanna continue for anor mth or nt..donno cant stand or nt..but the money ar..wah!1.6k ehh after deducting cpf..heh..shall see hw..hmm...haizz...more n more of smap..gg crazyyy over smap..over takuya..haha!i don care,don give it a damn,don give it a hoot wat ppl has gt to say abt them...pffffTtttt!heh..

haha!i......can give u anything....wooot!takuya damn cute cann?we he did the gatsby rubber!haha!

i love this sooo much!takuya sings damn welll!n played the guitar..awww!soo sweett!

n i love this too...how takuya sang with all his might..dgn penuh smangat..awww!1973 damn nice!hah!shingo is cute too,with that specs..hahaha!

oh ya!!n i love coffee prince tooo!awwww!gong yoo is sooo hawt ok???after ldw..heh..thats for my list of hot korean guys..hottest of the hottest is still my dear takuya kimura..=)

white love story..awww!

ok,n im nt being cikopek or wat..but this is scene is superrrr nice!the girl juz ran to his house to make love,coz she's leaving for italy soon..awww!heh..wooot!damn funnnyyy scene in the morning..whahahaha!