Tuesday, January 31, 2006

APM '06

today is all-cooking day..muahaha!!reminded me of the times when i took f&n,and had to practise cooking for the practical..hmm..i was trying to make ice cream cones for my cats proj..but..it didnt turn out well lar!!zzZZzz!!frust!frust!!

see that??haha!!it's burnt!!!haha!!nobody will dare to eat my cone...

soooo....my grp can only come out with the model of our cones...we are trying to make cones that will prevent the ice cream from dripping u see...but..muahaha!!!forget abt it..sianzzz...

guess wat???im gg for APM '06 lar!!!haha..it's a music award show,that combines m'sia,i'sia n s'pore..hee~i also donno y i suddenly wanna go..muahaha!!maybe coz....i better not say..hee~will b gg with tiq n her cousins..hmm..might be awkward,coz i donno her cousins...but...nah..juz hope i will enjoy myself..i got the most ex tix available..$68..woo-hoo!!!hopefully can get the best seats available..heee~very much loooking fwd to it..hmm..muz get nice clothes for the award..haha..as if im gg to receive the award rite..??haha!!will get kak linda to accompany me..she don wan also i will force her..haha!!

credits:RIA & WARNA

oh ya...my blog...nice???haha..credits go to fat..for helping me with the photos..i simply love it lar!!hopefully ppl wont complain abt my blog..coz they don like my previous skin with ming dao all over the place..plus the song..haha!!but now that i hv changed my skin,that doesnt mean i don like ming dao already..hee~juz wanna change lar..haha!!k lar...now do OB..sianzzz..zzZZzz...

Monday, January 30, 2006


test test..


testing testing...is my edited blog working??the moving pics?can u view it??ppl cant seem to view them..zzzz...


wahhhhhh!!!spent my time watching sembilu 2005!!!haha!!okok..the cite is a bit mrepek...but i watch coz of VINCE!!!!if im not wrong he's the 1st winner for akademi fantasia!!!soo kacang!!he's been in the entertainment scene for quite a while..only recently..think last yr..that i like him!!omgomg!!!his looks...his voice..hahaha!!im getting madder each day!!

some pics...hehe..


awwww....sooo cute!!kawaii!!

i think wat my friend said is rite...i kinda like guys with bushy eyebrows or sthing like dat..muahaha!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

indah's idol

muahaha!!today the ob grp discussion was fun and fruitful..at least we did sthing n i've started compiling ething..yeah!!the video is also a success!!haha!!damn funny lar..we are doin a proj on stress..so my friend,changhong,became the stressed boy coz of poor results..the way he was so stressed,n wanna commit suicide..haha!!all went smoothly..we've got a great director,alan..hehe..me n bryce as the supporting actor and actress..hehe~fun fun!!

then..after that..went home..bought bubble tea at clementi..then went IMM..juz to buy the kit kat at watson..coz very cheap..haha!!2 for $1.95..i bought 4..hehe~kiasu..typical s'porean..i admit that..

then..went to daiso..n i bought a bottle of paint to decorate picture frame and a new file..blue colour..n there's like this sparkly thingy..nice lar!!haha!!kk..im mad!!

dah jln2..went home..slept first coz i too tired already..

oh ya..juz watched the special LNY eve movie in chan u..damn nice!!hee~..i didnt realise till almost 1.5 hrs,that hawick also acted!!haha!!how am i suppose to recognise him,when he acted with a bug teeth?haha..cute!!

after watching..then..suddenly..i hv the urge to clean my so called idols' stuff..muahaha!!get wat i mean..articles..magazines..pictures..all abt them..wah seh!!damn a lot lor..ok lar..not that many..but to me it's a lot!!

i still rmbr the gd old days back in sec sch..i don eat,save money to buy the magazines and stuff..im soo mad over them lar!!haha!!here's the list of idols that im soo mad with..haha!!

>park yong ha
>kim jae won
>lee byung hun
>jang hyuk
>5566..esp TONY..

hehe..here's the pic of my collection of articles..hee~

not much of magazines coz some of them my friend bought it and i juz cut the pics that i wanted n place them in these files....

and the whole stack of mags..articles..files..im soo proud of it!!muahaha!!

k lar..till here..wanna do my CATS reflection..zzz..

Saturday, January 28, 2006


hmm..been soo bz lately with all tests,tutorials,assignments n proj...zZZZzz..sianzZz..

nthing much happen lately..juz sat for my bstats and ocomm tests..i think i can pass,but donno whether it's gonna b a gd pass..then...soo many proj thats due-ing soon!!omg!!omg!!

here's the list:
  • CATS presentation
  • CIP PBL2 & proposal
  • MICRO article assignment
  • OB grp presentation on stress
  • OB,MICRO,BSTATS tutorials..

zZZzZzz...oh ya..today tennis is fun..coz mr gopi is back!!wee~hehe..learnt how to serve..but i donno how to serve..either the ball don go over the net,or it flew somewhere else..muahaha!!then..went for CATS class..CATS class funny also..my tutuor thot that i'm an indonesian coz of my name..muahaha!!i was asking her qns abt the proj..then suddenly she asked me if im an indonesian..haha!!not related at all lor!after nearly 1 semester pass,then she asked me if im an indonesian..ppl would always thot im an indonesian coz of my name..hee~but hey!!im a true s'porean lar!!patriotic some more lar!!muahaha!!

then..at work..saw my uncle..he's my mum's cousin..he wanted to pay for his purchases,then juz passed me the things n smiled at me..i looked at him..he looked at me,seemed like he recognised me..then i say lar.."u recognise me or not??"then he replied.."oh!ya la!!kau anak sape ar?(u are whose daughter ar?)..then i replied"mon lar!!"(that's my mum's name)..haha..then he said lar..y am i working..thot im still in pri sch..LoL!!am i that sooo small he said im in pri sch??wa lau!!pri n poly sooo much diff lor!!if he said im still in sec sch nvm lar..haha..funny..then he teased me that im so small..juz like my mum..haha..it's in the genes lar uncle..wat to do!!muahaha!!

thats all lar..hv a long break..due to cny..gonna complete all my proj n wat not..n start revising..my 1st exam paper will be on the 24 feb..micro some more!!!die die!!start mugging!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

new flower slipper

heyyy...i bought a new,nice,sweet-looking slipper for me!!!weee~happy-ness...haha!!!although thats not wat i really wanted,but since it's sooo nice,juz grabbed it!!!wee~oh..i bought it from sch..hee~

nice??nice rite...hahaha!!!i juz simply love the flower!!!hee~


nah..thats all..juz wanna show off my new slipper..muahahah!!!back to work!!zzzzzzzzz....


been sooo busy with sch lately..damn sianz..this semester pass by soo fast..in 1.5 mths,will be the exams..n hols!!!juz cant wait for hols..wee~~~..but muz do well for the exams first before i can enjoy my hols peacefully..

hmm..got back my common tests results..quite disappointing lar..my econs paper..sux!!!was sooo dejected when i got the paper back..zzz..i expected that type of marks lar,after doin the paper..soo many careless plus stupidity of me!!!stress!!!!others did soo damn well..haiz...buck up buck up!!!!but..happy news...i got an A for my oral communication..wee~alhamdulillah..only a few got As..3-4 only..soo..happy lar..hehe..now muz work hard for the test n the table topic to mantain the A..the only paper i haven get is my cip..muahaha..some computer thingy paper..bluergh...im prepared for the worst for this also..bismillah byk2...

then...i hv soo many assignments and proj due..zzz...soo tired lar..haiz..then with tests and exams coming up..more stresssss!!!!

oh ya!!i've finished watching lovers in paris...wee~~the ending quite crappy lar..but the best part of all was the 2nd last episod..i cried soo much lar!!haha!!seriously..damn sad..this coming hols..im gonna watch lip all over again..not forgetting little bride..and also all the korean movies that syah burn for me..wee~so..this is the motivator for me to work hard for the exam..n at least get As n Bs with no Cs...*praying hard*..

k lar..till here..gonna resume with printing n reading my notes..ciaoz!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

yay..tennis's back!!!

after 3 weeks of break..im back for sports&wellness..hmm..didnt start out nicely,coz mr gopi was not there coz of reservist,and so another teacher took over...quite not nice coz i don hv partner.raihana was late.when she came already,other ppl snatch her away from me..ish!then i no partner..i partnered with anh thu n hui ni..ok lar..not bad..just practise our forehand n backhand..haha!!as usual,i will always miss the ball..

after a while,the teacher came,and he roughly revised with us..hee~that part i like coz he praised that my follow-thru was a nice one..hehe..kembang kejap aku..then,he started throwing balls to us to practise our fore n backhand..

when it came to my turn,haha!!3-4 balls thrown,n i hit none of it!!muahaha!!he kept on throwing until i can..hee~maybe coz he's gd-looking lar,thats y cant hit the ball..hee~ya..he's not bad..wear specs,body also nice..hee~then,ball after ball,then can hit..my backhand not bad though..hee~he said that i was kanjiong..muahaha!!the ball haven even hit the ground i wanna hit the ball already..ya..thats wat is wrong with me..my swings are all not that bad,juz that i always miss the ball..poor estimation..haha..kk..try harder!!!a ja!!!hee~

kk..now muz go back sch again to hand in my assignment..sianz...make me go sch twice..bluergh...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

raya haji..

slamat hari raya haji kpd sume umat Islam..hmm..went to nenek's house first..oh ya..u know what??i tried to curl my hair ystd,kononnye tu rambut kerinting..tapi tak jadi!!!my hair..the curls are soo damn ugly!!muahaha!!so washed my hair to get rid of the curls and juz tied my hair half as usual..sianz..soo much for the hardwork n pain,the curl didnt turn out rite..haha..

had sumptuous meal at nenek's house..smp tambah2 lauk n nasi..hehe..after that,went to nek maknah's house turn...wow!!there's tom yam soup..yummylicious!!!on rainy days like these,drink hot soup..nice..hee~then..went home..studied for my test tmr..hopefully can do..*pray hard*..

some pics..hee~

me & kak linda..will nvr miss to take photo..

hehe..some funny shots..

meeee~all whiteyy..

me & kak linda..again..hee~

me & mak..my mum dont smile..haha..

Monday, January 09, 2006

1st day..

wahhhh...first day in sch after 3 weeks of immense rest..guess wat?i started my day with watching vcd no.17 of lovers in paris @ 6 in the morning b4 sch..muahaha!!3 more discs to go!!!a'ja!!!haha!!

ok lar..first day not bad..slept for a while for bstats lect..muahaha!!damn bored lor..sianz..don understand..oh ya..i got back my bstats first test..ok lar..alhamdulillah i passed..43 out of 50..highest was 45.5..haiz..the test is an open book test,im suppose to get at least near full marks..guess i didnt quite understand the topic..

after sch,went to clementi interchange to buy some stuff..hehe..tmr is hari raya haji..my mum cooked quite a lot..sambal goreng paru,ayam sambal,rendang,lodeh..wah!!yummylicious!!

hehe..k lar..till here..hopefully my eyes will still be all wide open n not sleepy to continue watchng the 3 vcds..hehe..n also study my cip test for wed..

Sunday, January 08, 2006


hmm..in the morning,went for my religious class..it's been raining the whole day..makes me wanna sleep..after the class,went to my yaqin's bday party..wee~he's 1 yr old..actually,his bday was on the 30 dec last yr,but then,during that week,ebody was busy with jemputan,so arranged in this week,,didnt invite ebody..juz a small bday celebration among family...the cake was sumptuous man!!chocolate cake with some walnuts..wah seh!!from secret recipe u know..confirm nice lor!!!haha...ate quite a big piece,very fuullll!!!

reached hm already,relax n revised a bit for bstats..sianz...i wanna watch my lovers in paris,but my father is still watching tv..gotta wait..oh ya!!!i already got my fav song from lovers in paris...woo-hoo!!!damn nice sia!!!i think i wanna get the full ost..hee~quite worth it..coz all the songs are nice!!muz support the show mah..d/l illegally no gd..hehe..cam tul jek..

wanna share some nice photos that i juz searched..muahaha!!damn shuai..

in the show,they are uncle and nephew..but actually..they are brothers!!!
my my..see that??hee~oooo!!!cooool!!

soo gd-looking wearing white!plus his pose.soo perrfect!
wah seh!!!see his dimple??omg!!!cant resist..muahaha!!

haha!!i gt nthing better to do rite??(but actually there's many things for me to settle)haha..still in the break mood lar..no mood to start sch yet..sianz..tmr sch..the module also is the one i hate..bluergh~guess gotta endure..aiya!!my father still watching tv..how to watch my lovers in paris??

Saturday, January 07, 2006


hmm..so wat did i do today?hehe...woke up early in the morning to continue watching my lovers in paris..woo-hoo!!damn nice sia..i cried for every episode..especially the part where there's lee dong gun...if only i can go inside the tv and console him..muahaha!!okok..im mad..there's still 6 more vcds to go..hmm..hopefully can finish asap..then..during the hols,i'll watch all over again..not forgetting my little bride..muahaha!!

then,in the late afternoon,met up with my sis to shop..hehe~n @last,i got my levi's 501 jeans for only $75..heh~cheap hor??i also wanna buy some formal clothes at g2000,but..wah seh!the queue soo long,n i was late for work,soooo...forget it lar..haiz...

i still hv my CIP common test to go..my 2nd test for BSTATS..haiz..my assignment,forever incomplete...i juz cant wait for my long hols man!!k lar..til here..wanna watch my lovers in paris..muahaha!!byeeee!!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

stupid sia..

arrgggghhh!!!u know what??this is the first time i made a stoopid mistake..bloody hell..it's all abt my microecons test..i was soo confident that the test covers up to the topic on production n cost part 1..but then...when i reached sch to meet with donn,syafi n ashwin,they told me its until part 2 of the chp...damn it!!!!i was so kanjiong,i started calling vivian,to double-confirm..she said yes!!til part 2!!!!still not satisfied,i called my tutor,ms audrey..n she said yes!!!die die!!!started studying!!!haha...soo funny..but stressing also..

and the test...omg!!!!i donno wat to say..haiz..luckily the part 2 didnt come out soo much..but still,i think i did quite badly..haiz...there goes my AD,or at least an A..haiz..if i can get at least a high B,i'll be very contented enuff..haiz..

ok,wats done cant be undone..now juz concentrate on CIP n also the bstats test..sianz..

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


guess wat???i went to johore juz now with my mum n i've bought my LOVERS IN PARIS!!!!!!!!!WOoo-HOooo!!happy-ness!!!damn nice sia!!the actual price is RM139.90..then i asked for RM115..hehe..so,in s'pore dollars,thats abt $51..hehe..quite expensive,but wat to do..im mad over it!!haha!!cant resist lar..sooooo,no more worries abt not being able to catch the show every mon & tue..haha!!

here's the cover..damn nice sia!!!haha!!

this is the cover...the guy is gd-looking u know...haha..

hmm..the vcd comes in 2 case..each case has 1o vcds..
this is the other one..saw my Lee Dong Gun??wah seh!!!macho sia!!haha!!

there are quite a lot of vcds there..there's even my wang zi bian qing wa!!!!so damn ex..169.90!!omg!!!i wanted ti buy stained glass also..but cant find..haiz..next time then..

see??gd-looking?haha!!he kinda look a bit uncle-lish,but hey..u go n see all the uncles out there,how many are as handsome as him??haha...maybe 1 in 20..muahaha!!he is park shin yang..he's married though..hee~

ok ok..enough of these...all of u will get bored if i were to talk abt this...muahaha!!till here then..im gg to drown myself with lovers in paris....*drowning*.....

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


today,im suppose to go to johore with my mum's friend,to accompany her to get her Avon ordering..den,tak jadi..sok baru gi..so,my mum n i went to geylang instead..nak cari baju utk hari raya haji lar...haha..smangat ehhhh..haha..n i got a very nice blouse hee~..white colour...soo pure,putih,suci,bersih..haha!!

terserempak with soo many ppl..my sec sch friends..zilah,dina,din,shikin..hmm..do u always have this experience that when u meet someone u know,then after that meet another person u know,n another,n another..haha..mmg mcm gitu ehh?haha..

completed with my econs revision..tmr will b the last revision before i sit for the test..now studying for cip..my cip assignment is still incomplete..haha!tonight,there's nice shows on tv..lovers in paris..woo-hoo!!tiramisu,love concierge..wee~all the love shows..juz my cuppa tea*winkz*..

..till here then..wanna study..bye..

Sunday, January 01, 2006



hmm..2005 had been an enjoyable n memorable for me..i started of the yr by working at Guardian pharmacy,while waiting for the o lvl results.it had been an enjoyable time at work..i got to meet new ppl e'day,both bad n nice..haha!so now,i've been serving Guardian for a yr..hehe~

then,in march or april,i got my o lvl results n i passed with flying colours..alhamdulillah..thanks to e'body who's been helping me all along..my tutors,teachers,friends,families,n many others..

in may,i got admitted into my 1st choice of sch n course..Ngee Ann,Sch of Business,diploma in banking n finance..that was another happy news for me..NP ROX!!!woo-hoo!although i don get quite use to the new sch environment at first,but after a while,i get used to it..i have to be more independent,n no more spoon-feeding..

my first ever semestral exam was also a gd news for me..did quite well for it..there's still room for improvement though..

an also,not forgetting the times i spent with my beloved cousins..kak linda,kak rau,aziemah,syahirah,nabilah,shasha,hidayah,fiqah n many others..and also cik icha..luv u all..all those outings n activities made us become closer..so,basically that's what that had been happening to me in 2005..it'll always be fresh in my mind..

then,what's up for 2006?hmm..no idea yet,but 1 thing for sure,gotta work very hard in sch,make my parents be proud n happy for me..insya-allah,i wanna take driving license,spend more time with friends n families..basically,thats it...i am also looking fwd to more nice korean movies..muahaha!!im mad!!haha!!