Friday, August 31, 2007


wahhhh..super damn tired today...that goes to show hw unfit i can be..haha..juz ran 2.4km,which is 6 laps of track..da pancit..n my timing is 16.44minutes...oh mann!no gd no gd!nt my standard..nvm..slowly..all i need is to run more regularly n improve each time i run..i believe i can do it..mau tak mau jek..heh..

it was fun running juz now u know..heaven..heh..ran at ard clementi stadium's track..with tiq n nurul..woke up as early as 5.45am jz to ke smangat name die?hahaha!i ran while listening to my ipod..the feeling i shiok..really..more running plsss!heh..then after running,jz did a bit of sit-ups..heh..yg senang2 jek..nk step mane nye athelete ntah ehh..wahahaha!

after that,reached hm to get ready to go to the airport to send my partner off..tapi tk jadi..ade laa org2 yg buih laa..org2 yg lbt laa..aku mls gile nk lyn..da tk kuasa..igt de janji mly jek..janji cinonet pun de..bingit aku..sheesh!da laa..boring ar..da boring,tido..heh..penat berlari..heh..

pas tu,last min plan,nk turun bestway building to buy tix for the salam lebaran..went with aisha n nurul..kecoh dok kat sane!!they only accept cash,n we r short of 20cents!pathetic 20cents only lehhh...hahahah!so,we had to go and withdraw at MAS..somehow,in the lift,this kind soul was asking us we needed to draw money n asked by how much..when we told him we need juz 20cents,he went...doinkz..hahahaha!then he said,"aiya,20cents only..come ar i give u...."whahaha!thx ar bro!u rocks ar bro!wahahah!then we went upp agn n paid..hahaha!anor funny thing was aisha n i were super kebetulan over there has vending machine..n the snacks are super cheap!mamee is only 10cents! we juz bought..nt knowing that by rite u cant buy..hahahaha!we bought liao,then the receptionist was like telling us we cant go over wth laa..u didnt put any sign or barrier saying u cant go there,who know sia??so we juz go ar..alamak!i hate the receptionist soo much laa cann?idiot shittt!argh! nk lyn die..kite da beli pun..sorry..hahahaha!

after that,headed to suntec to eat..heh..after that,walked ard at the IT fair..then headed hm..n here i am..super tired..haizz...ria is playing anuar zain's new song..damn nice..i've always love anuar zain..reminds me of that some1 singing mungkin..he sure can sing laa..awwww...mesmerising mee laa..heh..

oh yaaa...untukmu selamanya,ungu's latest album..damn nice!!muz muz listen!!heh..=p ungu roxx!woot!heh..

ok ar..wanna sleep soon..tmr scholarship training from 8.30-6.30..gawdd...mendak dokk!slamat ar..heh..after that,hopefully can play badminton..=)til then..3words all..

Thursday, August 30, 2007

joggggiiinnnnggggg laaaaaa!

hmmm...funn day i shld the same time,i regret sooo much today for nt gg jogging with!i thot it was gg to rain heavily laaa..i even asked mak 1st whether it's gg to rain the whole day..hahaha!like mak will know like that,since ain had car with her,aisha asked me along to follow ain president to make her pass for her attachment..fikir byk kali ni sblm uat the end,gi jugak..haha..aku adelah harap2 hujan lbt gile..skali tk..reda sehh!aduh!sakit hati dong dibuatnye..hmm..mungkin de hikmah disebaliknye..haha!mcm fhm!heh..anyways,bile lagii sih mau jog sama si dia?!?!?!?booo..

anyways..after that,we went to west coast to eat..yummy!!heh..tgk!bertuah tul!org adelahh nk jog,lead healthy lifestyle,ni tk..melantak!hahahah!takpe2..make sure this is the 1st n the last..haha..ckp jek..

then..we lepak2 at west coast park..takde keje,we did an mv for ourselves..hahahah!satu2 emooo sehh!hahaha!we did an mv to,i donno the song!main komat kamit jek ar..hahah!then we step to do magic,like the show ilusi..LOLOL!seriously,mcm tkde keje..hahahah!pas tu main obstacle laa..ala2 mcm kids at work..if u rmb that kids central show back then..heh..kite menang!!yeahhh!tag team with aisha..heh..

it was 6+ alrdy,then we juz hangout for a while at short,i had super funn!heh..thx ain,ain n aisha..hahahaha!shiok klu org de kete..heh..

wanna spend my last few days having funn b4 i go for attachment..soo..donno wats the plan for tmr..waiting for tiq to call me..whether she's free to play badminton or jogg..then donno whther i wanna send ahqiqi n jeetjeet or not..booo!pls tiqq..cpt laa call akuu..heh...

i seriously wanna workout n run constantly..wanna keep fit n healthy..wanna stop putting on weight..hmm..but i donno ehh..hmm..ish!nk jaga badan punnn susah..amcm niii?hahaha!nk jaga mkn pun susah seh..ishhh!i try..time puasa,nanti pandai2 ar jage..lagi2 nanti da keje,asyik terperap dlm office..kene workout slalu sih..heh..

hmm..ok laa..i think til so bored to deathh now..somebody,entertain meeee plsss!booo!3words all!

me myself n i..indah..

Your view on yourself:

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

shiok arrr!

wowowowowweeee!super duper funn la deh nari!hahaha!thxx soo much girlfriends for all the fun!omg!hanging out dgn korg power gilerr laa babe!im gonna miss the funn v muchie!

i left hm as early as 945 coz aisha fetched me to sch..she had attachment briefing while i had to meet mr lee to get the prom budget n submit it to finance..heh..

after that,we went to fetch nani n tiq laa..pas tu..hujan lebat gile babii dok!serious!kite tk npk langsung road tu!nt even the markings on the,we juz tag along the lorry in front of us..

da exit rochor rd,our cashcard noo moneyy!!omgomg!haha!panic stricken laa thenn!hahaha!then sesat!lost!we went to donno where ar..all roads we went!all expressways too!LOL!then,we passed by hospitals too!from kk,to tts,to mt e..whahaha!damn funny cann??!?!?LOLOL!!then,we topped up the cash card at some petrol kiosk,n somehw,found ourselves in we ended up in town instead of bugis..LOLOL!we had lunch at ramen ten..

after that,shopping time!wah!shoppin sakan kao!hahaha!we gt q few tops n bags..satu beli,sume beli..haha!sehati sejiwa laa katekan..heh..i got myself 3tops,1 bottom n 1 bag..maut gile dok!haha!i spent $84 bucks for all that..then,plus car n food,altogether was $113..n now,bankruptcy!!hahaha!tapi takpe..nk sedapkan hati nye pasal,duit tk leh bw mati..heh..jadi,blanje jeee laa..heheh..

ok,so after shopping,we went to fetch mar from her workplace..then headed to bugis..heh..smp bugis,cant find parking!aisha was already damn pissed n stressed..chill laa,we ended up parking near nafa..heh..

then walked ard bugis village n nani,aisha n me got ourselves bottoms..=)mar was hungry,so we went to eat..yummy!heh..

after that,tired liao..headed hm lor...hahaha!

it was fun..really..n u know wat aisha?u drive power laa!if u wanna compare urself w me,aku haprak,i hope that this wont discourage u from driving anymore..pelan2 blj ar ok?heh..chill babe!u rox ar!50sen,50sen!!LOLOL!!

n to nani,tiq n mar..i hope u had fun too!we shld go out more often yaa?maybe insya-allah,kite kuar time buke puasa kee..=)

n now im v tired..heh..i feel like jogging tmr..shall see how..the weather's not gd lately u see..hmm..i will b staying at hm the whole day most probably..which i think it's gd..coz im broke!boo!

til then..i wanna like rest?hahaha..shall be posting up photos sooon i guesss...=)3words all then..=)

im missing those funn times alrdy..really...=)

Monday, August 27, 2007

break! time at the camp..a gd break from ething i shld say..tho at some time pt of time,i didnt like it..shant say much in details here..

anywoots..tmr will b gg out with the girlfriends!yahoo!heh..wats more,we hv a carr!!looking fwd to it v muchie!=)

til then..3words all..

thats it?til here?no more?we cant?=((

Yakinkan aku Tuhan
Dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu waktu
Hapus aku

Sadarkan aku Tuhan
Dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu waktu
Hapus aku

Thursday, August 23, 2007

it's over..once agn..

omg!!!finally it's overrr laaa!im super duper damn happy laa thenn!!treasury was ok..wat i didnt study didnt came out..alhamdulillah is all i can say..berkat dr allah..u know what?when i salam-ed my mak juz now b4 gg out,i asked her to pray for mee..guess berkat doa tu termakbul..i did put my always,i can always do better than that..=))..i believe..

tmr is the seazzle looking fwd to it..hope that it will be funn..after so long,finally i get to go for a camp,rather than organizing it..heh..

when queensway for a while to get fbt shorts..hahah!n i bought 2 siaa!coz when i bought the black one alrdy,i saw the white with green stripes..damn nice!then i buy lorr!hahaha!nthing better to do rite??heh.. so happy now..gotta enjoy myself b4 i start my attachment..til gg to....sing??hahaha!yeah!til then..ciaoz!=))

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


ok..i needa blog..hahaha!paper was fine juz now..i can do,but i donno if my answers are correct..format was almost the same as past yr's paper..all i can say is more to gooo tmr n tmr is a killer n hell yeah!i feel like screwing up the paper sometimes..

heh..but coz of someone out there,i wanna persevere n endure til the end..considering this is the last paper im taking in my whole poly life,im gonna give my best shot!my deary beautiful eyes..*ehem*..pls don close..hahaha!

had a short chat with him..n i like!!hahaha!pendek pun pendek ar..yg penting bez chat dgn die..i like it when ppl actually end their sentence with ok..u get wat i mean?like for an eg..go study okie?mcm manje gitu..hahaha!prasan nyee aku!haha!klu aku tak prasan,sape pulak kan nak prasankan utk aku..hahahaa!oh oh!n he said that frid im not free..y ehh?when i ask whther is it coz of the camp,he said no..he juz said im nt free..aiseh..wat does he mean sia?hahhaha..meh laa aku shiok sendiri..woot!heh..

ok..til here..lets mugg for the last time babeh!=p..

forever missing him..

gantung by melly goeslaw

Ku harus menemui cintaku
Mencari tahu hubungan kita
Apa masih atau tlah berakhir

Kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
Kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
Maunya apa ku harus bagaimana
Sampai kapan kau gantung
Cerita cintaku memberi harapan
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu

Detik-detik waktu pun terbuang
Teganya kau menggantung cintaku
Bicaralah biar semua pasti

Tentunya hubungan cinta denganmu
Membuat ku sakit
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


when mugging gets bored..this is wat indah does..the sun is soo oh b-e-a-utiful..=)

mcm cine masuk islam..LOL!!my cutie yaqin..=)

you may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person..

every one bad thing you know about that person, there are 9 more good things that you'll find out about him/her..

bersama bintang-drive

senja kini berganti malam
menutup hari yg lelah
dimanakah engkau berada
aku tak tahu dimana

pernah kita lalui semua
jerit, tangis, canda, tawa
kini hanya untaian kata
hanya itulah yg aku punya

tidurlah selamat malam
lupakan sajalah aku
mimpilah dalam tidurmu
bersama bintang

sesungguhnya aku tak bisa
jalani waktu tanpamu
perpisahan bukanlah duka
meski harus menyisakan luka

Monday, August 20, 2007


OMG!!!damnit!!!investment paper was a killer!!IM SO GOING TO DIE LIKE SHIT!!!all i can do now is pray hard that i will juz pass the paper..i don aim an A or B..C or D will choice!!

now,im worried over TR..CFAS still ok i guess..but TR is definitely another killer..die die die!!i hv to start studying for TR now mann..n tmr chiong for CFAS...damn shitty semester..i hate it soo damn mucchhhiiie!

anyways..after the iv paper..went to study with ain n aisha..then another ain came along n join in too..after that,bored liao,we went to the library n played the games..shiok shiok!we played Imaginiff n Taboo..wahahah!damn funny n shiok like hell yeah!LOLOLOL!!hanging out with them is as fun too..

n ain is a pesilat also..n she knows at least we hv some things in common.=) least wont feel awkward..then we went to west coast to eatt!! dman full like..woohoo!!haha!went with mail..their silat gang also..along with some other guys..mail's friend..yeah!!we hv a car u shiok laa!!thx soo much ain for the ride!i likkee!!when the hell can i drive like her??hahaha!so much for having license alrdy..but still doesnt dare to!heh..

ok laa..enough of funn n is back to studying!!i think im gg to take a short nap 1st..heh..wish me luckss mann!i hate examsss!sickkk!!=(((

n im sure i wanna hv a longer chat with him..really..very much missed..=)

n i wanna watch him play soccer too..when will i get the chance agn??

~kekasih gelapku by ungu

ku mencintaimu lebih dari apapun
meskipun tiada satu orang pun yg tahu
ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku
meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku

yakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintaku
yg kucari slama ini dalam hidupku
dan hanya padamu kuberikan sisa cintaku
yg panjang dalam hidupku

ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku

meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku
ku mencintaimu lebih dari apapun
meskipun tiada satu orang pun yg tahu
ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku
meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku

kekasih gelapku

Sunday, August 19, 2007


wowowowoowoww weeeee!!!omggg!!today is super duper funnn mannn!studying with mar n the library was damn shiokk!hahaha!

when we were alrdy damn bored and tired of studying,n there was not that many ppl in the library,we shot ourselves for MV..hahahaa!really takde keje!!we formed a band called MK..haha!aisha's creation..MK stands for Minah Kampong..LOLOLOL!!n we sang to hapus aku by nidji..before that,we sang sudah..hahaha!im the drummer,aisha's the guitarist and marinah's the singer/soloist..hahahah!damn funny like shittt!hahaha!i likeee!!

LOLOL!!emo siaa!!red red,hair long long..sajak sungguh!

yeahh!tu dia!!MK!!hahaha!mcm fhm!see how engrossed n smangat we are..hahahaha!

that wasnt enough..we packed our bags and headed to KBOX!!hahahah!n we sang and sang and sang..super damn funnnyyy!!hahaha!i like laaa!wa lao!!more singing pls!heh..we r gg to sing our hearts out on thurs,after our last paper..n before we go for the seazzle camp on frid night..weee!

n the funny thing is that aisha only knows malay songs..n i know most english aisha can only go to cash studio..situ byk lagu mly..KBOX takdak ar..hahaha!anyways..still loads of funn tho..n that costed us 96.51!!omg!!near a hundred lehh!crazzyyyy!!bankrupt!!=((

nvm..needa start saving...til then..still..

Saturday, August 18, 2007

marsala pizza..

super duper funnn!!hahaha..studied with aisha in sch agnn..heh..coz she wanna repair her lappy,so i accompanied her..n we studied too..studied a lot sia..heh..tho we chat here n there..shiok shiok!heh..

ard 5+,hungry..atrium no more food,we headed to student plaza n rombak cheers..haha!n we tried this pizza..n it turned out this way coz we microwaved it for 10mins..LOLOL!!ni laa name nye marsala pizza..LOL!!ohoh!!n the makcik at the cashier thought that im chinese..heh..mly laa cik..LOLOL!

it's super duper hard let me tell ya..ewww!how gross can that bee..wahaha!

wahahaha!sempat pose...
then we continued studying all the way til 930..tired siaa...halfway,we actually bought redbull to energise ourselves..waahahah!mcm fhm jekk kann kite..heh..funny sia..then..a bit mendak alrdy,cam whore...wahahaha!each photo,confirm got funny caption..hahaha!
ok..i like this..most perfect i gues..heh..pose with redbull..

ni aisha mcm pirate..hahahah!mate sblah mane gii?haha!

ok..i like this too..coz i look nice..hahahah!prasan!

ni aisha kate rambut br habis roman..hahahaha!mcm sialll!!dgn sape ehh?hahahaha!shant say here..ewwwww!LOL!

see how hardworking we are...thank you..heh..

n here i am blogging..i need some time off mann..i think i hv enough of PLB in my head..zZz..all the bez to mee mann tmr..i donno..tawakal jekk..ive studied wat i shld hv..klu kuar ape yg aku tk blj,slamat pengantin baru ar!!argghhh!!
til then..ciaoz...=))3words..muakcz!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


aiseh mannn...guess i can forget abt that wishful thinking part of mee..

juz let nature takes its course and ill go with the flow..

let's snap back to reality..

im fine with it..=)

STUDDDYYYYY!!!AARRRGGGHHH!!!=(((('s wayyy too fasssttt..tskk..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

random stuff

alhamdulillah my studies are progressing...*clapppsss*..

my sleeping hrs are weird's 5am-11am almost's nicer to study at night i guess..n i hv the wind,the fan,the radio,n the hp beeping which means aisha was sms-ing me..hahaha!kite 2 btl takde keje nk uat..wahahah!

n yess life's bored..i hate to the core..a waste of my precious time..tsk.i cant wait for 23rd mann..really..oh ya..n i got my PLB's proj result..we scored at i hope i can get an average B for will be much better if i can get A though..heh..=)

n im down with a bloodyy runny nose..tsk..irritating..haizz..ARGGHH!

n let me tell you finance sucks!!argh!forver rejecting my MOB..go n die laa!wt* mann!!argghh!til then..faster come 23rd!!!

n oh oh!!im also looking fwd to the don disturb meee!i wanna get away from anything n ething on that day..i wan nthing but the company of my 5girlfriends..*winkz*..=)so don plan anything on that day yaa..heh..thx..woot!

til then..3words..

im sick..sick of ething..n how i wish i can be your friend,your companion,your listening ear,be there when u need help..that's all im asking for..or is it wayy to fast to start off with?i donno..i alrdy made the

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a quick one..promise..hahaha!

ok..indah is soo degil..she juz cant stop herself from on-ing her lappy..hahaha!very tempting laa..heh...anyways..juz a quick update..

went to study with aisha in sch..n we waited for the bloody 52 for frigging 45 minutes laa!wth laa!soo super duper damn pissed..nasib laa aku puasa..jadi sabar..cobaan laa katekan..heh..

then studied,n crapped ard..with aisha ard,i will laugh non stop like a mad woman.haha!thx for making me laugh ehh..smp nk pecah perut aku..=p..

then break fast at fish&co..yummylicious..seafood platter is shiok!heh..super damn kenyang..smp nk ekk-ekk..hahahaah!while at fish&co,there's this song,real love by massira or whoever the singer is..damn nicce!!n n!!my fav!!if i let u go by westlife..oh mann..i really wanna hear the song agnn!!heh..shant say here y..paiseh sia..hahaha!n ive been hearing mariah carey's song lately..hmm..maybe shld get the cd from my sis..i like her too!=D..

been stress lately with the exams..hence lotsa breakouts..n i juz found a strand of white hair..heh..da tuaa kot..pfftt..heh..

n i get to know more abt him today..thx ehh sha for the info..mann..stalker sia!i prefer to remain like this..really..watching someone from much as i wan to be closer to i donno how to..if aisha can be close to him..then i leh??how how??tsk..ahh!like i said,i better concentrate on my exams 1st..heh..aku ckp jekk,tapi tk uat..tsk..

k la k laa..blj!!!argh!!heh..wish me lucks mann!n to gg to like disturb u whenver i hv updates..hahaha!slamat!!heh..3words all my dearest!=)

Monday, August 13, 2007

pics galore

the pics are enough to show how happy i was that night..thx gals!muacks!

while waiting for fat..

in the train to the airport..=p

@ popeye..i looked juz like the chicken..LOL!

the remains..LOL!

bon voyage!thx for sending us..LOLOL!

aiseh..kul brp niii?

mane aje sky train die..penat seh..baru turun flight..aiseh..

mar!i love u!LOLOL!looks like i wanna kiss her huh?LOL!

me & mar..

with fat...she treated us chocs coz she was late..heh..thx!

lastly..with aisha..=)

enjoyable night...=))))

Sunday, August 12, 2007

where where??

pffffftttt...i hate weekends laaa..not many shows on the tv..boringgg!i ended up on-ing n off-ing my tv..then sleep..then awake,then sleep..omg laaa!n this continued til 6+..i juz cant studyyy mann!damnit!n now,here i am blogging aimlessly..tsk tsk tsk..

i think i really wanna try studying the whole night tonight,n finish up TR..haizz..tmr studying in sch with aisha..maybe start on IV..hope can cvr a few soo gg to the back of my mind,i always say that since this is my last exam,i shld do my bez n put in my fullest effort..but..see laa.tsk..maybe coz the paper is not nearing sure ppl ard me hv alrdy start studying..haiz..where is the enthu indah???where is the indah who study 24/7 when exam's nearing?haizz..i seriously donno whats happening to me..sheesh!!i seriously need to buck uppp mannn!someone pls!!shoot meee!!=p..

i really cant wait for the next 2wks to pass,n get it done and over with..looking fwd to a better time..=)

til then..gotta mugggggg!!!!

boo..missed it yet agn..another opportunity gone..

love at first sight

coup de foudre~love at first sight..

cinta terakhir-ari lasso
sedalam samudra t’lah aku selami
setinggi langit di angkasa t’lah aq arungi
sepanjang kehidupanku aku mencari
sebentuk kelembutan hati cinta sejati

kini….usai sudah segala penantian panjangku
setelah temukan dirimu duhai kekasihku
hanya…di hatimu ‘kan kulabuhkan hidupku
karena kau..lah..cinta terakhirku

Berjuta kejora terangi gelap malamku
tetap tak seindah cahaya mata hatimu

n i like this soong super muchh!

n i neeeed to studyyyyyyyyy!!!!

at to chat..tho for a while..=)..

Saturday, August 11, 2007

i popeye the sailorman..

woohoo!!indah is super duper happy todayyy!super! make up for the boredom i had ystd..i had super duper funn thx to christina,aisha,fat n mar!!yeahh!!heh..

tho i felt bad coz mum had to do painting by herself,i will make up tmr by doin the laundry n cleaning the house..=)

anyways..met christina at far east n headed to get havainas!!(if that's how u spell it..)shiok shiok!!this sandal i bought is to make up for the slipper that git licked by the dog..damnit..heh..n im buying one more!heh..wait til i hv the money..n the funny thing is that the guy didnt believe that im 20..for gdness sake,he said that i looked 14!wahahah!r u trying to be funny??LOLOL!at least if he said that im 16 or 17,still ok laa..14???wah!then,back then when i was 14,i looked like 12?wahahaha!funny 49.90 flew away juz like that..heh..when attachment starts,i muz save,save n save!!100$ each mth at least..=)..i try ok?heh..

after that,donno where to go,settled at far east n ate at ramen last...woohoo!!i got to eat at ramen ten..n i hd super spicy ramen..shiok shiok!=)then ordered fried squid..shiok shiok!!ate it with mayo!!wowowow!after that,had turkish ice cream at anatolia..i didnt know far east has that..heh..shiok shiok!!heh..after that,went to borders to look at i think i wanna get crumplers too..wahahah!soo many sia i wanna gett! many,yet no!=(

thenn,off to the airport to meet mar,aisha n fat..ok..aku de laa kelam kabut kann,tapi diorg2 ni sume jln2,pusing nye pusing seh kat popular..hahaha!then pas tu tgk2 kat cd rama..pas tu baru blah..lek2 aisha n mar smp dulu..wahaha!

then serempak dgn busu..anjat girl girl..wahahah!then chatted with her til the mrt came..then continued waiting for fat..waduh!!tunggu die,smp popeye nk memanggil kite!wahahah!the die smp,br kite gi mkn airport..

wowowow!sdp banget dong!haha!n stupid aisha kept on disturbing me with amri..thx ehh..smp terbahak2!hahaha!night with u guys are super funn..thx girls!n all the candid shots..=)

then headed hm..saw siew peng n alice on the way home..wah seh,like fuhua reunion..LOL!n now here i am blogging..n im dead bored once agn..i don hv mood to study..let mee play with my lappy for the last time,b4 it's left untouched for the next 2 weeks..

wish me all the best for the final exams..the last exam im taking b4 i graduate..juz gotta give my best...not putting soo much hope with the rate im going..heh..tawakal jekk laa ehh..=)

anyways..suke tul si siti tu dpt tgk ungu..=)heh..

oh..a lot of ppl have been asking me abt my blog..seriously,i need a space of my own..there are some things that i wanna blog,but i don wan soo many ppl to know,other than my super duper closest friend whom im free to share with..n like i said b4,i will still share with u ppl if it's meant to be shared..u know,things like my crush,alamak..paise kann nk share dgn ramai2 org..wahaha!i hope that no one will ever know this blog.absolutely no one..or maybe i shld change the add again..smp org tk tau.hahaha!tapi add die mesti kene ade indah n 2 tk leh miss.klu tk this blog is not mee mann..i hope ppl understand my concern here n stop asking me..penat aku nk lyn..

aku da nk exam ni,knp ehhh die jarang online skrg??booo..=(

ohoh!!im in love with indon bands now!haha!sal ehhh?u know,i know..heh..=p

Thursday, August 09, 2007

boring national day was a boring national i wish somebody ask me out..ok laa,i only wan 1 person to ask me out..but jgn harap laa..prasan jekk laa aku ni..sheesh!heh..initially,today wanna go out with the other 5 girls to watch fireworks,or juz go out..sume tk free jek..konon2 tu family day..haha!

then in the end,i juz ended up doing some ironing which lasted 2hrs plus..hahah!then clean the house..touch up paint in my room..then relax..heh..n slept til 6+..then watched ndp..ate..btw..mum n dad went to batam today with obek..didnt wanna go along coz they went with my father's rapat..n tkde geng ar..jadi tk syok klu ikut..heh.. the dreams damn rocks!oh mann..i like!better than idol!heh..i hv 2 favourites so far..the thai lady n the philippines guy..=)..i donno the gal's name tho..the guy is robert i think..heh..shiok2!!then ade nenek tua ni pun join..ish..takmo laa ehh ckp elok..asalkan die bhg..

exam's in a weeks' time..n i haven start soo gg to die..always nvr do tutorials..omg!i donno y laa ehh i don hv sense of urgency..sheesh!!

now im rotting in front of my pc blogging..heh..donno wat to soo like bored like shit..accompanied by ria n fan only..mak n bapak br smp..byk makanan!shiok shiok!im getting fatter sia like that!LOL!

wat else?tmr maybe gg out with christina n after that to the expo to watch ungu..bab tgh ade asia fair ke ape ntah..hmm..siti yg ajak..then i ask aisha along..heh..then she's asking the other 4 along..we'll see how it goes.lum confirm..still in planning..heh..

til then..i hope tmr will be a better day for mee..heh..i really wanna enjoy myself b4 i start mugging..lucks to the rest who will be taking their exams..=)..ciaoz..3words..

so baby i will wait for you..

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


aiseh...super duper funn today but there will always be some idiot who will nvr fail to spoil my day..**** u laa!wa lau weh!super duper damn irritatin..thx ar!bloody hell!

i donno when the hell im gg to start!no motivation sia!

n!i really wanna know more abt u!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

it's over!finally!

finally..float is over..but i still have loads on my mind...argh!it's killing me softly laa sia!!

but u know what?i will always have this at the back of my mind that watver im facing is not the worst..coz there are always ppl who are having more probs n more serious one..n like wat christina said,nothing is too difficult to solve..=)

after float,when out with aisha to fun!!ate at bagus..i had yong tau foo..shiok shiok!n i rant at her agn..LOL!thx for being my listening ear girl..then we went from shop to shop..hahah..n had a gd damn laugh laa!wa lauu!hahaha!n we bought the best friends necklace and bracelet from diva..hahaha!cute lehh!the bracelet had crown..n the necklace has fairy..wowowow!!i likee!

heh..n we will be hitting the gym tmr!shiok shiok!looking fwd to it..coz i hv nvr been to the gym gg to enjoy myself this one whole wk b4 i go for exams..heh..woohoo!til then..ciaoz..3words my dearest..

i saw ehem..happy..=)

faster gooo!

at last ive changed my blog's time i move on..i feel better this way,with nobody i know reading my blog,n i can blog freely..i need a space..a private space..

but,tho this blog has gone pte,at least pte to those ppl who knows my blog,but don think that im a loner or wat..i juz wanna have a space for myself..n that when i hv probs,n i cant hold it any longer and wanna let it out,i hope there are ppl who are willing to listen to my rants..heh..

special thx to aisha n siti,the 2 ppl in my life whom i rant to time n agn..thx soo much gals..=)

tues has finally come,so pls faster goo n give me a peaceful mind,away from ething an anything stressful..ive had enough ar, shagged..super..i hv soo many things to juggle and look at..ive nvr been so stressful b4..

til much to say,but juz lazy to type it down..=)

u make me smile..=)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

alnost accurate

You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

Now there are many things in life that you require as essential to your well-being but, try as you may, something always seems to be getting in your way. A word of advice - 'keep trying' and you may be pleasantly surprised to see just how matters turn out.

You are prepared to establish a particular relationship that is being made available to you at this time. It could be a satisfactory liaison but there could be a certain amount of conflict involved -try to avoid direct confrontation at all costs.

For some time now your hopes and expectations have been denied and because of this you are becoming withdrawn and introverted. Continual disappointment has manifested itself in you becoming both suspicious and restrained you have become withdrawn from others and have receded more and more into yourself. You seem to have lost your innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that you may be carried away by it only to find that you are wasting your time. You are loath to trust people, as in the past your trust has been misplaced. You seem to be keeping yourself cautiously aloof from others. At this moment in time your attitude is to trust nobody - until they can prove themselves to you.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

at a point

if at some pt of time,when u visit the blog,n the pg displayed that the blog cant be found,then this blog has been deleted or moved..

Thursday, August 02, 2007


wowowow!!today was super shiok laa!!i was up early today for wisp,but in the end,i was still late coz i took so long to get ready..hahaha!suddenly,i decided to bring my lappy..heh..

anyways..only 9 attended wisp juz now..wahaha!n we watched voices of's nice..tho i slept after 3/4 of the show..haha!sleepy laaa..heh..then,went to society to do a bit of float..thx mori for ur help..=)

ohoh!n today is officially my last day in sch for tutorials n lectures!no more!!yahoo!=))

then booth duty..then saw ayu..didnt get to talk to her that much..mann..i think we shld really go out and do some catching up mann!!really..miss ya!!=) to townnnnn!!!with dear aisha!!shiok shiok!we went to watch alone at cathay..haha!n we get senior citizens rate..hahaha!coz she worked there n know the ppl there..then gave us cheaper rates..thx sha for the treat!shiol gile babe!!more movies ok?!hairspray next!

then,while waiting for the movie to start,went to PS to eat 1st..after that,i bumped into christina n daisy!hahaha!n they wanted my student card..hahaha!ok,long story here,n im lazy to's gd that i bumped into them..then can pass christina her bday present from the lovely 4..heh..hope u like it!!=))..

then off to ALONE!!omg!i tell u!the show damn shiok ar!damn scary!n as usual,i closed my eyes for almost all the scary parts..hahaha!n the ppl who seemed to be screaming were only me n sha..waahhaah!imagine if i watched the whole movie,i will do nthing but scream..hahaha!

after movies,met fat n off to borders coz dear aisha wants to get harry potter..LOL!bile mase yg kau smangat nk bace buku die pun aku tk tau.hahaha!jgn nanti buku tu collect habuk sua..heh..=p

on the way home was super kecoh..hahaha!

bengawan solo..
riwayat mu kini..
sejak dari dulu lagii...

LOL!nanti kite jumpe aku nyanyi utk korg k??heh..

there's still soo much things i wanna do,but i juz don hv the time to spare..or if not that,my friends are not free...i very much wanna gym!i wanna play badminton too!n aisha!bile nk gi dptkan tu factory buat taik????LOL!!im waitinggg! gonna miss NP soo much..really..soo much that i cant bear to poly life passed by super fast..i feel..don get me wrong,i miss NP,not the tutorials,lectures and projects..LOL!heh..n i think im gonna miss U!yes U!i still think that i hv more things to do that i feel i wanna fulfil..but it's all too late now..if only i could turn back time..

anyways..tmr i will dedicate my whole day for float..hope can get it done..worried sia!


how i wish u can understand me..