Tuesday, October 31, 2006

i got my shin goon!!!!wooo!!

ok....it's really2 been a long time since i update huh?hehe...lazy la...heh..ok...1st things 1st..guess wat???woohoo!!like at last,i gt my princess hours dvd...woohoo!!got it from wan qi last frid..wah seh!damn happy la!but..the sad thing was that i cant watch it straight away coz of msa camp..ok..n that was sux...zZz...wat to do...on that frid itself,i went to buy dvd player also..hahaha!i juz bought akira la..cheap2 ones...no money...as long as i can watch my shin on my big tv can liao...heh...u donno how happy i was..woohoo!!!sooo...next,i wanna buy the soundtrack!!yeah!!!soon man!maybe tmr!!haha!i simply loooovveeeeee the song la!!hehe...

ok...msa camp would be fun if im not tired n sleepy...haha!after the camp,i didnt hv rest man!helped my mum coz there were ppl visiting us..from my father's side..then went to my aunt's house...one at tampines n another at pasir ris..omg!!can u imagine hw far is that from jurong???im damn tired...seriously...then,i had to do my unfinished tutorials also..aarrgghh!!!stressedd!!!tiredd!!!but nah..i already expected that..haha!

ystd was a fun day in sch..coz i had the 2nd meeting with red campers!woohoo!it was funn!glad that my green grp was fun too...thankfully i know charmaine...n she's in my grp..woohoo!!our cheer is cool!!we are coming out with more...next monday will be the next meeting..oh ya!!!n bryan or brian is wayyyyy handsome!!!!hahaha!!fuyooo!!!damn cute...seriously..muahahah!n i gt this np shirt...woohoo!!damn nice!!hahah!wee!!i like!!cant wait to wear it...coz im always proud to be an np student...wayyyy to goooooo NP!!!hehe..

ok...so now...time to get serious...ive gt my event coming up..there'll be meeting tmr...work on frid n sat..n as usual,tutorials to do n proj to start asap..til then..tc peeps!!!to aziemah...all the way yeahhh!!!juz do ur bezzz!!! =)))til then..3 words...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

updates after a loooooong time

kk...it's like damn looooooooong i nvr update la!haha!ya la..im seriously damn busy n tired also..thats y..as much as i wanna blog,i juz cant find the time..haha!my time mgmt is getting poorer..sheesh!anyways..b4 i start anything..juz wanna wish...
klu de tersilap terkasar bahasa,uat ape2 yg tk patut dibuat,kecikkan hati korg2 sume,minta ampum byk2..hehe..=))..hope its nt too late to wish..

ok..mlm raya...i was soo tired from sch..i was suppose to clean my room,but ended up sleeping for a while,then only i cleaned here n there...omg!the dust...cant stand it man!hahah!u can imagine it is dusty man!my study area..hahaha!but now,it's spick n span..(pat on my shoulder)..hehe..then..didnt help my mum..coz she don need help..she juz said u juz go n clean ur room..haha!yup!u can imagine..my room was untidy..muahahah!then..

buka time!hehe..ate n ate...while watching my princess hours..woohoo!then,helped my mum with the duit raya(green packets..)..then watched the special raya drama...then...the concert was boring...sooooo...i watched PRINCESS HOURS!!hahaha!til 3.40 am in the morning!hahaha!wooohooo!damn nice la!woohoo!im soo mad!yeah man!haha!the show damn nice la!hahaha!then,i also put henna on my fingers..heh..

next day...raya!!!woo!heh..got ready..waited for my sis to come..then mintak maaf time..part sini sume emo..heh..then we went to nenek's house...met most of my cousins..then...collection time!haha!yep!im still schling..so don forget me ok?haha!then jln2 agn as usual..

nah..nthng much tho..evry yr,raya is the same..juz that i got to wear my new baju kurung,pose here n there..collection..heh..so ya la..nthing..yg penting,kite sume jadi seorg insan yg lebih baik dr dulu..

raya one day oni,then back to sch...zZz..how boring is that man??zZz..whats more,i'll be having the msa camp from fri-sun!aarrgghhh!!there goes all my collection!cant go out to raya!cant get to meet all my cousins from my father's side that i only get to meet once a yr during raya..then beside my mum too!aaarrgggghh!damn stress ar i tell u!my father is gonna be a bit angry with me coz i wont be at home to welcome the ppl..wats more,my mum wil be doing the household chores ALONE,cook n serve n clean all by herself..i pity her man!but wat to do..i cant possibly absent myself rite?that'll be irresponsible of me.as much as i don wanna go,i still hv to..haizz..

ok...no use brooding over it..now..i gotta finish all my tutorial b4 i go for my camp..stresss!!!zzz...k la..til here...enjoy k ppl!!tc...3 words..

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


ok...im kinda free now..or maybe not..haha!(i still haven start my rpt!)..ok...lets start with SC Outing..

omg!i had difficulty waking upp la!hahah!soo...reached already..waited for others to come..wait n wait..after briefing n all..we set off!!woo!!i took dixon's carr!!!for the 1st time!!i wan my own car too!!wait til i get my license...it's still out of reach tho..haha!then...winston,dixon n i carried all the 10 big heavy watermelons to subway n waited there for peifen to come...while waiting..chatted here n there...n to think of it,i made the rite choice by joining society...i admit,at some pt of time,i donno if i made the rite choice by joining...i muz slap myself for having that thinking!haha!jz because ba wk is a tough event to handle,that doesnt mean that i made a wrong choice...like wat winston said,it's the 1st time ba society is doin it...so all the more we shld work hard and make it a real success...n make ba soc proud..so yupp!!!i've decided to work hard,do as much as i can..nthing is impossible if i work hard...im trying...my very bez..

ok...im gg out of pt now...then..at last peifen came...haha!she is soo cute la!carrying bottles of water in her bag.haha!then,we carried the watermelons agn to the game station...then...when peifen n winston were hiding the watermelons,we realised that we were short of 3!!!omg!!all of us were kanjiong..haha!winston n i went back to subway...n thank god it was still there!!!hahaha!i thot that we took all already!imagine if they disappeear....wah!where the hell were we gg to find watermelon,at sentosa!!???!!hahaha!heng ar!phew...

then..the game started...haha!it was funny..seeing all of them breaking the watermelon..ate the flesh...drank the juice..then trying to piece them all back tgther..hahaha!we attracted lotsa attention!!woohoo!until the sentosa personnel or watver u call them told us to go to some ulu place to carry out our activity coz he said that ppl come here nt to see us,bt to see the attractions..arent we attractions too??duh!haha!like watver...altho we were at that ulu place,ppl still looked at us...haha!daisy's grp cheered damn loud!woohoo!n the cheer was damn nice!they cheered in unison n loudly..wah!heh..i like!so yupp..grp by grp came...seeing them eating the watermelon,i also wanna eat..but a properly cut watermelon..haha!wats more,i was fasting..wah..but...winston,peifen,christina hv been very kind to me..the rest of the mc too..=))thx yeah!haha!like im a sick person like that..hahaha!i juz felt thirsty only..the sun was scorching hot!luckily my station was shady..=)

after that,when all the grp had completed,we proceeded to palawan beach!wah!!damn far!i felt like breaking my fast for ur info..hahah!but no!im strong!!hahaha!

at the beach,they still played some games....then prize giving ceremony...then briefing time...then cam-whoring time...then dinner time..like at last!hahah!it was funn!!i reached home at almost 12!haha!my mum started calling me already..cant help it la...after dinner,there was a short ba wk meeting..then waited for bus n all..took such a long time...i was totallly tired man!

then..the next day,on sunday,went to geylang...didnt go jb as planned..zZz..so ended gg to geylang..die die also need to go coz if nt i don hv any clothes for raya..i don hv much time left..so yupp!!then break my fast at my sis's house..9+ then went home...wah!that sunday was suppose to be my rest day..but ended up...i gotta shop for clothes..haha!

as for today..EC lect was boring!omg!i hate modules related to computer thingy la!hahah!zZz..i don think i heard a single thing he said..heh..ok..im bad..guess im still in the holiday mood..haha!luckily my lect starts at 3 tmr...so at least i can sleep late n start my rpt..hahah!but until now,i still haven start..okok...thurs die die muz start,since my IS is in the morning..i hv the whole afternoon free..so yup!gonna force myself to sit down in front of my lappy n start typing the rpt..heh..

ok...i've received some pics already..will upload them soon!!hehe..looking fwd to friday...i hope all can make it...n me too...coz i hv ba ambass meeting on that day also..zZz...soo many meetings..so little time for myself..haha!

oh oh!!another thing!!i like princess hours!!!the new korean drama!omg!the prince is damn hot la!he's soo sweet la!hahaha!im mad!now,i feel like getting the vcd coz i missed 2-3 episodes already..heh..anyone care to buy for me??=p

ok la..til then..im very tired already..haha!i need someone to massage by aching body..boohoo!!til then..tc aite...the haze is on n off...so muz tc..3 words all..=))


hmm..i've got lots to blog..from the sc outing..all the way to geylang..haha!bt i don hv the time...1st day already soo bz!!aarrgghhh!im all stressed up already..boo!

juz wanna say sthing...i know im a bit too slow for this long thingy...bt im in love with high sch musical!!!ahahahah!thx to riana..im addicted to it too!the vcd's with me now..i confiscated it from her so that she can study for her exams,while i enjoy myself n watch it..wats more..i juz gt all the songs from dearest wan qi!!thc girl!!waaa!!now...my mp3 is gg to play nthing but HSM..haha!n im gg to burn for riana..she's gonna be happy..=)))..this little niece of mine loves it soo much...her lil bro also..they can sing the song..rmb the scenes...the steps...haha!rudy even tried to imitate when they troy was singing one of the songs when they were practising basketball..haha!soo cute!!

n i've changed my blog song to HSM too!!weee!!nice nice!!!hahah!ok la..til here..welcome back to sch all..

in exactly 1 more wk..we r celebrating hari raya...hee~slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin...when the time comes,i'll hv a raya msg to all fellow muslims..=))

til then..tc...3 words..=)))

ps:i hate liars!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006


like....at last...my 7wks of attachment is finally over...ok,seriously,i wanna cry..haha!soo touched when e'one wished me all the bez..
~kak cetia reminded me to complete my studies...that goes wout saying kak..
~kak odah gave me a choker...thats so sweet of her...
~phyllis too wished me..
~then,lye guat asked me how many yr do i still hv..asked me wat i wanna be..work in a bank of course..hee~she reminded me it's nt easy,n that muz work OT....
yup..then gave them the ferrero rocher..
hee~kathy didnt come...so didnt give her..haha!

after that..went to Seng Kee Building to rtn my pass..n also to give the mailrm ppl the chocs n biscuits...n also..wanna pass my roger his box of merci chocs...n damnit!arrgghhh!he was not there!!!die da blk!!arrgghhh!yyyyy????it's my last day!n i didnt get to see him for the last time??n i rushed to work for nthing today!i didnt get to meet him also la!it's either he's early,or he's late..arrgghh!zZz...wat a moment to end my last working day..seriously,im gonna miss him..grr..n i didnt get to take pic with him...aargghh!how??no memories of him!hahah!am i a lil too much??aarrggghhhh!anyways..think on the bright side..i saw him ystd!hehe..took the same bus as him..he went over to my dept...woooo!i love his scent..haha!he's such a gentle man...i cant stress that enough man!softspoken..awwww!i wld like to hv a guy like him la!heh..kk..anyways..i juz left the chocs on his desk n left him a note..haha!n the note is written on a pc of foolscap!haha!last min la..

hey roger..

i cant meet u on my last day here, n to pass u the chocs..so,i juz left it on ur table..thx for ething.if my job done is nt up to expectation,im sorry..all the bez..=)

from indah

muahaha!ok?aiya..ok la..hahahaha!ok..so i hope he likes it...n i will still brood over it for a few days to come..hahaha!

this attachment is ok la..like i said b4,i only like the ppl there...i don like my job scope..it's boring..spent most of the time dozing off..haha!ok..here's a list of wat i will miss,n wat i will not miss..=)

things indah will miss..

1)the rush hour to catch up with roger
2)the lunch hour..at com centre,along killiney rd
3)the dozing off moments
4)counting of hundreds n thousands of both incoming n outgoing mails
5)sat beside roger n he explained to me ething abt the whole motiong study
6)his sweet scent
7)his smile
8)his cute,funny faces
9)in short,ething abt him=)
10)writing long journal entries during my free time
11)the bus ride from somerset to AIG n vice versa
12)gg to the toilet etime when im sleepy..or when i need to pee..mind ya..the office is like an igloo!
13)one of the underwriters..he's hot..n also the other hot guy..
14)the it ppl..to name 1,charles...heh..
15)getting my paycheck!
16)the 7-11 guy...i think he recognises me liao!haha!
17)taking a copy of TODAY paper

things indah will not miss

1)the squeezy train!(mind ya,ppl dig nose,push here n thre,don wanna move in n give way,farting,omg!hw i hate that!)
2)the timing of the mailroom..(zZz..damn boring!but im doin it for roger..so,no choice,,anything for him..)
3)a few ppl from the CSG dept
4)asking them.."do u hv anything for me to time?"
"can i start timing u?".. n i will start getting all the diff reasons n excuses..zZz..
5)the coldness of the office..brrr!
6)my 1st day at work..it sux!i hate je****!haha!

ok..i thnk there's more...but i cant think of more...one thing for sure..i like roger!!hehe..ok la..now..muz concentrate on my:
-1500-2000 words of report which i haven even started yet!haha!2 wks to complete that..
-get ready for sch..
-collect all textbooks n printing notes..
-focus on bAs n bA ambassador..n also astro..

til then..i need a lot of rest now..oh ya!n nt forgetting my baju raya!i still haven get 1!hahaha!damn!zZz..3words..tc always..

ps:will upload the photos soon=))

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


ok...nthing to blog as usual..haha!life's boring...all i can talk abt is roger..haha!i hv like 3 more days to the end of attachment..yeah!at last!wooohoo!i can get out of lvl 4 of AIG!haha!one thing for sure,im gonna miss the beautiful ppl there..not all..some only..from both AIG n Seng Kee Building..haha!gonna miss roger esp..haha!was recalling the moments..hahaha!kk...im soo mad!haha!

oh ya!did u guys watched hikmah ystd?omg!!damnit!make my blood go upstairs sia!aarrgghh!!anyways...i watched that coz of adrian n arman..haha!i love ryan!!!gunawan looks soo macho in specs!!haha!i like!!woohoo!!

now nly recently that i find timothy cute..muahaha!i dont watch maggi n me only last few wks..then,in tonight's episode,he acted...then..somehw,i find him cute!haha!i don really like him,esp whenhe acted in this show where he became a paramedic...donno wat is it called...skali..when i watched him juz now,waaaahhh!suddenly gt attracted!haha!oops!he's the host for urban escape now..hee~

ok la...thats all for now..i wanna sleeeeeeeep!!!haha!til then..tc...the haze seems to come n go huh?so..juz tc..3 words..=))

Monday, October 09, 2006

in random

woohoo!!!i've recovered!from tiredness..heh..had such a gd rest these few days...slept like at 11plus eday...work has really tired me out soo much..wats more,sch will reopen next wk,all the more i shld rest..i've juz finished sahur btw..while waiting for subuh n get ready for work,let me juz blog randomly..

ok..so wat hv i been up to the last few days?nthing...work..after work,rest n sleep..heh..nthing else,only that..only ystd then i did some cleaning...cleaned my messy rm,which i think is worse than a squatters' slum..muahaha!n i hv only cleaned the outside part...my wardrobe,my drawers are all still in a mess..haha!maybe when it's near raya,then i will kemas..=)then,ironed my clothes...wah!nvr ending..2 wks of ironing..sianzz...watched some tv..sleep..wats more,i don hv any madrasah..so yup!spent the day at hm slacking..=)

fri was such a nice day to end another wk of work..hee~y?of course la coz of roger!woohoo!!=)

on sat,when to nenek maknah's house!woohoo!goodie foodie!there's soo much food such that i donno which to eat 1st!haha!i took quite a long time b4 i decide..hehe..there's roti kirai n kari daging,this soupy dish,asam pedas,goreng pisang,big fat epok2,both sardines n potato with egg,air kathira,(self-made one..yummy!)..all spread on the table,all ready to be attacked..hee~kecoh benar bile nk mkn sume..haha!my aunties all cute la!haha!super full already,all cant get up..=)after that,chitchat here n there..n my aunt was suggesting to go to sibu island...she asked my mum along..but my mum cant decide whether she wanna go or nt..zZz..i wanna go la!bt im still schling!wats more,it's the common test period..bluergh!so..back at home,i watched stuck on u...it was a nice movie..i liked it very much!=)..very sweet n touching..=)

oh ya!there is a rpt telecast of gaduh2 syg every sat n sun!woohoo!i love firz!hee~

another thing...i dropped my hp in the toilet bowl at work!!!aaarrggghhh!thx to tiq for this man.haha!luckily it's ok now...n yeah..i gt my bill..it's another 200+ over..haha!tk kene ptg tu slamt ar ehh..

ok la..til then..the haze has subside now..but still,tc..don stay out too much..drink lotsa water..n 3 words..=)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

baddy hazy

ok...life is bored these few days..ppl whom i know also nvr update soo much..haizz..haha!been working like normal..it's boring!becoming more n more boring man seriously..sheesh!but today is funnn!!coz i saw roger!!haha!wooohoo!he sat in front of me inthe bus when gg home!!wooohooo!he was talking in chinese!haha!ok..thats nt a big deal..haha!woohoo!!u donno hw happy i was la!hahah!woohoo!i cant help but smile from ear to ear..thenn..as usual,sms-ed siti abt it la!haha!aku rase die sorg jek yg sanggup lyn aku..hehe..thenn...when i wanna alight,i alighted last with him..let all the other ppl alighted 1st..heh..then i was like telling kelly.."ehh,we no need to alight liao.."haha!then kelly was saying "ya la!block the way!"haha!when it was my turn to alight,i turn to roger to said bye..heh!then he also talk abt the block thingy..haha!awww...im soo in ..... with him la!haha!we also took the same train la!heh..but juz that he was in the mid cabin..

ok...i love this white peacock!!!i got it from the email..=))

ok...the weather's bad now..the haze is very thick man!!!omg!i was in the office the whole day,then when i went hm,wah!fuyoo!tk leh carry seh!heh..

ok la..nthing more to say..im bored!!tho i hv soo many things to do..zZz..but i don hv the mood to do..ok..at last tmr is fri!weee~n im left with 1 more wk to go til the end of the attachment!woo!but boo also coz im gonna miss roger..hee~muz get ready wat to give to all those ppl whom i work with..=))til then..tv guys..weather's baddd..don stay out soo much..=)))3 words..

ps:my music has been changed to my fav thru the fire!!woohoo!!wee!!this song rocks my socks!woohoo!!but...my cherie amour is still the bez...still waiting for someone to upload it..=))

Sunday, October 01, 2006

dick ur ears

ok....hmm..i juz realised i haven been updating for days..haha!coz there's not much to blog abt.but,1 thing for sure,i know that im really very tired n stressed..arrghh!been sleeping very early..work was tiring..bt friday was a nice day to end my working wk coz i saw roger!heh..im sure u know rite,nthing can make my day at work except when i get to see him.hee~yup!i boarded the same train as him!woo!then,in the bus,when i wanna alight,then only i realised that he sat beside me!the other row of seats!woo!haha!then,to my surprise,i said hi to him!hah!heh..wee~from then on,i cant help but smile from ear to ear..haha!=))

sat,i went geylang to look for baju raya..arrghh!but to no avail!sheesh!it's hard to find la!wats more,im so fussy,lazy n fickle..haha!haizz..

after buka ystd,watched SI finals rpt..hehe..watched at kak linda's house..funn!im really100000000000000000000000000000000000000000x infatuated with hady's thru the fire still..wooo!nthing can be better than that man!to me,i love that performance of his the most.wooooooo!i can juz listen to the song over n over agn non-stop man!haha!n oh ya!did u hear wat song my blog is playing?hah!yeah!hady's u give me wings.hee~i wanted thru the fire,but don hv..no joakim's song also.no one uploaded it yet...so,for the time being,it will be this song..ok..altho i like hady,it's his singing i like..im still supporting joakim jude gomez k?u all wanna say or kutuk,say for all i care.hha!da biase da...br aku kene colour smlm..haha!watever!woo!

oh oh..another thing,as u know rite,SI rpt always has this chat session n u send sms-es..n did u know wat kak linda n i sent?haha!u gotta check it out man!
haha!ok..the last sentence was by my cousin..nt me..hehe..but the chat didnt show it tho.i know they wont show,but nvm.juz send..hopefully the moderator will pass the msg.haha!hmm..can see that dick was trying soo hard to make jon the star,the SI..but sorry ar babe..hady's the SI.try harder ok?u really gotta listen to urself 1st,b4 u say ppl.i don think u r a great singer also.wats more,all ur songs crap n sux!bluergh!mrepek!hah!it's a fact k??blah sua!n i will nvr frget watevr u said to joakim too..memandai jek!

ok la..til here...in 1 hrs time,it will be buka time..slamt berbuka sume..=))