hmm...been slacking quite lately..i slept so early ystd..ya..12 slept liao..n i did nthing..coz i was at the facial ctr 1 whole day waiting for my turn..haha!i soo gundu lor..i can actually go home 1st before gg for the facial,then at least i can do some read up or wat..but i didnt!haha! usual..the facial was painful..squuze my jerawatz..ouch!oh ya!ystd also i bought a new slipper.hee~it's nice..but kinda not so nice to wear..maybe not yet seasoned or yeah..bought it from sch..$15 oni..but i managed to bargain n got it for $14..haha!14 pun 14 laa...
today..woke up late..wanna woke up at 6,ended woke up at 7.30..haha!did my fmgt proj..haizz..sianzzz..ecd also..zzzzz..then...i watched the art of seduction!!!!!!oh my!super damn funny ar!i was like laughing out loud la!haha!thx rayner for the sharing of the movie n dl-ing for me the subtitle n all..hmm..if oni ldg acted in that show..haha!
btw..i hv this cute video by my dear freshies..they shot it at our sch library..haha!pretending to be some ninja..kuang3..damn funny!
ok la..till here..wanna do my proj..till then..3 words..
ps:in 15 days time,im gg 19..hehe.fhm2 jek la pe korg kene uat ehh..haha!tk tau malu seh aku!!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
MC Camp
indah is very tired...super tired...nonetheless...i had soo much fun at the mc camp..hmm..i felt close n
1st day~
started the camp with was yummylicious...mMmmMmm..soo many were late coz they were stuck in a traffic,they ended up reaching at 8+..then,mr paul chang n the other lecturers came..audrey was there too..hee~nice..after the bbq..we had meeting..talked abt the upcoming events,feedbacks from the freshies abt bAoc..hmm...all of us are stress..coz the prob with ba society is lack of,as a new batch of committee,we hv to bring changes to the society,make known to e'one..come out with sthing unpredictable coz all these while,events held by ba society are predictable,no changes..always the same..n the ppl who turn up for the events are none other than the friends' of the society..we aim to attract the other bA students too..soo..yeah!thats what we gonna do...n i know we can do it!so bA support us!
then..we had meeting..discussing what events we want..hmm..ive nvr had late night meetings before..berat dok 3am,then all zZzzz..
2nd day~
2nd day was games day..funn..we played create a game game,crabbing,dog n bone,n the most disgusting game's nt eat the bananas juz like that,but we hv to squeeze the banana thru the funnel and eat it..eeeeeee!smashed bananas!yucks!i nvr eat..haha!eee!oh ya..on that day also,i bocor!red light!oh my!then i don hv the bread!but luckily ning zhen has it..thx gal..u saved me..if nt..i die!hee~
after games,was lunch..after lunch,we had a short meeting..the meeting was abt who will be the proj heads for the diff events...each will be in charge of 2 events..n..yg aku gembira sgt is aku same event dgn 1 budak ni..haha!yay!i like!heee~after the meeting,was the treasure hunt..nit soo nice coz it was very super damn tiring..had to walk soo damn far..zZz..i didnt finish the treasure hunt..too tired..we ended up having ice cream.haha!then..we had to walk all the way to the chalet back..n it was like damn super far la!sooo....we hitched a ride!haha!1st time in my life i hitched a ride.haha!it was ning zhen's n jason's idea to hitch a ride..n we hitched 2 lorrries!haha!super nice!i like!hee~
thenn..dinner time..nice..then..i was very sleep..n dozed off..when i woke up,i went to bathe..ahh..kat sini yg aku nak cite sikit..super kekek plus malu skali..dah bis mandi sume,da kai baju,aku nk kai toner kat muka..skali....ade org bukak pintu tandas tu la!n die is laki la..taknk ckp ar sape die kan..hehe..ya Allah!bygkan klu aku masih tgh mandi,bogel..tkleh aku bygkan!haha!n laki tu happened to be yg aku find comel..haha!paiseh seh!serious!haha!pas tu die pun mintak maaf ar..aku ok..tak kisah..tapi die nye lock da betul2 lock..mcm ne leh terbuka kan?bahaya tul la bilik tu..pintu tandas tak betul..almari pintu pecah..aircon tk rase..haha!aku rase dat time aku da ngantok sgt,jadi tk lock betul2..haha!anywoots..funny plus malu..pas tu,bile meeting,malu nk duk sblah die.haha!mentel aku..kuang3..meeting kul 12-2 seh..fuyooo!tk leh angkat..ngantok gile..
3rd day~
break camp!yeah!i was super damn tired i need rest..i wan my bed!i wan my pillows!hee~so yeah..a short debrief..n home sweet home..hv i tolf u abt the game we played called mortal n angel..i hv an angel,but i donno who..n im the angel is suppose to give me presents,surprises n all the same time,im also an angel to a angel haven do anything for me..haizz...i wonder who is my angel..klu die kan bez..haizz..haha!k la..till here..3 words..will post the photos soon.
1st day~
started the camp with was yummylicious...mMmmMmm..soo many were late coz they were stuck in a traffic,they ended up reaching at 8+..then,mr paul chang n the other lecturers came..audrey was there too..hee~nice..after the bbq..we had meeting..talked abt the upcoming events,feedbacks from the freshies abt bAoc..hmm...all of us are stress..coz the prob with ba society is lack of,as a new batch of committee,we hv to bring changes to the society,make known to e'one..come out with sthing unpredictable coz all these while,events held by ba society are predictable,no changes..always the same..n the ppl who turn up for the events are none other than the friends' of the society..we aim to attract the other bA students too..soo..yeah!thats what we gonna do...n i know we can do it!so bA support us!
then..we had meeting..discussing what events we want..hmm..ive nvr had late night meetings before..berat dok 3am,then all zZzzz..
2nd day~
2nd day was games day..funn..we played create a game game,crabbing,dog n bone,n the most disgusting game's nt eat the bananas juz like that,but we hv to squeeze the banana thru the funnel and eat it..eeeeeee!smashed bananas!yucks!i nvr eat..haha!eee!oh ya..on that day also,i bocor!red light!oh my!then i don hv the bread!but luckily ning zhen has it..thx gal..u saved me..if nt..i die!hee~
after games,was lunch..after lunch,we had a short meeting..the meeting was abt who will be the proj heads for the diff events...each will be in charge of 2 events..n..yg aku gembira sgt is aku same event dgn 1 budak ni..haha!yay!i like!heee~after the meeting,was the treasure hunt..nit soo nice coz it was very super damn tiring..had to walk soo damn far..zZz..i didnt finish the treasure hunt..too tired..we ended up having ice cream.haha!then..we had to walk all the way to the chalet back..n it was like damn super far la!sooo....we hitched a ride!haha!1st time in my life i hitched a ride.haha!it was ning zhen's n jason's idea to hitch a ride..n we hitched 2 lorrries!haha!super nice!i like!hee~
thenn..dinner time..nice..then..i was very sleep..n dozed off..when i woke up,i went to bathe..ahh..kat sini yg aku nak cite sikit..super kekek plus malu skali..dah bis mandi sume,da kai baju,aku nk kai toner kat muka..skali....ade org bukak pintu tandas tu la!n die is laki la..taknk ckp ar sape die kan..hehe..ya Allah!bygkan klu aku masih tgh mandi,bogel..tkleh aku bygkan!haha!n laki tu happened to be yg aku find comel..haha!paiseh seh!serious!haha!pas tu die pun mintak maaf ar..aku ok..tak kisah..tapi die nye lock da betul2 lock..mcm ne leh terbuka kan?bahaya tul la bilik tu..pintu tandas tak betul..almari pintu pecah..aircon tk rase..haha!aku rase dat time aku da ngantok sgt,jadi tk lock betul2..haha!anywoots..funny plus malu..pas tu,bile meeting,malu nk duk sblah die.haha!mentel aku..kuang3..meeting kul 12-2 seh..fuyooo!tk leh angkat..ngantok gile..
3rd day~
break camp!yeah!i was super damn tired i need rest..i wan my bed!i wan my pillows!hee~so yeah..a short debrief..n home sweet home..hv i tolf u abt the game we played called mortal n angel..i hv an angel,but i donno who..n im the angel is suppose to give me presents,surprises n all the same time,im also an angel to a angel haven do anything for me..haizz...i wonder who is my angel..klu die kan bez..haizz..haha!k la..till here..3 words..will post the photos soon.
Friday, May 26, 2006
pics are the pics..during the rodeo powerhouse outing..rai went home she's nt in the pic..enjoyzzz...

nice..i luv all of u loads..

mai insisted we pose like some decent angels..haha..padahal padahal..

1 big family..err..alex is the thorn among the roses..haha..

hehe..vivian posed so sexily..hah!



errr...a bit sensored here..

nice..i luv all of u loads..

mai insisted we pose like some decent angels..haha..padahal padahal..

1 big family..err..alex is the thorn among the roses..haha..

hehe..vivian posed so sexily..hah!



errr...a bit sensored here..
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
haizz...i hv soo much to blog,but im ju plain lazy to blog it...donno y...
ok..lets start with the leaders' day at expo last sat..ok la..not bad..i did dozed off..coz some of the talk were boring..the talk that i enjoyed the most was by jack sim,mr lim swee say,andrew goh..n the colonel's was a meaningful day for me..i learnt a few things..n wat i'ev learnt are expressed in terms of the quotes..
excellin,not competing..u cant make ppl lose in order for u to win..
ppl don care hw much u know until they know how much u care..
so ya..nice..i muz do proj..damnit..haizz..totally no mood ya..guess who i meet?yup!my freshies!lovely..i saw all of them..1st,i saw alvin n gang..then..kelly n gang..then chun yip n gang..hee~nice..then..alvin was asking me they wanna join the ba society n'll be nice to work together with them..hmm..hopefully ya?n another thing,at last i had given the thank u cards to jit n wei jie..coz ive been keeping them with me for ages.haha!
wat else?hmm..i donno..i juz wanna try n update as often as possible..oh ya!so i juz received my prize to day..hee~fun..after the ceremony,there was a light refreshment..oh my!me,ch n vivian..super kiasu ar!we help ourself to the food like nobody's biz..kept refilling..haha!greedy piggies..hah!so yeah..that's basically all..till then..3 words..
ps:wat do u think of my blog?nice?hah!
ok..lets start with the leaders' day at expo last sat..ok la..not bad..i did dozed off..coz some of the talk were boring..the talk that i enjoyed the most was by jack sim,mr lim swee say,andrew goh..n the colonel's was a meaningful day for me..i learnt a few things..n wat i'ev learnt are expressed in terms of the quotes..
excellin,not competing..u cant make ppl lose in order for u to win..
ppl don care hw much u know until they know how much u care..
so ya..nice..i muz do proj..damnit..haizz..totally no mood ya..guess who i meet?yup!my freshies!lovely..i saw all of them..1st,i saw alvin n gang..then..kelly n gang..then chun yip n gang..hee~nice..then..alvin was asking me they wanna join the ba society n'll be nice to work together with them..hmm..hopefully ya?n another thing,at last i had given the thank u cards to jit n wei jie..coz ive been keeping them with me for ages.haha!
wat else?hmm..i donno..i juz wanna try n update as often as possible..oh ya!so i juz received my prize to day..hee~fun..after the ceremony,there was a light refreshment..oh my!me,ch n vivian..super kiasu ar!we help ourself to the food like nobody's biz..kept refilling..haha!greedy piggies..hah!so yeah..that's basically all..till then..3 words..
ps:wat do u think of my blog?nice?hah!
Friday, May 19, 2006
byk besar kau nye $10?!?
so to start my entry?haha..ok..i've started my proj last..i hate proj soo damn much la!then,all the proj are bored to do..zZz..
i called mr ng already,abt the usher suppose to find around 10 ppl or more to help,i asked my class ppl..they seemed interested..i hope that they don last min pang seh me..then i die..they joined coz of the cca pts..haha!if little cca points,u think they wanna join?haha!so yeah..that's 1 event settled..
another event coming up in lee calledme again ystd,to tell me abt the talk that im suppose attend,sit down n u know how he said to me abt the talk?
"this one u no choice,u hv to attend.juz go lt26,sit down n listen to the talk."..
haha!he made it sound soo..i donno how to say.haha!when he said i hv no choice,it seemed like he is implying that i rejected the poly forum thingy,so in order not for me to back out for this talk,he said like that..haha!anyways...its not that i deliberately don wanna join,but it clashes with IMF!poly forum,if gt chance,next yr also can go mah..hee~
ahh..lagi aku boring..peng seh aku!aku ni class,aku tukang tlg photocopy sume notes la.aku collect $10 from them.ade 1 module ni,die nye notes ade article pjg2..dat time aku tanye budak class aku diorg nk tk,aku print kan article..diorg ckp tknk,bab buang2 duit..abeh,tadi aku tanye satu jantan ni la,whether die aware tk ade article ni sume..den aku tanye la die nk tk..aku tanye die opinion la,whether nk ke tk,bab article die sume bagus2,relevant.pas tu kau tau ape die ckp?
"mesti la nak!kite da byr kau $10,print la!"
eheh ni jantan!sial la!mulut tk jage ehh?dulu aku tanye nk ke tk,sume kate tknk..buang duit la..skrg nk pulak,abeh nk bising sal kasi aku $ sikit leh tk?besar sgt ke kau nye $10?!?pegi da!sial tul la!geram sak aku!da tu takpe tau.aku br prasan kan,yg die ni leh tahan kaya..tapi mcm step miskin..or shld i say pelokek?ah!pelokek br tul!pelokek nk mampos!kau tau,dat time nk gi SIM,die mkn org nye belen mknan!ish!teruk sial!gi sch naik basikal konon,bab save duit.pdhal,dat time aku npk bapak die hantar naik kereta.kereta bkn sbrg ar tk salah aku..ahh..boring ar..sukati die ar!klu aku nk cite,tk habis la..pjg sgt..zZz..
oh ya!hong gay is also gg korea!aarrgghh!so nice!hmm..later gg for ASTRO rotting in the canteen n blogging..hee~it's raining..i wanna go home n sleep!haha!tmr is the national young leaders' early..hmm..kk..till here..3 words..
i called mr ng already,abt the usher suppose to find around 10 ppl or more to help,i asked my class ppl..they seemed interested..i hope that they don last min pang seh me..then i die..they joined coz of the cca pts..haha!if little cca points,u think they wanna join?haha!so yeah..that's 1 event settled..
another event coming up in lee calledme again ystd,to tell me abt the talk that im suppose attend,sit down n u know how he said to me abt the talk?
"this one u no choice,u hv to attend.juz go lt26,sit down n listen to the talk."..
haha!he made it sound soo..i donno how to say.haha!when he said i hv no choice,it seemed like he is implying that i rejected the poly forum thingy,so in order not for me to back out for this talk,he said like that..haha!anyways...its not that i deliberately don wanna join,but it clashes with IMF!poly forum,if gt chance,next yr also can go mah..hee~
ahh..lagi aku boring..peng seh aku!aku ni class,aku tukang tlg photocopy sume notes la.aku collect $10 from them.ade 1 module ni,die nye notes ade article pjg2..dat time aku tanye budak class aku diorg nk tk,aku print kan article..diorg ckp tknk,bab buang2 duit..abeh,tadi aku tanye satu jantan ni la,whether die aware tk ade article ni sume..den aku tanye la die nk tk..aku tanye die opinion la,whether nk ke tk,bab article die sume bagus2,relevant.pas tu kau tau ape die ckp?
"mesti la nak!kite da byr kau $10,print la!"
eheh ni jantan!sial la!mulut tk jage ehh?dulu aku tanye nk ke tk,sume kate tknk..buang duit la..skrg nk pulak,abeh nk bising sal kasi aku $ sikit leh tk?besar sgt ke kau nye $10?!?pegi da!sial tul la!geram sak aku!da tu takpe tau.aku br prasan kan,yg die ni leh tahan kaya..tapi mcm step miskin..or shld i say pelokek?ah!pelokek br tul!pelokek nk mampos!kau tau,dat time nk gi SIM,die mkn org nye belen mknan!ish!teruk sial!gi sch naik basikal konon,bab save duit.pdhal,dat time aku npk bapak die hantar naik kereta.kereta bkn sbrg ar tk salah aku..ahh..boring ar..sukati die ar!klu aku nk cite,tk habis la..pjg sgt..zZz..
oh ya!hong gay is also gg korea!aarrgghh!so nice!hmm..later gg for ASTRO rotting in the canteen n blogging..hee~it's raining..i wanna go home n sleep!haha!tmr is the national young leaders' early..hmm..kk..till here..3 words..
Thursday, May 18, 2006
missed call no sch coz i don hv to attend anymore IS..but..i still woke up early..coz 1st,i received an sms from peifen..she wanna meet me at 1,but im not in sch.then,i received some miss call,a pte no.
then,i received another was some mrs tay,i donno who,asking me to call,i called back..n..she was telling me abt BA Alumni thingy..haha!she told me wat it's all abt..once students graduate,they will automatically be part of the Alumni..then,she said that i will be the representative for BA society..i will hv to report to her abt all the upcoming events to that she can contact the alumni,n that they can actually come down to the events and help out in some way or ya..thats my job..wahahaha!suddenly,i hv soo many things to do..n involve in soo many stuff..haha!then,she told me to come for the dinner,coz today is the BA alumni chapter sthing like dat..n i cant make it!coz im working!arrgghh!i cant ask for leave coz today one of them is on leave,so i hv to cover.but luckily mrs tay was ok with most also,i juz cant get to know who are the ppl in the alumni..hee~but,she told me that i can meet her some other day when im guess i'll meet her tmr..get to know more abt this thingy.. =)
then..another thing is i was invited to be a ba graduation ceremony alumni on 13 interested to help out..hee~furthermore,13 june is already the interested..i already emailed the juz wait for his reply..
this sat..i'll b gg for the national yg leader's day thingy..hmm..i think i'll b gg alone,unless the society ppl wanna meet somewhere 1st,otherwise i'll be suppose to meet mr paul chang at expo to collect the tix..wahahha!weird man go there alone!zZz..
anything else? i better go n do my work..oh eyebacks..they are awful man!zZz..haha..till here..3 words..
ps:i wan outing..i miss rodeo powerhouse!i miss WWR4!outing pls...hee=)
then,i received another was some mrs tay,i donno who,asking me to call,i called back..n..she was telling me abt BA Alumni thingy..haha!she told me wat it's all abt..once students graduate,they will automatically be part of the Alumni..then,she said that i will be the representative for BA society..i will hv to report to her abt all the upcoming events to that she can contact the alumni,n that they can actually come down to the events and help out in some way or ya..thats my job..wahahaha!suddenly,i hv soo many things to do..n involve in soo many stuff..haha!then,she told me to come for the dinner,coz today is the BA alumni chapter sthing like dat..n i cant make it!coz im working!arrgghh!i cant ask for leave coz today one of them is on leave,so i hv to cover.but luckily mrs tay was ok with most also,i juz cant get to know who are the ppl in the alumni..hee~but,she told me that i can meet her some other day when im guess i'll meet her tmr..get to know more abt this thingy.. =)
then..another thing is i was invited to be a ba graduation ceremony alumni on 13 interested to help out..hee~furthermore,13 june is already the interested..i already emailed the juz wait for his reply..
this sat..i'll b gg for the national yg leader's day thingy..hmm..i think i'll b gg alone,unless the society ppl wanna meet somewhere 1st,otherwise i'll be suppose to meet mr paul chang at expo to collect the tix..wahahha!weird man go there alone!zZz..
anything else? i better go n do my work..oh eyebacks..they are awful man!zZz..haha..till here..3 words..
ps:i wan outing..i miss rodeo powerhouse!i miss WWR4!outing pls...hee=)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
stress,&hapi too=) stress..super duper usual..but im sure there are more ppl out there who are more stress than,let's all of us stress tgther n work's gonna end soon..yeah..soon..juz endure..
i've been busy finishing all my tutorials that i am suppose to do it last wk,but i still haven finish coz i donno hw to so.zZz..then..i hv not been reading my lecture notes b4 the lecture..that's bad..haizz..then,i always SLEEP during lecture,w/out fail..arrggghh!i muz stop that bad habit man!if nt,i die!mati!haha!
other than that,ba society,so far so gd..i enjoyed myself.maybe the busy-ness is nt here yet..but will come..i thank Allah for i was not in HRO..coz there's soo many things to do!yup!plus u muz give talk in front of e'body in the super big lecture hall!haha!im definitely not bold enough to do that!haha!this sem seems short,now is already wk4,n we were rushing for soo many things..i can see that e'body is stress..jia you guys!so,next wk will be the MC camp..i hope ething will go juz soo worried over ba society..i donno y..haha!i juz gotta pray hard..
then,wk7 is the common test wk..haizz..i don hv the drive to start studying yet..haizz..proj..that's worse!i hate this sem so much la!unless i pass..then i like..haha!hope to maintain gd the same time to juggle my studies,cca,work,n soon..driving..haha!driving is also stressing me!heh..mad rite?yes i am!,stress aside,i am also happy..when i meet my fellow freshies..yeah..maybe i shouldn't call them freshies anymore..but friends,buddies..haha!ya..i love it..maybe coz i don hv younger siblings,so yeah..i like to see them..they are lovely n friendly..i wonder when we are meeting tgther..haiz..coz the dinner was cancelled the other time..=( also happy when ppl gave me encouraging words..thx ppl..i love u loads!u ppl keep me working harder n harder=)..
another happiness that i wanna do u feel when ppl recognise u as.."eh..she's the top student in my sec sch.."(thx suriani sweetie,u still rmb me.n of course,i still rmb u..)..hee..that's wat one of my junior said to her friend..n that friend of hers is my pri sch friend..haha!coz at that time,i was having lunch with my classmates at SIM..then,i saw this jr of mine..but she didn't see,i juz kept quiet..(im lazy to tegur ppl one..haha!)then,suddenly my pri sch friend approached me..i was shocked.coz i didnt see her,only my jr..they happened to be in the same course and class..then,that jr of mine,maybe she saw me,then she started telling my pri sch friend..and then she approached me n told me that..hee~im happy n proud that ppl back in sec sch rmb nt really a top student,but 1 of the top..hee~i miss the old days..sec sch is nthing but the BEST!!
anything else?i think no..i wanna sleep already..will be skipping ECD lect later..haha!coz i wanna sleep! here..3 words..
ps:this is vince's latest msg to BFs..(i miss him..haha!)
Just wanna say thanx so much kpd BFs saya yg datang ari tu utk IdolaPentas...Muax...n Hugz....U guyz all looked so cute together...Was nice to have u there...Actually masa dia tanya i what was the sweetest memory with my fans i had so many..But now i realize its memang the surprise Birthday yg u guys buat tuk I... Well now Vince sibuk ngan lagu2 utk artis2 lain...when siap u will knw...Yang dah siap adalah lagu duet i cipta utk duet I dgn Burn...Tajuk lagu "Selain Diriku"..Both bertengkar utk ppuan yg sama..Cool Song..Maybe akan main kat Era nXfresh next week.... Other than that Vince sibuk kat gym and seperti biasa sibuk ngan all my music lah...Till then take care n peace to all..
3 w o r d s
i've been busy finishing all my tutorials that i am suppose to do it last wk,but i still haven finish coz i donno hw to so.zZz..then..i hv not been reading my lecture notes b4 the lecture..that's bad..haizz..then,i always SLEEP during lecture,w/out fail..arrggghh!i muz stop that bad habit man!if nt,i die!mati!haha!
other than that,ba society,so far so gd..i enjoyed myself.maybe the busy-ness is nt here yet..but will come..i thank Allah for i was not in HRO..coz there's soo many things to do!yup!plus u muz give talk in front of e'body in the super big lecture hall!haha!im definitely not bold enough to do that!haha!this sem seems short,now is already wk4,n we were rushing for soo many things..i can see that e'body is stress..jia you guys!so,next wk will be the MC camp..i hope ething will go juz soo worried over ba society..i donno y..haha!i juz gotta pray hard..
then,wk7 is the common test wk..haizz..i don hv the drive to start studying yet..haizz..proj..that's worse!i hate this sem so much la!unless i pass..then i like..haha!hope to maintain gd the same time to juggle my studies,cca,work,n soon..driving..haha!driving is also stressing me!heh..mad rite?yes i am!,stress aside,i am also happy..when i meet my fellow freshies..yeah..maybe i shouldn't call them freshies anymore..but friends,buddies..haha!ya..i love it..maybe coz i don hv younger siblings,so yeah..i like to see them..they are lovely n friendly..i wonder when we are meeting tgther..haiz..coz the dinner was cancelled the other time..=( also happy when ppl gave me encouraging words..thx ppl..i love u loads!u ppl keep me working harder n harder=)..
another happiness that i wanna do u feel when ppl recognise u as.."eh..she's the top student in my sec sch.."(thx suriani sweetie,u still rmb me.n of course,i still rmb u..)..hee..that's wat one of my junior said to her friend..n that friend of hers is my pri sch friend..haha!coz at that time,i was having lunch with my classmates at SIM..then,i saw this jr of mine..but she didn't see,i juz kept quiet..(im lazy to tegur ppl one..haha!)then,suddenly my pri sch friend approached me..i was shocked.coz i didnt see her,only my jr..they happened to be in the same course and class..then,that jr of mine,maybe she saw me,then she started telling my pri sch friend..and then she approached me n told me that..hee~im happy n proud that ppl back in sec sch rmb nt really a top student,but 1 of the top..hee~i miss the old days..sec sch is nthing but the BEST!!
anything else?i think no..i wanna sleep already..will be skipping ECD lect later..haha!coz i wanna sleep! here..3 words..
ps:this is vince's latest msg to BFs..(i miss him..haha!)
Just wanna say thanx so much kpd BFs saya yg datang ari tu utk IdolaPentas...Muax...n Hugz....U guyz all looked so cute together...Was nice to have u there...Actually masa dia tanya i what was the sweetest memory with my fans i had so many..But now i realize its memang the surprise Birthday yg u guys buat tuk I... Well now Vince sibuk ngan lagu2 utk artis2 lain...when siap u will knw...Yang dah siap adalah lagu duet i cipta utk duet I dgn Burn...Tajuk lagu "Selain Diriku"..Both bertengkar utk ppuan yg sama..Cool Song..Maybe akan main kat Era nXfresh next week.... Other than that Vince sibuk kat gym and seperti biasa sibuk ngan all my music lah...Till then take care n peace to all..
3 w o r d s
Sunday, May 14, 2006
after 5hrs..ZERO! was such a wasteful day..arrgghhh!spent 5 hrs at town,n i didnt get anything!yes!nothing!zero!kosong!maybe it is nt my luck..zZz..n im very stress for nt having clothes for sch..haha!how how??haizz..i ended up spending my money buying batteries,top up my ezlink n ate at kfc..zZz..sianzZZZzzz..'s been a while since i talk abt my beloved vince..he juz finish recording this show,called pentas idola..where all the fans gathered at the studio,n watched vince performed.some lucky fans will get to sing duet with him..waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!soooooooooooooo damn nice la!i also wan sia!i wanna sing 3 words with him..*baby ive said it before now i say it again I LOVE U..*haha! mad..but i don care..haha!if only kl is juz like gg to jurong west,i will definitely go man!all the BFs are having fun..mingle around,took photos..awww..nice!1 lucky fan also got to celebrate her bday with him n the other fans la!ahhh!i also wanna celebrate my bday with him! my..i juz love vince soo much..bile nk dtg s'pore lagi???kuang3..
k tired..still needa study for the fms quiz..boring!i hate fms for gdness sake..haha!oh shit!i misplaced my thumbdrive!arrgghh!til then..3 words..'s been a while since i talk abt my beloved vince..he juz finish recording this show,called pentas idola..where all the fans gathered at the studio,n watched vince performed.some lucky fans will get to sing duet with him..waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!soooooooooooooo damn nice la!i also wan sia!i wanna sing 3 words with him..*baby ive said it before now i say it again I LOVE U..*haha! mad..but i don care..haha!if only kl is juz like gg to jurong west,i will definitely go man!all the BFs are having fun..mingle around,took photos..awww..nice!1 lucky fan also got to celebrate her bday with him n the other fans la!ahhh!i also wanna celebrate my bday with him! my..i juz love vince soo much..bile nk dtg s'pore lagi???kuang3..
k tired..still needa study for the fms quiz..boring!i hate fms for gdness sake..haha!oh shit!i misplaced my thumbdrive!arrgghh!til then..3 words..
Saturday, May 13, 2006
secretary indah last..i've completed the contact list,the hierarchy chart n minutes for the wat am i talking abt?ya..BA society..guess wat my post is?haha! charge of paperwork..that's me..i like doin such jobs..hehe..ok..let me story abt the 1st annual general meeting..
we were suppose to nominate ppl whom we think suits the post..haha!that was kinda funny,coz i didnt nominate to nominate when i donno a single soul,i mean as in their characters n all..hmmm..anyways,to me,all the ppl deserve the posts they were given..i was actually soo scared that i wouldnt get any post coz in my heart,i went "aiyo..who wanna nominate me?nobody knows me,n i know nobody..!oh my oh my.."haha!really seh..but...yeah!there's someone who nominated me!n seconder me!n most voted for me..haha!thx e'body!i donno how the hell the 2 ppl know abt me..i think from mel..or whoever knows me..hehe..u know wat they said?1 of them (i forgot who said wat.hee~) said that i suit the job coz he heard from somebody that im gd at my studies,so if im gd at my studies,i can do the job also..(heh)..then,they saw the way i handled my OG..very ya..somewhere along that line..kembang siul aku!haha!so yeah..thx jerome for nominating me,jason for seconder me..n also to those who voted for me..coz tommy was also nominated for the post,so there was voting session.although i very much wanted to be in's ok..secretary is juz as fun!hee~i hope i made the rite choice by joining mc..
ok..skrg nak blog dlm bahasa mly lak..rahsia..biar yg mly2 jek faham..haha!igt tak ade 1 laki yg kacang kat astro tu?haha!die nye matahir is 1 budak pompan astro jugak!n leh kate im quite rapat with her,bab die pun in mc..haha!bab dat time,bile blk nye time,kite tgh bbl.die tanye la aku ade matahir ke tk..then aku tanye die ade ke tak.
die:budak astro jugak.
die:hmm..aku rase kau tk kenal,bab die menghilang slalu.. die?dat time yg kat east coast tu die ade? die ***..
aku:ooo!die!aku tau!ok..die kacang ape!haha!
die:iye ke?haha!
pas tu aku cite kat die la,ape yg terjadi bile aku 1st jumpe die bile yg nk gi east coast tu..yg die tu lame sume..bile aku 1st jumpe die,i went "omg!kacang nye!"tapi tk takde pape feelings.stakat ckp die kacang jek..kuang3..haha!betul die kacang..nk tau muke die mcm mane,mintak aku pic..haha!mmg sajak lah diorg 2..cantik n kacang..semoga berpjgan..bile pulak aku nk dpt matahir kacang..haha!
lagi satu tau pulak ehh nk cite ke tak..haha!kat mc..ade org kacang jugak la!mcm biasa,tkde feelings..cuma ckp die kacang jek..haha!sch aku ni ramai cine..jadi,aku asyik ckp cine kacang jek.aku rase,sume org boring dgn aku.haha!bab aku suke mate sepet..haha!
ok..wats more to say?im TIRED..time for my beauty sleep..omg!i haven do a single tut man!die!sunday muz muggggg!!!!til then..3 words..
we were suppose to nominate ppl whom we think suits the post..haha!that was kinda funny,coz i didnt nominate to nominate when i donno a single soul,i mean as in their characters n all..hmmm..anyways,to me,all the ppl deserve the posts they were given..i was actually soo scared that i wouldnt get any post coz in my heart,i went "aiyo..who wanna nominate me?nobody knows me,n i know nobody..!oh my oh my.."haha!really seh..but...yeah!there's someone who nominated me!n seconder me!n most voted for me..haha!thx e'body!i donno how the hell the 2 ppl know abt me..i think from mel..or whoever knows me..hehe..u know wat they said?1 of them (i forgot who said wat.hee~) said that i suit the job coz he heard from somebody that im gd at my studies,so if im gd at my studies,i can do the job also..(heh)..then,they saw the way i handled my OG..very ya..somewhere along that line..kembang siul aku!haha!so yeah..thx jerome for nominating me,jason for seconder me..n also to those who voted for me..coz tommy was also nominated for the post,so there was voting session.although i very much wanted to be in's ok..secretary is juz as fun!hee~i hope i made the rite choice by joining mc..
ok..skrg nak blog dlm bahasa mly lak..rahsia..biar yg mly2 jek faham..haha!igt tak ade 1 laki yg kacang kat astro tu?haha!die nye matahir is 1 budak pompan astro jugak!n leh kate im quite rapat with her,bab die pun in mc..haha!bab dat time,bile blk nye time,kite tgh bbl.die tanye la aku ade matahir ke tk..then aku tanye die ade ke tak.
die:budak astro jugak.
die:hmm..aku rase kau tk kenal,bab die menghilang slalu.. die?dat time yg kat east coast tu die ade? die ***..
aku:ooo!die!aku tau!ok..die kacang ape!haha!
die:iye ke?haha!
pas tu aku cite kat die la,ape yg terjadi bile aku 1st jumpe die bile yg nk gi east coast tu..yg die tu lame sume..bile aku 1st jumpe die,i went "omg!kacang nye!"tapi tk takde pape feelings.stakat ckp die kacang jek..kuang3..haha!betul die kacang..nk tau muke die mcm mane,mintak aku pic..haha!mmg sajak lah diorg 2..cantik n kacang..semoga berpjgan..bile pulak aku nk dpt matahir kacang..haha!
lagi satu tau pulak ehh nk cite ke tak..haha!kat mc..ade org kacang jugak la!mcm biasa,tkde feelings..cuma ckp die kacang jek..haha!sch aku ni ramai cine..jadi,aku asyik ckp cine kacang jek.aku rase,sume org boring dgn aku.haha!bab aku suke mate sepet..haha!
ok..wats more to say?im TIRED..time for my beauty sleep..omg!i haven do a single tut man!die!sunday muz muggggg!!!!til then..3 words..
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
2 & 3
hmm..i hv been sleeping 2 or 3 am e'day..guess wat i did?tutorials!ya!tutorials!tutorials are hard..haizz..gotta buck up now man!common tests are only a few weeks away..4 proj dueing,n i haven start!im soo super duper stress,yet i haven do anything.this sem is hell for me man!serious seh..haizz..
tmr will be the first meeting for the main comm.i donno wat's the meeting abt,but wat ever it is,i hope that im assigned to a post that i will enjoy..HR maybe?that'll be fun..looking fwd to tmr..weee~but..when will the meeting end?coz we r having rodeo dinner after that..arrrgghhh!i don wanna miss the hope it will end early,n that e'body will come on time,n the meeting will start n end on time.btw,the dinner is still nt confirm.haizz..the girls in rodeo are..i donno wat to say..the guys are sporting..luv them loads..haha!
btw,i hv not gg for the poly forum..haha!but im gg for the IMF..i hope that i get the chance to go.hopefully i will breeze thru the interview.wish me luck aite?
ok i wanna do my events management..arrggghh!i still haven come out with a plan yet!how?scared!stress!till here..3 words..
tmr will be the first meeting for the main comm.i donno wat's the meeting abt,but wat ever it is,i hope that im assigned to a post that i will enjoy..HR maybe?that'll be fun..looking fwd to tmr..weee~but..when will the meeting end?coz we r having rodeo dinner after that..arrrgghhh!i don wanna miss the hope it will end early,n that e'body will come on time,n the meeting will start n end on time.btw,the dinner is still nt confirm.haizz..the girls in rodeo are..i donno wat to say..the guys are sporting..luv them loads..haha!
btw,i hv not gg for the poly forum..haha!but im gg for the IMF..i hope that i get the chance to go.hopefully i will breeze thru the interview.wish me luck aite?
ok i wanna do my events management..arrggghh!i still haven come out with a plan yet!how?scared!stress!till here..3 words..
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
poly forum?IMF?--MC!AWARD! usual,i hv soo many things to blog abt,but i donno where to start..haha!
so,now is week3..stress lvl is up bit by bit,with soo many,i juz formed my fms grp..ok, with donn,syafi n vivien..yay!hehe..fms tutorial..zZz..i don like..haha!coz i don like fms..then,in the middle of the tutorial,mr lee eng kiat called me..again..haha!then i told him i was having tutorial,then asked me to call him back at 10,i still haven finish tutorial yet,but i didnt get the chance to tell him..haha!then,10+,he called me back.then i said i haven finish.haha!then,he asked me to call back.after tut,when i called him,he nvr pick-up!aiyo!when the lect was a bt to start,then he called!then he said la,y nvr call back..haha!i did call ok?kuang3..haha!then,he was asking me whether i wanna join the poly forum..haha..he asked me to decide st.away?siao or wat?i told him la i will confirm again later,after lect.then,he was like.."nvm,tmr u juz come for the interview at 5,lvl 8..we will see how."haha!wth!ok,although i very much wanted to go to such things,but i don think im cut out to be in such an event.i donno y..coz u need to be :
-Participative and Vocal
-Able to speak with confidence and articulate well thought-out points
-Preferbaly well-versed in Social issues.
haha!do i hv such qualities?haha!of course nt!im able to speak with confidence when im talking bull n crap.haha!i don read newspapers,so i donno much abt social issues..haha!but,now i started reading..hope it's nt too how?juz go for the interview?then,it's up to them to decide whether they wan me to represent NP..i donno..juz go la..haha!
this wat i will be doin if im selected..
1. Dates and Venues for Plenary Session and Forum (attendance is compulsory):
1.5-Day Plenary Session (Non-Residential)
Date: 16 -17 June 2006 (During Poly Vacation)
Venue: Republic Polytechnic
4-Day Poly Forum (Residential)
Date: 18 - 21 Sep 2006 (During Poly Vacation)
Venue: Downtown East
Opening Ceremony:
Date: 18 Sep 2006
Time: 3.30 pm onwards
Venue: The Republic Cultural Centre or Downtown East
GOH to be suggested
Closing Ceremony:
Date: 21 Sep 2006
Time: 2.30pm onwards
Venue: The Republic Cultural Centre or Downtown East
GOH to be suggested
then,during the months of June - Sept, all participants will be expected to be involved in some hands- on project to be presented during the Poly Forum proper.wahh!that will be super busy man!!i hv to choose betw this IMF or Poly Forum...i'd rather go IMF..haha!
on top of those 2,i still hv the National Young Leaders' Day 2006..but that one is 1 day,no trng,so,it's still ok..hmm..we'll see how..
then..1 more selected for main comm!yeah!!haha!super duper happy!!despite my crappy interview,i still gt in!haha!all the bez to me..get ready for late nights in sch n all..muz be fully committed for the rest of the yr..i juz hoped that i can cope with all these..the first mc meeting will be this coming thurs,5.30 at 72-03-12..all the bez to me=)
one more thing!i won an award!haha!yeah!most outstanding award for BFS lvl 1.1 n best on BSTATS..haha!shocking rite?i hate bstats soooooo much..seriously man!haha!but during the exams,the paper was quite easy..hehe..
ok la..till dead beat,after doin excel for fmgt..zZz..excel sucks big time..haha!ok..3 words..
so,now is week3..stress lvl is up bit by bit,with soo many,i juz formed my fms grp..ok, with donn,syafi n vivien..yay!hehe..fms tutorial..zZz..i don like..haha!coz i don like fms..then,in the middle of the tutorial,mr lee eng kiat called me..again..haha!then i told him i was having tutorial,then asked me to call him back at 10,i still haven finish tutorial yet,but i didnt get the chance to tell him..haha!then,10+,he called me back.then i said i haven finish.haha!then,he asked me to call back.after tut,when i called him,he nvr pick-up!aiyo!when the lect was a bt to start,then he called!then he said la,y nvr call back..haha!i did call ok?kuang3..haha!then,he was asking me whether i wanna join the poly forum..haha..he asked me to decide st.away?siao or wat?i told him la i will confirm again later,after lect.then,he was like.."nvm,tmr u juz come for the interview at 5,lvl 8..we will see how."haha!wth!ok,although i very much wanted to go to such things,but i don think im cut out to be in such an event.i donno y..coz u need to be :
-Participative and Vocal
-Able to speak with confidence and articulate well thought-out points
-Preferbaly well-versed in Social issues.
haha!do i hv such qualities?haha!of course nt!im able to speak with confidence when im talking bull n crap.haha!i don read newspapers,so i donno much abt social issues..haha!but,now i started reading..hope it's nt too how?juz go for the interview?then,it's up to them to decide whether they wan me to represent NP..i donno..juz go la..haha!
this wat i will be doin if im selected..
1. Dates and Venues for Plenary Session and Forum (attendance is compulsory):
1.5-Day Plenary Session (Non-Residential)
Date: 16 -17 June 2006 (During Poly Vacation)
Venue: Republic Polytechnic
4-Day Poly Forum (Residential)
Date: 18 - 21 Sep 2006 (During Poly Vacation)
Venue: Downtown East
Opening Ceremony:
Date: 18 Sep 2006
Time: 3.30 pm onwards
Venue: The Republic Cultural Centre or Downtown East
GOH to be suggested
Closing Ceremony:
Date: 21 Sep 2006
Time: 2.30pm onwards
Venue: The Republic Cultural Centre or Downtown East
GOH to be suggested
then,during the months of June - Sept, all participants will be expected to be involved in some hands- on project to be presented during the Poly Forum proper.wahh!that will be super busy man!!i hv to choose betw this IMF or Poly Forum...i'd rather go IMF..haha!
on top of those 2,i still hv the National Young Leaders' Day 2006..but that one is 1 day,no trng,so,it's still ok..hmm..we'll see how..
then..1 more selected for main comm!yeah!!haha!super duper happy!!despite my crappy interview,i still gt in!haha!all the bez to me..get ready for late nights in sch n all..muz be fully committed for the rest of the yr..i juz hoped that i can cope with all these..the first mc meeting will be this coming thurs,5.30 at 72-03-12..all the bez to me=)
one more thing!i won an award!haha!yeah!most outstanding award for BFS lvl 1.1 n best on BSTATS..haha!shocking rite?i hate bstats soooooo much..seriously man!haha!but during the exams,the paper was quite easy..hehe..
ok la..till dead beat,after doin excel for fmgt..zZz..excel sucks big time..haha!ok..3 words..
Sunday, May 07, 2006
more jeAns
weeeeeeeee~today i went bugis!yeah!again!haha!funnn!i gt the 3/4 jeans for $23!asked for $22,cant get..zZz..haha!but niwae,yeah!gd bargain!i like..then can wear to sch..yeah!got more bottoms..but,no tops..haha!will find one..some more,i wan
btw,i went with's been a looooonng time since we went out together..hehe..funnnn!we went round n round bugis..tried on diff tops,but there's none i like!it's either too big,or u cant try,or not my type..haha!im a bit cerewet(fussy)..hehe..where else can i shop for tops?far east?hmm..when to go sia?haha!any other places u can recommend me?cheap cheap gd gd ones..haha!i budget..kuang3..
then,i also bought earphones for my mp3..yeah!no more 'listen on the rite only earphone'..haha!ok la..till here..later got doa test for my religious class..chow..3 words
*oh ya!the results for the polling are need to vote also,PAP won..haha!
btw,i went with's been a looooonng time since we went out together..hehe..funnnn!we went round n round bugis..tried on diff tops,but there's none i like!it's either too big,or u cant try,or not my type..haha!im a bit cerewet(fussy)..hehe..where else can i shop for tops?far east?hmm..when to go sia?haha!any other places u can recommend me?cheap cheap gd gd ones..haha!i budget..kuang3..
then,i also bought earphones for my mp3..yeah!no more 'listen on the rite only earphone'..haha!ok la..till here..later got doa test for my religious class..chow..3 words
*oh ya!the results for the polling are need to vote also,PAP won..haha!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
it seems like it is soo long since i updated..haha!basically,im lazy plus i gotta nthing to blog abt..but today,i gt soo much things to say!hehe..
ok,lets start with my morning FMS paul tan was briefing to us abt the upcoming big event,that is the IMF-WORLD BANK MEET..wah!thats like a super WOW event la!where all the big top managers n big ppl from banks all over the world..the money government,or watever u called that come together..and it is usually held in Washington,but once in every 5 yrs,it will be held's once in a lifetime opportunity!this is the only chance that i can go to such a big event..i may be signing up for it..we'll see how..coz i needa go for interviews n trainings all..basically,wat we will do is we will be representatives or ambassadors of s'pore.we will talk n mingle around with them..their spouses n all..hopefully i can go...another thing..i cant go for BA Serve..coz it falls on puasa cancelled..maybe go the next semester one..
after that,went for our 1st ief tutorial..our tutor is mrs ng mun kit..she's nice..but i don really like her..hehe..shhh...i prefer audrey..soo,she was quite angry coz we haven't form our grp for the ief proj,which is impt n carries a high weightage..then,we cant decide who grp with who,coz we need to grp equally n fairly..cannot put all the gd ones,i told mrs ng that i will tell her the grping by the end of the,we kept discussing after the tutorial..n taa-daa!the grp is out..n i think it is grped fairly n equally..n i am in the same grp as ghim hui,bryce n donn..haha!the only girl..but nvm..used to it..hee~
then..ECD also muz do grping..this time,is draw comment..i juz gotta pray hard that it will go smoothly..we also had a debate during ECD..haha!it was abt yeah!to those who said yes..we won the debate!weee~although i nvr said anything,my ans was a yeah!haha!boo to those who gt wrong answer..kuang3..haha!
oh chun hou cant find blk 53..n qiao chun cant find blk 56...hee~cute la they happy when they asked me abt sch stuff..i love my freshies very much.hee~sentosa outing was cancelled..WWR4 nt,we r planning another outing..most probably on thurs..hopefully don cancel again..i wan all of us to go out together..
i also had astro!i saw moon's crater!yeah!nice!i like!before that,we had lecture on astro..ok...i slept soundly..haha!after the whole thing,most of the astro went to kap..hehe..
happiness aside,i am sad over some stuff..sch stuff..ya..donno if i shld elaborate..but i kinda lazy to type out..i wanna share my sorrow..haha!sound soo sad sia..haha..juz wanna share with some1..anyone?haha..k la..till here..3 words..
ps:later gg bugis with adeline..hehe..
ok,lets start with my morning FMS paul tan was briefing to us abt the upcoming big event,that is the IMF-WORLD BANK MEET..wah!thats like a super WOW event la!where all the big top managers n big ppl from banks all over the world..the money government,or watever u called that come together..and it is usually held in Washington,but once in every 5 yrs,it will be held's once in a lifetime opportunity!this is the only chance that i can go to such a big event..i may be signing up for it..we'll see how..coz i needa go for interviews n trainings all..basically,wat we will do is we will be representatives or ambassadors of s'pore.we will talk n mingle around with them..their spouses n all..hopefully i can go...another thing..i cant go for BA Serve..coz it falls on puasa cancelled..maybe go the next semester one..
after that,went for our 1st ief tutorial..our tutor is mrs ng mun kit..she's nice..but i don really like her..hehe..shhh...i prefer audrey..soo,she was quite angry coz we haven't form our grp for the ief proj,which is impt n carries a high weightage..then,we cant decide who grp with who,coz we need to grp equally n fairly..cannot put all the gd ones,i told mrs ng that i will tell her the grping by the end of the,we kept discussing after the tutorial..n taa-daa!the grp is out..n i think it is grped fairly n equally..n i am in the same grp as ghim hui,bryce n donn..haha!the only girl..but nvm..used to it..hee~
then..ECD also muz do grping..this time,is draw comment..i juz gotta pray hard that it will go smoothly..we also had a debate during ECD..haha!it was abt yeah!to those who said yes..we won the debate!weee~although i nvr said anything,my ans was a yeah!haha!boo to those who gt wrong answer..kuang3..haha!
oh chun hou cant find blk 53..n qiao chun cant find blk 56...hee~cute la they happy when they asked me abt sch stuff..i love my freshies very much.hee~sentosa outing was cancelled..WWR4 nt,we r planning another outing..most probably on thurs..hopefully don cancel again..i wan all of us to go out together..
i also had astro!i saw moon's crater!yeah!nice!i like!before that,we had lecture on astro..ok...i slept soundly..haha!after the whole thing,most of the astro went to kap..hehe..
happiness aside,i am sad over some stuff..sch stuff..ya..donno if i shld elaborate..but i kinda lazy to type out..i wanna share my sorrow..haha!sound soo sad sia..haha..juz wanna share with some1..anyone?haha..k la..till here..3 words..
ps:later gg bugis with adeline..hehe..
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
the interview today was the 1st day of the 2nd wk of far so gd..stress a bit here n there..ya..the proj esp..i still haven decide my grp proj mates..hmm..who wanna grp with me?haha!hopefully,for all the proj,i will hv the same grp's easier this way..but i juz hate events mgmt proj..not that i hate my grp mates..but there's only 3 of us!yes!3 oni!damn!the rest gt 4 or 5,1 grp gt 6!damn!i hate the one with 6 ppl soo much!ask 1 of them to join me,don wan..damnit!the tutor also hopeless..nvr encourage them to mingle n mix around,but let them stay as a clique..thats nt the purpose of IS rite?u r suppose to make new friends!even if u think u cant work with them,but hey!try la!damnit!i hate IS ALL MY LIFE!YES!ALL MY LIFE!the only IS i enjoyed in LMS..coz the tutor was super fun!n my proj them!6 powerful girls..haha!
okok..enuff of that..back to...YES!ba main comm interview..haha!i donno if i shld day i did well,or badly..haha!but it was an experience gained..luckily azhar also applied for it,so i went with least im nt alone..i cant stand loneliness..hehe..
the qns are all standard u wanna join?wat u can contribute?wat do u expect at the end of it?tell me 2 strengths n ur strength can help main comm?r u in r'ship?r u willing to stay back e'day?any curfew?n bla bla bla..until i donno hw to answer..haha!i juz hoped n prayed hard that i am selected for the main comm..there were soo many ppl applying for,chances of being selected are quite low..if im nt chosen also,i still hv my astro club..hehe..yeah!astro rox!haha!
anything else?oh ya..the freshies finally know who are in their tutorial grp..when i asked them how was their grp like,all gave me the same answer..boring..nt soo nice..haha!1st time mah..after that,ok me la..when i met my grp on the 1st day of the orientation,i went.."haizzzz..nt nice oni..soo quiet..nt like my ba camp grp noisy,on n loud.."haha!but now..yeah!i love tf04 soo much!hee~i juz wish all of them all the bez..they gotta like that grp coz they will be together for the next 3 yrs..gdluck yeah!miss them..i donno when wanna go out with them..haizz..kk..till here..3 words..
okok..enuff of that..back to...YES!ba main comm interview..haha!i donno if i shld day i did well,or badly..haha!but it was an experience gained..luckily azhar also applied for it,so i went with least im nt alone..i cant stand loneliness..hehe..
the qns are all standard u wanna join?wat u can contribute?wat do u expect at the end of it?tell me 2 strengths n ur strength can help main comm?r u in r'ship?r u willing to stay back e'day?any curfew?n bla bla bla..until i donno hw to answer..haha!i juz hoped n prayed hard that i am selected for the main comm..there were soo many ppl applying for,chances of being selected are quite low..if im nt chosen also,i still hv my astro club..hehe..yeah!astro rox!haha!
anything else?oh ya..the freshies finally know who are in their tutorial grp..when i asked them how was their grp like,all gave me the same answer..boring..nt soo nice..haha!1st time mah..after that,ok me la..when i met my grp on the 1st day of the orientation,i went.."haizzzz..nt nice oni..soo quiet..nt like my ba camp grp noisy,on n loud.."haha!but now..yeah!i love tf04 soo much!hee~i juz wish all of them all the bez..they gotta like that grp coz they will be together for the next 3 yrs..gdluck yeah!miss them..i donno when wanna go out with them..haizz..kk..till here..3 words..
ok..started off the day by gg to work..zZz..i was quite early,i hv 15min b4 work,so i went to walk around at suntec..who knows,gt some sales..haha!n true enough,there is!at novo!soo,i went inside to look around..n i saw this sandal that i wanted soo looks like those havaianas(did i spell correctly?) type u yeah..asked for size,it's nice n comfy..soo i grabbed it!haha!cheap also!from 19.90 to 16.90..haha!who don wan rite?haha!see?juz 15 min,i can get the sandal that i wanted soo much at such a gd price..haha!im one lucky girl..hee~

hee~nice?im gonna wear it tmr..weee~haha!
weeeeeeeeeeeeee~fun fun day!hehe..eatz at breeks at marina with rai,mai,ifah,alex,vivian,vivien n joy was super duper fun..i like!we ate sooo much!imagine,i ate half a chicken..ya!half a chicken!that was a lot man!err,i forgot wat is the name of my dish called..haha!but yeah!nice!ifah,rai n joy ate fish,the rest of us at the other half of the table ate chicken..haha!style ehhh?haha!

my the coleslaw n waffle fries..yummy!
we ate,we laughed n abt bAoc n that,we were super full,but still hv empty spaces in our stomach for DESSERT!yeah!dessert!haha!i had ice-cream!woooo!damn nice!the name is VINCINGQZ..ya..sthing like dat..n my dear crazy ifah n rai were trying how to pronounce it..haha!it's pronounced as vinsing,(as in convincing)..but they pronounced until the z can be heard..haha!when they were ordering,we kept on laughing..haha!vivien n mai had the ice blended.(chey..bubble tea also gt sell..haha) had brownie topped with vanilla ice cream..vivian had one of the cocktails,blue dolphin..n me,rai,ifah n alex had's an ice-cream,along with whipped cream,milo,choc syrup..fantastic man!(ps:the name of the ice cream sounds like my vince ehh?hahaha!i miss vince...)
n was super lips turned blue..haha!coz of the ice was raining,then u had ice-cream..haha!poison ivy..that's wat my friends back in sec sch days called me..hee~
then..all of was super full already,we asked for bill..woohoo!guess how much?188.25 buckeroos,inc svc charge n gst..haha!ok la..can it too..each had to pay 23.50..hehe..yummylicious!buurrrrpppppp! to esplanade..oh my..i miss esplanade..the last time i went was like...yonks ago?i cant rmb!haha!went to the rooftop..ahhh...nice view..u wanna know a lil' secret?my dear vivian n alex have nt been to the rooftop b4...haha!cuckoo rite? u hv been,we will go together more often ok,if we hv the time..hee~so yeah..took crazy shots n all..we r crazy!but rai cant join us coz she wanna catch some shows in tv or sthing like
then..tired already..all went home..n here i am blogging away..hehe..till then..3 words..
ps:more pics will be rite up in the later part..hee~

hee~nice?im gonna wear it tmr..weee~haha!
weeeeeeeeeeeeee~fun fun day!hehe..eatz at breeks at marina with rai,mai,ifah,alex,vivian,vivien n joy was super duper fun..i like!we ate sooo much!imagine,i ate half a chicken..ya!half a chicken!that was a lot man!err,i forgot wat is the name of my dish called..haha!but yeah!nice!ifah,rai n joy ate fish,the rest of us at the other half of the table ate chicken..haha!style ehhh?haha!

my the coleslaw n waffle fries..yummy!
we ate,we laughed n abt bAoc n that,we were super full,but still hv empty spaces in our stomach for DESSERT!yeah!dessert!haha!i had ice-cream!woooo!damn nice!the name is VINCINGQZ..ya..sthing like dat..n my dear crazy ifah n rai were trying how to pronounce it..haha!it's pronounced as vinsing,(as in convincing)..but they pronounced until the z can be heard..haha!when they were ordering,we kept on laughing..haha!vivien n mai had the ice blended.(chey..bubble tea also gt sell..haha) had brownie topped with vanilla ice cream..vivian had one of the cocktails,blue dolphin..n me,rai,ifah n alex had's an ice-cream,along with whipped cream,milo,choc syrup..fantastic man!(ps:the name of the ice cream sounds like my vince ehh?hahaha!i miss vince...)
n was super lips turned blue..haha!coz of the ice was raining,then u had ice-cream..haha!poison ivy..that's wat my friends back in sec sch days called me..hee~
then..all of was super full already,we asked for bill..woohoo!guess how much?188.25 buckeroos,inc svc charge n gst..haha!ok la..can it too..each had to pay 23.50..hehe..yummylicious!buurrrrpppppp! to esplanade..oh my..i miss esplanade..the last time i went was like...yonks ago?i cant rmb!haha!went to the rooftop..ahhh...nice view..u wanna know a lil' secret?my dear vivian n alex have nt been to the rooftop b4...haha!cuckoo rite? u hv been,we will go together more often ok,if we hv the time..hee~so yeah..took crazy shots n all..we r crazy!but rai cant join us coz she wanna catch some shows in tv or sthing like
then..tired already..all went home..n here i am blogging away..hehe..till then..3 words..
ps:more pics will be rite up in the later part..hee~
Monday, May 01, 2006
donno ystd was quite a relaxing day for me..went for my religious class as usual,after that,did my tutorial..ok,i still DONNO how to do my tutorial...damnit!it's juz soo hard,n i donno wat im doin la!i can only understand here n there ..some,i juz cant get it..stress!!!haizzz...
i also did some ironing..when sch starts,ironing is a routine for me..hee~what else did i do?oh ya..watched the sweetest thing in chan 5...awwwww...that show is juz soo damn sweet n romantic n funny..i was laughing my head off la!hahahahahahaha!nice show..i like..hee~
anything else?ok...i DON WANNA GO TO WORK LATER!!!!work is boring..coz i'll be working with ppl i don really like,who likes to scold ppl when he/she is angry with other ppl,but throw the tantrum at me..damnit!once in a while,u r angry,i don mind..but if u always did that,i don like!i've had enuff!i also have gt my patience n limits ok?i kept quiet doesn't mean i don care..arrrgghhhh!juz gotta endure..zZz..
but..after that,i'll be gg to breeks at marina square with my beloved rodeo deco team..yay-ness!!!cant wait for crazy later..haha!ok la..till here..3 words..
*happy labour day*
i also did some ironing..when sch starts,ironing is a routine for me..hee~what else did i do?oh ya..watched the sweetest thing in chan 5...awwwww...that show is juz soo damn sweet n romantic n funny..i was laughing my head off la!hahahahahahaha!nice show..i like..hee~
anything else?ok...i DON WANNA GO TO WORK LATER!!!!work is boring..coz i'll be working with ppl i don really like,who likes to scold ppl when he/she is angry with other ppl,but throw the tantrum at me..damnit!once in a while,u r angry,i don mind..but if u always did that,i don like!i've had enuff!i also have gt my patience n limits ok?i kept quiet doesn't mean i don care..arrrgghhhh!juz gotta endure..zZz..
but..after that,i'll be gg to breeks at marina square with my beloved rodeo deco team..yay-ness!!!cant wait for crazy later..haha!ok la..till here..3 words..
*happy labour day*
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