Wednesday, September 26, 2007

my 1st pay..woot! long nvr usual,im tired n lazyy to come online..heh.. has been better i think..getting used to it..more daring to email the traders n make call to brokers..but still not daring enough to make calls to counterparties..haha!

sy also ok..i like cann..heh..woot!haha!n i was juz told by my colleague that im quiet..haha!ya laa!wat to talk rite??we r nt in the same also quiet..both my left n rite also quiet..who can i talk to rite??tsk..n claire was saying i can compete with sy to see who is keeping quiet most of the time..haha!funny ar..lolol!!so,if i meet u,pardon me if im noisy..deprived of making noise at work ar..haha!jgn mcm fhm!heh..

oh ya..n i received my 1st pay alrdy..happy!!heh..wanna save some,spend some..wanna give mom some too..wanna shop for working clothes,shoes n bags..for raya my bills..waduh!!1k enggak ckp sih!haha!

ok la..til happy to keep in touch with ah qiqi..heh..til then..wanna rest liao..heh..tmr gt appt with gcw..tired sia..okok..3words all!muacks!=))

Friday, September 21, 2007

ramen ten..thx!

wowowowowowoweeeeeeeeee!heh..i juz love frid laa..looking fwd to end of work..heh..n somehow,i ended quite early i shld was like shooing me away..heh..maybe coz it's frid,n i had been staying back lately due to large volumes of verification to do,n him gg away for training..heh..n jz now,really nt much work..then i tink i know y..he did some of the verifications..hahaha!thx a way,i like it when he smiles or laughs..heh..changhong said that his looks nt bad..of course!!haha!to me n him i said,n i cant emphasise this enough,i love him in specs!!his specs is esprit some more!woot!i like!lolol!heh..k im madd..don bother mee..

niwaes..juz now changhong treated to ramen ten..woot!yup!ramen ten juz opened at harbour front..coolios..but jz now,my tummy was nt at the bez condition,n i cant finish my wasted..lucky changhong helped me finished it up..if nt,wasted sia..still got the handroll..i tapau hm..n still haven eat..heh..maybe later..cant waste..ex u know..2.50 siaa..heh..

then..i think somehow,i gt the hang of my job..everyday,stare at the 2 bloody PCs,with all the papers with soo many currencies n numbers n counterparties n brokers n banks from all over..haha!omg!thank god i enjoyed least enjoy a bit tho..haha!imagine if i dread my so gg to die!heh..i'd rather study..heh..

bt somehow,i still haven really clique well with my dept..donno y leh..maybe still early?or maybe the environment?i donno..sume cinonet..walaupun da biase kat sch,tapi bile kat keje,mcm lain ar..ntah laa ehh..i hope i can clique with them..or at least sy..haha!sial arr!mentel nyee aku!heh..nah..but im fine..i jz go there to work,gain the experience n graduate..heh..

tmr i hv society..sunday i will be buke-ing at my nenek's house..looking fwd to it..soo long nvr see my cousins..miss them as much..

soo many things to do yet so lil time..really..aiyayaya...let me list a few to keep in mind..

-constantly keep in touch with society
-buke with my 5gals
-buke with the ains n gang
-do my hair
-uat kuih raya
-kemas umah
-shopping for my room's stuff

sheesh!ok laa..think i end here leh..wanna do my rpt siaa..zzz..haizz...heh..til missing soo many ppl badly..maybe coz im too quiet at work i need to rant n talk..hahaha!kk..ciaoz!bye!nitez!3words my beloved!!whoever u are..hahaha!=)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

aching all over!n i wan sleep!

tired,shagged,stress,bored,sick..thats wat im feeling rite now..the high volumes are making me madd n crazyy..either my eyes are gg to pop out soon,or close soon..lolol!!

booo!im missing soo many ppl!!=)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

got my raya shoes!!weee~

weet!finally,i gt my raya shoe from charles&keith..weet!happyness!thx aisha for the company..n i also bought mascara from faceshop..woot!my lashes will be damn long n curly..i like!woot!haha!

ystd was meeting in sch plus running with christina..heh..shiokness!i took 16.10min for 2.4km..aiming to run for 14min..heh..mcm leh gitu..insya-allah leh..heh..if i wanna take napha,i make sure i can do my standng broad jump seh..tsk..thx christina for the company n sending me hm too after acc me for the run..=)

tmr is work agn..zzzz...n after that meeting agn in sch w mr lee..long day mann tmr..sheesh!penat..tahan jek laa..

got soo many plans..but donno when will i b able to do it..i wanna buke with the 5girls..with ain..bile nii aku nk gii?heh..n i also need to kemas my room too..heh..hmm..tgk laa ehh mcm mane..stress aku dibuatnye..

ive yet to start in my periodic rpt..mendak dok..zzz..oh mann!nature's calling mee...haha!gtg then..til all!=)3words!

Friday, September 14, 2007

results out!

TGIF!!haha!frid,the day that i always look fwd to..away from!shiokness mann!haha!n today was the day i gt my results..i thot that im gg to do damn hand was shaking when i wanna type in my student no n password..but alhamdulillah,i passed..tho nt flying clrs..heh..only one A..n the rest Bs and B+..but bloody hell i gt C+ plus for stupid IS..damnit..tsk..IS is really waste time laaa!argh!anyways..over juz forget it..wat matters most is that i can graduate next!haha!

bt wat chang hong said was's nt abt whether u clever or's a matter of whther u put in effort when hard u smart too..even if u r clver,but nvr put in effort,u will be the same like those who nvr study..but u know wat?i think ive done my best n im happy with it..heh..

anyways..was reading this article in TODAY paper ystd,abt live the simple life..thats juz wat i wan,maybe nt now,but soon..when im settling down with a family..haha!juz wanna share..can the money we earn replace the intangibles that we have missed out on in our materialistic pursuit?

..thru the long hours n a lot of hardwork..had many of the trappings in the modern lifestyle,but we didnt hv the time,n sometimes nt even the energy to enjoy them..n even worse,we had lil or practically no time for ourselves..

it's nt surprising that divorce rate is increasing..ppl sacrifice their r/ships rather than work,which eats in to their personal time..

tiem to think n ponder everyone..=)

til then..ciaoz!3words all!=)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ngantok babe!

omg laa!damn sleepy sia at work juz now..tak leh carry dok!no many trades came in..i was so damn bored..some more i juz stayed in..heh..

swee yong damn funny laa..ade ke die tanye am i ok without lunch..haha!wat a qn..pas tu tanye i gt go out n walk walk or nt..muke aku jln sorg2 kat vivo?haha!kekek dpt ar..malu sih..lain laa klu dgn ehem ke..sape2 ke..haha!

like at last,tmr is frid!im soo happy!work is stressing n boring at times..unless u hv the rite ppl by ur side..heh..aku ni sume laa shiok sgt..takde kaki mly nk bbl mly..sheesh!no common topic u see..

my eyes wanna close alrdy also..nanti nk bangun sahur..blm gosok baju..tido pun cantik..heh..til then..aku nk tido!!zzzz...3words all..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


oookkk..nt much to update..all day work..juz some random things to share..

u know..sometimes on the way hm in the bus,i wa thinking of my future hubby,whoever he is..haha!sometimes,i thot that if my hubby works in the same line as me..u know,in the banking and finance sector,how cool is that!haha!n he dresses damn smartly..u know..with cufflinks..wowowow!kk..u shld know who im talking abt here..haha!guys who dresses smartly,wears specs..wowow!haha!but,on the other end,if he is like my bro in law,in the engineering sector,also nt bad..haha!if u know who im talking abt too..haha!wat matters most is that he muz hv a stable job n doesnt depend on me..n of course!i wotn depend on him..both my sis and bro-in-law said that we shldnt depend on be able to stand on our own feet..heh!yes mdm n sir!heh..

talking abt work..i donno if i wan to work in the banking line..u know ar,i knock off at near 7 u know,when im suppose to go hm at 6..ok,im nt juz thinking if this is wat i wan in future..u wanna work in the bank,this is wat u'll expect..late working!i donno if this is wat i wan..aku nk kawin n ade anak sehh..haha!hmm..entah ehhh..

anyways..cite cine kul 7 is shiok!but too bad i cant catch it..i only managed the last 5mins of it..lolol!

oh ya..puasa is tmr..i wanna try to lose some wt..haha!aisha n i had a bet..those who nvr lose wt will have blanje mkn..hahaha!ok ar girl!set ar!talking abt puasa,suspect hari2 aku buke dlm bus siol!haha!

oh ya..back to dear mentor is gg for a 4days training next wk..n im gg to cvr some of his duties..argh!im nt that prepares mann!ohh noo!praying hard that all goes well for mee..i made some mistakes here n there n after that,phobia!!n i hate hongkies!fullstop!bluek!

last bt nt least..juz wanna share some quote..

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..=)

til yaa!3words all!slamat berpuasa too!

Friday, September 07, 2007

m hotel

wooot!soo long nvr update..haha!tired lazy let me start on tues..

tues was the 1st day of word..shiok shiok!!food was also shiok!haha!altho i nvr eat the buffet spread..desserts were shiok enough..woot!heh..the whole day was shiok laa..though the biz presentation was dead sleepy..some wwas funnn tho..made new friends..ok least at work,when we see each other,we smiled..heh..kevin chay rox k!woot!gonna miss him..i like the way he calls my name..haha!good stuff n excellent are his fav words..LOLOL!damn funny n shiok!

wed was the 2nd day of equal funn!bentley william rocks like helll too mann!nicola tooo!omg!hahaha!im soo lazy to elaborate here tho..haha!but the 2days of induction was shiok n it was a gd break from ething..some funn n slackong b4 work starts..

so work started for me officially ystd..heh..i love my mentor cann?hw i wish he can be more outspoken..=)..guess he's jz too quiet..heh..i rmbred him asking me y i move or sit so far away when he came to my table to teach me's nt that laa juz making way for u..haha..i wanna sit close to uuuu tooo!i like ur scent!haha..i sounded sick rite..haahah!he always asked me if im ok,the load ok or nt..or if i hv any probs..such a caring mentor..definitely v diff from my last attachment..swee yong rox ok??heh..=p

n today work as per normal too..i think im too tired to blog more..haha..all i can say is in working life,this is wat u will always wan to look out is lunch..2 is knockoff time..3 is weekends..hahaha!

tmr will be anor long day for soo dead noww..haizz..til then..ciaoz..3words all..

Monday, September 03, 2007

millions of dollars!

wooot!!alhamdulillah 1st day wat work went ok..i took bus there n i reached super early at 8.10..LOL!coz i was super scared of traffic jam,so i went out early,to experiment the timing..heh..

sharon n swee yong are friendly and helpful..glad to have them as my manager n mentor respectively..the experience here in merrill is definitely diff and far much better than back at AHA.. in charge of back office operations..juz wat i like to may sound mundane n bored,but that's wat i like..heh..but im nt a boring person okkkk??=p..

didnt do much today coz much wasnt!i was soo bored to death,i closed my eyes at some pt of time..hahaha!really sia!i cant juz sit down n do nothing!

they asked along 4 lunch..which is cool..=)we ate at thai express..ok laa..not that special n nice..mcm kedai kopi nye mknan..haha!tapi takpe..esther duit aku..heh..thx esther!oh oh!!i think i kinda hv a fetish over swee yong..wahaha!when i saw him for the 1st time that frid,i didnt really find him that gd-looking..but juz now..omgg laa!hahaha!handsomee!maybe coz the way he dresses..i love guys in formal wear u see..haha!tk sume org sajak kai gitu.wats more,he wears specs!!i love guys in specsss!hahaha!reminds me of roger sia..heh..ohoh!!n he is soo softspoken..a bit shy2 also..haha!he talks super soft laa!i muz be soo near him to hear him speak..haha!i deaf laa cann?tsk..heh..lucky he has nice scent..woot!heh..sial laa!pe mentel akuu!wahaha!so,all i hope is that the next days will be better..i will be stuck there for 5mths plus,so i hope i do learn sthing form there..=)..praying hard..

oh..n he's from ngee ann too..major in maybe that explains his quiet-ness..maybe..hahaa!but wonder y he goes into banking n finance..hmm..*pondering*..

anyways..tmr n wed will be induction day..sort of introduction to M hotel some more sia..woot!heh..soo..relax n chill 1st b4 real work starts..i'll deal with millions!haha!slamatt dok!

ok laa..til then..tmr wanna sing k!woot!heh..wanna hv a gd sleep..most probably,i will be taking train there..heh..coz i wanna wake up later..heh..pemalas sakk!k la k la..3words all!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

scholarship? beyond my reach..

ok...half a day wasted in sch..hmm.not really a waste laa..haha..coz i attended the scholarship training,whereby i got to know more abt scholarships that are offered to poly students,n hw u go abt preparing urself for much for attending n spent half a day there,chances of me getting the scholarship??i think zero lorr..hahaha!really!considering after gg thru this sem,scholarship is beyond my reach..unless a miracle happens or sthing..i donno..heh..

after that..thot that i wanna accompany siti..but ended up,i was soo super lazyy laa..sorry ar kak..jauh malas n penat n no the end,i went running with nurul at clementi stadium..shiok shiok!!heh..seriously,it's soo nice to run with ipod..heh..=)

after that,reached hm,relax time..n i watched 13 gg on of my all time fav movie..shiok mann!the movie is oh so damn sweeet cann?heh..seriously,love soo strong..hw i admire that..i teared when both of them expressed their love for each other..for more than 20 over yrs,since elementary sch,matt has nvr not in love with strong..awwwww!i love mark ruffalo laa!in a way,he was somewhat hot in that show..hahaha!tho hairy..wahahha!who cares?hahaha!this movie really rox!!some snapshots below..awwww!i wanna be in someone's arm too!haha!

jenna:i love u..
matt :ive always loved u...
 soo damn lazy to do my!n i donno wats the plan for tmr,or rather,!i soo much wanna see that..but somehow,my heart mcm heavy to see..i donno y..has the feeling fade away or sthing?i donno..=(..