Thursday, March 29, 2007

the high road

1st of all,wanna thx ms rosa koh for baking us the's so sweet of her laaa..=)..coz she saw us very sad ystd after meeting with the estate management ppl n how they treated us..then she felt bad n baked for us was her 1st time baking the butter cake..heh..but it's nice..=)..

anywoots,in the midst of meeting,my long lost freshie,wei jie called me..i didnt recognize the no coz he changed no.then when i picked up,he went.."hi indah,wei jie here,from rodeo"..lolz!i cant hear him coz it was was funny when he said "wei jie here,from rodeo.."lolz!btw,he called to ask me abt which I&E to take..heh..n we chatted for a while..n he's gg to korea!!!woohoo!be,being a bit thick skin,asked him if he can buy me back some stuff,n he said "cann..juz msn me.."..lolz!so nice of him rite??one of the freshies that i like!!*winks* what i want,i also donno..lolz!i wan korean guyss!wahahaha!ehh,maybe can ask him get me hard rock korea shirt..wahahaha!but i will pay him back laa..heh..then maybe joo ji hoon stuff?like the keychain maybe?lolz!bt i'd prefer lee dong wook!!wahahaha!ehh,i talk like im gg to korea like that ehhh..wahahhahaaha!kk..watver..gonna chat with him soon!miss those times when i was his SB..=)

the high road by jojo

im gonna keep walking though it may seem far
im gonna keep preaching even when life seems hard
not gonna let u bring me down
im gonna take the high road

im gonna keep climbing til i see the top
im gonna keep drivin though i may get lost
not gonna let u bring me down
i take the high road

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


im lost..really..n i donno if what im going to do next is the rite thing to do..someone,enlighten mee..i really1000000x don wan this to continue..i can juz breakdown..

my lovely partners..=) no matter wat,we will stand tgther til the ya loads from the bottom of my heart..really..sorry if i sound mushy..lolz!but i mean it..=)..

ps:im down with the bloody fluuu!damn..

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

me & sunset

ok...b4 i start anything..juz wanna show my current fav photo..a photo of me n the sunnsettt!and that makes INDAH SUN!! cool is that?thx harjeet for taking the pic..lolz!

n see christina's hair!!!as bright as the sunn!heh..=p..nice hair colour partner!=p was quite sucky i shld say coz budget stilll ny approved!don wanna talk much abt it seriously..

but thanks to dance,i was hyperr!i love dance laa!damn shiok!but i think we r quite slow maybe coz we lack of self prac..yaa..oh oh!!then i get doughnut factory from alicia!!woohoo!thx gal!damn nice ar the double choc!shiok mann!n n!!mori angel passed her TP!!she was sure damn lukcy coz the tester is a malay..n she didnt even hv to complete the route!!mann!shiok ar!!i hope that i will get him mann...or at least a kind one..praying hard mann!

oh yaa!another thing!!THE ARENA!!united world college wonn!yeah yeah!!i like!they deserve it!i love their delivery n their rebuttal round!!yeahyeah!!they hv been winning all the debate round ever since the qtr finals..the runner up is hwa chong inst..

guess thats all baa..meeting finance agn tmr n hope all goes well..really..

n here are the photos from pit stop..

1st game-swap..

imaginiff..ok..only u & me know whats the joke abt..lolz!

the hot air balloon game..

the 6 of us forming pyramid..i like!nice!!

usss! donno y we muz squad a bit..lolz!

the doodled wall!n beside our photo is the cute guy's grp photo!lolz!

part of pit stop..=)nice n cosy..



us with the owners..can u believe that they are hubby n wifey???so sweeeet!

piiiiiitt stoooooooooop

ok..initially i wanted to sleep now,but i juz finished eating muz digest a bit here i am now blogging in the wee hrs when im suppose to sleep n get ready for another long day later..heh..

went to sch early at long nvr come to sch that early n i seriously cant stand the jam..omg!u imagine,ppl queued all the way outside the interchange for the bloody svc 96?omg!imagine if its raining,hell mann!waited for christina outside the HQ n omg!she dyed her hairr!lolz!sooo brightt laa the colour!but it's nice womann!heh..then we started to do work..

n im kinda feel accomplished coz dear christina had finally settled the t shirt stuff..thx woman!great jobbb!except for the quotation,which is still a jia you baa..i think anne will understand our situation..=) so don stress up anymore womann!u can go n take care of ur fellow scos..smiles...=)

oh yaa!when i was all high n ready for dance,it was cancelled coz dear ann was sick...mann..get well soon..looking fwd to it later in abt 12hrs pain liao,so hopefully i can dance nicer..hehe..

hmm..back to bAoc,on my part now,i hv to settle the leaflet n notebook..hope all goes well..i muz work hard too coz my fellow partners are working v hard on their yup yup!if that clive fellow still nvr reply my email,i'll give him a call mann!sheesh!

after prep juz now...guess where we went??PIT STOP!!!omgomogomgomgomgomg!!damn nice laa the place!!i like it v much!so cosy n homely n the entire setting n ambience is superb laaa!far much better than settlers..lolz!no offence but seriously..PIT STOP rocks my socks!!

we managed to play 3 games only..n i forgt the names of the games..when i uploaded the photos,then i will know what games we played..lolz!!

and and!!me n wan qi went bonkers when we saw this cute guyy!lolz!basically,there were only 2 grps at that n anor grp..n that grp of peeps had this 1 cute guy,n i think he's malay..n i told wan qi abt it..lolz!n she went saying he's cute..n both of us gt distracted for a while..lolz!!crazyness mann!!wahahaha!

then we took a grp photo n pasted in on the wall..(it's kinda a tradition,whereby u take grp photos n paste it on the wall,n scribble some notes..the whole wall was covered with all the diff photos..damn cooool laaa!)..we pasted it near the the handsome guy's grp photo..lolz!i shall describe in detail when u see the photos..lolz!damn funny laa!

after that,home sweet home..looking fwd to anor pit stop mann!heh..guess thats bed is calling me eyes also cant tahan already..lolz!

to dearest mori angel,gdluck for tp..hope to hear the gd news from ya yeah?=))

guess thats all..sleep tite n don let the bugs bite..heh..nitez all!3words..

Monday, March 26, 2007

entry juz for shikin..=) u goo mrs hady mirza..lolz!cantik tk??heh..aku nk design lain,tapi da takde size..=)

Saturday, March 24, 2007


zZz..woke up at 10 to make a phone call to ask for quotations..wah seh..stress ar..lolz!but heng ar the lady was nice..heh..then in the end,she still asked me to email to the sales,had to on my lappy n started to compose an unprofessional email..lolz!sadded that she still haven reply mee..sheesh!how like that??stress ar!budget nt approve..sheesh!arrgghh!

anyways..after breakfast,i slept back for like 10min..i felt that the 10min was like 10sec laa!then had to get ready to acc mel to PS..yup2!n off we went to PS..wah kao!weather damn hott!!sheesh!pratically perspiring..

reached liao,PS was holding cheerobics competition n we saw magnum too..(n magnum lose..sadded..)..anyways..after mel made her purchase,i was quite hungry n donno y,i was craving for old chang kee..heh..

weather was hot,so mel suggested to take the underpass to go the opp side..we took the lift thinking that it leaded to the other side,but ended up nooo!we were still on the same side!lolz!how cuckoo can i be rite?lolz!yupyup!!wahahah!

n i got my fav curry o,corn feel-in n squid wrap..yummylicious mann!walked ard heeren for a while..n suddenly mel craved for coffee it was packo like hell,so we settled for star bucks..yeah!n i got my java chips..tasted similar to rhumba frap..yummylicious!n mel gt mocha..chatted..wat else if nt abt society..heh..was freezing we left after we finished our drinks..furthermore,there were many other ppl who wanted to yupp..we made our way..

then we headed to cineleisure coz i wanna get ripples slipper from hula&co..yup2!i wanted this particular design,bt no size!!so had to settle with the green design..if nt,my slipper would be the same as mel,except that it's diff clr..when we wanted to pay,it doesnt accept nets,therefore had to withdraw money..n the q was super looooong laaa!oh!n i saw raimi..heh..after soo long,he passed his motor bike license coz i saw him carrying his helmet.juz waved hi to him..yaaa..then q n q..n at last withdrawn..n we gt out slippersss!!happyy!!

n we headed homee!on the bus,i realised that i saw my name written on the window!lolz!i mean,it was traced using ur fingertips..i donno if u get wat i mean..wahahah!but yupp!anyways...there are a lot on yaa..but there is no indahsuria..heh..

alighted at clementi interchange n bought bus 105..n guess who i saw??mr chua boon liang!!my favourite e maths n a maths teacher back in fhs!mann!i miss him laa!he's such a nice teacher mann!but to bad he only taught my class in sec3,n after that,i think he is now a lecturer in NTU..=)bez maths teacher ive ever had,after ms yee..=)my sec sch teachers rox mann!=)

n now,here i am blogging..i think i wanna try n sleep early or juz be a potato couch..lolz!i still have my religious class yupp..wanna rest..n tmr maybe sleep in also..wahahaha!so that monday i'll be fresh!

til then..thats all..looking fwd to dance on mondayy!=)3words all..

Friday, March 23, 2007

because of you

oh mannn! im deeply in love with ne-yo's because of uuuuu!!! damn nice... from start til endd, juz superb!! let me juz type down the lyrics.. i juz wanna share w u.. heh..

want to, but i cant help it
i love the way it feels,
it's got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real
i need it when i want it, i want it when i don't
tell myself i'll stop everyday, knowin' that i won't

i got a problem and i don't know what to do about it
even if i did, i don't know if i would quit but i doubt it
i'm taken by the thought of it,
and i know this much is true
baby, you have become my addiction,
i'm so strung out on you
i can barely move
but i like it

and it's all because of you
and it's all because...
never get enough,
she's the sweetest drug..

think of it every second
i can't get nothing done,
only concern is the next time, i'm gonna get me some
know i should stay away from, cause it's no good for me
i try and try but my obsession won't let me leave

yupyup!!big fat thx to siti for downloading it for meee!heh..thx kakak!!lolz!i love ne-yo eversince he made a scene in the music industry..talented..woohoo!cheers to ne-yoo!=)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

i own the bus

mann! i was late for today's campus tour laa!! i thot that the briefing will end at 11.. what's more, im juz damn lazy to wake up early. lolz! when i was abt to leave the house, i gt a missed call from christina n she told me that we were suppose to be at the briefing.. heh..joanne called her n ask where were we..mann!damn kanjiong liaoo.. the briefing ended already, n i still haven reached! wahaha! bad bad..guilty ar.. heh..

anyways... the bus svc that i boarded was empty laaa.. all the way til it reached clementi mrt.. heh.. nobody was in the bus except mee.. heh.. n aisha said that i owned the bus.. n that ppl are scared to board it.. lolz! look at the pics.. empty.. got nthing better to do, so i secretly took pic of it.. lolz!

in front..



then rushed off to the place, and briefed them.. the campus tour quite boring ar.. considering i had to walk alone behind as i donno the wet weather route.. sheesh! thigh still pain, still muz walk long distances, plus the weather was hott.. phewww..

after that, quite slack liao.. heh.. tmr another long day.. there will be practice.. then some day 1 stuff to settle... stress.. other than that, nothing already.. im gg to sleep early tonight n hope that my cramps will heal soon.. all ready for tmr.. heh.. til then.. tc guys.. 3words all.. =)'s cold in here

hmm.. this time, been very busy with preparation that i can hardly breathe. eday there is sure to be some things that i hv to worry about. i tried not to think about it, but i cant! lolz!am i too kanjiong or wat? seriously, i hope that all will go smoothly on all the 3 days.

ystd, we had meeting with the lecturers and the estate management staff. many things have to be settled asap. things that i am not suppose to be doing, im doing. omg! but nvm.. for the sake of it.. lolz!

then went for the wet weather route for the campus tour. n then i bumped into aisha! mann! girl, u better take care mann, n i really hope that u will go and see the doctor. oh! after the tour, we had roti prata! yummy mann!i had cheese and onion.. damn full laaa! haha! full such that i don wanna walk back.. whats more, with all thighs aching.. really like ah ma laa..the stairs seemed like a mountain to us..

we left sch at 7.. on the way, wan qi saw th baracudas and i asked her to approach them.. yeah ness! n we got their contacts! hope that they can perform for usss! baracudas rox! n thx wan qi! u rox!=p

then me, mel and mori acc christina to develop photos.. *guilty*.. =).. lesson learnt: don touch christina's notebook.. lolz!

then home sweet home.. i donno y, but i felt super cold ystd.. when i bathed, heater was at the max, then i even changed by shorts to long track pants and wore a jacket.. lolz! when i felt my forehead, ok laa.. a bit hot. guess i didnt have enough rest the day before coz i couldnt sleep.. kept tossing n turning coz the cramp was excruciating..

n now, after a 7 hours sleep, i think im ok n ready prep later.. stress! later gt campus tour.. omg! i hope the students will not complain.. =)

til then.. tc peeps! 3words all..

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

'07, tf07,my fav no is 7!cool!

wahaha!self timetabling was chaotic n havoc!lolz!my class very much wanted to stick togther,but timetable was gd,so it's only natural that many wanted that class too..hmm..ppl that cant into that class were vivien,donn,rayner,hong gay n peimin..sheesh!donn ar!!his appt is at 12,n he woke up only at 1240!his maid woke him up late..wahaha!he shld hv asked me to help him or give him a morning call..lolz!too bad mann..class will be bored wout him lorr..sheesh! happy that im in o7 with ppl i can get along with..hope all goes well the next sem..oohh!when it was the BS's turn,it was worse!lolz!they still hv to decide wat elective,wat class n major n all..wat a headache mann!lolz!but in the end,all ends well..they got what they wanted..they managed to be in the same class..lolz!damn cute laa!while they were trying to login,password n student id wrong laa,hang laa,lag laa.lolz!super kanjiong spider mann!wahahaha!

thenn..bad news start coming in n i don wish to blog it here coz i will juz start cursing n all the bad words will come out..haha!so i juz keep my crap shuttt! having muscle crampsss nowww!damn pain laa!after such a long time of nt exercising,im having the worst cramp ever..really..i can really feel the pain esp when u r climbing the stairs n the bridge..lolz!

but it was funnn still!heh..shant elaborate further..coz it's a surprise!!lolz!we r gg to work hard for it mann!woohoo!=))

other than that,i hope that the meeting with the lecturers will go well tmr..n i can get my list donee!!oh mann!im juz so scared that i cant complete my things..sheesh!im soo stressed now laa!but i gotta be strong n not breakdown..praying hard eday that all will go well..

i think till here..needa do some practices..wahahaha!damn enthu noww..hahaha!tc guys..3words..

n to dearest afiqah..happy belated 16th bday..all the bez in the N lvls..u can do itt!!=))

music & lyrics IS A MUZ WATCH!!!


1st things 1st..i juz cut my hair!lolz!it was suppose to be trim only,but ended up,i cut short laa!haha!n my sis insisted me to cut super short,bob hairstyle..lolz!no ways mann!i was super scared that it doesnt turn out,only ended up a shoulder length..n ppl still said it's short..hmm..maybe nt use to see me with short yaa..lolz!so do i like my hair?no comments..lololz!oh ya..n the hairstylist said that my sis n i looked diff..lolz!heh..but we r sisters..heh..

then on sunday,went to my sis's house coz she left her ic with me..n i had to rtn it to yupp..slacked at her house n watched my girl dvd!!my niece loves it v much n she wanted to watch it till finish..oops!cant lend her ar..precious i told her i will come on sunday to continue watching..lolz!

ok..then today prep..sheesh!quite stressing agenda for today is nt quite anyways..hopefully tmr will be a better day..monday blues i guess..

bt after that,i super high already coz we went to MUSIC & LYRICS tgther with christina,mel,sab,wan qi n daisy..Omg!damn nicee laaa!my fav type of movie,romance comedy..woohoo!heh..hugh grant damn hot n charming mann!heh..we laughed like hell..esp wan qi n sab..wahaha!

n the songss..superb laaa!lke christina said,the plot was ok only..but the songs n their antics were funny n made the whole movie lively!!shiokness mann!wahahah!i can like rewatch n rewatch laa..wahahha!

don wan to be spoilers,bt u all muz go catch it ok?really..worth the money..heh..after that,ate at kfc..

here are some songs to the movie..lolol!i like this song coz its damn funny!

dont write me off-hugh grant..

It´s never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody
But this time there´s actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It´s not just my furniture you´ve re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you´ve brought me back
and I haven´t felt like this since before Frankie said relax
and now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I´m asking you is
Don´t write me off just yet

For years I´ve been telling myself the same old story
That I´m happy to live off my so called former glories
but you´ve given me a reason
to take another chance
now I need you despite the fact
that you´ve killed all my plants
and now I know
i´ve already blown more chances
than anyone should ever get
all I´m asking you is
don´t write me off just yet
don´t write me off just yet

bt the best song is still this!!

Way Back into Love

I´ve been living with a shadow overhead
I´ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I´ve been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can´t seem to move on

I´ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I´ve been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can´t make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I´ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I´ve been searching but I just don´t see the signs
I know that it´s out there
There´s got to be something for my soul somewhere

I´ve been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night

I could use some direction
And I´m open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can´t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I´m hoping you´ll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

There are moments when I don´t know if it´s real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can´t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I´m hoping you´ll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I´ll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

yeah!there are many other songs like pop goes my heart n all..woohoo!muz listenn!!wahaha!anyways..later self time tabling..hope all goes well..n to my dearest BS peeps,choose ur speacialization carefully ok?make sure u go for wat u really wan n don regret laterr..gdluckk!!see yaa all later!!=))nitez..wanna sing along to the ost liao..wahaha!3words..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

im all abt u..

one of my all time favv..lolz!


There's somethin' I've got to say
You're always with me
Even though, you're far away
Talkin to you on my cell
Just the sound of your voice
Makes my heart melt
Oh girl, well it's true

I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No baby, you never
Have to question my love
And every night there's a new crowd
But it's always you I'm singing about
There is only one
These words are going out to
Oh girl, I'm all about you

I know you worry sometimes
Some other girl will
Make me forget you're mine
There's not a doubt in this world
That anyone could take
The place of my number one girl
It’s true

I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No baby, you never
Have to question my love
And every night there's a new crowd
But it's always you
I'm singing about
There is only one
These words are going out to
Ohhh girl,
I'm all about you

When I close my eyes
I can see you
It's like you're right here
And this feeling's only getting stronger
You're with me everywhere

I'm all about you
I'm all about us
No baby, you never
Have to question my love
And every night there's a new crowd
But it's always you I'm singing about
There is only one
These words are going out to
Ohhh girl,
I'm all about you
I'm all about you

ps:i wanna tell the whole world that i got my girl dvd alrdy!!yeahness!love LEE DONG WOOK very much!!!

boring mann,,reallly!omg!

aiyaa...boringgg...zZz..nowadays,i gt nthing to do when im online..boring mann!any recommendations which webby i can go to kill boredom?lolz!

anyways..i donno if i said this b4,bt i've benn listening to 987 lately...n they played old songs..mann..i like!n as u listen to the songs,it will bring back some memories..memories i will nvr forget..sad,happy,crazy..lolz!

n one song that i suddenly feel like listening agn is obsession (no es amor) by frankie j n baby bash..noo,im nt obsessed with anyone..lolz!somehow,i juz like the words n the music itself..nice nice..=)..n i gt in my ipod..thx ehh siti for d/lg for me..=)

hmm..n my fav current tracks are john legend's pda(we juz don care), jesse mccartney's juz so u know n chris brown's say gdbye..nice nice!!

n now,im trying to listen to the radio as often to see wat new n latest song are there for me to listen n enjoy the beautiful lyrics n music..heh..

ok laa..guess thats all..later gg out with my sis to bugis n cutt hairr!ehh,i think trim only..lolz!til then..3words alll..=))

Friday, March 16, 2007

donno ar


heh..donno y nowadays im quite high..find it a bit irritating lehh..muz tone down ar..very tired stil very noisy..tsk..heh..

anyways,today prep also nthing much yet..i tried designing the t-shirts..lolz!final verdict-i cant draw..lolz!then,we recce cc tgther with day3 PH..funny..the staircase leading to LT683 is damn scary..n sab n christina kinda scare me by trying to run 1st n leave me alone..lolz!it is still scary even tho it is bright daylight.the staircase like nobody use lorr..then some more can still smell the paint.scaryy..

after that,come back to tshirt agn..mann..tshirt designing is really stressing uss..zZz..after that,we went to toa payoh to look at the tshirts colours..bluegh..nt nice lehh..most of the colours are dull n i don think i like the material.the 1st one that we went was,gd material,colours also nt bad..

then headed to ang mo kio hub to get our havaianas!!!yeah!like at last,we gt our slippers!happy!!yeah yeah!!cant wait to wear!woohoo!n i think i wanna get the i panema one..maybe the bronze or the black..heh..

after that,we rushed off back to bishan coz wanqi gotta meet up with her friends to catch a movie..she was late..heh..then christina n i went to hv dinner at macs..heh..nt much variety..i can only eat that few fastfood restaurants ard..damn full cant walk ar..heh..

in the bus,as usual,dozed off..haha..sms-ed with aisha for a while to disturb her at work..lolz!reached hm,rest n did all the necessary things n here i am blogging..i wanna do baoc stuff,bt like donno wat to do leh..haha!irritating!i think i better seee the list..

til here..3words..

Thursday, March 15, 2007


photos when we were sending dixon off..enjoyyy...=)

wahahha!ning zhen showing me how to pose..

n so u posed..they asked me to pose coz my top n the seat's colour were the same,so took photo..hahaha!

themm...n uss at the reflection..winston smiled like he was promoting some toothpaste..lolz!

alamak ning zhen!that was such an unglam action..lolz!

dixon n his family n grandparents..=)

oops!scandal!they always happen to wear same colour shirt..r u guys really an item?lolz! gg for a sch trip hor?lolz!n like they said,we don hv a banner..lolz!

after that,one by one started to pose with dixon..n me too!mann!BFS ROXXX!!heh..i cant believe that im actually older than him..lolz!anyways..dixon,u're being missed!=)

dixon tgther with the BAMP proj heads..=)BAMP ROX!!

dixon with MSA camp proj heads..

dixon n his best buddy...winston..lolz!damn gayy laa!muahaha!

thats all..i will show u the pic of wan qi sleeping in the mrt on the way hm..damn funnyy!lolz!

i popeye the sailorman

b4 i start,i forgt to post this pic ystd..lolz!the exact spot where i took pic with my idol,joakim,at j8..where u can see the construction..lolz!memories..=)

ok..i wanna update ystd,bt was too here i am!heh..juz finished editing my proposal n here i am blogging..

hmm..i got back my results ystd..syukur alhamdulillah i passed all n don hv to rpt any module.thank god for that.i got a GPA of 3.7..


im happy overall..but if i put in more effort in my biz law n fp, i could hv gotten an AD.but's over..A is gd enough.i think i juz wanna work harder next sem and earn myself an AD.hmm..most of my classmates did well..near GPA 4..friends from other schs in NP also did happy for them..bAs also did well..some stress over what major they should join..i donno anything abt that,but all i gotta say is think carefully,make a right choice n don regret later.gdluck aite?

back to bAoc prep..mann!meeting with lecturers was one dreading but stressing one too..u imagine,day 1 took 1.5 hrs,but days 2 n 3 only took less than half an when it comes to day 2 i think,the lecturers looked at me n christina?we are nt in charge of day 2,then they still looked at us?mann!stress laaa!aiyo!we hv soo many things on hand mann seriously..after the meeting,we had to meet the estate ppl.when we were abt to eat,the t shirt uncle we had to packet our lunch n ate only at the time also,very sianz already..n oh mann!i lost christina's 8 passport photo size she took for the license n also to update her photo in the sch's system..ooommmmggg!soo sorry woman!!i felt bad siaaa!my apologies mann!!=(

after that,ate liao,we got ready to send dixon off to australia.we madea surprise for him..he didnt know that we were sending him off n when he saw us,we was touched n almost teared,or he already teared?lolz!then we gave him the long scroll for him to read..we video-cam the whole cute n funny laa!u know,like giving the scroll to emperor n ning zhen started to say watever it is in chinese.i donno wat is it but it was damn funny..lolz!

alright,after that,juz hang ard n took pthos with him..lolz!he is like a superstar laa..each n everyone of us took pics with him..heh..then when he was inside alrdy ready to board the plane,the rest of the MCs asked me to do the banana dance for him..lolz!u know,to make him laiugh n left with happy m0ments..n so i did..(always making a fool of myself..lolz!)..haha..soo yupp..then he went inside already..ning zhen acted drama..lolz!

oh ya..then when he was to go inside the immigration,he hugged his family..esp his mum..mann!so touched laaa!i cant witness this type of thing one lehh..i will get emo n will jus cry lor!really!n this reminds me of the time when my mum went to pilgrimage for more than 1 mth n i started to wail n cry when she left me..lolz!back then,i think i was in p3..omg!ive always sticked to my mum like glue,then suddenly left me..omg!couldnt take it laa! u know,im a crybaby..heh..kk,back to dixon..yupp..very sad n emo..

n soo my dear dixon,hope that u hv funn there n tc always..u'll always be missed by us back here..=))

after that,off to dinner at popeyes..lolz!i didnt know popeye is halal laa..kuku rite?heh..but cant be help laa..i seldom go yuuppp..airport had lotsa changes too..nice nice..i've always love airport..popeyes was nice..better than kfc..heh..

full liao,we went to the viewing mall for a while..n that went hm..n now im all awake to get ready to go to sch..will post the pics later when i receive it from our dearest camerawomen..heh..til morning peeps!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

snap snap

wahhh!!super sianzz!meeting with the lecturer cancelled at the last minute!make me sleep so late alrdy ystd,then make me wake up early in the morning also,then when i reached 03-12,they told me meeting cancelled coz many lecturers cant make itt!waaaahhh!suoer sianz..

then like nthing to do,slack laa..lolz!really!i juz cant find anything to do juz yet..(only on the way hm then i realised stil gt things to do.lolz!)..then suddenly,see the weather was fine,so we decided to reccee our campus yupps!heh..

funn!along the way,took pic!lolz!np has beautiful sceneries laa!i like!n christina elly welly brought along her she became my phtographer for a while..lolz!thx ar!!so we went from location to location..n when we stopped by at canteen 3 to pee..mannn!the toilet!!i like!!lolz!damn nice laa!i didnt know canteen3 soo nice liao!the last time i went to canteen3 was when i was in yr1,n i only went there once!lolz!coz somehow,i don like the food n the ambience..lolz!but when i went there juz now,mannn!i like laa!coool!lolz!

this is the toilet!!outside it..nice rite??i like the sink!!nicee!heh..inside the toilet also nice..damn far much better than canteen1 toilet..u see canteen1 toilet u wanna vomit ar..lolz!

then,juz outside the canteen,u can see the rooftop garden..nice laa!so greeen!nice mann!n i start to snap snap agn!lolz!

nice rite?behind is the ICT block..

the green mall..on the left is the SOE..

then back at 56..the bigg pond with the fountain..i like!!

another one!!behind is my beloved blk block n canteen 1 plus a bit of the walkway to the cc..woohoo!heh..the whole scenery nice..u see the clouds?i like!!

oh oh!!then,while we were busy snapping away,there was also another 2 girls snapping also..lolz!super funny laa!i think they r from china or wat..n christina snap them also..lolz!see!the girl concentrating to take the pic of the girl posing..lolz!

lolz!my hair blocked them!

my upper back..

n my nonsensical face!lolz!damn uglyy laa!thx hor christina..lolz!they were so engrossed mann!

we cant help but kept on laughing..lolz!after the whole tour,back to serious stuff..discussed some stuff..then at 4,we headed off to bishan to see the t-shirt printing company..

i was quite sleepy,and always yawning..heh..reached liao,david,fetched us from the bus stop.that was soo nice of him..reached liao,look thru all the tees..i think they r nt badd..i like their brown v much..=)..but it is not confirm yet whther we will take them coz we still hv other places to go n yupp..tmr we will be gg to another one..long dayy tmr mann!tired!zZz..

other than that,i think no more..all i can think of now is eyes was closing alrdy,but i ate some a bit anytime can close..lolz! father's cousin juz passed away this afternoon..innalillah..mum n dad will be gg for their wake tmr sad for him coz the last time i saw him during raya,he was is unpredictable..may he rest in peace n Allah bless him..

ok la..i think til to sleep soon..til then,tc..3words all..=)

ps:juz chatted with my younger cousin,n my..she really has grown up now..i miss those days when we were still young n played like madd..=) syahirah,all the bez in your higher nitec..n to aziemah,im happy that u r in bishan..gdluck aite?work hardd..=)

Monday, March 12, 2007

monday red BLUE green yellow

hmm...monday blues...n im always hungry laa!n my stomach is like soo buncit laa!coz it's like im stuck in the room 03-12,facing the pc n the 4 walls almost every hr,makes me wanna eat!lolz!despite having breakfast at home,lunch after that,im still hungry..grr..lolz!hw bad is that mann?maybe my stomach gt lotsa worms?lolz!

anyways..i slack the whole day at hm ystd..doin mum went to malacca..left me n my dad..after religious class,had my lunch,watched a bit of tv n zZzz all the way til 7..heh..shiok mann!heh..then,when my mum reached hm,she bought back roti john!damn nice laa!i love msia's roti johnn!!with the patty!!wah seh!!there's some more..gonna heat it up laterr!heh..

oh ya..been wanting to say this..but i always forgot..i borrowed from mori jojo's new album..mann!damn nice laa!juz my type of music laa!i love most of her tracks..but wat i like most is ANYTHING..donno y..but the music arrangement,the words..superb!!u wont get sick n tired of listening to it mann..heh..should buy n try to her mann!i love her eversince her 1st single,leave(get out)..powerr laa!heh..

other than that..hmm..results in 2 days time..gdluck to ebody..hope that all of us will pass..

n here r the phtos at dixon's house..enjoyy!!more phtos coming upp in teh next post for ur entertainment..=p

3words all..

nice view from the house..

with dixon's grandparents..

singing!!the karaoke set is touch screen one..coolness..

pose..the diff parts of the house..

when we were out to newton,they saw this cute lil ang moh boy..

n started to snap here n there with him..lolz!soo young popular alrdy..

nthing to do alrdy,pose here n there..

haha!ning zhen looked soo stress!chill mann sis!

ning zhen coughing??

chop chop!!

that's a cute pose winston..lolz!

ladies act macho..guys act feminine..

haha..that's a real macho pose dixon..



jenny wawa's house..damn bigg laaa!like palace laa!

after that,they headed to settlers..=)